How configure mongodb for support 1100 threads? - mongodb

How can i configure mongodb's pool connection for support 1100 threads per seconds?
I tried some configurations like bellow without sucess.
connectionsPerHost = 200
threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier = 5
Can someone help me?

It won't.
That number of threads may be prejudicial, there's a lot of techniques to calculate some ideal number, and none of them get even close to 1100. If you're looking to attend a large number of users you should work with server redundancy. You won't get speed because 99.9% (really) of your threads will be locked waiting for a resource become available.
I've worked with java in fast processing, using distributed systems and threads, we used 0mq(tcp alternative) to acelerate communication and get more use of the threads, but we found that moderate number of threads was the ideal (if I remember correctly, 12).
Instead of letting hundreds of threads do the job, try to keep a limited number of workers threads, you won't have more resources anyway. The ideal for this kind of application would be have many servers attending your users.


Locust eats CPU after 2-3 hours running

I have a simple HTTP server that I was testing. This server interacts with other HTTP servers and Cassandra DB.
Currently I was using 100 users with 1 request/s, so totally 100 tps was on the server. What I noticed with the Docker stats was that the CPU usage became higher and higher and ~ 2-3 hours later the CPU usage reaches the 90% mark, and even more. After that I got a notice from Locust, stating that the measurement may be inconsistent. But the latencies were not increased, so I do not know why this has been happening.
Can you please suggest possible cause(s) of the problem? I think 100 tps should be handled by one vCPU.
There's no way for us to know exactly what's wrong without at very least seeing some code, and even then other factors like the environment or data or server you're running it on or against could have additional factors we wouldn't know about.
It's possible you have a problem with your code for your Locust users, such as a memory leak or they're just doing too much for a single worker to handle that many users. For users only doing simple HTTP calls, a single CPU typically can handle upwards of thousands of requests per second. Do anything more than that and you'll start to expect to reduce what a worker can handle. It's also possible you may just need a more powerful CPU (or more RAM or bandwidth) to do what you want it to do at the scale you want.
Do some profiling to see if you can find any inefficiencies in your code. Run smaller tests to see if the same behavior is evident with smaller loads. Run the same load but with additional Locust workers on other CPUs.
It's also just as possible your DB can't handle the load. The increasing CPU usage could be due to how your code is handling waiting on the connection from the DB. Perhaps the DB could sustain, say, 80 users at an acceptable rate but any additional users makes it fall further and further behind and your Locust users are then waiting longer and longer for the requested data.
For more suggestions, check out the Locust FAQ

determine ideal number of workers and EC2 sizing for master

I have a requirement to use locust to simulate 20,000 (and higher) users in a 10 minute test window.
the locustfile is a tasksquence of 9 API calls. I am trying to determine the ideal number of workers, and how many workers should be attached to an EC2 on AWS. My testing shows with 20 workers, on two EC2 instance, the CPU load is minimal. the master however suffers big time. a 4 CPU 16 GB RAM system as the master ends up thrashing to the point that the workers start printing messages like this:
[2020-06-12 19:10:37,312] Retry failed after 3 times.
[2020-06-12 19:10:37,312] RPCError found when sending heartbeat: ZMQ sent failure
[2020-06-12 19:10:37,312] Reset connection to master
the master seems memory exhausted as each locust master process has grown to 12GB virtual RAM. ok - so the EC2 has a problem. But if I need to test 20,000 users, is there a machine big enough on the planet to handle this? or do i need to take a different approach and if so, what is the recommended direction?
In my specific case, one of the steps is to download a file from CloudFront which is randomly selected in one of the tasks. This means the more open connections to cloudFront trying to download a file, the more congested the available network becomes.
Because the app client is actually a native app on a mobile and there are a lot of factors affecting the download speed for each mobile, I decided to to switch from a GET request to a HEAD request. this allows me to test the response time from CloudFront, where the distribution is protected by a Lambda#Edge function which authenticates the user using data from earlier in the test.
Doing this dramatically improved the load test results and doesn't artificially skew the other testing happening as with bandwidth or system resource exhaustion, every other test will be negatively impacted.
Using this approach I successfully executed a 10,000 user test in a ten minute run-time. I used 4 EC2 T2.xlarge instances with 4 workers per T2. The 9 tasks in test plan resulted in almost 750,000 URL calls.
The answer for the question in the title is: "It depends"
Your post is a little confusing. You say you have 10 master processes? Why?
This problem is most likely not related to the master at all, as it does not care about the size of the downloads (which seems to be the only difference between your test case and most other locust tests)
There are some general tips that might help:
Switch to FastHttpUser (
Monitor your network usage (if your load gens are already maxing out their bandwidth or CPU then your test is very unrealistic anyway, and adding more users just adds to the noice. In general, start low and work your way up)
Increase the number of loadgens
In general, the number of users is not an issue for locust, but number of requests per second or bandwidth might be.

