Why can't I use my workspace if its a Git repo with eclipse - eclipse

I have a git repo that has a lot of test scripts in it. I started by setting this repo as my "workspace" in eclipse so I could make changes directly with eclipse and then just push them up to bitbucket once they are done.
Eclipse wont let me do this, I cant see anything in my work space and when I try to import the local repo to the workspace it tells me "Can't import project MavenTest from an existing workspace folder"
This doesn't make sense to me since I would have to make a separate workspace from my repo and then do the work into the workspace and manually copy it to the local repo and then push it up to bitbucket. Also pulling everything down will be a pain too since I'll have to copy any changes to my workspace. I defeats the whole purpose of version control.
Can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong? I just want to work, push and pull all in the same directory.

Eclipse expects everything at the top level of its workspace directory to be a project, or otherwise content written by a plug-in through Eclipse's APIs. Any other content in the repository will be unusable and not importable as its location already overlaps the location of the workspace.
I would have to make a separate workspace from my repo and then do the work into the workspace and manually copy it to the local repo and then push it up to bitbucket.
Wrong. You're under the misconception that everything shown in the workspace has to physically live under the workspace directory, which is very untrue. They don't have to be there, they don't even have to be physical files.
Typically you will make Eclipse aware of the local clone using its Git Repositories View, and then use the view's context menus to import content from the repository's working directory as projects in the workspace (or using a Maven wizard provided through M2E). This import will not duplicate anything. You will still have one canonical location for your sources: your repository.


Where to put Git repository in Eclipse?

If I try to put repository inside project folder
it warns it is not recommended to put git repository inside workspace.
If I try to create intermediate folder
it swears "overlaps the location of another project" at the stage of creating new project.
And if I try to create project inside workspace and repository outside, it moves the project also outside of workspace
So, the only way to use Git under Eclipse it totally abandon workspace?
If you choose the last solution you present, to deal with git and Eclipse, you will not abandon workspace, all your code will remain into your Project Workspace but you will get an additionnal folder somewhere else containing your same code, versioned, a local git repository. By choosing this solution, you can only version some parts of your project and you also avoid some possible conflicts that can arise when versioning your workspace project folder. You can also have a cleaner view of your code if you want it without eclipse metadata and do some complex git tasks on the commandline in this separate folder.

How to isolate Eclipse workspace from git local repository?

I installed EGit on Juno and created a Java project in workspace of Eclipse. Then I shared that project to Git. Then when I check the project's properties, I found that the project had been moved from its original workspace into Git local repository. When I make some changes in Eclipse editor, the changes are made on the local repository without commit.
How to isolate Eclipse workspace from git local repository?
(Well, my Eclipse workspace is ~/Documents/workspace, my git local repository is ~/git/myrepository1. )
The workspace is still in its original location outside of edit. It's the projects that have been moved into the git-controlled directories. Normally projects are created in the Eclipse workspace folder but you can override that default.
If you really want to isolate changes from git, you'll have to break git's control of the project, but you may still have to move the project contents back into your workspace. Unfortunately, the process of getting further changes back into git gets really messy.
I've found it unnerving at first the way git controls my eclipse projects, but after a while it does begin to make sense and is really a very powerful version control function.

How do I change my local directory in eclipse to work with git?

Long story short I moved my local project to the root of my web server. In doing so I've lost my connection to the local git files.
Here is the location of my Working Directory after pulling the source down from git.
subfolders are:
My local webserver no longer has an android or website dierctory, but instead the contents of website are simply in htdocs.
Is it possible to reference the structure on github but keep my local files in eclipse in a different area, so I can once again merge and push files?
You can tell EGit to point to a local git repo from the Git Repositories view. Once EGit knows where your repo is, it can import projects from that repo. You can work on them in eclipse, but they point to the repo external to the workspace.
You could create symlinks to the files in the "website" directory inside your htdocs. That may or may not be what you want, since, all changes will be immediately reflected on the front end.
While importing a project, eclipse allows you to create symlinks to the files without copying them into the workspace. It's an option that appears after you click the "Advanced" button in the import dialog box. This should allow you to keep the files wherever you like, and still use them in eclipse.

