Fakes Broken in Visual Studio 2015 - .net-4.5

I have Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise and discovered that I cannot compile almost any of our existing 2013 projects. Further investigation reveals that Visual Studio 2015 isn't able to generate fakes for types that were fine in Visual Studio 2013.
Consider the following steps to reproduce:
Create a unit test project targeting .NET 4.5
Right-click on "System" in the references tab and choose "Add Fakes Assembly"
To eliminate the noise for this example, edit the subsequent "System.fakes" file:
<Fakes xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/fakes/2011/" Diagnostic="true">
<Assembly Name="System" Version=""/>
Then edit the "mscorlib.fakes" file to shim ConcurrentDictionary< TKey, TValue >:
<Fakes xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/fakes/2011/" Diagnostic="true">
<Assembly Name="mscorlib" Version=""/>
<Add FullName="ConcurrentDictionary"/>
Compile the project.
This generates the following error messages in mscorlib. file (generated in the FakesAssemblies folder):
warning : compilation failed, retrying without Code Contracts
And the following error messages in the output window:
c:\temp\UnitTestProject1\UnitTestProject1\f.cs(955,13): error CS0311: The type 'System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary' cannot be used as type parameter 'TShimmed' in the generic type or method 'ShimRuntime.Bind(TShim, TBound)'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection>'. [c:\temp\UnitTestProject1\UnitTestProject1\obj\Debug\Fakes\m\f.csproj]
c:\temp\UnitTestProject1\UnitTestProject1\f.cs(979,13): error CS0311: The type 'System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary' cannot be used as type parameter 'TShimmed' in the generic type or method 'ShimRuntime.Bind(TShim, TBound)'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary'. [c:\temp\UnitTestProject1\UnitTestProject1\obj\Debug\Fakes\m\f.csproj]
GENERATEFAKES : error : project compilation failed with exit code 1
No amount of fiddling with mscorlib.fakes settings appears to help.
For example various permutations of the TypeName, FullName and Namespace attributes yield the same "compilation failed with exit code 1".
Disabling code contracts just breaks it more:
Warning The element 'Fakes' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/fakes/2011/' has invalid child element 'StubGeneration' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/fakes/2011/'. UnitTestProject1 c:\temp\UnitTestProject1\UnitTestProject1\Fakes\mscorlib.fakes 4
Any help understanding how to fix/work around this problem would be very much appreciated.

If you are doing with Visual Studio 2015 Enterprize.kindly remove
Old Xrm dll's and Add new CRM 2016 SDK Xrm Dll's Build the project
also change the .Net Framework to latest.
After build the project Generate System Fakes Assembly we will get
mscorlib and system.Fakesjust remove this line <Add FullName="ConcurrentDictionary"/>on both files and build the project


How do I run unittests in an Azure pipeline, when I use x64 and .NET5?

I have a small demo project, with unit tests.
using .net5, and 64 bit/any cpu.
I am having trouble with them running in my azure pipeline.
I have made a runsetting file, but cannot specify the 5.0 net framework
I've made a failing unit test, but it doenst get run.
when I 'debug' it I get this in my azure log..
2021-03-04T16:29:27.9652466Z /TestAdapterPath:"C:\DevOps\Agent 2_work\3\s"
2021-03-04T16:29:27.9652833Z /diag:"C:\DevOps\Agent 2_work_temp\c9f3dc90-7d06-11eb-9f3e-ab7c238ad233.txt"
2021-03-04T16:29:28.0475388Z Settings file provided does not conform to required format. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: Invalid setting 'RunConfiguration'. Invalid value 'AnyCPU' specified for 'TargetPlatform'..
2021-03-04T16:29:28.2479067Z ##[debug]Exit code 1 received from tool 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\vstest.console.exe'
2021-03-04T16:29:28.2484150Z ##[debug]STDIO streams have closed for tool 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\vstest.console.exe'
2021-03-04T16:29:28.2516774Z ##[warning]Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.
my .runsettings are:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- File name extension must be .runsettings -->
<!-- Configurations that affect the Test Framework -->
<!-- Path relative to directory that contains .runsettings file-->
<!-- x86 or x64 -->
<!-- You can also change it from the Test menu;
choose "Processor Architecture for AnyCPU Projects" -->
<!-- Framework35 | [Framework40] | Framework45 ... todo Framework50 er ikke suporteret-->
<!-- true or false -->
<!-- Value that specifies the exit code when no tests are discovered -->
Does ms Azure not support .net50 for unit testing, with vs tests?
Thanks for you thoughts..
I have made a runsetting file, but cannot specify the 5.0 net
FrameworkCore10 for .NET Core sources, FrameworkUap10 for
UWP-based sources, Framework45 for .NET Framework 4.5 and
higher, Framework40 for .NET Framework 4.0, and Framework35 for
.NET Framework 3.5.
This setting specifies the version of the unit test framework used to
discover and execute the tests. It can be different from the version
of the .NET platform that you specify in the build properties of the
unit test project.
If you omit the TargetFrameworkVersion element from the .runsettings
file, the platform automatically determines the framework version
based on the built binaries.
For the error:
An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: Invalid setting
'RunConfiguration'. Invalid value 'AnyCPU' specified for
TargetPlatform : x86, x64
According to the elements that the RunConfiguration element can include, the TargetPlatform node does not provide the value of AnyCPU.

