How to undo "Don't show this prompt again" in vscode python? - visual-studio-code

Accidentally selected "Don't show this prompt again" when prompted to install Pylint in VSCode Python. How should I undo/reset the action so the prompt will appear again?

See the issue notes here:
You might have to do this:
deinstall Visual Studio Code
delete C:\Users[Username].vscode
delete C:\Users[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Code
or relevant paths on your operating system.

To anyone coming here from Google, if you're looking to reset the "Are you sure you want to move 'file' into 'folder'?" prompt:
On macOS, open /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json and remove "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false.
It's a similar process on Windows and Linux ✌️

Here is how to do it on macOS without uninstalling VS Code or delete globalStorage:
Quit all VS Code instances (Cmd +Q)
Instal SQL Lite browser
Go to: /Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/Code/User/workspaceStorage/ => Find the one that associate with your workspace that you previously clicked "Don't show this promt again" (by looking into workspace.json and identify the name)
Open stage.vscdb file with SQL Lite
Look for data key "ms-vscode.csharp"
Edit "assetPromptDisabled":true to "assetPromptDisabled":false
Save change
Reopen vs code


Unable to open or uninstall Visual Studio Code

I downloaded visual studio code a while ago but was never able to open it. When I open the app, I get the error "unable to write program user data". When I run as administrator, a window opens briefly before closing again. When I try to uninstall the program, I get error 5, "unable to create a temporary file. Setup aborted."
I have tried to create new TEMP and TMP directories but it made no difference.
This is on windows 11, the x64 bit version of vscode.
I have installed and used the same version of Visual Studio Code on a previous device (with windows 10 however) and never had any issues.
If you are not allowed to write data.
It means you do not have the necessary permissions for the directories. I see you tried already to run as ADM.
Try to check if your user account got the necessary permissions to write in the directories that you want. In the error message, maybe it shows the directory in question, if not, try first the VSC directories or the PROJECT directory. See below:
To do this, navigate to the directories specified (Or project directory) in the error message and right-click on them. Select "Properties" and then go to the "Security" tab. Make sure that your user account is listed and has the "Full control" permission.
You can also try to reset the settings for VSCode, by running the command Code --reset-settings in the command prompt.

How to change default installation path for vs code?

After changing my windows user folder (C:/Users/{this}), i can't use "open with code". I've tried to reinstall app, but its asks for an old windows user folder to install the app. I've installed vscode with .zip but "open with code" feature still can't find the app, and keeps asking for my old path to vscode (C:/Users/{oldUserName}). So the Question is more about: how to configurate or delete this "open with code" feature?
I've solved this by replacing all old paths in regedit with the new one, you can find all with Crtl + F and search for your old user name foder

VSCode system-wide installation warning

These days, anytime I start VSCode, I get this warning
You are running the system-wide installation of Code, while having the user-wide distribution installed as well. Make sure you're running the Code version you expect.
Please how do I fix that?
UPDATE (Recommended by #Fabio Turati)
Just uninstalling the older one without the (USER) extension, it seems working. If not, then uninstall the one left and reinstall vscode.
additional reading:
You installed the new one (with USER extension) before uninstalling the older one. So now you have both, and this is why you get that message. You need to uninstall them both, then reinstall vs code. Make sure you add a shortcut on desktop, it took me a few more minutes to find the .exe of vs code. No worries you don't lose anything by uninstalling...
cheers !
You probably have both versions installed (like I do).
To get rid of the warning, make sure you open the user-wide version. That means unpinning the one you used to have from everywhere.
Then use windows (10) search: visual studio code . Only the ' user-wide distribution' gets shown. If you open visual studio code that way, the warning is gone.
i had these installed:
uninstalled the first one and that error message is gone.
The new executable of the "user-wide distribution" is in this location by default:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
Replacing your shortcuts with this one should make sure you are using the new installation. (You can also uninstall the old one of course if you want to)
Run into this issue today but all I did was install the new one one (with user extension) and then after successful installation I uninstalled the the old one. Restart my computer and all seems to be ok.
I magically solved by (using windows 10):
Unpin from "taskbar" the vs code shortcut
Remove the shortcut from desktop also if you have it
Search on cortana "visual studio code", once the app appears right click and select "pin to taskbar"
Open tha vs code app from taskbar and the error should be gone.

