Can't find Visual Studio Code on windows 8.1 not in start screen - visual-studio-code

Just installed Visual Studio Code, and noticed I can't find it by searching in the start screen.
The default installation location is in %APPDATA%, which by default isn't indexed by Windows.
What's the solution to this?
I've read that adding %APPDATA% to the indexing can slow it down considerably because of the sheer number of files there.

I experienced the same thing on Windows 10, and this is what I learned:
I found that it's in: C:\Users\ USERNAME \Appdata\Local\Code\ APPVERSION \code.exe
where USERNAME is the username on the computer, and APPVERSION is the version of code installed (example, my folder is app-0.5.0 so it would be in C:\users\user1\appdata\local\code\app-0.5.0\code.exe
I right-clicked on Code.exe and chose "Pin to Start" and now I can launch VS Code from start menu.
What's even stranger (to me), is Code installed into the user directory of the user account that I'm not logged into at the moment. I have user1 and user2. I'm logged in as User1. Code installed in User2's Appdata directory!

I had a similar problem, so I right clicked on a html file and selected open with vs code. Once the application was open, I pinned it to the taskbar. And now I can access it anytime.


Unable to open or uninstall Visual Studio Code

I downloaded visual studio code a while ago but was never able to open it. When I open the app, I get the error "unable to write program user data". When I run as administrator, a window opens briefly before closing again. When I try to uninstall the program, I get error 5, "unable to create a temporary file. Setup aborted."
I have tried to create new TEMP and TMP directories but it made no difference.
This is on windows 11, the x64 bit version of vscode.
I have installed and used the same version of Visual Studio Code on a previous device (with windows 10 however) and never had any issues.
If you are not allowed to write data.
It means you do not have the necessary permissions for the directories. I see you tried already to run as ADM.
Try to check if your user account got the necessary permissions to write in the directories that you want. In the error message, maybe it shows the directory in question, if not, try first the VSC directories or the PROJECT directory. See below:
To do this, navigate to the directories specified (Or project directory) in the error message and right-click on them. Select "Properties" and then go to the "Security" tab. Make sure that your user account is listed and has the "Full control" permission.
You can also try to reset the settings for VSCode, by running the command Code --reset-settings in the command prompt.

Unable to uninstall vscode from my computer

the app does not show up in the control panel and I've gone through %appdata% deleted any file that says anything about vscode and I have tried launching the installer again hoping that it would give me a option to uninstall it but instead it just downloads it again without realizing I already have it downloaded. If anyone knows what to do or just a idea on what to do that would be great.
Do you have admin rights to install the visual studio code.Try for run as administrator.
Also facing any issues as below.

How to undo "Don't show this prompt again" in vscode python?

Accidentally selected "Don't show this prompt again" when prompted to install Pylint in VSCode Python. How should I undo/reset the action so the prompt will appear again?
See the issue notes here:
You might have to do this:
deinstall Visual Studio Code
delete C:\Users[Username].vscode
delete C:\Users[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Code
or relevant paths on your operating system.
To anyone coming here from Google, if you're looking to reset the "Are you sure you want to move 'file' into 'folder'?" prompt:
On macOS, open /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json and remove "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false.
It's a similar process on Windows and Linux ✌️
Here is how to do it on macOS without uninstalling VS Code or delete globalStorage:
Quit all VS Code instances (Cmd +Q)
Instal SQL Lite browser
Go to: /Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/Code/User/workspaceStorage/ => Find the one that associate with your workspace that you previously clicked "Don't show this promt again" (by looking into workspace.json and identify the name)
Open stage.vscdb file with SQL Lite
Look for data key "ms-vscode.csharp"
Edit "assetPromptDisabled":true to "assetPromptDisabled":false
Save change
Reopen vs code

Install VSCode in a specific folder

I just downloaded the Visual Studio Code App from and when I tried to install it, it simply just installed it by itself, without the option to change the installation path.
I have an external harddrive, which is where I want the IDE to be placed instead of the Local Harddrive. How can I change this?
On the VSCode download page select "System Installer" instead of "User Installer". The System installer will prompt you for the install location.
Full credit to Hans Passant for giving the following working solution as a comment.
The installer does very little beyond copying the files, it just creates some Explorer context menu shortcuts ("Open with Code"). Otherwise following Chromium conventions and copying itself to c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Code\app-0.1.0 so it can update itself without you noticing. Boo. So high odds that simply moving that folder to the other drive works just fine, put it anywhere and create a shortcut to Code.exe. If you still want the context menu entry to work then use Regedit and search for "code\app-0.1.0".

VSCode ran once on install, won't run or install again

I'm running this on Windows 7 SP1 with most (if not all) current patches. I have administrative permissions on this machine.
The first time I ran VSCodeSetup.exe, it ran the installer for several minutes then launched the actual application.
I got called into a surprise meeting, so I closed it thinking I'd look at it again later.
However, when I returned to my computer and tried to launch it, I found no evidence that it was actually installed... no desktop icon, no entry in the start menu, no Explorer integration...
I tried running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but all it does it show the installer screen for a split second, which then vanishes.
Since then, I've tried the suggestions outlined in VSCode Installation Failed - Failed to extract installer to install the application, even going so far as to run Update.exe --uninstall followed by running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but nothing has worked.
I even tried disabling my antivirus software and running the installer again, to no avail.
Does anyone know what I can do to get VSCode working again?
According to the comments and answers to Install VSCode in a specific folder, Visual Studio Code installs itself to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code on Windows.
While I'm not sure why it didn't register itself with Explorer, I can at least create a shortcut to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\bin\code.cmd (with icon %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\app.ico) to get it working again.
Or remove the directory entirely and run VSCodeSetup.exe to install it again, which still doesn't add Explorer integration... but this time at least the PATH now has code in it.
On windows VSCode is installed as Code.exe and its located in your