HTTP2/SPDY configuration in wildfly9 - wildfly

I'm trying to configure HTTP2/SPDY in wildlfy 9. how can i configure/test the same using wildfly 9.
I have developed login page using JSF 2.0. using this i want to check this feature.

Step by step guide for enabling HTTP2/SPDY in WildFly 9


Wildfly and OIDC

We are a Java shop and use maven. Our app is on wildfly 18. Does anyone have any experiences on migrating a wildfly app to OIDC? We were given a security library that we can use to make OIDC calls to, but it requires a config file co-located with this library. Do we need to use a module for this? If so, do we need a particular section filled out in our standalone.xml?
You asked about Wildfly 18. This one for sure needs add-on modules, such as those provided by the keycloak project (
Since Wildfly 25 the OpenID Connect functionality was added to the Wildfly releases, and since then the addon modules are no longer required. In fact, they should no longer get installed as they seem to break Wildfly.
See also
Secure WebApp in Wildfly 25 using OpenID Connect (OIDC) without installing a Keycloak client adapter

how to set http version to 1.1 only in wildfly server?

A Issue raised to change HTTP version 1.1 only in web server configuration.
I am using wildfly 10 as my server.
I have tried using connector varible but it is not allowed in wildfly 10 so help me out with this.
In undertow subsystem configuration you should add require-host-http11="true" to your http/http-listener.
for more configuration options see

WildFly 12.0.0.Final + Weld 3.0.3.Final - How to use CDI 2.0?

On the page, it says for WildFly 12.0.0.Final:
WildFly 12.0.0.Final Weld 3.0.3.Final CDI 1.2 and CDI 2.0 (opt-in
via property)
I can't see how to "opt-in via property"?
What you need to do is look at WildFly site, because you need to run WildFly in so called "EE8 preview" mode in order to have certain EE 8 techs (CDI 2.0 including) enabled.
Namely this article says it all:
By default WildFly 12 launches in EE7 mode. In order to use these new capabilities you have to enable EE8 preview mode. This can be accomplished by passing the ee8.preview.mode property during startup:
./ -Dee8.preview.mode=true
There are other options, such as CLI config or modifying the standalone config file. Take a glance at the article to see how that is achieved.

How to integrate Magento 2 in BPM/camunda engine

I am new in BPM/camunda engine. I need to know How to integrate Magento2 in BPMN 2.0.
I searched about BPMN 2.0 its only setup java project.
Magento 2 need php and web servers(apache, nginx) support, see this link
How can I setup magento 2 in Camunda-bpm tool? Suggest me any way to do this.
please see your answer here
Camunda is running inside a java web container or application server, while Magento is using php. Which means that best you can get is running 2 servers, one with camunda and second one with Magento. Those servers may communicate with eachother using external Task and REST services.

Is there a way to integrate CommonJ WorkManager with JBoss 5.1

I did find a Jboss Commonj Service on sourceforge, but that appears to be for JBoss 4x.
Any pointers would be great..
Found that the following also works for JBoss 5 as well.