How to test Actors values with a factory as receiver - scala

Let say I have an actor called TestedActor wich is able to save an Int value and send it back as follow:
class TestedActor extends Actor {
override def receive = receive(0)
def receive(number: Int): Receive = {
case new_number: Int => context.become(receive(new_number))
case ("get", ref: ActorRef) => ref ! number
In my test, I would like to be able to get this Integer and test it.
So i've been thinking about creating something like:
class ActorsSpecs extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
case class TestingPositive(testedActor: ActorRef) extends Actor {
override def receive = {
case number: Int => checkNumber(number)
case "get" => testedActor ! ("get", self)
def checkNumber(number: Int) = {
number should be > 0
implicit val system = ActorSystem("akka-stream")
implicit val flowMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
val testedActor = system.actorOf(Props[TestedActor], name = "testedActor")
val testingActor = system.actorOf(Props(new TestingPositive(testedActor)), name = "testingActor")
testingActor ! "get"
This way, i'm able to create this TestingPositive actor, to get the number in the TestedActor and test it in checkNumber.
It seems to be working well, my problem is :
When the test fail, it raise an exception in the actor thread, I can see what went wrong in the console, but it is still saying that all my tests succeeded. Because (I think) the main thread is not aware of this failure.
Does someone knows an easier way than all of this TestingActor stuff?
Or any solution to tell the main thread that it failed?
Thank you

Take a look at using TestKit docs here. You can write a much simpler test for your actor. See how you like this test:
import{Props, ActorSystem}
import akka.testkit.{TestProbe, TestKit}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FlatSpecLike, ShouldMatchers}
class ActorSpecs extends TestKit(ActorSystem("TestSystem"))
with FlatSpecLike
with ShouldMatchers
with BeforeAndAfterAll {
override def afterAll = {
def fixtures = new {
val caller = TestProbe()
val actorUnderTest = system.actorOf(Props[TestedActor], name = "testedActor")
"The TestedActor" should "pass a good test" in {
val f = fixtures; import f._
caller.send(actorUnderTest, 42)
caller.send(actorUnderTest, ("get", caller.ref))
"The TestedActor" should "fail a bad test" in {
val f = fixtures; import f._
caller.send(actorUnderTest, 42)
caller.send(actorUnderTest, ("get", caller.ref))
caller.expectMsg("this won't work")
Also, you should know about sender. While your get certainly works, a cleaner approach might be to reply to the sending actor:
def receive(number: Int): Receive = {
case new_number: Int => context.become(receive(new_number))
case "get" => sender ! number
And the test becomes:
"The TestedActor" should "pass a good test" in {
val f = fixtures; import f._
caller.send(actorUnderTest, 42)
caller.send(actorUnderTest, "get")
And finally, I'll shamelessly plug my recent blog post about maintaining an akka code base with my team. I feel morally obligated to give a new hAkker an opportunity to read it. :)


In Akka, how do I manage blocking method calls, like reading from StdIn?

