Implement Actor model without Akka in Scala - scala

I am doing my small research that implement Actor without Akka
I found one implementation of Actor in Scala. (How to implement actor model without Akka?)
It's very simple. Because I have not enough reputation to add the comment, so I create this question.
I wonder if I use Actor like below.
1/ How can I shutdown that actor from main thread?
2/ How can I add feature similar to Akka, like parent actor, kill request, and become method?
import scala.concurrent._
trait Actor[T] {
implicit val context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1))
def receive: T => Unit
def !(m: T) = Future { receive(m) }
This is my own example when trying to adapt the above code snippet
import scala.concurrent._
* Created by hminle on 10/21/2016.
trait Message
case class HelloMessage(hello: String) extends Message
case class GoodByeMessage(goodBye: String) extends Message
object State extends Enumeration {
type State = Value
val Waiting, Running, Terminating = Value
trait Actor[T] {
implicit val context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1))
private var state: State.State = State.Waiting
def handleMessage: T => Unit ={
if(state == State.Waiting) handleMessageWhenWaiting
else if(state == State.Running) handleMessageWhenRunning
else handleMessageWhenTerminating
def !(m: T) = Future {handleMessage(m)}
def handleMessageWhenWaiting: T => Unit
def handleMessageWhenRunning: T => Unit
def handleMessageWhenTerminating: T => Unit
def transitionTo(destinationState: State.State): Unit = {
this.state = destinationState
class Component1 extends Actor[Message]{
def handleMessageWhenRunning = {
case HelloMessage(hello) => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + hello)
case GoodByeMessage(goodBye) => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + goodBye)
def handleMessageWhenWaiting = {
case m => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " I am waiting, I am not ready to run")
def handleMessageWhenTerminating = {
case m => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " I am terminating, I cannot handle any message")
//need to shutdown here
class Component2(component1: Actor[Message]) extends Actor[Message]{
def handleMessageWhenRunning = {
case HelloMessage(hello) => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + hello)
component1 ! HelloMessage("hello 1")
case GoodByeMessage(goodBye) => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + goodBye)
component1 ! GoodByeMessage("goodbye 1")
def handleMessageWhenWaiting = {
case m => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " I am waiting, I am not ready to run")
def handleMessageWhenTerminating = {
case m => {
println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " I am terminating, I cannot handle any message")
//need to shutdown here
object ActorExample extends App {
val a = new Component1
val b = new Component2(a)
b ! HelloMessage("hello World 2")
b ! HelloMessage("hello World 2, 2nd")
b ! GoodByeMessage("Good bye 2")

You can look at Actor model implementation in scalazand take ideas from it, source code in scalaz actor is easier for insight than akka. You have freedom of choice about architecture: you can use mailboxes based on ConcurrentLinkedQueue like in Akka, use CAS for AtomicReffernce like in scalaz, in your case you use Future mechanism. IMO, you must write a context of your actor system, so solve first and second items in your question it's the variant of ActorContext:
val contextStack = new ThreadLocal[List[ActorContext]]
and shutdown can look like this:
case Kill ⇒ throw new ActorKilledException("Kill")
case PoisonPill ⇒ self.stop()
2. For storing parent actor and similar task, you must store reference on them:
def parent: ActorRef
it's hard to say about advantages of every technique (CAS, mailboxes), it's possible variants to your research.


Is there a way to know the context of an Akka actor?