How many parallel processes?

I am running some code in parallel by using a forking module in perl called Parallel::ForkManager. I have currently setting the maximum number of processes to 30:
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(30);
What would be an advisable maximum number of processes to create? I am doing this on a commercial grade Solaris server, but I still don't want to overload the system.
In downloading files, this really depends on
how many different hosts you're downloading from, and
how fast they will give you the requested files compared to your maximum bandwidth.
If you're downloading files from a single machine to a single machine on a local network, 2-3 is about max. If you're downloading files from 30 different servers on the internet, all of which are slow, but you have a fat pipe, then 30 might be reasonable.
There is no one universal right answer here. Unless you count "it depends."
The purpose of "downloading files" was mentioned, but in comments a while ago and I take the question as stated, to also be more general.
The only relevant measure is when you start reaching saturation in performance gains, with particular software on that system. The formal limits are huge and meaningless while rules of thumb are very general.
Let's imagine to run 10 processes and the time to complete the job drops 10 times. Increase to 20 processes and the time drops 20 times -- but for 30 processes the gain is the factor of 10. At this point we have loaded the system. Push further and the performance will degrade rapidly, and for everyone. At that point the server is overloaded, even though it allows, say, 1024 processes per user (and really ten or more times that for a server).
With a few processes per core the machine is engaged and I'd say that that is a good rule of thumb. However, it is too general. I doubt that you'd gain much in performance by going to that many processes, given the many other factors that affect it.
Accessing one web server The server's capability is the gospel. They may have posted how many requests per seconds they are happy with. Or they may have a limit on number of processes per user, say 10 or 20. If that means that many simultaneous downloads then that's your limit. But I'd be careful -- if the site is close and fast a request may complete in as little as 0.1 or 0.2 seconds. Then, with 10 processes you may be hitting the server 100 times a second. I do not recommend that. If there is no information I'd say keep it to a few requests per second. The performance and server load also depend on the content -- big downloads are different from pulling many skinny web pages. The I/O on your side may matter but I'd expect the server to set the limit. If you are going to use their service a lot why not send an email and ask what they are OK with.
I/O, network (many servers) or disk With network the performance depends on every piece of hardware in the path as well as on software. Nobody can tell without trying it out. The disk I/O is very complex. To add to trouble it is unclear whether it'd be your disks or network that is the bottleneck. I'd expect clear performance gains up to a few tens of processes, and probably fewer.
CPU or memory bound This may be easiest -- processing that can be broken up in parallel on 30 cores can enjoy close to a factor of 30 speedup (given no other bottlenecks). Going beyond the number of cores clearly leads to reduced performance gain. Concurrent (but not parallel) processing is far more complicated. If your code is memory intensive that is yet completely different.
Useful basic tools for assessing above components are iostat -xzn, netstat -I, and vmstat. But there is a bit of a curve to learning how to interpret their output and hopefully it doesn't come to that.
The conclusion is that you have to time it. Take your real application and time it running in one process. Do this 3 to 5 times and see the average (throw away obvious outliers). Then repeat with 5 processes, then with 10, etc. I'd expect that the trend will start slowing down far sooner than the 30 processors you mention. Once it gets to that the system is loaded and whoever works on it will notice. Very soon after that the performance will likely degrade rapidly. Proper benchmarking tools, like Benchmark, are far more sophisticated but this may well settle the issue. If you see strange or inconsistent behavior you may have to dig into details, starting with tools mentioned above.
What "overloaded" means is a bit unclear. I like to cap my use of resources well before other people are affected. But it may be possible to push it, in particular if you can run when it's quiet. I doubt that you'll keep having a worthy gain all the way to the number of available processors.
So there is no concern about "overloading" the server if you first time things. The performance limit will tell you when to stop. I'd say that your limit of 30 is very reasonable. Unless this is really about downloading files, in which case the web server is likely all that matters.
You should set the maximum number of processes to 60.