VS Code Terminal Not Allowing Typing

My VS code terminal was working fine, until one day when I tried to work on a project, that was still open in VS code, my terminal didn't allow me to type any commands. I couldn't type anything. This is the screen that I get.
Okay, for those of you struggling with the same problem, I've managed to solve it by clicking on the drop-down menu that says powershell and changing it to cmd.
this happened to me and simply
close vs code
right click on it
run as administrator
open the terminal and it will work
this problem happened when I changed the default path of CMD
For me, I tried using Powershell/CMD/Bash and I was having errors/blank terminal. I found typing echo hello and pressing CTRL + C made it appear. So in fact, everything was working, my terminal was just blank/glitched out, but was really accepting input.
I had a similar issue when running ionic serve command which runs the development server on the localhost. I paid attention after executing the command above, and it said:
Use Ctrl+C to quit this process
Pressing Ctrl+C then displays:
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Type Y or y
then the command prompt is shown again!
Here is a sample terminal window - trimmed for brevity:
For who has this problem using React. This happens when you start a live version using npm start. The terminal that handles the live version of the app cannot be used for anything else.
So to continue using the terminal you need to open a new terminal to use in parallel. To do so just click on the plus icon in the top right corner of the terminal panel then choose the "Power Shell" option. This will open a new terminal without restarting visual studio.
In Mac, when working with Python, this helped me: instead of clicking on the "Run Code" option, click on "Run Python file", in the right corner.
For Ubuntu users this is solved by this solution:
File -> Preferences -> Setting -> Features -> Terminal -> Inherit Env
I found two vscode on my desktop, I opened the other one and it worked. Looks like I updated it but the older one didn't disappear.
If typing Ctrl+C can help to get out of this frozen state, that will be easier to do with VSCode 1.64 (Jan. 2022)
The terminal can type the answer for you.
Terminal -- Auto-reply
The terminal is now able to automatically reply when a specific sequences of characters is received.
A good example of where this is useful, which is also the only default case, is the Windows batch script message Terminate batch job (Y/N)? after hitting Ctrl+C when running a batch script.
This typically just ends up causing problems for the user.
The terminal will now automatically reply with Y and enter (\r) which makes Ctrl+C in Windows feel much better.
Pressing Ctrl+C will immediately reply to the question and return to the prompt:
Theme: Sapphire
The feature was made generically so you can setup custom replies for other thing, just be careful when doing this as you are sending text to the process automatically.
For example you could use it to automatically update Oh My Zsh when prompted:
"terminal.integrated.autoReplies": {
"[Oh My Zsh] Would you like to check for updates? [Y/n]": "Y\r"
If you use Clink and enable their similar feature, you can disable it in Clink or in VS Code by setting the reply to null to avoid the two features conflicting with each other:
"terminal.integrated.autoReplies": {
"Terminate batch job (Y/N)": null
Go to terminal, preferences, settings.
Check "run code in terminal"
Restart VS.
I changed from bash to powershell in terminal first but the command prompt still not shown.
Then I navigate to File -> Perferences -> Settings and it starts working (command prompt shown)
This seems to just be a display problem. It happened to me when I changed my display settings for desktop icon and app scaling settings.
I managed to fix the problem by simply restarting my computer and re-opening VS code
I had the same problem ... In my case just run vs-code as administrator and works

VSCode plugin VSCode-PHP-Format not working

I start using vscode less than a month. Please forgive me if this is a dump question.
OS: OS X 10.11.3
VSCode: 0.10.6
Plugin: VSCode-PHP-Format (download via git clone)
Extension path: ~/.vscode/extensions/VSCode-PHP-Format
I restarted VSCode, open php files, but do not see "Format Code" on the right click menu.
Any idea how to debug this? Right now I don't even know if the plugin load correctly.
With tips from Tobiah Zarlez, I found the "Toggle Developer Tools" in VSCode.
It is shown in the console the plugin cannot find js-beautify.
Inside ~/.vscode/extensions/VSCode-PHP-Format, run
npm install
It will pull in js-beautify. Then restart VSCode.
I am on my phone and not able to double check to see if it is there, but I'd recommend installing from the visual studio marketplace to insure the plug in is installed correctly. You can do so by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+P and typing "install extension"
Beyond that, a quick glance at the code the plug in should be activated when you open a php file... but since this is a third party plugin, I can't speak to if it actually works or not.
(Again, on phone so can't test)
What you could do is modify the extension.js file to add a "console.log ("hello world")" to the activate function. Them check the log to see if the plug in is installed correctly.
I saw you weren't the only person to complain about the plug in not working though. If I were you, I would continue to try and contact the creator