I have an actor with some contexts, i.e.
def step2: Receive = {
case _ => log error "Unhandled message"
def step1: Receive = {
case _ => log error "Unhandled message"
Is there a way to know on which state the actor currently is (step1, step2)?
(I could stock the value on a string but I wonder if there is a better way.)
If it not possible, I would like to understand why since this state should be kept somewhere.
You can use FSM. stateName gives the name of the state.
Ping the Actor with some special message handled in every state to send the stateName.
sealed trait ExampleState
case object State1 extends ExampleState
case object State2 extends ExampleState
case object C extends ExampleState
import{Actor, FSM}
import akka.event.EventHandler
import akka.util.duration._
case object Move
class ABC extends Actor with FSM[ExampleState, Unit] {
import FSM._
startWith(State1, Unit)
when(State1) {
case Ev(Move) =>, "Go to B and move on after 5 seconds")
goto(state2) forMax (5 seconds)
when(State2) {
case Ev(StateTimeout) =>, "Moving to C")
when(C) {
case Ev(Move) =>, "Stopping")
initialize // this checks validity of the initial state and sets up timeout if needed
Hacky Solution
Akka Actor does not store any specific information about the PartialFunction. So I don't think there will be a akka lib function readily available for this.
Have state inside the actor and then update the state when Actor tries to become something.
class FooBar extends Actor with ActorLogging {
var state: Option[String] = Some("receive")
override def receive: Receive = {
case _ => context become state1()
def state1: () => Receive = {
() => {
state = Some("state1")
case _ => log error "ignore"
def state2: () => Receive = {
() => {
state = Some("state2")
case _ => log error "ignore"

Akka: Future to Actor communication?

I have a system that spawns a single actor who will spawn many futures. Some of these futures will run into scenarios that need to spawn more futures (but tell the actor about it). How do I send a message from a future to an actor on the completion of the future's operations?
I've looked at the pipeTo documentation but I am having trouble referencing the actors in my system in my future class.
Here is what my Future class looks like:
class crawler(string: String) {
val status: Future[Boolean] = Future[Boolean] {
//Do something with content
println("I am a future working on cert crawling. My cert contents are: " + cert.content)
status onComplete {
case Success(true) =>
for(chars <- string.toCharArray) {
//send actor a message for each character of the string.
case Failure(t) => println("An error has occured: " + t.getMessage)
Where the actor's receive method does the following:
def receive = {
case c:Char => if(!certCache.containsKey(c)){
println("actor >>>> Need to begin crawl on " + c + ".")
sender() ! new crawler("give sender the future")
case _ => println("That's not the right input!")
And, my Actor is spawned like:
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
val actor = system.actorOf(Props[actorClass], name = "actor")
actor ! 'a'
You could dependency inject the ActorRef into your Future (not recommended, see Abstracted) :
//dependency injection of the ActorRef with a default value of noSender
class crawler(string : String, actorRef : ActorRef = ActorRef.noSender) {
status OnComplete {
//send each Char in string to the actorRef
case Success(true) => string.foreach(actorRef ! _)
Then in your Actor you can use self to pass the ActorRef into the crawler:
def receive = {
case c : Char => if(!certCache.containsKey(c)) {
sender() ! new crawler("give sender the future", self)
Further, you could abstract away the use of ActorRef entirely so that crawler doesn't need to know the details of messaging passing. This is the more "functional" approach which has the benefit of being extendable if you ever switch to Futures or even for reactive streams (see example):
//no akka imports or dependencies
class crawler(string : String, sendChar : (Char) => Unit) {
case Success(true) => string foreach sendChar
And in your Actor you can pass an anonymous function to crawler which sends a Char to the Actor via self:
def receive = {
case c : Char => if(!certCache.containsKey(c)) {
sender ! new crawler("give sender the future", self ! _)
You can even get robust and provide default "do nothing" behavior for your sendChar function:
class crawler(string : String, sendChar : (Char) => Unit = {_=>}) {
val crawler = crawler("foo") //still get regular Future behavior for status