Using VS2019, .Net 5.0, Winforms.Wasm 1.0.19137.60 Nuget package - produces unhandled Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionExceptions

I am trying to port 6 class libraries developed under .Net 4.5.2 to .Net 5.00 using VS 2019. I chose .Net 5.00 (and VS 2019) as my final goal is to deliver the solution as a web assembly. I have set the target framework for each of the libaries to .NET 5.0.
One of my class libraries uses Winforms so I have downloaded the Nuget package Winforms.Wasm (1.0.191137.60) by Roozbeh Gh into VS 2019.
On building I initially got the error:
1>C:\Users\howar_000\.nuget\packages\winforms.wasm\1.0.19137.60\build\netstandard2.0\Winforms.Wasm.targets(13,5): error :
Unhandled Exception: Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly: 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
... at Mono.Cecil.BaseAssemblyResolver.Resolve(AssemblyNameReference name, ReaderParameters parameters)
... at Driver.Import(String ra, AssemblyKind kind)
... at Driver.Run(String[] args)
... at Driver.Main(String[] args)
I was able to get past this problem by adding:
as per instructions I found on the Winforms.Wasm GIT repository recommended by Roozbeh Gh.
1>C:\Users\howar_000\.nuget\packages\winforms.wasm\1.0.19137.60\build\netstandard2.0\Winforms.Wasm.targets(13,5): error :
Unhandled Exception: Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly: 'System.Formats.Asn1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' 1>C:\Users\howar_000\.nuget\packages\winforms.wasm\1.0.19137.60\build\netstandard2.0\Winforms.Wasm.targets(13,5): error : at Mono.Cecil.BaseAssemblyResolver.Resolve(AssemblyNameReference name, ReaderParameters parameters)
... at Driver.Import(String ra, AssemblyKind kind)
... at Driver.Import(String ra, AssemblyKind kind)
... at Driver.Import(String ra, AssemblyKind kind)
... at Driver.Import(String ra, AssemblyKind kind)
... at Driver.Run(String[] args)
i.e. it just moved the problem along to another library distributed along with Winforms.Wasm. I have also tried to explicitly exclude the Nuget version of the System.Formats.Asn.dll but this hasnt worked either.
I realise the problem is that the Nuget Winforms.Wasm package includes netstardard2.0 libraries so that the package download is as a complete standalone distribution. Further that VS 2019 MSBuild is identifying a clash with the dotnet net5.0 distribution.
I have done a lot of investigation trying to resolve this problem - even overwriting
C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\5.0.0\ref\net5.0\System.Formats.Asn1.dll
and visa versa but to no avail.
But reading through swathes of literature on the web, I came to the realisation that this is a recurring problem that has plagued developers trying to use VS with .Net and Nuget packages for some time. Surely either Microsoft need to change the implementation of VS MSBuild to accommodate Nuget packages or Nuget package writers need to come up with a VS compliant distribution - rather than leaving developers spending many hours trying to establish work arounds and understand the inner works of VS MSBuild.
I am thinking of moving away from VS 2019 to use the Mono Developer toolkit - I will let you know how I get on.
Any help/suggestions on how best to migrate .Net 4.5.2 assemblies that use Nuget packages to equivalent web assemblies would be much appreciated.

