Processing multiple files as independent RDD's in parallel - scala

I have a scenario where a certain number of operations including a group by has to be applied on a number of small (~300MB each) files. The operation looks like this..
Now to process it on multiple files, I can use a wildcard "/**/*.csv" however, that creates a single RDD and partitions it to for the operations. However, looking at the operations, it is a group by and involves lot of shuffle which is unnecessary if the files are mutually exclusive.
What, I am looking at is, a way where i can create independent RDD's on files and operate on them independently.

It is more an idea than a full solution and I haven't tested it yet.
You can start with extracting your data processing pipeline into a function.
def pipeline(f: String, n: Int) = {
.option("header", "true")
.cache // Cache so we can force computation later
If your files are small you can adjust n parameter to use as small number of partitions as possible to fit data from a single file and avoid shuffling. It means you are limiting concurrency but we'll get back to this issue later.
val n: Int = ???
Next you have to obtain a list of input files. This step depends on a data source but most of the time it is more or less straightforward:
val files: Array[String] = ???
Next you can map above list using pipeline function:
val rdds = => pipeline(f, n))
Since we limit concurrency at the level of the single file we want to compensate by submitting multiple jobs. Lets add a simple helper which forces evaluation and wraps it with Future
import scala.concurrent._
def pipelineToFuture(df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame) = future {
df.rdd.foreach(_ => ()) // Force computation
Finally we can use above helper on the rdds:
val result = Future.sequence( => pipelineToFuture(rdd)).toList
Depending on your requirements you can add onComplete callbacks or use reactive streams to collect the results.

If you have many files, and each file is small (you say 300MB above which I would count as small for Spark), you could try using SparkContext.wholeTextFiles which will create an RDD where each record is an entire file.

By this way we can write multiple RDD parallely
public class ParallelWriteSevice implements IApplicationEventListener {
private static final IprogramLogger logger = programLoggerFactory.getLogger(ParallelWriteSevice.class);
private static ExecutorService executorService=null;
private static List<Future<Boolean>> futures=new ArrayList<Future<Boolean>>();
public static void submit(Callable callable) {
executorService=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(15);//Based on target tables increase this
public static boolean isWriteSucess() {
boolean writeFailureOccured = false;
try {
for (Future<Boolean> future : futures) {
try {
Boolean writeStatus = future.get();
if (writeStatus == false) {
writeFailureOccured = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Erorr - Scdeduled write failed " + e.getMessage(), e);
writeFailureOccured = true;
} finally {
if (executorService != null)
executorService = null;
return !writeFailureOccured;
private static void resetFutures() {
logger.error("resetFutures called");


