How to get Innodb_rows_inserted and Innodb_rows_deleted values in postgresql - postgresql

In Mysql I am getting Innodb_rows_inserted and Innodb_rows_deleted values using these queries
select variable from information_schema.global_status where variable_name = 'innodb_rows_inserted'
Same thing I want to achieve in postgresql. Innodb is not used in postgres so I want to get some queries to fetch total inserted and deleted rows count .Can anyone help me how to get Innodb_rows_inserted and Innodb_rows_deleted values in postgresql. Thanks in advance


nextval on sequence returns all nextval values for all table rows in typeORM on postgresql table

I have a sequence in postgreSQL database, and when I run NEXTVAL(sequence_name) query inside pgAdmin 4 it returns only one value that is correct.
However inside NestJS project that's bootstrapped with TypeORM when I run this.repo.createQueryBuilder().select("NEXTVAL(sequence_name)").execute()
It returns array of objects with all next values generated.
Example: If I have 500 rows inside the table, it will return 500 NEXTVAL values for some reason.
I've tried my best to find a solution online, but no luck.
Any ideas?
The solution was fairly simple, thanks #nbk for the comment.
This was a solution:
.where('id = (select MAX(id) FROM table_name)')

Store raws as query results into a single variable or array at PostgreSQL

Language: SQL from PostgreSQL in Amazon Redshift;
Editor: Dbeaver Community
Hello guys! I saw the example here in the community from how to declare variables in Dbeaver using the "set" statement, such as in the query below:
#set vaolink = 73401;
select distinct
max(partition_date) as max_date
from meta_ad_xdevice.meta_ad_creative
where name like '%${vaolink}\\_%'--VAO Link
group by
This query results 3 values (rows) in the creative_id column. How can I store these 3 rows in one variable? I want the result to be stored in a sigle variable and then use it in other parts of the code.
Can you please help me?
Thank you!

Simple Select query is running more than 5hours db2

We have a select query as below . Query to fetch the data is running more than 5 hours.
select ColumnA,
from Table
where CodeN <> 'Z'
Is there any way we can collect stats or any other way to improve performance .. ?
And in DB2 do we have any table where we can check whether collect stats are collected on the below table..
The RUNSTATS command collects table & indexes statistics. Note, that this is a Db2 command and not an SQL statement, so you may either run it with Db2 Command Line Processor (CLP) or using relational interface with a special Stored Procedure, which is able to run such commands:
RUNSTATS command using the ADMIN_CMD procedure.
Statistics is stored in the SYSSTAT schema views. Refer to Road map to the catalog views - Table 2. Road map to the updatable catalog views.
How many rows exist in table?
and not equal operator '<>' not indexable predicates

Query for PostgreSQL Server status variable?

In my project i want to collect PostgreSQL server's performance counter. For that i want query to collect it from the database. i am new to postgreSQL. when i am searching, i got something like,
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database
but when i am use this in java in the following manner, Here Map_PostgreSQL is a hashmap.
Map_PostgreSQL.put(rs.getString(1).trim(), rs.getString(2));
I got output like
{12024=template0, 1=template1, 12029=postgres}
What is the actual query to collect its status variables like "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" in MySQL.
Thanks in advance..
1st, try to launch the sql query in your PostgreSQL Shell to see exactly which data are returned and how it is organised in rows and columns.
You'll see that the hashmap keys are your datid (database ids) and the values are your databases names.
I think you assumed that statistics were structured in "rows" whereas they are structured in columns.
Don't forget : PostgreSQL is a database server which means it can handle several databases (and in fact, it has several databases because some of them are already created such as the 'postgres' database itself - which Postgres (the server) uses internally, or 'template0').
By launching :
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database;
You're asking the server to return statistics for every databases (provided you're allowed to get them)
If you want to only have stats for your own database, do :
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname='your_database_name';
Hope this helped

In Postgres SQL Server 8.4 , how to get number of request times to each table?

In Postgres SQL Server 8.4 how to get number of request time to each tables?
For example , what I want is like that
Table_Name request_time
person 50
department 20
Plz give me some guideLine.
You want to use pg_stat_statements and/or csv format logging with log_statement = all or log_min_duration_statement = 0.
There is no way to get statement statistics in a queryable form retroactively. pgFouine can help analyse logs, but only if you've configured PostgreSQL to produce detailed logs.
You probably also want to read about the statistics collector and associated views, which will help provide things like table- and index-utilisation data.