matlab jacobi iteration method, giving me matrix dimensions must agree - matlab

below is my code to perform jacobi iterations to solve Ax=b.
I try this code on the matrix A =[4 -1 1; 4 -8 1; -2 1 5] and b=[7 -21 15].
and x is a first guess 1 x 3 vector. Are not these dimensions correct? It gives me the error in the code that calculates: r = b - x*A
and M\(x*N + b)
What am I missing?!? how do I fix this? please help!
function [x, error, iter, flag] = jacobi(A, x, b, maxiter, tol)
%implement jacobi iterations
%[x, error, iter, flag] = jacobi(A, x, b, maxiter, tol)
%jacobi.m solves the linear system Ax=b using the Jacobi iteration
%INPUT A the matrix of the system Ax=b
% x the first guess vector Ax=b
% b the vector in the system
% maxiter the maximum number of iteration to perform
% tol the tolerance
%OUTPUT x the solution vector
% error error norm
% niter the number of iterations it took
% flag indicates whether a solution was found. 0 means there was a
% solution and 1 means there was not a solution
iter = 0;
flag = 0;
bnrm2 = norm(b);
if (bnrm2 == 0)
bnrm2 = 1.0;
r = b - x*A;
error = norm(r) / bnrm2;
if (error<tol)
[m,n] = size(A);
M = diag(diag(A));
N = diag(diag(A)) - A;
for iter = 1:maxiter,
oldx = x;
x = M\(x*N + b);
error = norm(x - oldx) / norm(x);
if (error <= tol)
if (error > tol)
flag = 1;

Since, in the code, you're solving what I'll call (not sure if it's proper since I never do it) the left-multiply problem, the operator and order of matrices are, in some sense, reversed.
If you were solving the problem A*x = b with the residual r = b - A*x (i.e., x and b are column vectors), you would perform right-vector multiplies and left-matrix divides. Therefore, the update line in the loop would be
x = M \ (N*x + b);
Conversely, if you were solving the problem x*A = b with the residual r = b - x*A (i.e., x and b are row vectors), you would perform left-vector multiplies and right-matrix divides. Therefore, the update line in the loop would be
x = (x*N + b) / M;
Note that \ resolves to the function mldivide and / resolves to mrdivide. There is no function distinction for the multiply.
It appears your current updater mixes the two, which is bad news bears for dimension matching.


Fixed point iterative method error MATLAB

I am trying to use the fixed point iteration method with initial approximation x(1)=0 to obtain an approximation to the root of the equation f(x)=3x+sin(x)e^x=0.
The stopping criterion is
x(1) = 0;
n = 100;
for k = 1:n
f(k) = 3*x(k) +sin(x(k))-exp(x(k));
if (abs(f(k))<0.0001)
syms x
x(k+1) = x(1)- (f(k))/(diff(f(k)));
[x' f']
This is the error I am getting: Error using / Matrix dimensions must
agree. Error in prac2Q2 (line 15)
x(k+1) = x(1)- (f(k))/(diff(f(k)));
I would suggest to calculate the derivative by hand and use that term as denominator or to save the derivative in another variable and use this as the denominator.
Derivative as Variable
f(k) = ...;
df(k) = diff(f(k));
x(k+1) = x(k) - f(k) / df(k);
PS: I cannot test this, because I do not have access to the Symbolic Toolbox right now.
If you're looking for the root of 3*x +sin(x)-exp(x) you want to resolve this equation:
3*x + sin(x) - exp(x) = 0
The easiest way will be to isolate x in one side of the equation:
x = (exp(x) - sin(x))/3 % now iterate until x = (exp(x) - sin(x))/3
Now I would recommand to use an easier fixed point method: x(k+1) = (x(k)+f(x(k)))/2
x = 1 % x0
while 1
y = (exp(x)-sin(x))/3; % we are looking for the root not for a fixed point !!! y = f(x)
x = (x+y)/2 % after a few iterations x == y, so x = (x+y)/2 or x = 2x/2
if abs(x-y) < 1e-10
And you obtain the correct result:
x = 0.36042
No need of symbolic math.

