TortoiseCVS. Being asked for a paasword while doing a Checkout on Windows 7 - tortoisecvs

M y apologies if this question has been asked before, if it has been point me to the answer and I will remove this.
I use TortoiseCSV version 1.12.5 in conjuction woth an ssh server, I have created the keys and I can logon the Unix box we use as the CVS repository ok - with out typing in the password - which proves that the key works.
My problem occurs when I go to a Checkout for the first time. I get asked for the TortoiseCVS password. I try the password and key pharase both to the Unix box and neither work.
Does anyone have any suggestions.


Having Trouble with a First Time Installation of PostgreSQL 14.1 on Ubuntu 18.04

I've been having a bit of trouble trying to install PostgreSQL 14 for the first time.
I would like to apologize in advance if this question has been asked in the manner that I am about to ask it, but I do not think it has. If it has been, please direct me to the appropriate location!
I've done a fair amount of Googling on the matter, and all the information that I find seems to be rather fragmented, or I end up following a spaghetti trail of hyperlinks (a la-do-this-and-follow-this-other-link-with-more-information-than-you-need-to-understand-this-other-required-portion).
Personally, I don't want to jump around to 50 different locations on the web to try and conjure up a piecemeal solution that I believe works, only to be proven wrong later. I want to know what to do and why it works. I've tried reading the documentation, and have given up on it, because to me, it seems to assume that the server has already been set up by a database administrator.
Instead of articulating my problem directly (as I seem to be having more trouble than I would like by trying to do so), I believe it would be easier to articulate my problem indirectly by stating what my expectations would be after installing PostgreSQL for the first time.
So to start, I will mention that I'm running Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS, and am installing PostgreSQL 14.1 with the following command:
sudo apt install postgresql-14
Before continuing, I would like to add a side note in advance, that I do not want suggestions for an alternative OS or install method. I just want to be able to get "up and running" in a common-sense fashion from this exact point.
Moving on, I know that the aforementioned command creates a *nix user called postgres.
From here, I can now indirectly state my problem using an outline of what my goals and expectations are immediately after installing the software via that command.
After installing PostgreSQL via apt, these are my expected goals:
I want any client to be able to connect to the database server from any computer where a route exists from the client to the server.
For the sake of simplicity with these stated goals, when it is directly or implicitly stated that I am trying to connect a client to the database server, I am making the assumption that the client is able to, at a minimum, ping the machine that the server is running on, and vice versa.
For now, I'm not completely worried about the database being accessible from the public Internet.
I expect to be able to access the database from any computer on my LAN, whether it is an actual LAN, or some sort of logical LAN (like a WAN or a VPN).
If I change the PostgreSQL password of the postgres user, I expect that any client logging into the database  server via the postgres user will require the password.
This means if I want to change the password to some_password via \password postgres or ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'some_password'; (I am assuming this is how you change the login password of a PostgreSQL user), then...
I expect running psql [-h host] -U postgres -W from any host...
That when I am prompted to enter the password... 
I can only log in by entering the exact password of some_password.
Entering any other arbitrary text for the password should not allow me to log in.
I am adding this as a requirement because previous install attempts have shown me that this is NOT the case.
I expect to be able to create a PostgreSQL user account other than postgres (e.g. db_user) with a password and have it be subject to the same requirements as the postgres user.
i.e. once the new account is given permission to log in, the same common-sense login requirements to log in must be imposed, i.e. you can't get in if you don't have the correct username/password combination. 
If the process to achieve the aforementioned can be explained in such a way that it can be understood with minimal mental friction, I would be extremely grateful.
Feel free to assume that my knowledge is on par with that of a undergraduate CS student who just completed their first year of university, who also understands Linux filesystems and basic computer networking. I just want the answer to be as accessible to as many people as possible, as I am sure I'm not the only person who has struggled with installing PostgreSQL, in spite of having a power user's level of computer literacy.
sudo apt install postgresql
sudo -u postgres psql
Set a password for this user with \password or the other method you mention
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf
Make the only uncommented nonblank line in this file be host all all all md5
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf
uncomment listen_addresses line and set it to '*'
sudo service postgresql restart
When you make a new user, you should also make a new database which has the same spelling as the user does. Otherwise you will need to specify the database name when you try to log in with psql -U, such as psql -U newname -d postgres -h[hhh]. Should you actually be running 14 not 10, then you will need to change the paths of the config files you need to edit accordingly.