I'm beginning to using Scala and the AKKA pattern, and i have wrote this code, but it doesn't work and i don't know why...
I have created a little project that read user input from the console.
when this user have wrote a 'keyword', the keyWord Actor (Child) will interpret it and will communicate with the console Actor (Grand parent).
the action Actor will be use to broadcast and do some more stuff.
When i enter the command 'rename' in the console Actor, i enter into the action Actor and after that in the keyWord Actor and enter in the Rename Method, but after that nothing, i didn't enter into the rename method on the console Actor.
Can you help me ?
If you saw any wrong pratice, please don't hesite to tell me how to resolve that :).
Thank you !
import ConsoleActor._
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("My-Little-IRC")
val consoleActor = system.actorOf(ConsoleActor.props, "consoleActor")
consoleActor ! ReadConsoleInput
import ActionActor.TreatInputUser
import{Actor, Props}
object ConsoleActor {
case class ReadConsoleInput()
case class StopLoop()
case class Rename()
case class WhoIAm()
def props = Props[ConsoleActor]
class ConsoleActor() extends Actor {
val keyWordActor = context.actorOf(KeyWordActor.props(this.self), "keyWordActor")
val actionActor = context.actorOf(ActionActor.props(keyWordActor), "actionActor")
var currentUser: String = ""
var loop: Boolean = true;
import ConsoleActor._
def isValidString( str: String ): Boolean = {
var isValid: Boolean = false
if (str != null && !str.trim().isEmpty)
isValid = true
def initiatePresentation( ) = {
println("Hi ! Who are you ?")
currentUser = StdIn.readLine()
println(s"Nice to meet you ${currentUser}, I'm your console app !")
def receive = {
case ReadConsoleInput => {
var value = ""
while (loop) {
println("Yes ?")
value = StdIn.readLine()
if (isValidString(value)) {
actionActor ! TreatInputUser(value)
case StopLoop => {
println("stop Loooop !")
loop = false
case Rename => {
println(s"${currentUser} was a good name ! Which is your new name ?")
currentUser = StdIn.readLine()
println(s"Nice to meet you -again- ${currentUser}")
case WhoIAm =>{
println(s"I'm ${currentUser}")
import ActionActor.TreatInputUser
import{Actor, ActorRef, Props}
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.pattern.ask
import scala.concurrent.Await
object ActionActor {
case class TreatInputUser(string: String)
def props(keyWordActor: ActorRef) = Props(new ActionActor(keyWordActor))
class ActionActor(keyWordActor: ActorRef) extends Actor {
import KeyWordActor._
def receive = {
case TreatInputUser(string) => {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
var isKeyWord = keyWordActor ? IsKeyWord(string)
val isKeyWordResult = Await.result(isKeyWord, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[ Boolean ]
if (isKeyWordResult) {
keyWordActor ! HandleKeyWord(string)
else {
println("bla bla bla")
keyWord actor
import ConsoleActor.{Rename, StopLoop, WhoIAm}
import{Actor, ActorRef, Props}
object KeyWordActor {
case class IsKeyWord(key : String)
case class HandleKeyWord(key : String)
def props(consoleActor: ActorRef) = Props(new KeyWordActor(consoleActor))
class KeyWordActor(consoleActor: ActorRef) extends Actor {
import KeyWordActor._
val KeysWord : Map[ String, ()=> Any] = Map("rename" -> renameFunction, "stop" -> stopFunction, "42" -> uselessfunction, "john doe ?" -> AmIJohnDoe)
def renameFunction() = {
consoleActor ! Rename
def stopFunction() = {
consoleActor ! StopLoop
def uselessfunction() = {
def AmIJohnDoe() ={
consoleActor ! WhoIAm
def receive = {
case IsKeyWord(key) => {
sender ! KeysWord.contains(key.toLowerCase)
case HandleKeyWord(key) => {
if (KeysWord.contains(key.toLowerCase)) {
You must not block in the receive method. The way you wrote it (with a while loop), the initial ReadConsoleInput message never finishes processing, and any subsequent messages (like StopLoop) will sit untouched in the Actor mailbox forever.
If you must selectively read from StdIn (as opposed to just continuously reading in e.g. your Main class) then one approach could be to change your ConsoleActor so that when it receives a ReadConsoleInput message, it should just try to do StdIn.readLine once, and forward the result to the ActionActor. Since the StdIn.readLine call itself is also blocking, you should do it asynchronously. The "pipe" pattern comes in handy here:
import akka.pattern.pipe
import scala.concurrent.Future
def receive = {
case ReadConsoleInput =>
import context.dispatcher //provide a thread pool to do async work
Future(StdIn.readLine()) //read a line of input asynchronously
.filter(isValidString) //only continue if line is valid
.map(TreatInputUser) //wrap the (valid) String in a message
.pipeTo(actionActor) //forward it
case Rename => ...
This way, the ConsoleActor immediately becomes available again to process new messages, while your ActionActor will receive a TreatInputUser message whenever the user finishes typing a line in the console.
You can apply the same pattern inside your ActionActor, instead of relying on Await.
If you want to close the loop so you can continue sending messages, I'd use behaviour to ensure that two StdIn.readLine calls are not interfering.