Apache Spark Data Generator Function on Databricks Not working

I am trying to execute the Data Generator function provided my Microsoft to test streaming data to Event Hubs.
Unfortunately, I keep on getting the error
Processing failure: No such file or directory
When I try and execute the function:
Can someone take a look at the code and help decipher why I'm getting the error:
class DummyDataGenerator:
streamDirectory = "/FileStore/tables/flight"
None # suppress output
I'm not sure how the above cell gets called into the function DummyDataGenerator
import scala.util.Random
import java.time._
// Notebook #2 has to set this to 8, we are setting
// it to 200 to "restore" the default behavior.
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 200)
// Make the username available to all other languages.
// "WARNING: use of the "current" username is unpredictable
// when multiple users are collaborating and should be replaced
// with the notebook ID instead.
val username = com.databricks.logging.AttributionContext.current.tags(com.databricks.logging.BaseTagDefinitions.TAG_USER);
spark.conf.set("", username)
object DummyDataGenerator extends Runnable {
var runner : Thread = null;
val className = getClass().getName()
val streamDirectory = s"dbfs:/tmp/$username/new-flights"
val airlines = Array( ("American", 0.17), ("Delta", 0.12), ("Frontier", 0.14), ("Hawaiian", 0.13), ("JetBlue", 0.15), ("United", 0.11), ("Southwest", 0.18) )
val reasons = Array("Air Carrier", "Extreme Weather", "National Aviation System", "Security", "Late Aircraft")
val rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())
var maxDuration = 3 * 60 * 1000 // default to three minutes
def clean() {
System.out.println("Removing old files for dummy data generator.")
dbutils.fs.rm(streamDirectory, true)
if (dbutils.fs.mkdirs(streamDirectory) == false) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create temp directory.")
def run() {
val date =
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < maxDuration) {
try {
val dir = s"/dbfs/tmp/$username/new-flights"
val tempFile = File.createTempFile("flights-", "", new File(dir)).getAbsolutePath()+".csv"
val writer = new PrintWriter(tempFile)
for (airline <- airlines) {
val flightNumber = rand.nextInt(1000)+1000
val deptTime = rand.nextInt(10)+10
val departureTime =
val (name, odds) = airline
val reason = Random.shuffle(reasons.toList).head
val test = rand.nextDouble()
val delay = if (test < odds)
else rand.nextInt(10)-5
println(s"- Flight #$flightNumber by $name at $departureTime delayed $delay minutes due to $reason")
writer.println(s""" "$flightNumber","$departureTime","$delay","$reason","$name" """.trim)
// wait a couple of seconds
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
printf("* Processing failure: %s%n", e.getMessage())
println("No more flights!")
def start(minutes:Int = 5) {
maxDuration = minutes * 60 * 1000
if (runner != null) {
println("Stopping dummy data generator.")
println(s"Running dummy data generator for $minutes minutes.")
runner = new Thread(this);;
def stop() {
displayHTML("Imported streaming logic...") // suppress output
you should be able to use the Databricks Labs Data Generator on the Databricks community edition. I'm providing the instructions below:
Running Databricks Labs Data Generator on the community edition
The Databricks Labs Data Generator is a Pyspark library so the code to generate the data needs to be Python. But you should be able to create a view on the generated data and consume it from Scala if that's your preferred language.
You can install the framework on the Databricks community edition by creating a notebook with the cell
%pip install git+
Once it's installed you can then use the library to define a data generation spec and by using build, generate a Spark dataframe on it.
The following example shows generation of batch data similar to the data set you are trying to generate. This should be placed in a separate notebook cell
Note - here we generate 10 million records to illustrate ability to create larger data sets. It can be used to generate datasets much larger than that
num_rows = 10 * 1000000 # number of rows to generate
num_partitions = 8 # number of Spark dataframe partitions
delay_reasons = ["Air Carrier", "Extreme Weather", "National Aviation System", "Security", "Late Aircraft"]
# will have implied column `id` for ordinal of row
flightdata_defn = (dg.DataGenerator(spark, name="flight_delay_data", rows=num_rows, partitions=num_partitions)
.withColumn("flightNumber", "int", minValue=1000, uniqueValues=10000, random=True)
.withColumn("airline", "string", minValue=1, maxValue=500, prefix="airline", random=True, distribution="normal")
.withColumn("original_departure", "timestamp", begin="2020-01-01 01:00:00", end="2020-12-31 23:59:00", interval="1 minute", random=True)
.withColumn("delay_minutes", "int", minValue=20, maxValue=600, distribution=dg.distributions.Gamma(1.0, 2.0))
.withColumn("delayed_departure", "timestamp", expr="cast(original_departure as bigint) + (delay_minutes * 60) ", baseColumn=["original_departure", "delay_minutes"])
.withColumn("reason", "string", values=delay_reasons, random=True)
df_flight_data =
You can find information on how to generate streaming data in the online documentation at
You can create a named temporary view over the data so that you can access it from SQL or Scala using one of two methods:
1: use createOrReplaceTempView
2: use options for build. In this case the name passed to the Data Instance initializer will be the name of the view
df_flight_data =
This code will not work on the community edition because of this line:
val dir = s"/dbfs/tmp/$username/new-flights"
as there is no DBFS fuse on Databricks community edition (it's supported only on full Databricks). It's potentially possible to make it working by:
Changing that directory to local directory, like, /tmp or something like
adding a code (after writer.close()) to list flights-* files in that local directory, and using to move them into streamDirectory

