How to find an arbitrary perpendicular vector of another vector in MATLAB? - matlab

I need to create arbitrary perpendicular vector n with components (a, b, c) to another known vector k with components (x,y,z).
The following code creates arbitrary vector n, but I need random numbers for components in the range [-inf, inf] how can I acheive that? (because otherwise vector components created may not exceed some value in given case 10^11 ) Or maybe concept "arbitrary vector" does not require that?
function [a,b,c] = randomOrghogonalVector(x,y,z)
a = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
randomDistr = rand * 10^11 * 2 - 10^11; % issue 1
% excluding trivial solution
if x == 0 && y == 0 && z ==0
a = NaN; b = a; c = a;
if z ~=0
a = randomDistr;
b = randomDistr;
c = - (x * a + b * y ) / z;
if z == 0 && x ~= 0
c = randomDistr;
b = randomDistr;
a = - (z * c + b * y ) / x;
if z == 0 && x == 0 && y ~= 0
c = randomDistr;
a = randomDistr;
b = - (z * c + a * x ) / y;

The easiest solution I see is to first find a random vector that is orthogonal to your original vector, and then give it a random length. In Matlab, this can be done by defining the following function
function [a, b, c] = orthoVector(x, y, z)
xin = [x;y;z];
e = xin;
while ((e'*xin)==xin'*xin)
e = 2.*rand(3,1)-1;
xout = cross(xin, e);
xout = 1.0/(rand()) * xout;
a = xout(1);
b = xout(2);
c = xout(3);
Line-by-line, here's what I'm doing:
you asked for this format [a,b,c] = f(x,y,z). I would recommend using function xout = orthoVector(xin), which would make this code even shorter.
Since Matlab handles vectors best as vectors, I'm creating vector xin.
e will be one random vector, different from xin used to compute the orthogonal vector. Since we're dealing with random vectors, we initialize it to be equal to xin.
For this algorithm to work, we need to make sure that e and xin are pointing in different directions. Until this is the case...
...create a new random vector e. Note that rand will give values between 0 and 1. Thus, each component of e will be between -1 and 1.
Ok, if we end, e and xin are pointing in different directions
Our vector xout will be orthogonal to xin and e.
Let's multiply vector xout by a random number between 1 and "very large"
a is first component of xout
b is second component of xout
c is third component of xout
all done.
Optional: if you want to have very large vectors, you could replace line 8 by
xout = exp(1./rand())/(rand()) * xout;
This will give you a very large spread of values.
Hope this helps, cheers!