Implement Actor model without Akka in Scala

I am doing my small research that implement Actor without Akka
I found one implementation of Actor in Scala. (How to implement actor model without Akka?)
It's very simple. Because I have not enough reputation to add the comment, so I create this question.
I wonder if I use Actor like below.
1/ How can I shutdown that actor from main thread?
2/ How can I add feature similar to Akka, like parent actor, kill request, and become method?
import scala.concurrent._
trait Actor[T] {
implicit val context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1))
def receive: T => Unit
def !(m: T) = Future { receive(m) }
This is my own example when trying to adapt the above code snippet
import scala.concurrent._
* Created by hminle on 10/21/2016.
trait Message
case class HelloMessage(hello: String) extends Message
case class GoodByeMessage(goodBye: String) extends Message
object State extends Enumeration {
type State = Value
val Waiting, Running, Terminating = Value
trait Actor[T] {
implicit val context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1))
private var state: State.State = State.Waiting
def handleMessage: T => Unit ={
if(state == State.Waiting) handleMessageWhenWaiting
else if(state == State.Running) handleMessageWhenRunning
else handleMessageWhenTerminating
def !(m: T) = Future {handleMessage(m)}
def handleMessageWhenWaiting: T => Unit
def handleMessageWhenRunning: T => Unit
def handleMessageWhenTerminating: T => Unit
def transitionTo(destinationState: State.State): Unit = {
this.state = destinationState
class Component1 extends Actor[Message]{
def handleMessageWhenRunning = {
case HelloMessage(hello) => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + hello)
case GoodByeMessage(goodBye) => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + goodBye)
def handleMessageWhenWaiting = {
case m => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " I am waiting, I am not ready to run")
def handleMessageWhenTerminating = {
case m => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " I am terminating, I cannot handle any message")
//need to shutdown here
class Component2(component1: Actor[Message]) extends Actor[Message]{
def handleMessageWhenRunning = {
case HelloMessage(hello) => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + hello)
component1 ! HelloMessage("hello 1")
case GoodByeMessage(goodBye) => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + goodBye)
component1 ! GoodByeMessage("goodbye 1")
def handleMessageWhenWaiting = {
case m => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " I am waiting, I am not ready to run")
def handleMessageWhenTerminating = {
case m => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " I am terminating, I cannot handle any message")
//need to shutdown here
object ActorExample extends App {
val a = new Component1
val b = new Component2(a)
b ! HelloMessage("hello World 2")
b ! HelloMessage("hello World 2, 2nd")
b ! GoodByeMessage("Good bye 2")
You can look at Actor model implementation in scalazand take ideas from it, source code in scalaz actor is easier for insight than akka. You have freedom of choice about architecture: you can use mailboxes based on ConcurrentLinkedQueue like in Akka, use CAS for AtomicReffernce like in scalaz, in your case you use Future mechanism. IMO, you must write a context of your actor system, so solve first and second items in your question it's the variant of ActorContext:
val contextStack = new ThreadLocal[List[ActorContext]]
and shutdown can look like this:
case Kill ⇒ throw new ActorKilledException("Kill")
case PoisonPill ⇒ self.stop()
2. For storing parent actor and similar task, you must store reference on them:
def parent: ActorRef
it's hard to say about advantages of every technique (CAS, mailboxes), it's possible variants to your research.