Assembly version conflicts for AutoFixture and Moq with NUnit on TeamCity 7

I previously had all unit tests for my solution contained in a single library, and were recently split out. When located in a single assembly, all tests passed both locally and on TeamCity, but when seperated there are version conflicts.
Team City 7.1.5 (build 24400)
AutoFixture 3.20.2
AutoFixture.AutoMoq 3.20.2
Moq 4.2.1402.2112
NUnit 2.6.3
I have several unit test assemblies, which all reference a base test library. All test assemblies use the NuGet packages listed above.
When running tests on a dev machine (VS 2015), all tests pass successfully.
When running a team city build, the following error is thrown:
System.IO.FileLoadException : Could not load file or assembly 'Moq, Version=4.1.1308.2120, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=69f491c39445e920' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) at Ploeh.AutoFixture.AutoMoq.MockPostprocessor.Create(Object request, ISpecimenContext context)
There is no reference to Moq 4.1.1308.2120 anywhere in my solution, so I know it must be a reference from AutoFixture.
Updating AutoFixture to 3.31.3 makes no difference.
I have the following Binding Redirect in the app.config files of all test assemblies:
<assemblyIdentity name="Moq" publicKeyToken="69f491c39445e920" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="4.2.1402.2112" />
I cannot downgrade my version of Moq to 4.1.1308.2120 as I use features of 4.2 in my tests.
It appears to me that Team City is ignoring the redirects. I have no idea why, and having tried every combination of version for these assemblies I cannot get Team City to run the tests successfully.
We ran into this problem as well. We ran the assembly Fusion Logs on our build server and saw this in the error logs:
Calling assembly : Ploeh.AutoFixture.AutoMoq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b24654c590009d4f.
LOG: This bind starts in default load context.
LOG: No application configuration file found.
LOG: Using host configuration file:
LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.
LOG: Post-policy reference: Moq, Version=4.1.1308.2120, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=69f491c39445e920
LOG: GAC Lookup was unsuccessful.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///D:/builds/13/s/AssessmentMigratorService.IntegrationPostbuild/bin/Debug/Moq.DLL.
LOG: Assembly download was successful. Attempting setup of file: D:\builds\13\s\AssessmentMigratorService.IntegrationPostbuild\bin\Debug\Moq.dll
LOG: Entering run-from-source setup phase.
LOG: Assembly Name is: Moq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=69f491c39445e920
WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Minor Version
ERR: The assembly reference did not match the assembly definition found.
ERR: Run-from-source setup phase failed with hr = 0x80131040.
ERR: Failed to complete setup of assembly (hr = 0x80131040). Probing terminated
So if you see this part of it
No application configuration file found.
what I think is happening is that the unit test runner host application on the build server is not seeing the application configuration file and so the assembly binding redirects are not able to apply, since they are in the app.config.
So I see 3 possible solutions/workarounds if you need to use these assemblies:
Figure out why TeamCity's unit test runner on the build server cannot find the application configuration file and fix that.
Use a different unit test runner on the build server.
Add the binding redirects to the machine.config of the build server. That will apply globally on the entire machine, so there is no need for the redirects in the application configuration file at that point.
I was embarrassed when I discovered the reason that I was seeing this error.
After 8 hours debugging I found that I had referenced TestProjectB in TestProjectA. Teamcity was set up to run any xunit against any Test*.dll that it found. So it found the TestProjectB.dll in TestProjectA's /bin/Debug folder.
But there is no TestProjectB.dll.config for TestProjectB.dll when it is in /TestProjectA/bin/Debug. Hence none of the assembly binding/redirect where being set.
I remove the project reference because it was unnecessary and updated my teamcity xunit runner to exclude dlls that don't have a matching config.

NUnit v3 alpha in command line: Assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

I'm trying to run NUnit v3 alpha from command line. Here's my command line:
[...] \NUnit3\nunit-console NUnitAlpha3Experimental.exe /framework:net-4.5
At first, I got this error:
Errors and Failures Could not load file or assembly 'nunit.framework,
Version=3.0.5378.31152, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=2638cd05610744eb' or one of its dependencies. This
assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime
and cannot be loaded.
Then I edited nunit-console.exe.config to comment .net 2.0
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<!-- Comment out the next line to force use of .NET 4.0 -->
<!--<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" />-->
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0.30319" />
I tried these command line (with 4.0 and with 4.5)
[...] \NUnit3\nunit-console NUnitAlpha3Experimental.exe /framework:net-4.0
[...] \NUnit3\nunit-console NUnitAlpha3Experimental.exe /framework:net-4.5
Here's the error message I get:
Errors and Failures Could not load file or assembly 'nunit.framework,
Version=3.0.5378.31152, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=2638cd05610744eb' or one of its dependencies. The
located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly
reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Then I tried to edit nunit-console.exe.config to add a new entry for .net 4.5. I tried 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.50710, 4.5.50938, 4.5.50932, 4.5.51641 (all of them are present in control panel -> program and features) and I get a windows popup asking me to install .Net framework 4.5.
Edit: The new entry for .Net framework 4.5* shouldn't work anyways. The unit tests do run even if I get the error message. More info here: https://github.com/nunit/nunit-console/issues/42#issuecomment-58709851
Can someone help me with that? Thank you.
It looks like the problem was due to many versions of the dll included with nunit 3.0 (one of each .net framework version) and how it was made available to my assembly. More info here: https://github.com/nunit/nunit-console/issues/42#issuecomment-58713975

