How can I set a constant in autoconf checking for a program? - constants

I am using autotools and I have a script that says this:
AC_CHECK_PROG(RASPIVID, raspivid, yes)
However, the generated config.h file does not show a RASPIVID constant. Am I doing something wrong?

The AC_CHECK_PROG macro does not do anything with config.h by itself. From the manual:
AC_CHECK_PROG (variable, prog-to-check-for, value-if-found, [value-if-not-found], [path = '$PATH'], [reject])
Check whether program prog-to-check-for exists in path. If it is found, set variable to value-if-found, otherwise to value-if-not-found, if given. Always pass over reject (an absolute file name) even if it is the first found in the search path; in that case, set variable using the absolute file name of the prog-to-check-for found that is not reject. If variable was already set, do nothing. Calls AC_SUBST for variable. The result of this test can be overridden by setting the variable variable or the cache variable ac_cv_prog_variable.
So AC_CHECK_PROG(RASPIVID, raspivid, yes) will check whether raspivid exists. If it does, it will set the shell variable RASPIVID to the value yes, so you could perform a test after the AC_CHECK_PROG invocation such as:
AC_CHECK_PROG([RASPIVID], [raspivid], [yes])
AS_IF([test "x$RASPIVID" = xyes],
[AC_DEFINE([HAVE_RASPIVID], [1], [raspivid is available.])])
AC_SUBST will be called already as mentioned in the documentation, so you can use $(RASPIVID) in a makefile or whatever the output file(s) may be.


waf copy a file from source tree to the build tree

I have the following snippet, to copy a file as-is to the build dir:
for m in std_mibs:
print("Copying", m)
bld(name = 'cpstdmib',
rule = 'cp -f ${SRC} ${TGT}',
#source = m + '.mib',
source = bld.path.make_node(m + '.mib'), # <-- section 5.3.3 of the waf book
target = bld.path.get_bld().make_node(m + '.mib')
I see that this rule, though hit (from the print), the copy doesnt seem to be happening!
I also changed the source to use the make_node as shown, in an example in the section 5.3.3 of the waf book, still no luck! Am I missing something obvious here!?
Also, I have some rules after this, which rely on the copied files, and I tried adding
an intervening
I hope that the sequencing will work, if this copy succeeds
If you run the rule once, it will not be run again until source is updated. This is true even if the target is deleted, for instance (which is probably how you were testing.)
If you want to recopy if the target is deleted, you will need always=True, or you'll need to check for existence and set target.sig = None.
Two alternatives:
features="subst" with is_copy=True:
bld(features='subst', source='wscript', target='wscript', is_copy=True)
waflib.extras.buildcopy like this:
from waflib.extras import buildcopy
def build(bld):
cp is not platform independent.
A task_gen object is created, which later will become a Task, that will be executed before process_sources. Don't expect an immediate effect.
Have a look into your out dir, there will be out/${TGT} (not exactly, but ${TGT} path relative to your top directory)
This is totally to be expected behaviour, since you do not want to modify your source tree when building.

Function to convert relative paths to absolute paths?

I've spent quite some time to no avail looking for a built-in MATLAB function to convert relative file paths to absolute file paths (portably).
Is there one?
I'm looking for something preferably "built-in" (i.e. available somewhere in the MATLAB distribution, including one of its toolboxes). Even a "package-private" function would be acceptable, as long as I can examine the source code of function. Second best would be a third-party function, as long as it comes with a decent test suite. I am not looking for a function written in response to this question.1
Absent any of the above, even a function to test (portably) whether a path is absolute or not would do (with the same conditions as before: either a "built-in" function or a third-party function with a test suite).
1 The difficulty with implementing such a function is not writing the function itself, but rather writing a sufficiently complete test suite for it (and, of course, making sure that the function passes all the tests!).
fullfile(pwd, relative_path) converts a relative to a absolute path.
You can test if a path is absolute using
javaFileObj =;
Unlike char(javaFileObj.getCanonicalPath()), which indeed sometimes incorrectly returns a non-existent path relative to C:\Windows\System32, isAbsolute() seems to work properly (tested on Win7, MATLAB 2015b) Therefore the code for constructing the absolute path would look like
function F = rel2abs(F)
F = fullfile(pwd,F);
This function has the advantage of being idempotent.
The fullfile(pwd, relative_path) hack works well for me, but if you want something to get you the canonical form, there is no built-in (as of 2015b), but there is a well regarded downloadable script.
See if which fulfills your requirements:
full_path = which(relative_path);
OK, let's resurrect an old thread, if anyone is looking for this.
Here is a method, if you want the absolute path relative to your current working directory (or pwd).
% pwd: 'C:\first\branch'
dir('.\').folder % returns same as pwd, 'C:\first\branch'
dir('..\').folder % returns path one level up from pwd, 'C:\first'
dir('..\parallel_branch').folder % returns the absolute path to "parallel_branch" folder next to pwd, 'C:\first\parallel_branch'
Here's the method that MathWorks themselves uses:
[status, info] = fileattrib(file);
if status
% Return the full path if fileattrib found the file.
fullFilePath = info.Name;
For someone landing here with slightly relaxed portability requirements (or a suitable test bench), another idea is to create a folder listing containing only a single file using the built-in dir function, followed by path concatenation using fullfile.
dirListing = dir(relPath);
absPath = fullfile(dirListing(1).folder, dirListing(1).name);
Idempotent, i.e. rel2abs(rel2abs(path)) = rel2abs(path)
Simplifies out any /. and /.. in the relative path
This only works if the file exists
Tested using Matlab R2020a on Windows

How to get scons to treat a directory itself as a target?