Number of threads with NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount

I'm looking for any concrete info related to the number of background threads an NSOperationQueue with create given the NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount maximum concurrency setting.
I had assumed that some sort of load monitoring is employed to determine the most appropriate number of threads to spawn, plus this setting is recommended in the docs. What I'm finding is that the queue spawns roughly 100 background threads and my app (running on iPad 3 with iOS 5.1.1) crashes with SIGABRT. I've reduced this to a more acceptable number like 3 and everything is working fine.
Any comments or insight would be appreciated.
My experience matches yours (though not to 100 threads; do put in some instrumenting to make sure that you really have that many running simultaneously. I've never seen it go quite that high). Unless you manually manage the number of concurrent operations, NSOperationQueue will tend to generate too many concurrent operations. (I have yet to see anyone refute this with testable code rather than inferences from the documentation.) For anything that may generate a large number of potentially concurrent operations, I recommend setMaxConcurrentOperations. While not ideal, I often wind up using a function like this one to assist (this of course doesn't help you balance between queues, so is very sub-optimal):
unsigned int countOfCores() {
unsigned int ncpu;
size_t len = sizeof(ncpu);
sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &ncpu, &len, NULL, 0);
return ncpu;
I eagerly await anyone posting real code demonstrating NSOperationQueue automatically performing correct load balancing for CPU-bound operations. I've posted a sample gist demonstrating what I'm talking about. Without calling setMaxConcurrentOperations:, it will spawn about 6 parallel processes on a 2-core iPad 3. In this very simplistic case with no contention or shared resources, this adds about a 10%-15% overhead. In more complicated code with contention (and particularly if operations might be cancelled), it can slow things down by an order of magnitude.
assuming your threads are busy working, 100 active threads in one process on a dual-core iPad is unreasonable. each thread consumes a good amount of time and memory. having that many busy threads is going to slow things down on a dual-core.
regardless of whether you're doing something silly (like sleeping them all or adding run loops or just giving them nothing to do), this would be a bug.
From the documentation:
The default maximum number of operations is determined dynamically by the NSOperationQueue object based on current system conditions.
The iPad 3 has a powerful processor and 1Gb of ram. Since NSOperationQueue calculates the amount of thread based on system conditions, it's very likely that it determined to be able to run a large number of NSOperation based on the power available on that device. The reason why it crashed might not have to do with the amount of threads running simultaneously, but on the code being executed inside those threads. Check the backtrace and see if there is some condition or resource being shared among these treads.

Why does Perl makes the system very slow when I made more than 4,000 database connections?

I was writing a code to find the speed of my database using a Perl script.
My intention was to make a 4,000 database connection after each fork (which would act as a 4,000 different clients) and sleep, and I issue the update command when I get the signal
but the system itself becomes very slow and almost hangs for making the connections itself and even I couldn't send the signal using my terminal.
I am using DBI module, I have 4GB RAM in my system where Postgres 8.3 is running in a different machine.
I'm not entirely clear on whether you're saying you wanted to a) Open 4,000 connections, fork, open 4,000 more connections, etc. or b) Fork 4,000 times and open one connection from each process, but 4,000 database connections or 4,000 processes is some pretty serious resource consumption either way. I'm not at all surprised that it's slowing your system to a crawl - I would expect that to be the end result regardless of the language used.
What are you actually attempting to achieve by creating all of these processes and/or connections? There's probably a better way to do it that won't be quite so resource-intensive.
I've seen pgpool in use on production systems where the number of postgres connections could not be limited to something reasonable. You may wish to look into using this yourself to mitigate against poor application design by your developers.
Essentially, pgpool acts as a proxy to postgres. It multiplexes queries on lots of connections to a much smaller (and manageable) number to the back-end database.
That is relativity speaking a lot of connections to have at once, but not unheard of by any means. How much memory do you have on the database server? Each connection takes resources, if you don't have a database server setup to handle that volume of connections it will be slow no matter what language you use to connect.
A simple analogy would be if you had a Toyota Prius (old days I would had said Ford Pinto) pulling a semi trailer with 80,000 lbs (typical legal weight in a lot of the states) of weight in it. It would burn that little Prius up in a heartbeat like you are seeing. To do it right you need to buy your self a big rig and hook it to that trailer to move that amount of weight.
Ignoring the wisdom of doing 4000 connection forks, you should work through your performance issues with something akin to Devel::NYTProf.
I would alternatively setup persistent workers in gearman and do my gearman client requests. Persistence and your scheduled forks on demand.