Implementing Simplex Method infinite loop

I am trying to implement a simplex algorithm following the rules I was given at my optimization course. The problem is
min c'*x s.t.
Ax = b
x >= 0
All vectors are assumes to be columns, ' denotes the transpose. The algorithm should also return the solution to dual LP. The rules to follow are:
Here, A_J denotes columns from A with indices in J and x_J, x_K denotes elements of vector x with indices in J or K respectively. Vector a_s is column s of matrix A.
Now I do not understand how this algorithm takes care of condition x >= 0, but I decided to give it a try and follow it step by step. I used Matlab for this and got the following code.
X = zeros(n, 1);
Y = zeros(m, 1);
% i. Choose starting basis J and K = {1,2,...,n} \ J
J = [4 5 6] % for our problem
K = setdiff(1:n, J)
% this while is for goto
while 1
% ii. Solve system A_J*\bar{x}_J = b.
xbar = A(:,J) \ b
% iii. Calculate value of criterion function with respect to current x_J.
fval = c(J)' * xbar
% iv. Calculate dual solution y from A_J^T*y = c_J.
y = A(:,J)' \ c(J)
% v. Calculate \bar{c}^T = c_K^T - u^T A_K. If \bar{c}^T >= 0, we have
% found the optimal solution. If not, select the smallest s \in K, such
% that c_s < 0. Variable x_s enters basis.
cbar = c(K)' - c(J)' * inv(A(:,J)) * A(:,K)
cbar = cbar'
tmp = findnegative(cbar)
if tmp == -1 % we have found the optimal solution since cbar >= 0
X(J) = xbar;
Y = y;
FVAL = fval;
s = findnegative(c, K) %x_s enters basis
% vi. Solve system A_J*\bar{a} = a_s. If \bar{a} <= 0, then the problem is
% unbounded.
abar = A(:,J) \ A(:,s)
if findpositive(abar) == -1 % we failed to find positive number
disp('The problem is unbounded.')
% vii. Calculate v = \bar{x}_J / \bar{a} and find the smallest rho \in J,
% such that v_rho > 0. Variable x_rho exits basis.
v = xbar ./ abar
rho = J(findpositive(v))
% viii. Update J and K and goto ii.
J = setdiff(J, rho)
J = union(J, s)
K = setdiff(K, s)
K = union(K, rho)
Functions findpositive(x) and findnegative(x, S) return the first index of positive or negative value in x. S is the set of indices, over which we look at. If S is omitted, whole vector is checked. Semicolons are omitted for debugging purposes.
The problem I tested this code on is
c = [-3 -1 -3 zeros(1,3)];
A = [2 1 1; 1 2 3; 2 2 1];
A = [A eye(3)];
b = [2; 5; 6];
The reason for zeros(1,3) and eye(3) is that the problem is inequalities and we need slack variables. I have set starting basis to [4 5 6] because the notes say that starting basis should be set to slack variables.
Now, what happens during execution is that on first run of while, variable with index 1 enters basis (in Matlab, indices go from 1 on) and 4 exits it and that is reasonable. On the second run, 2 enters the basis (since it is the smallest index such that c(idx) < 0 and 1 leaves it. But now on the next iteration, 1 enters basis again and I understand why it enters, because it is the smallest index, such that c(idx) < 0. But here the looping starts. I assume that should not have happened, but following the rules I cannot see how to prevent this.
I guess that there has to be something wrong with my interpretation of the notes but I just cannot see where I am wrong. I also remember that when we solved LP on the paper, we were updating our subjective function on each go, since when a variable entered basis, we removed it from the subjective function and expressed that variable in subj. function with the expression from one of the equalities, but I assume that is different algorithm.
Any remarks or help will be highly appreciated.
The problem has been solved. Turned out that the point 7 in the notes was wrong. Instead, point 7 should be

