Problem with setting up Mingw w64 for C++. Possible conflict with existing Anaconda/Jupyter? - visual-studio-code

While I am setting up MinGW-W64 (from sourceforge) exe file (for Windows 10) for C++, it shows a message that it was not downloaded correctly. My best guess is that I have a Anaconda/Jupyter setup having MinGW-W64, and it is making all the fuss. How to set it up for both C++ (VS Code / Code lite) and Python/Jupyter/Anaconda?

Make sure you don't mix versions in environment variables like PATH.
Maybe your download was bad?
Or you may have an antivirus software preventing the installation...
You could try a standalone MinGW-w64 build from, which doesn't requite installation - just extract the archive and point VSCode to it.


Putting MinGW under configuration management

I have an application that gets built under MinGW. I have my source code under Git, but I ought to have my build environment under proper configuration management too, so that if I need to repeat a build from 6 months ago I can do it with the same versions of the compiler, libraries etc.
Is there any way of doing this? I've read up on "repeatable" builds, but that seems to be about running the build twice with the same versions of everything and getting a bitwise identical output, which is necessary for certain security properties. My problem is how to restore the version of MinGW files that I had at some point in the past.
The crude and primitive way would be to just archive a snapshot of C:\mingw every time I use pacman. But I'm hoping for something a bit smarter.
The standalone builds of MinGW-w64 from, which can build for both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit, have no installation procedure. Just extract the download and you have a working build environment.
This even allows you to even have multiple versions of MinGW-w64 side by side.
Just make sure no other installed MinGW (like the one in C:\mingw) is in your PATH so the different versions don't get accidentally mixed up.

yocto SDK integration with VSCode

Is there a way or steps to follow to integrate a yocto SDK (standard or extensible) with VSCode? I want to cross-compile, remote connect, and debug a C/C++ application within VSCode for target hardware using a yocto generated Linux image. Is this possible? I know of the bitbake extension but couldn't find one for the SDK. Thank you!
Conservatively, I would say it depends on the level of integration you want to achieve but I use regularly VS Code to edit and build, sometime to debug C applications using a Yocto toolchain, that's really easy for Makefile projects for example.
Assuming you do not ask for Yocto integration into VS Code (I don't know if something exists) but really to use the tools generated by the SDK from Yocto and that you already are familiar with Yocto toolchain usage.
I personally compile on Linux server remotely from a Windows PC. The server contains therefore my projects and the Yocto toolchain.
I use for that the nice Remote SSH extension from Microsoft on VS Code. From there, I can edit easily the files, compile and a terminal is available (that's out of the scope of your question however).
So if working as me or directly in Linux, you can create a Makefile/CMake project for example. The C/C++ VS Code extension is a must have.
Each time you start working, you source the Yocto SDK toolchain and compile directly using make from the terminal window of VSCode. If you want to automatize the build step, you can use the task feature of VS which allows you to launch build script for example.
Regarding the remote connect, the terminal window of VS can also have multiple sub-windows with various connections like SSH to the target. The build script can also use scp to send the generated binary directly to the target but your question is vague regarding what you want to do.
Finally for the debug aspect, GDB is well supported in VS Code and the official doc is a good start as well as the C++ debugging doc.
On the Yocto side, you need to add gdbserver to the image running on the target, it can be done by adding the following to your conf/local.conf:
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "tools-debug"
If you want to have debug information for the shared libs on the target, you also need to add:
Finally, the SDK must be generated with the same options as the image running on the target and will contain the cross-gdb tool like -gdb to be used on the host side.
So that's possible but requires some setup especially the debug part. As far as I know, there is not a VS Code extension managing all these steps for you automagically.

LNK1104 when using MASM 64bit

I'm currently trying to learn Assembly for x64 Windows. I tried the example code from this Intel website,
but whenever I try to compile it with the command given in the document:
ml64 hello.asm /link /subsystem:windows /defaultlib:kernel32.lib /defaultlib:user32.lib /entry:Start
I always get an
LNK1104 error
I know that it means the compiler can't find the library file, I googled the problem and quickly found that I need Visual Studio with Windows SDK, which I downloaded and installed. But still can't find a kernel32.lib or user32.lib in any files other than the Windows system files.
I tried everything and I simply can't fix it. I hope someone could help figure this out.
There is a well-known MASM32 SDK available created by hutch--. This package contains the requested libraries in a (legacy) 32-bit version.
But there is also a 64-bit update of that famous package by hutch--:
Current build of the 64 bit MASM SDK.
It should contain the .inc and .lib files you need and more...
This is the current build of the 64 bit MASM SDK. This one is a lot closer to complete and with the correct Microsoft binaries added to it, it is capable of building a wide array of application types. It can be use in 2 different ways, it should be unzipped from the root directory of the partition that it is being installed on. You can either manually add it to an installation of the MASM32 SDK OR you can install it on a partition that does not have MASM32 on it and simply rename the buildx64 directory to MASM32. Installing it on another partition is the preferred technique as QE has its menus and accessories set up for building 64 bit code.
You still need to add the Microsoft binaries which would typically be from an installation of vs2017 or from an earlier version for Win7 64. In the bin64 directory there is a file called "Microsoft_File_List.txt" which shows the files you need. The list is from the current version of Visual Studio 2017 version and if this is the version you have, use the ML64 from the "x86_amd64" directory that is 402,584 bytes in size.
In the "buildx64" directory is a batch file called "makeall.bat". This must be run to build all of the libraries and include files.
They are the gold standard of Windows assembly developing.