MinBy does not return any result Apache Storm

I have built Storm topology with data retrieval from Kafka. And I would like to build an aggregation with counting minimum for each of the batches on one of the fields. I tried to use maxBy function on the stream, however, it does not display any results, although the data is flowing through the system and output function worked with other aggregations. How can it be implemented differently or what can be fixed in the current implementation?
Here is my current implementation:
val tridentTopology = new TridentTopology()
val stream = tridentTopology.newStream("kafka_spout",
new KafkaTridentSpoutOpaque(spoutConfig))
.map(new ParserMapFunction, new Fields("created_at", "id", "text", "source", "timestamp_ms",
"", "", "user.location", "user.url", "user.description", "user.followers_count",
"user.friends_count", "user.favorite_count", "user.lang", "entities.hashtags"))
.map(new OutputFunction)
My custom output function:
class OutputFunction extends MapFunction{
override def execute(input: TridentTuple): Values = {
val values = input.getValues.asScala.toList.toString
println(s"TWEET: $values")
new Values(values)

Differentiating an AVRO union type

I'm consuming Avro serialized messages from Kafka using the "automatic" deserializer like:
props.put("schema.registry.url", "");
This works brilliantly, and is right out of the docs at
The problem I'm facing is that I actually just want to forward these messages, but to do the routing I need some metadata from inside. Some technical constraints mean that I can't feasibly compile-in generated class files to use the KafkaAvroDeserializerConfig.SPECIFIC_AVRO_READER_CONFIG => true, so I am using a regular decoder without being tied into Kafka, specifically just reading the bytes as a Array[Byte] and passing them to a manually constructed deserializer:
var maxSchemasToCache = 1000;
var schemaRegistryURL = ""
var specificDeserializerProps = Map(
-> schemaRegistryURL,
-> "false"
var client = new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(
var deserializer = new KafkaAvroDeserializer(
The messages are a "container" type, with the really interesting part one of about ~25 types in a union { A, B, C } msg record field:
record Event {
timestamp_ms created_at;
union {
} msg;
So I'm successfully reading a Array[Byte] into record and feeding it into the deserializer like this:
var genericRecord = deserializer.deserialize(topic, consumerRecord.value())
var schema = genericRecord.getSchema();
var msgSchema = schema.getField("msg").schema();
The problem however is that I can find no to discern, discriminate or "resolve" the "type" of the msg field through the union:
"msg.schema = %s msg.schema.getType = %s\n",
=> msg.schema = union msg.schema.getType = union
How to discriminate types in this scenario? The confluent registry knows, these things have names, they have "types", even if I'm treating them as GenericRecords,
My goal here is to know that record.msg is of "type" Online | Offline | Available rather than just knowing it's a union.
After having looked into the implementation of the AVRO Java library, it think it's safe to say that this is impossible given the current API. I've found the following way of extracting the types while parsing, using a custom GenericDatumReader subclass, but it needs a lot of polishing before I'd use something like this in production code :D
So here's the subclass:
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumReader;