akka: pattern for combining messages from multiple children

Here's the pattern I have come across:
An actor A has multiple children C1, ..., Cn. On receiving a message, A sends it to each of its children, which each do some calculation on the message, and on completion send it back to A. A would then like to combine the results of all the children to pass onto another actor.
What would a solution for this problem look like? Or is this an anti-pattern? In which case how should this problem be approached?
Here is a trivial example which hopefully illustrates my current solution. My concerns are that is duplicates code (up to symmetry); does not extend very well to 'lots' of children; and makes it quite hard to see what's going on.
import{Props, Actor}
case class Tagged[T](value: T, id: Int)
class A extends Actor {
import C1._
import C2._
val c1 = context.actorOf(Props[C1], "C1")
val c2 = context.actorOf(Props[C2], "C2")
var uid = 0
var c1Results = Map[Int, Int]()
var c2Results = Map[Int, Int]()
def receive = {
case n: Int => {
c1 ! Tagged(n, uid)
c2 ! Tagged(n, uid)
uid += 1
case Tagged(C1Result(n), id) => c2Results get id match {
case None => c1Results += (id -> n)
case Some(m) => {
c2Results -= id
context.parent ! (n, m)
case Tagged(C2Result(n), id) => c1Results get id match {
case None => c2Results += (id -> n)
case Some(m) => {
c1Results -= id
context.parent ! (m, n)
class C1 extends Actor {
import C1._
def receive = {
case Tagged(n: Int, id) => Tagged(C1Result(n), id)
object C1 {
case class C1Result(n: Int)
class C2 extends Actor {
import C2._
def receive = {
case Tagged(n: Int, id) => Tagged(C2Result(n), id)
object C2 {
case class C2Result(n: Int)
If you think the code looks god-awful, take it easy on me, I've just started learning akka ;)
In the case of many - or a varying number of - child actors, the ask pattern suggested by Zim-Zam will quickly get out of hand.
The aggregator pattern is designed to help with this kind of situation. It provides an Aggregator trait that you can use in an actor to perform your aggregation logic.
A client actor wanting to perform an aggregation can start an Aggregator based actor instance and send it a message that will kick off the aggregation process.
A new aggregator should be created for each aggregation operation and terminate on sending back the result (when it has received all responses or on a timeout).
An example of this pattern to sum integer values held by the actors represented by the Child class is listed below. (Note that there is no need for them to all be children supervised by the same parent actor: the SummationAggregator just needs a collection of ActorRefs.)
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.contrib.pattern.Aggregator
object Child {
def props(value: Int): Props = Props(new Child(value))
case object GetValue
case class GetValueResult(value: Int)
class Child(value: Int) extends Actor {
import Child._
def receive = { case GetValue => sender ! GetValueResult(value) }
object SummationAggregator {
def props = Props(new SummationAggregator)
case object TimedOut
case class StartAggregation(targets: Seq[ActorRef])
case object BadCommand
case class AggregationResult(sum: Int)
class SummationAggregator extends Actor with Aggregator {
import Child._
import SummationAggregator._
expectOnce {
case StartAggregation(targets) =>
// Could do what this handler does in line but handing off to a
// separate class encapsulates the state a little more cleanly
new Handler(targets, sender())
case _ =>
sender ! BadCommand
context stop self
class Handler(targets: Seq[ActorRef], originalSender: ActorRef) {
// Could just store a running total and keep track of the number of responses
// that we are awaiting...
var valueResults = Set.empty[GetValueResult]
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1.second, self, TimedOut)
expect {
case TimedOut =>
// It might make sense to respond with what we have so far if some responses are still awaited...
respondIfDone(respondAnyway = true)
if (targets.isEmpty)
targets.foreach { t =>
t ! GetValue
expectOnce {
case vr: GetValueResult =>
valueResults += vr
def respondIfDone(respondAnyway: Boolean = false) = {
if (respondAnyway || valueResults.size == targets.size) {
originalSender ! AggregationResult(valueResults.foldLeft(0) { case (acc, GetValueResult(v)) => acc + v })
context stop self
To use this SummationAggregator from your parent actor you could do:
context.actorOf(SummationAggregator.props) ! StartAggregation(children)
and then handle AggregationResult somewhere in the parent's receive.
You can use ? instead of ! on the child actors - this will cause the child actors to return a Future with their (eventual) results, i.e. everything is still non-blocking up until you Await the outcome of the Future. The parent actor can then compose these Futures and send it on to another actor - it will already know each Future's identity and so you won't need to worry about tagging each message so that you can put them back in order later. Here's a simple example where each child returns a random Double, and you want to divide the first child's return value by the second child's return value (i.e. order matters).
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import{Props, Actor}
import akka.pattern.{ask, pipe}
import akka.util.Timeout
class A extends Actor {
val c1 = context.actorOf(Props[C], "C1")
val c2 = context.actorOf(Props[C], "C2")
// The ask operation involves creating an internal actor for handling
// this reply, which needs to have a timeout after which it is
// destroyed in order not to leak resources; see more below.
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
def receive = {
case _ => {
val f1 = c1 ? "anything" // Future[Any]
val f2 = c2 ? "anything" // Future[Any]
val result: Future[Double] = for {
d1 <- f1.mapTo[Double]
d2 <- f2.mapTo[Double]
} yield d1 / d2
class C extends Actor {
def receive = {
case _ => // random Double