specflow plugin with nunit and TFS build

I am in the middle of trying to get specflow UI tests working with TFS build and I am very very close.
I wanted to be able to run the same test on a number of browsers, and so after some research I found this:
And it works like a dream for local test runs. the next step was to get this to call a selenium grid during a TFS 2010 build.
After getting the nunit community build task into my build template, I am now stuck with an error I can't seem to resolve. The build reports the following error:
Error: The system cannot find the file specified. Stack Trace: at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.CodeQuality.NUnit.RunProcess(String fullPath, String workingDirectory, String arguments) in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Activities\CodeQuality\NUnit\NUnit.cs:line 339 at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.CodeQuality.NUnit.PublishMSTestResults(String resultTrxFile, String collectionUrl, String buildNumber, String teamProject, String platform, String flavor) in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Activities\CodeQuality\NUnit\NUnit.cs:line 394 at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.CodeQuality.NUnit.PublishTestResultsToTFS(ActivityContext context, String folder) in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Activities\CodeQuality\NUnit\NUnit.cs:line 387 at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.CodeQuality.NUnit.InternalExecute() in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Activities\CodeQuality\NUnit\NUnit.cs:line 299 at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.BaseCodeActivity.Execute(CodeActivityContext context) in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Common\BaseCodeActivity.cs:line 67.
however, this seems to be masking a deeper error as to me it simply says that nunit can't load a custom assembly. So I had a look through the binaries folder on the build server for the nunit logs, and sure enough in my test run .xml file I find another error:
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException : The type 'OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver, Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.SpecFlowPlugin' could not be found. It may require assembly qualification, e.g. "MyType, MyAssembly".
at Autofac.Configuration.ConfigurationRegistrar.LoadType(String typeName, Assembly defaultAssembly)
at Autofac.Configuration.ConfigurationRegistrar.RegisterConfiguredComponents(ContainerBuilder builder, SectionHandler configurationSection)
at Autofac.Configuration.ConfigurationRegistrar.RegisterConfigurationSection(ContainerBuilder builder, SectionHandler configurationSection)
at Autofac.Configuration.Core.ConfigurationModule.Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
at Autofac.Module.Configure(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry)
at Autofac.ContainerBuilder.Build(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry, Boolean excludeDefaultModules)
at Autofac.ContainerBuilder.Build(ContainerBuildOptions options)
at RegistrationForm.Tests.Acceptance.Features.UserRegistrationFeature.FeatureSetup() in c:\Builds\1\Testing\RegistrationForm - Nightly - Main\Sources\Testing\RegistrationForm\Main\RegistrationForm.Tests.Acceptance\Features\UserRegistration.feature.cs:line 0
From this I started to look at the path to the custom assembly. This is specified in the app.config file for the project (which is transformed during the build. I also checked to ensure the file is being transformed, and in the binaries directory on the build server it is). the relevant section of the file is this.
<stepAssembly assembly="SpecFlow.Assist.Dynamic" />
<stepAssembly assembly="Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.Bindings" />
<unitTestProvider name="SeleniumNUnit" />
<add name="Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit" path="..\packages\Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.1.2.0\tools" />
Which works locally. I figured I just need to change the path in the transformed file. At first I assumed the working directory was the binaries directory so in the transform file I have this:
<plugins xdt:Transform="Replace">
<add name="Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit" path="." />
The dll is in the same dir (binaries) so I tried ".", "", ".\" - none of these worked. So after thinking a little more and reading the errors more carefully I thought I needed to look in the Sources folder on the build server. The Dll is in the packages folder (nuget package restore), and so the path should be the same as I use locally. this didn't work either. So what about a path relative to the ".feature" file throwing the error? this simply needed an extra "..\" - still no luck.
So i am at a bit of a loss, I feel I have tried all the paths i can think of, but my knowledge of specflow plugins and TFS build is letting me down. can anyone give me any pointers?
But the initial error is basically saying the TFSs nunit support cant find a file when it calls CreateProcess, and as you say it works for local test runs, so is it as simple as NUnit isn't installed on the machine that is running the test for you?
I got there in the end!
So somewhere along the lines of setting this up I endded up with something like this in my app.config:
type="Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.RemoteWebDriver, Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.SpecFlowPlugin"
service="OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver, WebDriver"
<parameter name="browser" value="InternetExplorer" />
<parameter name="url" value="" />
The problem (as it says in the error) is that it could not find OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver. I belive I saw this in one of the examples I found on the bassclass page. After changing it to OpenQA.Selenium.IWebDriver everything worked fine, and nUnit was able to run my specFlow tests on my TFS 2010 build server. I did hit another snag in that when the build tried to parse the results, it tried to use MSTest 11 rather than 10 (prob because I was using VS 2012). However, this TFS machine was just a proof of concept and was a windows 2008 32bit edition running on Virtual PC on windows 7. (I could therfor not run 64bit, and so could not install VS2012 on my build server). I resolved this by creating a new environment variable for MStest 11 and pointing it at MSTest 10. The entire process now works perfectly.