import java.util.List;
public class CustomReader<D> extends GenericDatumReader<D> {
private final GenericData data;
private Schema actual;
private Schema expected;
private ResolvingDecoder creatorResolver = null;
private final Thread creator;
private List<Schema> unionTypes;
// vvv This is the constructor I've modified, added a list of types
public CustomReader(Schema schema, List<Schema> unionTypes) {
this(schema, schema, GenericData.get());
this.unionTypes = unionTypes;
public CustomReader(Schema writer, Schema reader, GenericData data) {
this.actual = writer;
this.expected = reader;
protected CustomReader(GenericData data) { = data;
this.creator = Thread.currentThread();
protected Object readWithoutConversion(Object old, Schema expected, ResolvingDecoder in) throws IOException {
switch (expected.getType()) {
case RECORD:
return super.readRecord(old, expected, in);
case ENUM:
return super.readEnum(expected, in);
case ARRAY:
return super.readArray(old, expected, in);
case MAP:
return super.readMap(old, expected, in);
case UNION:
// vvv The magic happens here
Schema type = expected.getTypes().get(in.readIndex());
return, type, in);
case FIXED:
return super.readFixed(old, expected, in);
case STRING:
return super.readString(old, expected, in);
case BYTES:
return super.readBytes(old, expected, in);
case INT:
return super.readInt(old, expected, in);
case LONG:
return in.readLong();
case FLOAT:
return in.readFloat();
case DOUBLE:
return in.readDouble();
return in.readBoolean();
case NULL:
return null;
return super.readWithoutConversion(old, expected, in);
I've added comments to the code for the interesting parts, as it's mostly boilerplate.
Then you can use this custom reader like this:
List<Schema> unionTypes = new ArrayList<>();
DatumReader<GenericRecord> datumReader = new CustomReader<GenericRecord>(schema, unionTypes);
DataFileReader<GenericRecord> dataFileReader = new DataFileReader<GenericRecord>(eventFile, datumReader);
GenericRecord event = null;
while (dataFileReader.hasNext()) {
event =;
This will print, for each union parsed, the type of that union. Note that you'll have to figure out which element of that list is interesting to you depending on how many unions you have in a record, etc.
Not pretty tbh :D
I was able to come up with a single-use solution after a lot of digging:
val records: ConsumerRecords[String, Array[Byte]] = consumer.poll(100);
for (consumerRecord <- asScalaIterator(records.iterator)) {
var genericRecord = deserializer.deserialize(topic, consumerRecord.value()).asInstanceOf[GenericRecord];
var msgSchema = genericRecord.get("msg").asInstanceOf[GenericRecord].getSchema();
System.out.printf("%s \n", msgSchema.getFullName());
Prints com.myorg.SomeSchemaFromTheEnum and works perfectly in my use-case.
The confusing thing, is that because of the use of GenericRecord, .get("msg") returns Object, which, in a general way I have no way to safely typecast. In this limited case, I know the cast is safe.
In my limited use-case the solution in the 5 lines above is suitable, but for a more general solution the answer posted by seems more appropriate.
Whether using DatumReader or GenericRecord is probably a matter of preference and whether the Kafka ecosystem is in mind, alone with Avro I'd probably prefer a DatumReader solution, but in this instance I can live with having Kafak-esque nomenclature in my code.
To retrieve the schema of the value of a field, you can use
new GenericData().induce(genericRecord.get("msg"))