How to periodically execute an AKKA Actor's routine?

I need an actor to stop one of its children, so that I can possibly create a new actor with same name (UUID ?).
I've got an ActorSystem with one Actor child. And this child creates new actors with context.actorOf and When I try to stop one of these using context.stop, I observe that its postStop method is called as expected, but no matter how long I wait (seconds... minutes...), it never sends back the Terminated message to its creator (and watching) actor.
I read this in the AKKA documentation:
Since stopping an actor is asynchronous, you cannot immediately reuse the name of the child you just stopped; this will result in an InvalidActorNameException. Instead, watch the terminating actor and create its replacement in response to the Terminated message which will eventually arrive.
I don't care waiting for normal termination, but I really need actors to eventually terminate when asked to. Am I missing something ? Should I create actors directly from the system instead of from an actor ?
Here is my code :
object MyApp extends App {
def start() = {
val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
val supervisor = system.actorOf(Supervisor.props(), name = "Supervisor")
override def main(args: Array[String]) {
object Supervisor {
def props(): Props = Props(new Supervisor())
case class Supervisor() extends Actor {
private var actor: ActorRef = null
def newActor(name: String): ActorRef = {
try {
actor = context.actorOf(MyActor.props(name), name)
} catch {
case iane: InvalidActorNameException =>
println(name + " not terminated yet.")
def terminateActor() {
if (actor != null) context.stop(actor)
actor = null
def start() {
while (true) {
// do something
newActor("new name possibly same name as a previously terminated one")
override def receive = {
case Terminated(x) => println("Received termination confirmation: " + x)
case _ => println("Unexpected message.")
override def postStop = {
println("Supervisor called postStop().")
object MyActor {
def props(name: String): Props = Props(new MyActor(name))
case class MyActor(name: String) extends Actor {
def run() = {
// do something
override def receive = {
case _ => ()
override def postStop {
println(name + " called postStop().")
EDIT²: As mentionned by #DanGetz, one shall not need to call Thread.sleep in an AKKA actor. Here what I needed was a periodical routine. This can be done using the AKKA context scheduler. See: . Instead I was blocking the actor in an infinite loop, preventing it to use its asynchronous mecanisms (messages). I changed the title since the problem was actually not involving actor termination.
It's hard to gauge exactly what you want now that the question has changed a bit, but I'm going to take a stab anyway. Below you will find a modified version of your code that shows both periodic scheduling of a task (one that kicks off the child termination process) and also watching a child and only creating a new one with the same name when we are sure the previous one has stopped. If you run the code below, every 5 seconds you should see it kill the child and wait for the termination message before stating a new one with the exact same name. I hope this is what you were looking for:
object Supervisor {
val ChildName = "foo"
def props(): Props = Props(new Supervisor())
case class TerminateChild(name:String)
case class Supervisor() extends Actor {
import Supervisor._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import context._
//Start child upon creation of this actor
override def preStart = {
//Schedule regular job to run every 5 seconds
context.system.scheduler.schedule(5 seconds, 5 seconds, self, TerminateChild(ChildName))
def newActor(name: String): ActorRef = {
val child = context.actorOf(MyActor.props(name), name)
println(s"created child for name $name")
def terminateActor(name:String) = context.child(ChildName).foreach{ ref =>
println(s"terminating child for name $name")
context stop ref
override def receive = {
case TerminateChild(name) =>
case Terminated(x) =>
println("Received termination confirmation: " + x)
case _ => println("Unexpected message.")
override def postStop = {
println("Supervisor called postStop().")

