#snmp RamSize OID and RamUsed OID - c#-3.0

Anyone can tell me OIDs to get the values of ram size and ram used.
as this link http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseOID.do?objectInput=nvRamSize&translate=Translate&submitValue=SUBMIT&submitClicked=true
I try to get values of this OID butn it's not return values.
Hope anyone can help me.


How to get Innodb_rows_inserted and Innodb_rows_deleted values in postgresql

In Mysql I am getting Innodb_rows_inserted and Innodb_rows_deleted values using these queries
select variable from information_schema.global_status where variable_name = 'innodb_rows_inserted'
Same thing I want to achieve in postgresql. Innodb is not used in postgres so I want to get some queries to fetch total inserted and deleted rows count .Can anyone help me how to get Innodb_rows_inserted and Innodb_rows_deleted values in postgresql. Thanks in advance

Troubleshooting an insert statement, fails without error

I am trying to do what should be a pretty straightforward insert statement in a postgres database. It is not working, but it's also not erroring out, so I don't know how to troubleshoot.
This is the statement:
INSERT INTO my_table (col1, col2) select col1,col2 FROM my_table_temp;
There are around 200m entries in the temp table, and 50m entries in my_table. The temp table has no index or constraints, but both columns in my_table have btree indexes, and col1 has a foreign key constraint.
I ran the first query for about 20 days. Last time I tried a similar insert of around 50m, it took 3 days, so I expected it to take a while, but not a month. Moreover, my_table isn't getting longer. Queried 1 day apart, the following produces the same exact number.
select count(*) from my_table;
So it isn't inserting at all. But it also didn't error out. And looking at system resource usage, it doesn't seem to be doing much of anything at all, the process isn't drawing resources.
Looking at other running queries, nothing else that I have permissions to view is touching either table, and I'm the only one who uses them.
I'm not sure how to troubleshoot since there's no error. It's just not doing anything. Any thoughts about things that might be going wrong, or things to check, would be very helpful.
For the sake of anyone stumbling onto this question in the future:
After a lengthy discussion (see linked discussion from the comments above), the issue turned out to be related to psycopg2 buffering the query in memory.
Another useful note: inserting into a table with indices is slow, so it can help to remove them before bulk loads, and then add them again after.
in my case it was date format issue. i commented date attribute before interting to DB and it worked.
In my case it was a TRIGGER on the same table I was updating and it failed without errors.
Deactivated the trigger and the update worked flawlessly.

Where is oid in pg_tblspc error message

Recently I got could not read block error by displaying the following message:
After this error, I am trying the below query by assuming few of the numbers as oid, but my query result is empty rows.
select oid,relname from pg_class where oid=16010 or oid=16301;
Now my question is, what are the numbers on that pg_tablspc? I have gone through the link and I believe I might have missed the main point from there too!
Update: much more detailed write-up at http://blog.2ndquadrant.com/postgresql-filename-to-table/
The following info doesn't consider relfilenode changes due to vacuum full etc.
we have:
pg_tblspc: Indicates that it's a relation in a tablespace other than the default or global tablespaces
16010: the tablespace oid from pg_tablespace.oid,
PG_9.3_201306121: A version-specific, catversion-specific string to allow different Pg versions to co-exist in a tablespace,
16301: the database oid from pg_database.oid
689225: the relation oid from pg_class.oid
365: The segment number. PostgreSQL splits big tables up into extents (segments) of 1GB each.
There may also be a fork number, but there isn't one in this path.
It took a fair bit of source code digging for me to be sure about this. The macro you want is relpathbackend in src/include/common/relpath.h, for anyone else looking, and it calls GetRelationPath in src/common/relpath.c.

Is there a way to generate some set of rows exactly once on demand in Postgres?

The basic problem is that we are managing a significant amount of generated rows, and it is mission critical that this data is generated exactly once and only if necessary. Suppose you have a data relation:
CREATE TABLE sometable (
Now, in some PL/PGSQL function we have:
-- Advisory locks didn't help here? :(
-- Generate fixed number of new rows in sometable that reference dataID.
In short, the rows that should not be generated more than once some times are. As noted, advisory locks of the form PERFORM pg_advisory_lock(dataID) sadly did not help prevent this. Is there any hope?
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I ran into the duplicate data issue when testing with pgbench.
EDIT 2: Incorrect code fix, clarify issue.
Perhaps the simplest solution is just to have a separate processed_ids table with a unique constraint on the id in question. Your function can try to insert to that table and if there is an exception then that ID is already processed.

ORA-01652 Unable to extend temp segment by in tablespace

I am creating a table like
create table tablename
select * for table2
I am getting the error
ORA-01652 Unable to extend temp segment by in tablespace
When I googled I usually found ORA-01652 error showing some value like
Unable to extend temp segment by 32 in tablespace
I am not getting any such value.I ran this query
fs.tablespace_name "Tablespace",
(df.totalspace - fs.freespace) "Used MB",
fs.freespace "Free MB",
df.totalspace "Total MB",
round(100 * (fs.freespace / df.totalspace)) "Pct. Free"
round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) TotalSpace
group by
) df,
round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) FreeSpace
group by
) fs
df.tablespace_name = fs.tablespace_name;
Taken from: Find out free space on tablespace
and I found that the tablespace I am using currently has around 32Gb of free space. I even tried creating table like
create table tablename tablespace tablespacename
as select * from table2
but I am getting the same error again. Can anyone give me an idea, where the problem is and how to solve it. For your information the select statement would fetch me 40,000,000 records.
I found the solution to this. There is a temporary tablespace called TEMP which is used internally by database for operations like distinct, joins,etc. Since my query(which has 4 joins) fetches almost 50 million records the TEMP tablespace does not have that much space to occupy all data. Hence the query fails even though my tablespace has free space.So, after increasing the size of TEMP tablespace the issue was resolved. Hope this helps someone with the same issue. Thanks :)
Create a new datafile by running the following command:
alter tablespace TABLE_SPACE_NAME add datafile 'D:\oracle\Oradata\TEMP04.dbf'
size 2000M autoextend on;
You don't need to create a new datafile; you can extend your existing tablespace data files.
Execute the following to determine the filename for the existing tablespace:
Then extend the size of the datafile as follows (replace the filename with the one from the previous query):
I encountered the same error message but don't have any access to the table like "dba_free_space" because I am not a dba. I use some previous answers to check available space and I still have a lot of space. However, after reducing the full table scan as many as possible. The problem is solved. My guess is that Oracle uses temp table to store the full table scan data. It the data size exceeds the limit, it will show the error. Hope this helps someone with the same issue