Typo3 9.5 backend locked after changing password in phpmyadmin

My Hoster installed Typo3 9.5 for me with composer. I did the setup of typo3 but went on holidays a week afterwards and could not remind the password. So I changed the password in phpmyadmin but still can’t login. It says: Oops, an error occurred. I tried to find out the error and it told me that there must be a problem with the password hashing. I can't find the problem because the php version 7.3. has the correct hashing activated automatically in my opinion.
I can't use the front end login and no install tool can be activated with the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL command. So I can’t work and tried to find a solution for two days now. My hoster won’t help with that problem.
Is there anyone who maybe had the same problem? I had to admit that I’m not a developer with much experience... Thanks a lot if anybody could give me an advice!
Create an (empty) file named ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in typo3conf/ with permission that webserver at least can read it.
Then call domain.tld/typo3/install.
Try a password and save the returned hash in typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php.
When you are logged in in the install tool, you can create a new admin user for TYPO3 backend.
If you have forgotten the Install tool password, you can reset it by modifying [your_site]/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php on the Typo3 server. Replace the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['installToolPassword'] row with the following:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['installToolPassword'] = 'bacb98acf97e0b6112b1d1b650b84971';
This will give you the default password ("joh316") back again.
More information

Use built-in SSH in Oracle SQL Developer instead of using PuTTY first

I don't have extensive knowledges about Oracle SQL Developer (Version 17.2) and SSH tunnel. I have been using PuTTY (KiTTY is the software I used) to establish SSH tunnel to connect to the database. This is the example of how I set up originally with KiTTY. Also, when I start the session where a command prompt window will pop up, I'll need to enter username and password. Let's assume the Username is username and the Password is password. And for the database, the Username is database_username and the Password is database_password.
SSH Setup:
Tunnel Setup:
I learned that you can use SSH (View > SSH) function directly from Oracle SQL Developer, and I have tried for two days but didn't work. From the information I have attached in the two pics above, will I be able to use the built-in SSH function or do I have to always use PuTTY? This is how I set up currently:
SSH in Oracle SQL Developer Setup:
How should I change the built-in SSH setup in order for me to connect to database through SSH? Will this be possible? If so, can you show me exactly what I need to enter the information into those fields (please use mine so I can follow each step)? I just think this process can be simplified within one program.
I finally found the answer for myself after two days of searching and a coworker's advice. Here is what you do to use built-in SSH function in Oracle SQL Developer that also requires SSH Tunnel. And no more PuTTY is needed for this process.
SSH Setup:
As shown in the pic below, this is what you need to enter. Please note there are two Name's fields. You can make up any name you like to use. Don't forget to perform a Test run to ensure this works. To Test run, go to SSH Hosts window, right click on the SSH connection and select Test.
Now the tricky part is here. You should see there is a Connections window on the upper left corner. Click the green plus icon button to add a New Connection.
Database Connection Setup:
Fill out the info as you can see the pic below for example. The key is to change the Connection Type to SSH, Port Forward should also point to the SSH connection that you setup above, and you should have a Service name provided by your DBA team. Once this is set, you can perform a quick Test run and see if everything is working.
The good thing about this setup is that you don't need to run PuTTY on the side. You can simply click the database name and it will prompt you the password and that is it.
P.S. I heard there is a way to store the password using SSH key but I am not familiar with the process and still trying to figure that out. Maybe post your steps here and I will definitely upvote for you.

Can not login to Postgres DB as new user

I have installed Foreman via foreman-installer (that pack included Postgres DB 9.5). Now i want to create new user + new database for Zabbix, however it seems that i am doing something wrong. The image shows what commands i typed. The new user is created succesfully but i can't login as it to database. Could someone help me and explain where is the problem?
EDIT: I've added option that was suggested in another thread (WITH LOGIN) but it didn't help me:
I believe the answer is here.
In summary, "peer authentication" means postgres checked the username of the UNIX user (which is not zabbix), and ignored your -U option. Instead, you want to use "password authentication", which you can configure in your pg_hba.conf file. Check the link for instructions how to do that.

ssh -T showing incorrect id in powershell

In git bash this is correctly reflecting my id. But when it comes to powershell it shows my older Id. Not clear whats the problem. I closed and restarted the powershell, but still the problem persists.
I did
and then I did
Now things seems to be correct.