adaptive elliptical structuring element in MATLAB

I'm trying to create an adaptive elliptical structuring element for an image to dilate or erode it. I write this code but unfortunately all of the structuring elements are ones(2*M+1).
I = input('Enter the input image: ');
M = input('Enter the maximum allowed semi-major axes length: ');
% determining ellipse parameteres from eigen value decomposition of LST
row = size(I,1);
col = size(I,2);
SE = cell(row,col);
padI = padarray(I,[M M],'replicate','both');
padrow = size(padI,1);
padcol = size(padI,2);
for m = M+1:padrow-M
for n = M+1:padcol-M
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
if e1(m-M,n-M,1)==0
phi = pi/2;
phi = atan(e1(m-M,n-M,2)/e1(m-M,n-M,1));
% defining structuring element for each pixel of image
x0 = m;
y0 = n;
se = zeros(2*M+1);
row_se = 0;
for i = x0-M:x0+M
row_se = row_se+1;
col_se = 0;
for j = y0-M:y0+M
col_se = col_se+1;
x = j-y0;
y = x0-i;
if ((x*cos(phi)+y*sin(phi))^2)/a^2+((x*sin(phi)-y*cos(phi))^2)/b^2 <= 1
se(row_se,col_se) = 1;
SE{m-M,n-M} = se;
a, b and phi are semi-major and semi-minor axes length and phi is angle between a and x axis.
I used 2 MATLAB functions to compute the Local Structure Tensor of the image, and then its eigenvalues and eigenvectors for each pixel. These are the matrices l1, l2, e1 and e2.
This is the bit of your code I didn't understand:
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
I simplified the expression for b to (just removing the indexing):
b = (l1+eps/l1+l2+2*eps)*M;
For l1 and l2 in the normal range we get:
b =(approx)= (l1+0/l1+l2+2*0)*M = (l1+l2)*M;
Thus, b can easily be larger than M, which I don't think is your intention. The eps in this case also doesn't protect against division by zero, which is typically the purpose of adding eps: if l1 is zero, eps/l1 is Inf.
Looking at this expression, it seems to me that you intended this instead:
b = (l1+eps)/(l1+l2+2*eps)*M;
Here, you're adding eps to each of the eigenvalues, making them guaranteed non-zero (the structure tensor is symmetric, positive semi-definite). Then you're dividing l1 by the sum of eigenvalues, and multiplying by M, which leads to a value between 0 and M for each of the axes.
So, this seems to be a case of misplaced parenthesis.
Just for the record, this is what you need in your code:
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps ) / ( l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps ) / ( l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
^ ^
added parentheses
Note that you can simplify your code by defining, outside of the loops:
[se_x,se_y] = meshgrid(-M:M,-M:M);
The inner two loops, over i and j, to construct se can then be written simply as:
se = ((se_x.*cos(phi)+se_y.*sin(phi)).^2)./a.^2 + ...
((se_x.*sin(phi)-se_y.*cos(phi)).^2)./b.^2 <= 1;
(Note the .* and .^ operators, these do element-wise multiplication and power.)
A further slight improvement comes from realizing that phi is first computed from e1(m,n,1) and e1(m,n,2), and then used in calls to cos and sin. If we assume that the eigenvector is properly normalized, then
cos(phi) == e1(m,n,1)
sin(phi) == e1(m,n,2)
But you can always make sure they are normalized:
cos_phi = e1(m-M,n-M,1);
sin_phi = e1(m-M,n-M,2);
len = hypot(cos_phi,sin_phi);
cos_phi = cos_phi / len;
sin_phi = sin_phi / len;
se = ((se_x.*cos_phi+se_y.*sin_phi).^2)./a.^2 + ...
((se_x.*sin_phi-se_y.*cos_phi).^2)./b.^2 <= 1;
Considering trigonometric operations are fairly expensive, this should speed up your code a bit.

matlab jacobi iteration method, giving me matrix dimensions must agree

below is my code to perform jacobi iterations to solve Ax=b.
I try this code on the matrix A =[4 -1 1; 4 -8 1; -2 1 5] and b=[7 -21 15].
and x is a first guess 1 x 3 vector. Are not these dimensions correct? It gives me the error in the code that calculates: r = b - x*A
and M\(x*N + b)
What am I missing?!? how do I fix this? please help!
function [x, error, iter, flag] = jacobi(A, x, b, maxiter, tol)
%implement jacobi iterations
%[x, error, iter, flag] = jacobi(A, x, b, maxiter, tol)
%jacobi.m solves the linear system Ax=b using the Jacobi iteration
%INPUT A the matrix of the system Ax=b
% x the first guess vector Ax=b
% b the vector in the system
% maxiter the maximum number of iteration to perform
% tol the tolerance
%OUTPUT x the solution vector
% error error norm
% niter the number of iterations it took
% flag indicates whether a solution was found. 0 means there was a
% solution and 1 means there was not a solution
iter = 0;
flag = 0;
bnrm2 = norm(b);
if (bnrm2 == 0)
bnrm2 = 1.0;
r = b - x*A;
error = norm(r) / bnrm2;
if (error<tol)
[m,n] = size(A);
M = diag(diag(A));
N = diag(diag(A)) - A;
for iter = 1:maxiter,
oldx = x;
x = M\(x*N + b);
error = norm(x - oldx) / norm(x);
if (error <= tol)
if (error > tol)
flag = 1;
Since, in the code, you're solving what I'll call (not sure if it's proper since I never do it) the left-multiply problem, the operator and order of matrices are, in some sense, reversed.
If you were solving the problem A*x = b with the residual r = b - A*x (i.e., x and b are column vectors), you would perform right-vector multiplies and left-matrix divides. Therefore, the update line in the loop would be
x = M \ (N*x + b);
Conversely, if you were solving the problem x*A = b with the residual r = b - x*A (i.e., x and b are row vectors), you would perform left-vector multiplies and right-matrix divides. Therefore, the update line in the loop would be
x = (x*N + b) / M;
Note that \ resolves to the function mldivide and / resolves to mrdivide. There is no function distinction for the multiply.
It appears your current updater mixes the two, which is bad news bears for dimension matching.

