'User is missing the Overall/Read permission' error with Jenkins GitHub OAuth Plugin - github

I'm using the github oauth plugin for our logins but for all of our users in the Organisation I get an error:
Access Denied
<user> is missing the Overall/Read permission
I have tried everything I can possibly think of to try to make this work and I'm probably going to fallback to making everyone an admin user, which i would prefer not to do.
Any advise would be appreciated.

This is how I resolved the authentication problem:
Edit config.xml file, e.g.
sudo vi /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
Change useSecurity element's value to false, e.g.
Remove authorizationStrategy block
Restart Jenkins: /etc/init.d/jenkins restart.
Access Jenkins through URL as usual and reconfigure security again.

I had the same problem with "... is missing the Overall/Read permission" on Jenkins (1.651.2) with activated Credentials Plugin.
But it was my own failure: I only configured the user on project side (by credential plugin) but missed to configure the global security.
So I fixed it by selecting:
Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security
And did setup missing global settings (or project matrix based one)

Have you followed this step, from the plugin page?
Control user authorization (i.e. who is allowed to see the jobs and build them) using the Github Commiter Authorization Strategy
Also, make sure you actually allow authenticated users to access Jenkins
Under Jenkins global configuration, under Authorization, add user/group called authenticated
Give that group Overall Read permission
The group should show up with a "group" icon (two users), as opposed to single user icon.

reset from <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> to <useSecurity>false</useSecurity> in config.xml and set the permission again.

Edit file /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml and add the following lines :
<authorizationStrategy class="hudson.security.ProjectMatrixAuthorizationStrategy">
Restart Jenkins

What I did when I got this error is to edit config.xml as mentionned by other users and correctly re-add my username in LOWERCASE in "configureSecurity" Jenkins' page. I was using "KrustyHack" when adding permissions but it didn't work. I had to add "krustyhack" instead, and it worked.
I hope it helps.

I had the same problem here, but it affected only some users, not all of them. Anyway, you should check public organization membership : documentation of the plugin states that "You have to be a public member of the organization for the authorization to work correctly." (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Github+OAuth+Plugin).
Follow instructions from GitHub (https://help.github.com/articles/publicizing-or-hiding-organization-membership/) in order to make organization membership public, and this might fix your issue.

Also check the case user names in the authorizationStrategy element. I made my new user's name lower case and restarted the service and it the error went away.

Fix it by these 2 shell commands on the server (sudo permission is required):
sudo ex +g/useSecurity/d +g/authorizationStrategy/d -scwq /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins restart
This will remove useSecurity and authorizationStrategy lines from your config file.
See also: Disable security at Jenkins website

We hit this same error when a github organization administrator changed the organization's settings for "Third-party access" to "restrict third-party application access". Reverting to the previous settings within the github organization resolved the problem.
See github oauth-app-access-restrictions for details on how to configure that properly.

The assignment of roles to users is stored in config.xml file. Add the ID of the user directly to the role and then restart Jenkins.
In my case, I have a role named editor and a bunch of users assigned to the role.
<role name="editor" pattern=".*">

The matrix security is not terribly clear. I am a member of a specific group in our org that has admin privileges however I am also an authenticated user. I would think that the one group super-cedes the other however I have to have both in order to actually log into the system and be admin. It's screwed up IMO.

go to your-jenkins-host:port/role-strategy/assign-roles and configure roles for the user

I had the same problem before,
your OAuth application need your organization owner's approve,
then the OAuth Plugin can access the private data in it

I am using Crowd 2 plugin and I have the same problem.
I fixed it by downgrading OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin from varsion 1.2 to version 1.1 and then changing Markup Formatter in Configure Global Security value to Raw HTML, before it was Plain text.

I had exactly the same problem and adding the plugin Role Strategy Plugin fixed the problem.
All I had to do was install the plugin, create two groups - admin / developer and then add users to the groups.
A much much better solution than recreating the whole permissions matrix :)

I had a similar problem I was not able access Jenkin account and the system was locked.
I had only an error message. "Access Denied "
When I tried to reinstall Jenkins then it prompted to Repair option.
By clicking Repair option it fixed the problem.

Go to $JENKINS_HOME (linux, jenkins in windows), and find config.xml file.
Open this file in the editor. (take backup of .jenkins home)
Look for the <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> element in this file.
Replace "true" with "false"
Remove the elements authorizationStrategy and securityRealm
Start Jenkins

I found it in
Jenkins Version: 2.319.2

Instead of removing all security (the top answer), Add admin access as root, to the user you want to give admin to. We had the same issue where all admins were no longer with the company. This is how I resolved the authentication problem: I logged into:
jenkins#<jenkins server>:/var/lib/jenkins/
Edit config.xml file, and add a config for
Then restart Jenkins:
root#<jenkins server>:/$ /etc/init.d/jenkins restart

Just use Jenkins > Configure Global Security bottom page matrix to provide permissions to the user (start w/ read)

I edited the /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml file and replaced the
<authorizationStrategy class="hudson.security.FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy">
It is the default settings after installation. Then restart the jenkins service.


