Configuring Static replication agent in AEM6.1 author - aem

I'm trying to create file system of my website in my local machine and I have configured static replication agent in author following this document.
When I click activate on a page nothing is getting created in the target folder. In logs, it is showing NOTHING TO REPLICATE for all the pages.
I tried the same agent with geometrixx site and the content is created for it.
Help me with the solution. Thanks in advance

Have you set the rules for your content branch ? Static agent configuration allows you to define the rules on the 2nd tab (Rules).
By default only sample Geometrixx websites are configured
/content/geo* ${path}.html?wcmmode=preview
/content/dam* ${path}
/content/geo* /content/geometrixx/en.topnav.html
/etc/designs/* ${path}
Make sure to add /etc/designs/* ${path}


Media not found Exception In Email Business Process (Hybris)

I've created a process to be able send email to the user on order confirmation.
The problem is that on the DEV environment everything goes well but when I did a deploy to UAT server
I got an exception during the task execution ( " Media not found (requested media location: hf0/h27/8861015965726.bin) ").
Any Ideas what could be happening ?
How can this issue be resolved and what causes this issue.
hybris creates emails using Velocity templates. Those Velocity Templates are stored as Medias on the hybris Servers. hybris Medias consist of two parts: an entry in the respective table in the database and a file on the hard drive. The database entry stores metadata about that media while the file stores the actual content.
Now what hybris is telling you, is that the file on the hard drive is missing. The database entry directs to a file that is not existing. There could be a lot of reasons why that file is missing:
It was deleted during deployment.
It wasn't created during deployment.
The hybris server has no access/access rights to that directory.
In a clustered environment the file could have been stored on another node and is not accessible on the current node.
Media could be the email itself as Johannes stated, but it can also be a part of the email, an image set from the CMS cockpit for example.
To fix this issue you have to master your impex flows.
First be sure that impex contain all the data needed to create properly the email.
Then know what is imported when you deploy and update your system.
Be sure that mandatory files are imported during initialization.
Be sure that data that can be managed by webmasters are not reset by impex during update.
If a data is created during the update because init is already done then be sure that is won't be played after each update.
As the media file is not found, you can
1. go to hmc-->Multimedia-->Media, in search panel,
2. click "search additional attributes" dropdown box, select "PK of file"
3. use "8861015965726" as PK of file to search
Then you can find out what file is missing and you can import impex or upload using hmc to fix this problem.

Railo cannot add event gateway under service in web admin

I am working on a railo server. I can run the web admin from localhost/railo-context/admin/web.cfm and Both of them are showing individual settings. But the local one allows me to add an event gateway. When I added one, it lists the added instance above the add form. But in the other one, the form get submits and it is not listing anything. i am not sure it is added or not. Also I am not sure both the admin console are running from a same folder. Can anyone advice me on this?
I also had the same issue.Please check your application.cfc and check for any onrequest codes.In my case I renamed my application.cfc and it worked as the application.cfc variables got reset.

'User is missing the Overall/Read permission' error with Jenkins GitHub OAuth Plugin

I'm using the github oauth plugin for our logins but for all of our users in the Organisation I get an error:
Access Denied
<user> is missing the Overall/Read permission
I have tried everything I can possibly think of to try to make this work and I'm probably going to fallback to making everyone an admin user, which i would prefer not to do.
Any advise would be appreciated.
This is how I resolved the authentication problem:
Edit config.xml file, e.g.
sudo vi /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
Change useSecurity element's value to false, e.g.
Remove authorizationStrategy block
Restart Jenkins: /etc/init.d/jenkins restart.
Access Jenkins through URL as usual and reconfigure security again.
I had the same problem with "... is missing the Overall/Read permission" on Jenkins (1.651.2) with activated Credentials Plugin.
But it was my own failure: I only configured the user on project side (by credential plugin) but missed to configure the global security.
So I fixed it by selecting:
Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security
And did setup missing global settings (or project matrix based one)
Have you followed this step, from the plugin page?
Control user authorization (i.e. who is allowed to see the jobs and build them) using the Github Commiter Authorization Strategy
Also, make sure you actually allow authenticated users to access Jenkins
Under Jenkins global configuration, under Authorization, add user/group called authenticated
Give that group Overall Read permission
The group should show up with a "group" icon (two users), as opposed to single user icon.
reset from <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> to <useSecurity>false</useSecurity> in config.xml and set the permission again.
Edit file /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml and add the following lines :
<authorizationStrategy class="">
Restart Jenkins
What I did when I got this error is to edit config.xml as mentionned by other users and correctly re-add my username in LOWERCASE in "configureSecurity" Jenkins' page. I was using "KrustyHack" when adding permissions but it didn't work. I had to add "krustyhack" instead, and it worked.
I hope it helps.
I had the same problem here, but it affected only some users, not all of them. Anyway, you should check public organization membership : documentation of the plugin states that "You have to be a public member of the organization for the authorization to work correctly." (
Follow instructions from GitHub ( in order to make organization membership public, and this might fix your issue.
Also check the case user names in the authorizationStrategy element. I made my new user's name lower case and restarted the service and it the error went away.
Fix it by these 2 shell commands on the server (sudo permission is required):
sudo ex +g/useSecurity/d +g/authorizationStrategy/d -scwq /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins restart
This will remove useSecurity and authorizationStrategy lines from your config file.
See also: Disable security at Jenkins website
We hit this same error when a github organization administrator changed the organization's settings for "Third-party access" to "restrict third-party application access". Reverting to the previous settings within the github organization resolved the problem.
See github oauth-app-access-restrictions for details on how to configure that properly.
The assignment of roles to users is stored in config.xml file. Add the ID of the user directly to the role and then restart Jenkins.
In my case, I have a role named editor and a bunch of users assigned to the role.
<role name="editor" pattern=".*">
The matrix security is not terribly clear. I am a member of a specific group in our org that has admin privileges however I am also an authenticated user. I would think that the one group super-cedes the other however I have to have both in order to actually log into the system and be admin. It's screwed up IMO.
go to your-jenkins-host:port/role-strategy/assign-roles and configure roles for the user
I had the same problem before,
your OAuth application need your organization owner's approve,
then the OAuth Plugin can access the private data in it
I am using Crowd 2 plugin and I have the same problem.
I fixed it by downgrading OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin from varsion 1.2 to version 1.1 and then changing Markup Formatter in Configure Global Security value to Raw HTML, before it was Plain text.
I had exactly the same problem and adding the plugin Role Strategy Plugin fixed the problem.
All I had to do was install the plugin, create two groups - admin / developer and then add users to the groups.
A much much better solution than recreating the whole permissions matrix :)
I had a similar problem I was not able access Jenkin account and the system was locked.
I had only an error message. "Access Denied "
When I tried to reinstall Jenkins then it prompted to Repair option.
By clicking Repair option it fixed the problem.
Go to $JENKINS_HOME (linux, jenkins in windows), and find config.xml file.
Open this file in the editor. (take backup of .jenkins home)
Look for the <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> element in this file.
Replace "true" with "false"
Remove the elements authorizationStrategy and securityRealm
Start Jenkins
I found it in
Jenkins Version: 2.319.2
Instead of removing all security (the top answer), Add admin access as root, to the user you want to give admin to. We had the same issue where all admins were no longer with the company. This is how I resolved the authentication problem: I logged into:
jenkins#<jenkins server>:/var/lib/jenkins/
Edit config.xml file, and add a config for
Then restart Jenkins:
root#<jenkins server>:/$ /etc/init.d/jenkins restart
Just use Jenkins > Configure Global Security bottom page matrix to provide permissions to the user (start w/ read)
I edited the /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml file and replaced the
<authorizationStrategy class="">
It is the default settings after installation. Then restart the jenkins service.