JavaFX exe bundling for x86 windows systems

usually I deploy my Java apps as a bundle which contains the JVM, so there's no need to install a JVM on the system.
Btw: This is no jnlp applet, this is a normal Swing Application.
I did this using ant's fx:deploy. This already works for 64bit systems.
My problem is, that I want to deploy this application to a 32bit system and don't get it to work.
Here's what I did:
I've set up a clean Windows 7 (32bit) instance and installed a 32bit JVM. Now i ran my ant script to build a bundled Java app and it built a App.exe.
But when I tried to start this exe by double clicking, I get the following message box
If I click OK, I get another message box
After this the app is terminated.
I did not find anything searching the web relating to bundling for 32/64 bit systems.
So I would be very glad if someone can point me in the right direction.
Many thanks in advance!
Greetings, -chris-
Looks like a known bug fixed for an upcoming JavaFX version (currently known as 2.2.40):
RT-25715 The Windows launcher generated by the packager fails to load msvcr100.dll on 32-bit OS
RT-22610 .exe created by fx:deploy can't be executed due to missing msvcr100.dll
On the bug case, the user mentions a work-around:
If I give a try to the workaround documented in RT-22610, which is to copy runtime\jre\bin\msvcr100.dll side to my application's launcher binary, it fixes it.
I think the bug is fixed in JDK 8, so another possible work-around is to download a JDK 8 early access release and use the packaging tools from there to package a Java 7 application (though I have never tried that and am not sure if it would work).
Just a small modification to #jewelsea's Fix:
copying msvcr100.dll into the app/ folder instead putting it right next to the exe also works, and at least it is somewhat hidden away then.
If you're generating an MSI you can hack the WXS file used by WIX to automatically copy msvcr100.dll into the app folder. Making FX Deploy verbose will tell you where it's putting the temporary WXS file you can copy and modify and use to override the WXS like you would the program icon for example.

IDA Pro Windbg Commands do not work

first things first:
It was working when I used it last time (which is about more than a month ago).
The Problem is, that no command which is from an extension is working, it seems like no extension is loaded.
Only the default commands do work (like version etc.)
The output of the command "Version" is:
Extension DLL chain:
dbghelp: image 6.2.9200.16384, API 6.1.6, built Sat Nov 20 12:57:48 2010
[path: C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
ext: (Not loaded)
wow64exts: (Not loaded)
exts: (Not loaded)
uext: (Not loaded)
ntsdexts: (Not loaded)
It says that no extensions were loaded, but the folder winext does exist in my system32 folder (C:\Windows\System32\winext), where the extensions are located in (as far as I know).
Commands like !gle do not work :/
I really have no Idea what I can do, please help me :)
Does the DBGTOOLS definition in your IDA.CFG point to the x86 WinDBG installation directory?
The following comes from IDA Pro's help:
Windbg debugger plugin has the following configuration options:
- The Debugging Tools folder: This should be configured to point to the same
folder where Microsoft Debugging Tools are installed. The plugin will try to
guess where the tools are, but if it fails, a manual intervention will be
required. If this option is not set, then the plugin will try to use dbgeng.dll
from MS Windows system folder, while normal debug operations will work,
extensions will not.
This information indicates that if IDA Pro is using dbgeng.dll from the Windows system folder, the extensions command (like !gle) will not work.
If you have already setup the DBGTOOLS to point to your WinDbg (x86 version) directory correctly in your /cfg/ida.cfg but IDA Pro is still using dbgeng.dll from your Windows system folder, then probably your IDA context is not configured to analyze the IBM PC processor. This may happen when you launch IDA Pro and click the 'Go' button directly to work on your own and start the WinDbg debugger.
Check the DBGTOOLS in the ida.cfg, you will find it is wrapped by #ifdef __PC__ #endif.
The __PC__ will only gets defined by IDA Pro if you are analyzing a Windows EXE file for example. Give a try to launch the WinDbg from the IDA Pro menu after you have successfully disassembled a Windows EXE file and see what happens.
If this still hasn't been answered your problem is most likely that you didn't uncomment the DBG Tools line in the ida.cfg file.
I just fixed this myself. hope this helps.
Also the other guys are correct as well. make sure you are escaping with double back slashes "\\" and make sure you pointing to the (x86) directory.