Testing Spray API with Akka Router

I'm working on a Spray API, with an Akka router to send the incoming messages on to a pool of actors for handling the logic. Now I want to write some tests for the API, but I'm struggling to find the right structure for the code. The API looks as follows at the moment:
import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props, Actor}
import akka.routing.SmallestMailboxPool
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.pattern.ask
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import spray.json._
import spray.can.Http
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import spray.routing._
import spray.http._
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Failure
object implicits{
implicit val system = ActorSystem("ApiSystem")
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5.seconds)
implicit val conf = ConfigFactory.load()
// Custom case class for parsing JSON parameter.
case class Msg(key1:String, key2:String, key3:Int)
object JsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val msg = jsonFormat3(Msg)
case class PostMsg(msg:String)
case object PostSuccess
case class PostFailure(msg:String)
import implicits._
object MyApi extends App {
override def main(Args: Array[String]):Unit = {
// create and start our service actor
val service = system.actorOf(Props(new MyApiActor(system)), "MyApi-service")
IO(Http) ? Http.Bind(service, interface = conf.getString(""), port = conf.getInt("http.port"))
class MyApiActor(system: ActorSystem) extends Actor with MyApiService {
// the HttpService trait defines only one abstract member, which
// connects the services environment to the enclosing actor or test
def actorRefFactory = context
// this actor only runs our route, but you could add
// other things here, like request stream processing
// or timeout handling
def receive = runRoute(myRoute)
// this trait defines our service behavior independently from the service actor
trait MyApiService extends HttpService {
import implicits.JsonProtocol._
var actorPool = system.actorOf(SmallestMailboxPool(conf.getInt("actor-number")).props(Props(new HandlingActor(conf))), "msgRouter")
val myRoute =
path("msg") {
post {
entity(as[String]) { obj =>
// if this parsing succeeds, the posted msg satisfies the preconditions set.
} catch {
case e: DeserializationException => {
complete(HttpResponse(status=StatusCodes.BadRequest, entity="Invalid json provided."))
case e: Exception => {
complete(HttpResponse(status=StatusCodes.InternalServerError, entity="Unknown internal server error."))
onComplete(actorPool ? PostMsg(obj)) {
case Success(value) => complete(HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.OK, entity = "Pushed Msg"))
case Failure(value) => complete(HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.InternalServerError, entity = "Handling failed."))
What I would like to test is the response of the API to various HTTP messages (i.e. correct calls, incorrect calls etc.). The logic in the handling actor is simply to push the message to a Kafka bus, so I would like to "mock" this behaviour (i.e. be able to test the API response if this push succeeds and also what happens when this push fails).
The thing I'm struggling with most at the moment is how to setup the test. For now, I am setting up the API using the same commands as in the main method shown, but I need to specify a different actorPool, as I don't want any messages to actually be pushed. How should I best go about achieving such tests?
I am using Scalatest, with the Akka and Spray testkit. (plus possibly mockito for mocking if necessary)
I have few suggestions to make your testing easier:
Do not create the actor pool in your trait. Instead inject the ActorRef from the ActorPool using a def instead of a val in the route. Then it will be easier to inject your actorPool TestProbe() to test. For example (I have not tried/compiled this code):
class MyApiActor extends Actor with MyApiService {
// the HttpService trait defines only one abstract member, which
// connects the services environment to the enclosing actor or test
def actorRefFactory = context
val actorPool = context.actorOf(SmallestMailboxPool(conf.getInt("actor-number")).props(Props(new HandlingActor(conf))), "msgRouter")
// this actor only runs our route, but you could add
// other things here, like request stream processing
// or timeout handling
def receive = runRoute(myRoute(actorPool))
// this trait defines our service behavior independently from the service actor
trait MyApiService extends HttpService {
import implicits.JsonProtocol._
def myRoute(actorPool: ActorRef) =
path("msg") {
post {
entity(as[String]) { obj =>
// if this parsing succeeds, the posted msg satisfies the preconditions set.
} catch {
case e: DeserializationException => {
complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest, "Invalid json provided.")
case e: Exception => {
complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, "Unknown internal server error.")
onComplete(actorPool ? PostMsg(obj)) {
case Success(value) => complete(StatusCodes.OK, "Pushed Msg")
case Failure(value) => complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, "Handling failed.")
Then the test can look like this:
class HttpListenerSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers with ScalatestRouteTest with MyApiService {
"An HttpListener" should {
"accept GET at /msg" in {
val actorPool = TestProbe()
(stuff for responding with TestProbe()...)
Get("/msg") ~> myRoute(actorPool.ref) ~> check {
status shouldBe OK
val response = responseAs[String]
Also, as a final suggestion. There are implicit conversions that integrate spray json and spray so you can do entity(as[Msg]). Look for the following:
import spray.httpx.marshalling._
import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
import MsgJsonProtocol._