Activation pending in CQ5

I have created a test page in the Geometrixx site in CQ5. I can see the page very well on 4502 port (author environment). But when I activate the page to see it on the 4503 port (Publish environment) , I always see the yellow colored icon in front of the page on console which on hover says 'Activation pending. #1 in Queue'
Is there some workflow attached to it ? If so, how can I check it out and probably kill it (for now) ? Or is there some other reason ?
The default replication queue settings points to localhost:4503. If your publish instance is not located on the same machine as the author instance (which is common), you will need to change the settings to point to a valid publish instance. Once a valid publish instance is configured the items queued for activation should get processed and the icons will change from yellow to green.
If the queue is blocked, you can clear it by:
going to /etc/replication/
Clicking on the default replication agent.
Then clicking on 'clear' above the queue. This will clear the entire
If you want to clear one or more specific items in the queue, you can select
them then click clear.
This page has a few steps on troubleshooting replication agents:
This page has some general information about replication agents: from Author to Publish
You can inspect the replication queues at
The default agent is
From here you can test the connection, view the log, and see what's in the queue. You can also clear the queue or force retry.
there is a way to see a "final View" of your test page without to publish: wcmmode=disabled
http:// localhost: 4502/cf#/content/geometrixx/folder/test.html
Just delete /cf# and add ?wcmmode=disabled after the extension.
http:// localhost: 4502/content/geometrixx/folder/test.html?wcmmode=disabled
One thing not explicitly mentioned so far: You need TWO instances of AEM running. Ports 4502 and 4503 don't point to different modes of the same instance, as AEM only listens to the one port (in general). So you will need to copy your Author jar to a new directory and name it something like cq5-publish-4503.jar
In addition, you may need to update your maven pom files for code deploys. You CAN set installed bundles on author to auto replicate/publish however.

"URL not found" error at my localhost setup of TYPO3 website.

I have setup TYPO3 successfully on my local server. But I am having problem when clicking on any menu item: It's showing "url not found on server".
When I type in the URL manually into the browser it shows the page. It's only having problems when redirecting after clicking on a page item at any frontend website page.
That might be related to the domain config or RealURL... or both ;)
Do you use RealURL? Or do you use the standard url config?
If links to sub pages look like index.php?id=12345 you are using the standard config.
My guess is that the local DNS ("hosts file") is not configured correctly.
With the hosts file you can simulate how the web site will appear when it's online, hooked up to a "real/global" DNS. (Not quite, but in a nutshell)
So if you set up Typo3 to be reached under you need to tell your local DNS ("hosts file") to route a request to to your local host e.g. . In that case your host file needs an entry like so:
What Domain do you enter to reach your web site? Where do the links from the menu link to?
If you wanna know mor about the "hosts file" look here:
If you can log in into the TYPO3 backend (/typo3/) and can access the frondend through /index.php, but not through the generated menu links, then RewriteRules for mod_rewrite don't apply.
Usually TYPO3's installer should detect this configuration and disable RealURL, which is responsible for generating such nice looking URLs (instead of index.php?id=123). It seems like this failed (or you copied everything afterwards without the .htaccess file?).
Make sure that you have TYPO3's .htaccess file in place in the root directory of your installation. If this is the case, make sure that mod_rewrite is enabled in your Apache config.