Implementing a filter in Matlab

I am trying to implement the following filter on a discrete signal x:
I'm supposed to write a MATLAB function that takes a length-M (> N) vector x and a scalar N as input. The output should be a length-M vector y.
I should then test the filter with M = 50, x[n]=cos(n*pi/5)+dirac[n-30]-dirac[n-35] and N = 4, 8, 12.
Here is my try, which returns Inf with the given input and N:
function y = filt( x, N )
% filter function
error('Input must be a vector')
y = zeros(1,length(x));
temp = zeros(1,length(x));
for v = x(:)
temp(n) = v(n);
if(n <= N-1)
y(n) = max(x);
n = n+1;
elseif(n >= N-1)
y(n) = max(temp);
I also tried using the built-in filter function but I can't get it to work.
Code for using the filter:
p = zeros(1,50);
for i=0:50
p(i+1)= cos(i*pi/5)+dirac(i-30)-dirac(i-35)
y = filt(p,4)
Thanks in advance.
That's because dirac(0) gives you Inf. This will happen in two places in your signal, where n=30 and n=35. I'm assuming you want the unit impulse instead. As such, create a signal where at n = 31 and n = 36, the output is 1, then add this with your cosine signal. This is because MATLAB starts indexing at 1 and not 0, and so dirac[0] would mean that the first point of your signal is non-zero, so translating this over by 30: dirac[n-30] would mean that the 31st point is non-zero. Similar case for dirac[n-35], so the 36th point is non-zero:
p = zeros(1,50);
p(31) = 1; p(36) = 1;
p = p + cos((0:49)*pi/5);
y = filt(p,4);
I also have some reservations with your code. It doesn't do what you think it's doing. Specifically, I'm looking at this section:
for v = x(:)
temp(n) = v(n);
if(n <= N-1)
y(n) = max(x);
n = n+1;
elseif(n >= N-1)
y(n) = max(temp);
Doing v = x(:) would produce a column vector, and using a loop with a column vector will have unintentional results. Specifically, this loop will only execute once, with v being the entire signal. You also aren't checking the conditions properly for each window. You are doing max(x), which applies the maximum to the entire signal, and not the window.
If I can suggest a rewrite, this is what you should be doing instead:
function y = filt( x, N )
% filter function
error('Input must be a vector')
y = zeros(1,length(x));
%///// CHANGE
for n = 1 : numel(x)
if (n <= N)
y(n) = max(x(1:n));
y(n) = max(x(n:-1:n-N+1));
Take note that the if statement is n <= N. This is because in MATLAB, we start indexing at 1, but the notation in your equation starts indexing at 0. Therefore, instead of checking for n <= N-1, it must now be n <= N.

Jacobi solver going into an infinite loop

I can't seem to find a fix to my infinite loop. I have coded a Jacobi solver to solve a system of linear equations.
Here is my code:
function [x, i] = Jacobi(A, b, x0, TOL)
[m n] = size(A);
i = 0;
x = [0;0;0];
while (true)
i =1;
for r=1:m
sum = 0;
for c=1:n
if r~=c
sum = sum + A(r,c)*x(c);
x(r) = (-sum + b(r))/A(r,c);
x(r) = (-sum + b(r))/A(r,c);
xxx end xxx
if abs(norm(x) - norm(x0)) < TOL;
x0 = x;
i = i + 1;
When I terminate the code it ends at the line with xxx
The reason why your code isn't working is due to the logic of your if statements inside your for loops. Specifically, you need to accumulate all values for a particular row that don't belong to the diagonal of that row first. Once that's done, you then perform the division. You also need to make sure that you're dividing by the diagonal coefficient of A for that row you're concentrating on, which corresponds to the component of x you're trying to solve for. You also need to remove the i=1 statement at the beginning of your loop. You're resetting i each time.
In other words:
function [x, i] = Jacobi(A, b, x0, TOL)
[m n] = size(A);
i = 0;
x = [0;0;0];
while (true)
for r=1:m
sum = 0;
for c=1:n
if r==c %// NEW
sum = sum + A(r,c)*x(c); %// NEW
x(r) = (-sum + b(r))/A(r,r); %// CHANGE
if abs(norm(x) - norm(x0)) < TOL;
x0 = x;
i = i + 1;
Example use:
A = [6 1 1; 1 5 3; 0 2 4]
b = [1 2 3].';
[x,i] = Jacobi(A, b, [0;0;0], 1e-10)
x =
i =
This means it took 20 iterations to achieve a solution with tolerance 1e-10. Compare this with MATLAB's built-in inverse:
x2 = A \ b
x2 =
As you can see, I specified a tolerance of 1e-10, which means we are guaranteed to have 10 decimal places of accuracy. We can certainly see 10 decimal places of accuracy between what Jacobi gives us with what MATLAB gives us built-in.

