How to integrate Magento 2 in BPM/camunda engine - magento2

I am new in BPM/camunda engine. I need to know How to integrate Magento2 in BPMN 2.0.
I searched about BPMN 2.0 its only setup java project.
Magento 2 need php and web servers(apache, nginx) support, see this link
How can I setup magento 2 in Camunda-bpm tool? Suggest me any way to do this.

please see your answer here
Camunda is running inside a java web container or application server, while Magento is using php. Which means that best you can get is running 2 servers, one with camunda and second one with Magento. Those servers may communicate with eachother using external Task and REST services.


Hybris Create Web Service with Intellij

I'm really new in Hybris. I have Hybris commerce 6.4 and im working with Intellij.
Can anybody tell me how to create a web service rest?
I need the basic steps or a hello word example of a web service exposed from hybris.
Thank you so much.
Hybris is based on Spring, you can create rest web services just as you would do on a normal Spring MVC application.
You can also generate a web service extension using ant extgen, this way you will generate a Ycommercewebservices extension with some rest controllers that you can use as an example.
You can check webservice extension. Create new extension from it.

How to connect neo4j DB with drupal 7?

We have a problem with connecting Neo4j DB to Drupal 7, is there anyone have a solution or plug-in for it?
Requirements for plug-in or solution is:
Match of skills (Nodes)
Recommendation engine / system
Fast response time
Possible to change / add the plug-in
Create users
Use it at AWS or rackspace
There is an ongoing project for Drupal here :
I never tested it but I know it exist.
BTW you can easy plug in by making http requests to the neo4j rest api, there are some php http clients available on github :

start solrserver deployed inside tomcat from within eclipse

I am working in windows 7 machine.I want to implement search using apache solr with hbase ta
bles as datasource. I have configured apache solr 4.3.1 in tomcat 7. I can able to deploy it successfully by manually starting tomcat server.
When i try to start solr server from within spring mvc web application it says solrserver started,but when i query the solr its giving the following without any errors:
page 0 of 0 containing UNKNOWN instances
As per my research on solr, it is mentioned embedded solrserver is unfit for production so i need to have httpsolrserver.
So somebody help me clear my head and give me some solution...
Thanks in advance..
For production, you would be better with hosting Solr as a seperate instance.
This would keep the responsibility separate, web application and search engine.
Indexing process are resource intensive and would the web application behavior as well.
This can be catered by Master Slave arch, providing best search performance.
External instance can be scaled at will and would not impact the web application.

Deploy the MVC 2 web application to the IIS 7.5 getting issues

I have developed the mvc web application. whereas my macine is configured with IIS 7.5. I want to deploy my web application with source code to the IIS so that i can attache the process and debug it run time. I choose this way because few functionality , like file copy and file create not performing after simple publish.
I tried by ,
Create the web application in IIS 7.5 manager. installed ASP.NET utility. As i browsed , I got asked by to enable directory browsing.
Which i enabled. where as in IE I found file structure which definitely did not want. I expected direct my LogOn page which is configured in globle.asax after deployment.
What else i need to check. or is any step i have missing?
I am using Visul web developer 2010 express edition to develop the application.
Please guide me.

Google Web Toolkit on a standalone server

Our team is planning on making a thick client into a web based UI. We are researching the various options and GWT is something that we are researching. I have a question if GWT can be deployed by itself (meaning, does it have a built-in web server that can be deployed as a solution?) Appreciate thoughts about it.
Thanks in advance.
If your application is completely client-side and does not need to communicate with a server (for data purposes), then you can use any web server. GWT compiles to static JavaScript files, so you can use apache or any other web server to serve up the static files.
If there is a server-side component to your application then you'll need a servlet container.
No built-in web server really except for the development platform which include one... but it's not meant for production.