How to keep .git folder out of a Cloned Eclipse Project

After importing an Eclipse project from a cloned git repository, I make some changes and commit - and wtf? I get a ".git" folder added to the project, the whole shebang with the heads and refs and worst of all the whole object database gets added to the project, all files/folders having that little question-mark icon signaling that the files have not been added / are not yet tracked by git. This .git folder exists in the actual Working Directory (how does that even make sense?). You can imagine what an annoyance this causes when trying to use the "Synchronize" tool/view (which is supposed to make life easier for committing, you can see all the changes and changed files and diffs).
Question (tl;dr)
How to correctly import an Eclipse project from a cloned git repository? I don't want a .git folder showing up in "Team > Synchronize" when I commit, let the .git folder reside somewhere else outside of my project.
Additional Info
I'm on Windows 7 using Eclipse Indigo and Egit.
I am using Egit to clone a git repo from http://git.apache.org/ (the ofbiz project, to be exact) and in the wizard I choose the option to import an existing project from this newly cloned repo.
Yes I am aware of how little I may expect from Egit. In fact, if there are any alternative ways (external git tool? command line git for windows? other?) to use a git-tracked project in Eclipse which keeps the actual .git stuff out of the project, i'd gladly abandon Egit.
When you clone a git repository, the default behavior is to create a .git folder inside the root of the local clone. You can change the default behavior by setting the GIT_DIR variable:
Git docs says:
If the GIT_DIR environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of the default .git for the base of the repository."
Depending on which terminal you use, you could set it using setenv or export.
For example in a bash terminal:
export GIT_DIR='[path_to_git_directory]'
After setting the variable, you should be able to clone and the .git directory should show up at the specified directory.
I totally agree - I can't imagine it would ever be anyones intent to commit the .git folder!
And git/EGit knows that this is the repository folder of the project, so it should be easy to implement the appropriate exception - so that this folder does not become part of the synchronization.
I know the following does not solve your problem, but in cases where you control the way files are layed out in the repository, you could choose to have the Eclipse project folder not be the root folder of the repository, but rather a sub-folder.
This also allows you to have stuff in the repository that should not show up in Eclipse, or even have multiple Eclipse projects grouped in one repository (if you should wish to do so).

Eclipse + EGit: clone project into workspace

I'm a little confused about how EGit workes.
I have an existing git repository on Github and want to clone it into my workspace.
My goal is to have the local repository directly stored inside my workspace-folder but I don't get it working with EGit.
When I want to clone the github repo with EGit, I have to choose a directory as destination. The suggested directory is in my homedir (not in my workspace). When I choose this directory I can see the project in Eclipse but it is not stored in my workspace-folder. Instead it is stored in my home dir.
When I choose a directory directly inside my workspace, later when it comes to import the project it says that there is already a directory with this name.
I don't know how to solve this. I thought this would be a common scenario. In the past I have used hgEclipse (Mercurial) and it was working exactly the way I thought it should be so I'm confused EGit doesn't. Maybe I misunderstood something.
Probably this is important to know: In the github repository there are no .project or .settings files from eclipse. I have them on my .gitignore and so in the import-dialog I have to choose "Import as General Project" and not "Import Existing Projects". But I think this shouldn't matter?
I hope someone can help me or explain me why the EGit plugin doesn't clone the repository directly into the workspace by default.
My Eclipseversion is 3.6, I have installed EGit over the markedplace.
As mentioned in this EGit tutorial, the destination directory you mention when importing (cloning) a Git repo is any directory you want, in which the .git will be created:
You don't have to select the workspace itself (at least, you should select the workspace/myproject subdirectory, in order to not make the all Eclipse workspace a Git repo.
And you can select any other directory outside the workspace: the Eclipse workspace should only contain meta-data about Eclipse projects and settings.
When declaring a new project, you will be able to select the project directory, making that directory the parent for .classpath and .project.
Your workspace will list that new project, even though it lives outside the workspace.
To import a project from GitHub you should use the Import Git Repository as New Project dialogue (right click -> Import -> Git -> Git Repository as New Project). This way you can select the destination of the clone repository, including the Workspace.
If you want to edit the sources in the IDE and also want the changes to be reflected in the Git repository, delete the original source file in the project and link the source file in the git repo to the project. That way, you can directly make changes to the git repo and you can commit them when needed. Be careful not to delete the files when deleting the project in the IDE though.
Steps to have git project in workspace (with egit):
On GIT perspective choose "Clone a Git Repository and add it to this view"
As a destination choose folder inside a workspace (for example ".../workspace/myproject")
Wait until cloned
File -> New -> Project
General -> project
As a project name type name of a folder in workspace where project has been cloned (for example "myproject")
Nope. There's no way to get this to work. You can't use egit to checkout a git project into the workspace and if you check it out elsewhere and try to copy it into the workspace, you will lose your connection to the remote repository. If you want VCS that works, use svn or mercurial.
In the "Configure Local Storage Location" dialog,
choose .../workspace/projectname.
Then in the next dialog,
we get the wizard selection menu. Normally you should select "Import existing project".
(But see below).
Finally, there is the "Import Projects" dialog.
For various unexplained reasons, sometimes this dialog is empty and won't
let you finish. In that case, you need to cancel, and then outside of Eclipse completely delete the working directory that was cloned into, and then start again.
But if there is the project there, press finish. If it complains about the project already existing, go back to the wizard menu and change it to use a wizard. Select a Java wizard and then finish. Often this will work, but only if you first got the "Import Projects" menu to recognize the project in the first place.
It may take several attempts to get this to work! But once it is set up, it works fine.
So, in summary: is is possible to get EGit to use the default project location for the git clone, but in my experience it may inexplicably require several attempts.