MATLAB - vectorize iteration over two matrices used in function

I have two matrices X and Y, both of order mxn. I want to create a new matrix Z of order mx1 such that each i th entry in this new matrix is computed by applying a function to ith and ith row of X and Y respectively. In my case m = 100000 and n = 2. I tried using a loop but it takes forever.
for i = 1:m
Z = function(X(1,:),Y(1,:), constant_parameters)
Is there an efficient way to vectorize it?
This is the function
function [peso] = fxPesoTexturaCN(a,b, img, r, L)
ac = num2cell(a);
bc = num2cell(b);
imgint1 = img(sub2ind(size(img),ac{:}));
imgint2 = img(sub2ind(size(img),bc{:}));
peso = (sum((a - b) .^ 2) + (r/L) * (imgint2 - imgint1)) / (2*r^2);
Where img, r, L are constats. a is X(1,:) and b is Y(1,:)
And the call of this function is
peso = bsxfun(#(a,b) fxPesoTexturaCN(a,b,img,r,L), a, b);

matlab generate fixed degree undirected graph

I would like to generate the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph with N nodes.
In particular, this graph should have a fixed degree (each node is connected to a fixed number of node d).
If a set d = N-1, the solution is trivial:
A = ones(N) - eye(N);
How can I generalize it for any d?
Here is a solution (thanks to Oli Charlesworth):
function A = fixedDegreeGraph(N, d)
A = zeros(N);
for i=1:N
b = i;
f = i;
for k=1:floor(d/2)
f = f + 1;
if (f == N + 1)
f = 1;
A(i, f) = 1;
A(f, i) = 1;
b = b - 1;
if (b == 0)
b = N;
A(i, b) = 1;
A(b, i) = 1;
For even d, here's a way to visualise the approach.
Draw the vertices out arranged in a circle.
Each vertex is connected to its immediate (d/2) left-hand neighbours, and its immediate (d/2) right-hand neighbours.
It should be fairly obvious how to turn this into an adjacency matrix (hint: it will be a circulant matrix, so you may find the toeplitz function useful).
Extending this to odd d is not much harder... (although note there is no solution if both N and d are odd)

Modulo and remainder (Chinese remainder theorem) in MATLAB

How do I find the least possible value in Matlab, given the modulo values and its remainder values in an array? for example:
A=[ 23 90 56 36] %# the modulo values
B=[ 1 3 37 21] %# the remainder values
which leads to the answer 93; which is the least possible value.
Here is my code but it only seems to display the last value of the remainder array as the least value:
z = input('z=');
r = input('r=');
c = 0;
m = max(z);
[x, y] = find(z == m);
r = r(y);
f = find(z);
q = max(f);
p = z(1:q);
n = m * c + r;
if (mod(n, p) == r)
c = c + 1;
fprintf('The lowest value is %0.f\n', n)
Okay, so your goal is to find the smallest x that satisfies B(i) = mod(x, A(i)) for each i.
This page contains a very simple (yet thorough) explanation of how to solve your set of equations using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. So, here's an implementation of the described method in MATLAB:
A = [23, 90]; %# Moduli
B = [1, 3]; %# Remainders
%# Find the smallest x that satisfies B(i) = mod(x, A(i)) for each i
AA = meshgrid(A);
assert(~sum(sum(gcd(AA, AA') - diag(A) > 1))) %# Check that moduli are coprime
M = prod(AA' - diag(A - 1));
[G, U, V] = gcd(A, M);
x = mod(sum(B .* M .* V), prod(A))
x =
You should note that this algorithm works only for moduli (the values of A) which are coprime!
In your example, they are not, so this will not work for your example (I've put an assert command to break the script if the moduli are not coprime). You should try to implement yourself the full solution for non-comprime moduli!
Also note that the gcd command uses Euclid's algorithm. If you are required to implement it yourself, this and this might serve you as good references.