Testing Akka Typed behavior

How would I test that a given behavior sends the messages I expect?
Say, three messages of some type, one after the other...
With regular actors (untyped) there was the TestProbe from regular Akka with methods like expectedMsg:
With akka-typed I'm scratching my head still. There is something called EffectfulActorContext, but I've no idea how to use that.
Say I am writing a simple PingPong service, that given a number n replies with Pong(n) n-times. So:
-> Ping(2)
-> Ping(0)
# nothing
-> Ping(1)
Here is how this behavior might look:
case class Ping(i: Int, replyTo: ActorRef[Pong])
case class Pong(i: Int)
val pingPong: Behavior[Ping] = {
Static {
case Ping(i, replyTo) => (0 until i.max(0)).map(_=> replyTo ! Pong(i))
My Hack
Now since I can't figure out how to make this work, the "hack" that I am doing right now is making the actor always reply with a list of responses. So the behavior is:
case class Ping(i: Int, replyTo: ActorRef[List[Pong]])
case class Pong(i: Int)
val pingPong: Behavior[Ping] = {
Static {
case Ping(i, replyTo) => replyTo ! (0 until i.max(0)).map(_=>Pong(i)).toList
Given this hacky change, the tester is easy to write:
package com.test
import akka.typed.AskPattern._
import akka.typed.ScalaDSL._
import akka.typed.{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Behavior, Props}
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.test.PingPong.{Ping, Pong}
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
object PingPongTester {
/* Expect that the given messages arrived in order */
def expectMsgs(i: Int, msgs: List[Pong]) = {
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 5 seconds
val pingPongBe: ActorSystem[Ping] = ActorSystem("pingPongTester", Props(PingPong.pingPong))
val futures: Future[List[Pong]] = pingPongBe ? (Ping(i, _))
for {
pongs <- futures
done <- {
for ((actual, expected) <- {
assert(actual == expected, s"Expected $expected, but received $actual")
assert(pongs.size == msgs.size, s"Expected ${msgs.size} messages, but received ${pongs.size}")
} Await.ready(pingPongBe.whenTerminated, 5 seconds)
object PingPong {
case class Ping(i: Int, replyTo: ActorRef[List[Pong]])
case class Pong(i: Int)
val pingPong: Behavior[Ping] = {
Static {
case Ping(i, replyTo) => replyTo ! (0 until i.max(0)).map(_=>Pong(i)).toList
class MainSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"PingPong" should "reply with empty when Pinged with zero" in {
PingPongTester.expectMsgs(0, List.empty)
it should "reply once when Pinged with one" in {
PingPongTester.expectMsgs(1, List(Pong(1)))
it should "reply with empty when Pinged with negative" in {
PingPongTester.expectMsgs(-1, List.empty)
it should "reply with as many pongs as Ping requested" in {
PingPongTester.expectMsgs(5, List(Pong(5), Pong(5), Pong(5), Pong(5), Pong(5)))
I'm using EffectfulActorContext for testing my Akka typed actors and here is an untested example based on your question.
Note: I'm also using the guardianactor provided in the Akka-typed test cases.
class Test extends TypedSpec{
val system = ActorSystem("actor-system", Props(guardian()))
val ctx: EffectfulActorContext[Ping] = new EffectfulActorContext[Ping]("ping", Ping.props(), system)
//This will send the command to Ping Actor
//This should get you the inbox of the Pong created inside the Ping actor.
val pongInbox = ctx.getInbox("pong")
val pongMessages = pongInbox.receiveAll()
pongMessages.size should be(1) //1 or whatever number of messages you expect
Edit (Some more info): Cases where I need to add a replyTo ActorRef in my messages I do the following:
case class Pong(replyTo: ActorRef[Response])
val responseInbox: SyncInbox[Response] = Inbox.sync[Response]("responseInbox")
My initial approach to testing was to extend Behavior class
class TestQueueBehavior[Protocol] extends Behavior[Protocol] {
val messages: BlockingQueue[Protocol] = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Protocol]()
val behavior: Protocol => Unit = {
(p: Protocol) => messages.put(p)
def pollMessage(timeout: FiniteDuration = 3.seconds): Protocol = {
messages.poll(timeout.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
override def management(ctx: ActorContext[Protocol], msg: Signal): Behavior[Protocol] = msg match {
case _ ⇒ ScalaDSL.Unhandled
override def message(ctx: ActorContext[Protocol], msg: Protocol): Behavior[Protocol] = msg match {
case p =>
then I could call behavior.pollMessage(2.seconds) shouldBe somethingToCompareTo which was very similar to using TestProbe.
Although I think EffectfulActorContext is the right way to go, unfortunately couldn't figure out how to properly use it.