I'm trying to set up a build involving an external tool which produces a directory as output (doxyindexer for the curious). So far, I've essentially got these commands:
target = "doxysearch.db/iamchert"
The problem that I'm having is that I think I'd like target to be the directory itself, not some random file inside the directory. There's nothing I can glob because the target doesn't exist until I build it and I don't want to presume anything that Dimitri might change! When I use the directory as the target, I get this error:
TypeError: Tried to lookup Dir 'doxysearch.db' as a File.:
which is why I picked iamchert to be the target. Those lines all seem to work as expected, even if my approach is a hack. However, I can't get that last line to work. I need to copy the directory doxysearch.db into the cgi-bin directory, which is specified on the command line by the user. Maybe someone can explain how to do this step properly? I'm a newb when it comes to scons!
I'm having trouble googling the answer because all the search words involved are too common to find me specific help!
SCons does in fact treat all the files in a dir as dependencies of that dir. There are some dark corners that need work, but it should work in a simple case like this.
What you need is the undocumented target_factory builder flag. When you define Doxyindexer do it like this:
doxyindexer = Builder(..., target_factory=env.fs.Dir)
and have your builder return the dir itself. That should avoid the TypeError you were getting.
Im not sure how well SCons will work with the target being a directory. The issue is: How should SCons determine if the directory has changed or not to know if it should be built? The obvious answer would be that a directory is considered to be changed if it has more or less files therein, but I dont think SCons currently does this check and you might have to make your own builder to get it.
I did the following example to test this, and it never builds:
env = Environment()
env.Command(target = 'targetDir',
source = 'srcTextFile',
action = Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE"))
When I execute SCons, I always get the same result:
scons: '.' is up to date
Regarding your SCons code, I think it would work better as follows:
targetDir = "doxysearch.db/iamchert"
srcFiles = ["project1.xml","project2.xml","project3.xml"]
doxygenTarget = doxygen.Doxyindexer(targetDir, srcFiles)
    # This may need to be called via the Command() builder like this:
    # cmd = "doxygen.Doxyindexer("$TARGET", "$SOURCE")
    # doxygenTarget = env.Command(target=targetDir, source=srcFiles, action=cmd)
# This call to Default isnt really necessary
Install(ARGUMENTS["cgibin"], doxygenTarget)

iPhone SDK Get tmp directory

How do i get the tmp directory on the iPhone or iPad?
if i use NSTemporaryDirectory() to create a file it does not save to the simulator temp directory.
As drawnonward said correctly in a comment
"NSTemporaryDirectory() will do the right thing on a device."
and thats true...
EDIT: Apparently there may be a problem with this approach on later Os's (>6.1.3), maybe try the NSCachesDirectory instead of the tmp directory.
As an alternative, from the documentation on NSFileManager URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:
You can also use this method to create a new temporary directory for storing things like autosave files; to do so, specify NSItemReplacementDirectory for the directory parameter, NSUserDomainMask for the domain parameter, and a valid parent directory for the url parameter. After locating (or creating) the desired directory, this method returns the URL for that directory. If more than one appropriate directory exists in the specified domain, this method returns only the first one it finds."

How to add an extra plist property using CMake?

I'm trying to add the item
to my plist that's auto-generated by CMake. For certain keys, it appears there are pre-defined ways to add an item; for example:
But I can't find a way to add an arbitrary property.
I tried using the MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST target property as follows: I'd like the resulting plist to be identical to the old one, except with the new property I want, so I just copied the auto-generated plist and set that as my template. But the plist uses some Xcode variables, which also look like ${foo}, and CMake grumbles about this:
Syntax error in cmake code when
parsing string
syntax error, unexpected cal_SYMBOL,
expecting } (47)
Policy CMP0010 is not set: Bad
variable reference syntax is an error.
Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0010"
for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the
policy and suppress this warning. This
warning is for project developers.
Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
In any case, I'm not even sure that this is the right thing to do. I can't find a good example or any good documentation about this. Ideally, I'd just let CMake generate everything as before, and just add a single extra line. What can I do?
Have you looked into copying the relevant * file in /opt/local/share/cmake-2.8/Modules (such as, editing it to put <key>UIStatusBarHidden</key><true/> (or #VAR_TO_REPLACE_BY_CMAKE#), and adding the directory of the edited version in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH?
If you have CMake installed as an app bundle, then the location of that file is /Applications/
You can add your values using # and pass #ONLY to configure_file.
Unfortunately there is no simple way to add custom line to generated file.