BigSheets - java.io.IOException: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException

I'm unable to browse data with BigSheets on BigInsights on Cloud. When I select a file and change the Reader type, I receive the exception (see screenshot, below).
I was previously able to browse data ok.
Have you logged into BigSheets as a biadmin user ? I think there is some permission issue since you are trying to access the file created by biadmin (/user/biadmin).
One option to confirm is, login to bigsheets as biadmin and try the same.
You can try doing impersonation of biadmin user and try your scenario.
Login to Ambari UI, then go to HDFS --> Config --> Advanced --> Custom core-site
Update or Add the property
The solution for me was to restart the BigX services in the Ambari console.

Github - Failed to clone/remote sync or clone or any github activity

I have github on Windows-7. The github doesn't seem to allow me to check in code as something is messed up.
I did try changing the credentials & so forth by looking up online but nothing seems to work.
I still see the Bad credentials error alongside some wamp developer errors.
I don't know how wamp developer is related to GitHub.
I did have WAMP developer once upon a time on the PC.
The log file for the attempt is here: Github log file.
The error:
2016-03-22 12:44:50.7329|
ERROR|thread: 5|StartupLogging| MISSING PATH!!: 'C:\WampDeveloper\Components\Apache\bin'
That simply means your %PATH% currently reference one non-existent path: you could clean-up your environment variable PATH which is currently quite large.
This is not-blocking for GitHub Desktop though.
The other error is linked to a key previously used for:
Logged user r... off of host 'https://<server_url>'
When that key "C:\Users\ffgr.ghjk\.ssh\github_rsa" is used to authenticate to github.com does not work.
Make sure that key (the public one github_rsa.pub) is added to your GitHub account: "Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account"

AEM Error with ExternalLoginModule

I created author AEM6 on localhost:4504.
When I load any page on the server, I have a lot of the following errors:
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authentication.external.impl.ExternalLoginModule No IDP found with name cortexCSR. Will not be used for login.
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authentication.external.impl.ExternalLoginModule No IDP found with name cortex. Will not be used for login.
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authentication.external.impl.ExternalLoginModule No IDP found with name ldap. Will not be used for login.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
It sounds like you may have an instance that is configured for LDAP authentication. Check these URLs to see if that is the case.
Go to http://localhost:4504/system/console/configMgr and search for "ExternalLoginModule" or "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak" and then edit the config to see what is set for any items you find. It sounds like you have an ExternalLoginModuleFactory configured to look for an LDAPIdentityProvider that hasn't been configured. Most likely you need to add the configuration for the providers. See https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/administer/security/ldap-config.html for info on how to configure those. It could be that there is an OSGI config file that is runmode specific, so if your localhost isn't running with the same runmode it would not have applied the configuration in that case.
Also see http://abani-behera.blogspot.com/2014/07/ldap-integration-with-aem6-osgi-config.html for more details.

Railo cannot add event gateway under service in web admin

I am working on a railo server. I can run the web admin from localhost/railo-context/admin/web.cfm and www.mydomain.com/railo-context/admin/web.cfm. Both of them are showing individual settings. But the local one allows me to add an event gateway. When I added one, it lists the added instance above the add form. But in the other one, the form get submits and it is not listing anything. i am not sure it is added or not. Also I am not sure both the admin console are running from a same folder. Can anyone advice me on this?
I also had the same issue.Please check your application.cfc and check for any onrequest codes.In my case I renamed my application.cfc and it worked as the application.cfc variables got reset.

Eclipse issue proxy connection: unable to save secure preferences

Hi, as shown in screeshot, eclipse fails while saving the secure preferences file. Already tried to give 777 access to those folders (the fact that folder shown under Security -> secure storage -> Contents, as Storage Location didn't even exist, so I created it with a mkdir and I gave it 777 access.
But when, after filling, I click on apply than ok HTTP and HTTPS datas abour user and password are not saved!
Try changing the default secure storage location to something you know eclipse has write permissions for already. (Something like a sub-folder of your current workspace ?)
You can change the default location, by adding the following to your eclipse.ini :
Hope that helps !!
Known bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=286354#c1
When I renamed file C:\Documents and Settings\.eclipse\org.eclipse.equinox.security\secure_storage
Saving the password worked again.
window -> preferences-> general -> Security -> Secure storage-> ‘master password providers’
select ‘windows integration’ & click change password.
I solved it by installing Proxy+ so I putted in my password and username an provided localhost:4480 as proxy (a simple way to bypass but not really solve the problem :) )
First, verify if Eclipse Proxy configured correctly:
Access Preferences via Window, Preferences Then expand General, then Security. Click on Secure Storage.
In the Contents tab, expand the [Default Secure Storage] list. Verify there are settings there for: org.eclipse.core.net.proxy.auth with settings for HTTP. You may also see you Git credentials.
You can attempt to recover your Eclipse Secure Storage password on the Password tab using Recover Password using the challenge prompts. If it fails, then you may need to delete your Secure Store to "reset" the secure storage.
select org.eclipse.equinox.secure.storage and click Delete.
You will then get prompted to set up your secure store and the password recovery challenge questions.