Scala pass function args through to case class copy constructor?

I have some (Akka) actor code that is using a case class + the copy constructor to update state:
def foo(state:StateCaseClass) : Receive = {
import state._
case Bar(updates) =>
context become foo(copy(/* change a limited number of things */))
// ... other message processing w/ lots of context become foo(copy(...))
I'd like to add below the import
def update = context become foo(copy(_))
so that the code can be
def foo(state:StateCaseClass) : Receive = {
import state._
def update = context become foo(copy(_))
case Bar(updates) =>
update(/* change a limited number of things */)
// ... etc
but that doesn't compile. I can of course tweak the def update a bit to get rid of most of boilerplate, but the copy still sticks around:
def foo(state:StateCaseClass) : Receive = {
import state._
def update(newState:StateCaseClass) = context become foo(newState)
case Bar(updates) =>
update(copy(/* change a limited number of things */))
// ... etc
Is there comparable syntax that will let me pass through the args to the case class copy constructor and dry out that last bit?
Disclaimer: I guess the best solution is to use context become explicitly. And I don't recommend you to use the code below.
I guess it's impossible without metaprogramming (macros). You have to create a method with default values for named parameters.
You could always create such method manually like this:
def update(filed1: Int = state.field1, field2: String = state.field2) =
context become foo(StateCaseClass(filed1, filed2))
update(field1 = 0)
update(field2 = "str")
But I guess it's not what you want.
The only way to get such method without metaprogramming is... to use method copy itself. Method copy calls constructor and you could call become in constructor.
The code below works, but I strongly don't recommend you to use it! It's a cryptocode and it will confuse all other developers.
trait ReceiveHelper extends PartialFunction[Any, Unit] {
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit]
override def apply(v: Any) = receive(v)
override def isDefinedAt(v: Any) = receive isDefinedAt v
sealed trait TestActorMessage
case object Get extends TestActorMessage
case class SetInt(i: Int) extends TestActorMessage
case class SetString(s: String) extends TestActorMessage
class TestActor extends Actor {
case class Behaviour(intField: Int, strField: String) extends ReceiveHelper {
context become this
val receive: Receive = {
case Get => sender ! (intField -> strField)
case SetInt(i) => copy(intField = i)
case SetString(s) => copy(strField = s)
def receive = Behaviour(0, "init")
val system = ActorSystem("testSystem")
val testActor = system.actorOf(Props[TestActor], "testActor")
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
testActor ? Get foreach println
// (0,init)
testActor ! SetInt(666)
testActor ? Get foreach println
// (666,init)
testActor ! SetString("next")
testActor ? Get foreach println
// (666,next)