QVTKWidgetPlugin in QT Creator 5.4 - windows-7-x64

I'm working with QT 5.4 and VTK 6.2 but I have some problems with QVTKWidgetPlugin.
Specifically, I can see the QVTKWidget option in QT Designer but I don't see it in QT Creator when I work with the file .ui.
I copied QVTKWidgetPlugin.dll in C:\Qt\5.4\msvc2013_64\bin and in C:\Qt\5.4\msvc2013_64\plugins\designer and QVTKWidgetPlugin.lib in C:\Qt\5.4\msvc2013_64\lib but I don't know what is wrong. Help please! Thanks! :)
P.S.: I work on Windows 7 x64

First, you need to make sure that you are compiling the plugin with the same settings used to compile Qt Creator, which may not be the same as the the ones you are using (Qt version, Visual Studio version, 32/64bits).
To see this information, in Qt Creator go to Help, and select About Qt Creator. It will tell you which settings were used to compile it. For example, I downloaded Qt5.6 for VS2015 64 bits, but the included Qt Creator (v3.6.1) was compiled using Qt5.6 with VS2013 32bits. As you can see, it is not necessarily compiled using the same toolset that you installed.

Try copying it in


Problem with setting up Mingw w64 for C++. Possible conflict with existing Anaconda/Jupyter?

While I am setting up MinGW-W64 (from sourceforge) exe file (for Windows 10) for C++, it shows a message that it was not downloaded correctly. My best guess is that I have a Anaconda/Jupyter setup having MinGW-W64, and it is making all the fuss. How to set it up for both C++ (VS Code / Code lite) and Python/Jupyter/Anaconda?
Make sure you don't mix versions in environment variables like PATH.
Maybe your download was bad?
Or you may have an antivirus software preventing the installation...
You could try a standalone MinGW-w64 build from https://winlibs.com/, which doesn't requite installation - just extract the archive and point VSCode to it.

How to enable autocomplete in GoClipse?

The instructions how to install GoClipse have been followed.
I'm not getting any autocomplete stuff happening at all, either for local packages that I write, for built in stuff, or for GAE stuff (I have downloaded Go src to the SDK folder as the wiki states).
Are there any settings that I can check to ensure it is set up correctly? Is autocomplete supposed to work in the current version?
As the GoClipse with AppEngine article you linked to says:
We assume the reader has a working copy of GoClipse running in their Eclipse environment.
so that’s not the article you want to refer to. Instead, check for GoClipse.
The auto completion is named content assist in eclipse. The GoClipse features state:
Now delivered with content assist via Gocode for Windows, OS X 64bit, and Linux 64bit.
Gocode is an auto-completion daemon. So you will also have to install and run that one besides your eclipse + GoClipse.
There is a bug in the current version of Goclipse for the Linux platform. It currently delivers a prebuilt version of gocode for Windows, 64 bit OS X, and 64 bit Linux. I have only been able to test it locally with limited resources, so I really depend on users to report the problems they find at:
If you are having problems, I urge you to download and install gocode into your $GOROOT/bin directory and see if that helps. Otherwise, the fix will come in the next release in a few days.
Also, sorry for causing you any trouble and thank you for trying Goclipse.
If you are not using a gocode upstream (but the one shipped with Eclipse) on Linux you are also no be able to build your application with CRTL+F11, although just clicking in Run->Run is going to work.
So, I strongly recommend to update your gocode on Linux, as simple as:
$ sudo GOPATH=/opt/go/ go get -u github.com/nsf/gocode

Include DirectX installation in my Plugin installation

I have a browser plugin written in FireBreath and have a msi package genearted.
I packed the msi in a cab file in order to provide IE users automatic installation.
However, my plugin use DirectX, so I would like to install DirectX along with my plugin.
How do I trigger the DirectX installation? from the msi installer? the inf file?
Thanks in advance!
Have you looked at this? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2008/07/31/8797084.aspx
or this? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2008/06/05/8576818.aspx
How about this? http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/install_directx9.htm
Those are the first three results on google when searching for "wix installer directx" and they seem to fit the bill nicely...

Why is there no windbg in latest version of wdk?

I just installed wdk 7600.16385.1(from here) ,
and find windbg is missing even though I've chosen to install all components.
Is it officially removed from wdk now?
If that's the case,why?
WinDbg is shipped as a part of the Windows SDK. Please, check this link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg463016.aspx. Install latest Windows SDK, and WinDbg can be found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Redist\Debugging Tools for Windows.
Mine was somehow installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)
It's contained in my (installed) copy of this exact WDK build (C:\WINDDK\7600.16385.1\Debuggers\windbg.exe). So no idea why it wouldn't be in yours.
Also, to my knowledge WinDbg was moved into the WDKs (and SDKs), with newer versions not being available through other channels, rather than out of them.

How do you set up an x64 development environment based on gcc and eclipse?

I want to create 64 bit apps for (for example) 64 bit Windows 7. I've searched the web and found some help but couldn't get it to work.
Sorry I've taken so long to respond but I have tried to get the packages suggested to work but they're not easy or else I'm doing something wrong.
Anyway I ran across an environment called pellesc. It consists of a development environment around a compiler which traces is roots back to a 32-bit version that was once (according to Wikipedia) used to develop Quake. From what I've seen so far it's very promising and generates good code too!
In spite of what other people are saying, Eclipse actually has very good support for C++, even in Windows: check out the CDT project. It's very mature and well-supported -- it works for C/C++ at least as well as Eclipse JDT works for Java.
As for the compiler itself, VonC is right, MinGW-w64 (but the mingw-w64 project is moving to mingw-w64.org so i suggest to use mingw-w64.org) is the best option. Eclipse CDT has built-in support for MinGW so as long as you install MinGW first, Eclipse should automatically detect it.
This Eclipse MinGW64 tutorial mentions:
update (Nov 9, 2010): recent MinGW-w64 versions come with 'as', 'g++', and 'gcc' commands. This step may be unnecessary in your MinGW build.
Meaning you won't have anymore to update the GCC assembler, C++ compiler, C compiler and C++ linker, with 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-as', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc', and 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++'.
Other great source for w64 development tools:
Native windows x64 software develop with Mingw-w64 on drangon.org
A 64-bit version of GCC for Windows is available at http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download. I can't see why you would want to use Eclipse for C or C++ programming - try the Code::Blocks IDE at http://www.codeblocks.org instead.
Honestly, I use cygwin. Its compatable with unix so you can easily move systems and has tons of functionality that is gcc friendly (autoconf, make, makedepends, ...). To use gcc to compile to 64 bit add the -m64 option. To compile for windows use the -mno-cygwin option. Make sure though that you're using gcc 3 and not 4 (then you'd use the mingw compiler series). Otherwise, its all the same as unix which is really useful.