Lagrange interpolation method

I use convolution and for loops (too much for loops) for calculating the interpolation using
Lagrange's method , here's the main code :
function[p] = lagrange_interpolation(X,Y)
L = zeros(n);
p = zeros(1,n);
% computing L matrice, so that each row i holds the polynom L_i
% Now we compute li(x) for i=0....n ,and we build the polynomial
for k=1:n
multiplier = 1;
outputConv = ones(1,1);
for index = 1:n
if(index ~= k && X(index) ~= X(k))
outputConv = conv(outputConv,[1,-X(index)]);
multiplier = multiplier * ((X(k) - X(index))^-1);
polynimialSize = length(outputConv);
for index = 1:polynimialSize
L(k,n - index + 1) = outputConv(polynimialSize - index + 1);
L(k,:) = multiplier .* L(k,:);
% continues
Those are too much for loops for computing the l_i(x) (this is done before the last calculation of P_n(x) = Sigma of y_i * l_i(x)) .
Any suggestions into making it more matlab formal ?
Yeah, several suggestions (implemented in version 1 below): if loop can be combined with for above it (just make index skip k via something like jr(jr~=j) below); polynomialSize is always equal length(outputConv) which is always equal n (because you have n datapoints, (n-1)th polynomial with n coefficients), so the last for loop and next line can be also replaced with simple L(k,:) = multiplier * outputConv;
So I replicated the example on (and adopted their j-m notation, but for me j goes 1:n and m is 1:n and m~=j), hence my initialization looks like
clear; clc;
X=[-9 -4 -1 7]; %example taken from
Y=[ 5 2 -2 9];
n=length(X); %Lagrange basis polinomials are (n-1)th order, have n coefficients
lj = zeros(1,n); %storage for numerator of Lagrange basis polyns - each w/ n coeff
Lj = zeros(n); %matrix of Lagrange basis polyns coeffs (lj(x))
L = zeros(1,n); %the Lagrange polynomial coefficients (L(x))
then v 1.0 looks like
jr=1:n; %j-range: 1<=j<=n
for j=jr %my j is your k
multiplier = 1;
outputConv = 1; %numerator of lj(x)
mr=jr(jr~=j); %m-range: 1<=m<=n, m~=j
for m = mr %my m is your index
outputConv = conv(outputConv,[1 -X(m)]);
multiplier = multiplier * ((X(j) - X(m))^-1);
Lj(j,:) = multiplier * outputConv; %jth Lagrange basis polinomial lj(x)
L = Y*Lj; %coefficients of Lagrange polinomial L(x)
which can be further simplified if you realize that numerator of l_j(x) is just a polynomial with specific roots - for that there is a nice command in matlab - poly. Similarly the denominator is just that polyn evaluated at X(j) - for that there is polyval. Hence, v 1.9:
jr=1:n; %j-range: 1<=j<=n
for j=jr
mr=jr(jr~=j); %m-range: 1<=m<=n, m~=j
lj=poly(X(mr)); %numerator of lj(x)
mult=1/polyval(lj,X(j)); %denominator of lj(x)
Lj(j,:) = mult * lj; %jth Lagrange basis polinomial lj(x)
L = Y*Lj; %coefficients of Lagrange polinomial L(x)
Why version 1.9 and not 2.0? well, there is probably a way to get rid of this last for loop, and write it all in 1 line, but I can't think of it right now - it's a todo for v 2.0 :)
And, for dessert, if you want to get the same picture as wikipedia:
hold on
hold off
xlim([-10 10])
ylim([-10 10])
grid on
enjoy and feel free to reuse/improve
X=0:1/20:1; Y=cos(X) and create L and apply polyval(L,1).
Why there is huge difference?