Make Scala Remote Actors more stable

I was writing a little test program to try out some things with Remote Actors that I was going to need in a Scala project.
The basic goal was to write a test application of one server that could handle a bunch of clients and more important clients that can send multiple messages at the same time (like pings, requests for updates and user induced requests for data)
What I came up with was this:
brief overview: the client starts 3 different actors which again start actors in while loops with different offsets in order to simulate rather random messages.
import scala.actors.remote.RemoteActor
import scala.actors.remote.Node
import scala.actors.Actor
trait Request
trait Response
case object WhoAmI extends Request
case class YouAre(s:String) extends Response
case object Ping extends Request
case object Pong extends Response
case class PrintThis(s:String) extends Request
case object PrintingDone extends Response
object Server {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val server = new Server
class Server extends Actor {
RemoteActor.register('server, this)
var count:Int = 0
def act() {
while(true) {
receive {
case WhoAmI => {
count += 1
sender ! YouAre(count.toString)
case Ping => sender ! Pong
case PrintThis(s) => {
sender ! PrintingDone
case x => println("Got a bad request: " + x)
object Act3 extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
var i = 0
while (i <= 12) {
i += 1
val a = new Printer
class Printer extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
val server ="localhost",12345), 'server)
server ! PrintThis("gagagagagagagagagagagagaga")
receive {
case PrintingDone => println("yeah I printed")
case _ => println("got something bad from printing")
object Act2 extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
val a = new Pinger
class Pinger extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
val server ="localhost",12345), 'server)
server ! Ping
receive {
case Pong => println("so I pinged and it fits")
case x => println("something wrong with ping. Got " + x)
object Act extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
var i = 0
while(i < 10) {
val a = new SayHi
class SayHi extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
val server ="localhost",12345), 'server)
server ! "Hey!"
object Client {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
The problem is that things don't run as smoothly as I'd expect them to:
when I start only one of the client actors (by commenting the others out as I did with Act2in Client) things usually but not always go well. If I start two or more actors, quite often the printouts appear in bulk (meaning: there's nothing happening at once and then the printouts appear rather fast). Also the client sometimes terminates and sometimes doesn't.
This may not be the biggest problems but they're enough to make me feel quite uncomfortable. I did a lot of reading on Actors and Remote Actors but I find the available info rather lacking.
Tried to add exit statements where ever it seemed fit. But that didn't help.
Has anybody got an idea what I'm doing wrong? Any general tricks here? Some dos and donts?
My guess is that your issues stem from blocking your actor's threads by using receive and Thread.sleep. Blocking operations consume threads in the actors' thread pool, which can prevent other actors from executing until new threads are added to the pool. This question may provide some additional insight.
You can use loop, loopWhile, react, and reactWithin to rewrite many of your actors to use non-blocking operations. For example
import scala.actors.TIMEOUT
object Act extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
var i = 0
loopWhile(i < 10) {
reactWithin(200) { case TIMEOUT =>
val a = new SayHi
Of course, you can eliminate some boilerplate by writing your own control construct:
def doWithin(msec: Long)(f: => Unit) = reactWithin(msec) { case TIMEOUT => f }
def repeat(times: Int)(f: => Unit) = {
var i = 0
loopWhile(i < times) {
This would allow you to write
repeat(10) {
doWithin(200) {
(new SayHi).start
You may try Akka actors framework instead