spark out of memory multiple iterations

I have a spark job that (runs in spark 1.3.1) has to iterate over several keys (about 42) and process the job. Here is the structure of the program
Get the key from a map
Fetch data from hive (hadoop-yarn underneath) that is matching the key as a data frame
Process data
Write results to hive
When I run this for one key, everything works fine. When I run with 42 keys, I am getting an out of memory exception around 12th iteration. Is there a way I can clean the memory in between each iteration? Help appreciated.
Here is the high level code that I am working with.
public abstract class SparkRunnable {
public static SparkContext sc = null;
public static JavaSparkContext jsc = null;
public static HiveContext hiveContext = null;
public static SQLContext sqlContext = null;
protected SparkRunnableModel(String appName){
//get the system properties to setup the model
// Getting a java spark context object by using the constants
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName);
sc = new SparkContext(conf);
jsc = new JavaSparkContext(sc);
// Creating a hive context object connection by using java spark
hiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc);
// sql context
sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc);
public abstract void processModel(Properties properties) throws Exception;
class ModelRunnerMain(model: String) extends SparkRunnableModel(model: String) with Serializable {
override def processModel(properties: Properties) = {
val dataLoader = DataLoader.getDataLoader(properties)
//loads keys data frame from a keys table in hive and converts that to a list
val keysList = dataLoader.loadSeriesData()
for (key <- keysList) {
runModelForKey(key, dataLoader)
def runModelForKey(key: String, dataLoader: DataLoader) = {
//loads data frame from a table(~50 col X 800 rows) using "select * from table where key='<key>'"
val keyDataFrame = dataLoader.loadKeyData()
// filter this data frame into two data frames
// join them to transpose
// convert the data frame into an RDD
// run map on the RDD to add bunch of new columns
My data frame size is under a Meg. But I create several data frames from this by selecting and joining etc. I assume all these get garbage collected once the iteration is done.
Here is configuration I am running with.
spark.eventLog.enabled:true spark.broadcast.port:7086
spark.driver.memory:12g spark.shuffle.spill:false
spark.serializer:org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer spark.executor.cores:8 spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles:true
spark.shuffle.service.enabled:true spark.master:yarn-client
spark.executor.instances:8 spark.shuffle.service.port:7337
spark.rdd.compress:true spark.executor.memory:48g spark.sql.shuffle.partitions:700
Here is the exception I am getting.
Exception in thread "dag-scheduler-event-loop" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at com.ning.compress.lzf.ChunkEncoder.encodeAndWriteChunk(
at com.ning.compress.lzf.LZFOutputStream.writeCompressedBlock(
at com.ning.compress.lzf.LZFOutputStream.write(
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.DefaultArraySerializers$ByteArraySerializer.write(
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.DefaultArraySerializers$ByteArraySerializer.write(
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo.writeClassAndObject(
at org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializationStream.writeObject(KryoSerializer.scala:124)
at org.apache.spark.broadcast.TorrentBroadcast$.blockifyObject(TorrentBroadcast.scala:202)
at org.apache.spark.broadcast.TorrentBroadcast.writeBlocks(TorrentBroadcast.scala:101)
at org.apache.spark.broadcast.TorrentBroadcast.<init>(TorrentBroadcast.scala:84)
at org.apache.spark.broadcast.TorrentBroadcastFactory.newBroadcast(TorrentBroadcastFactory.scala:34)
at org.apache.spark.broadcast.TorrentBroadcastFactory.newBroadcast(TorrentBroadcastFactory.scala:29)
at org.apache.spark.broadcast.BroadcastManager.newBroadcast(BroadcastManager.scala:62)
at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.broadcast(SparkContext.scala:1051)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGScheduler$$anonfun$handleTaskCompletion$15$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcVI$sp(DAGScheduler.scala:1042)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGScheduler$$anonfun$handleTaskCompletion$15$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(DAGScheduler.scala:1039)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGScheduler$$anonfun$handleTaskCompletion$15$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(DAGScheduler.scala:1039)
at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:236)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGScheduler$$anonfun$handleTaskCompletion$15.apply(DAGScheduler.scala:1039)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGScheduler$$anonfun$handleTaskCompletion$15.apply(DAGScheduler.scala:1038)
at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGScheduler.handleTaskCompletion(DAGScheduler.scala:1038)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGSchedulerEventProcessLoop.onReceive(DAGScheduler.scala:1390)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGSchedulerEventProcessLoop.onReceive(DAGScheduler.scala:1354)
Using checkpoint() or localCheckpoint() can cut the spark lineage and improve the performance of the application in iterations.

Difference between RoundRobinRouter and RoundRobinRoutinglogic

So I was reading tutorial about akka and came across this and I think he explained it pretty well, I just picked up scala recently and having difficulties with the tutorial above,
I wonder what is the difference between RoundRobinRouter and the current RoundRobinRouterLogic? Obviously the implementation is quite different.
Previously the implementation of RoundRobinRouter is
val workers = context.actorOf(Props[ItemProcessingWorker].withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(100)))
with processBatch
def processBatch(batch: List[BatchItem]) = {
if (batch.isEmpty) {"Done migrating all items for data set $dataSetId. $totalItems processed items, we had ${allProcessingErrors.size} errors in total")
} else {
// reset processing state for the current batch
currentBatchSize = batch.size
allProcessedItemsCount = currentProcessedItemsCount + allProcessedItemsCount
currentProcessedItemsCount = 0
allProcessingErrors = currentProcessingErrors ::: allProcessingErrors
currentProcessingErrors = List.empty
// distribute the work
batch foreach { item =>
workers ! item
Here's my implementation of RoundRobinRouterLogic
var mappings : Option[ActorRef] = None
var router = {
val routees = Vector.fill(100) {
mappings = Some(context.actorOf(Props[Application3]))
context watch mappings.get
Router(RoundRobinRoutingLogic(), routees)
and treated the processBatch as such
def processBatch(batch: List[BatchItem]) = {
if (batch.isEmpty) {
println(s"Done migrating all items for data set $dataSetId. $totalItems processed items, we had ${allProcessingErrors.size} errors in total")
} else {
// reset processing state for the current batch
currentBatchSize = batch.size
allProcessedItemsCount = currentProcessedItemsCount + allProcessedItemsCount
currentProcessedItemsCount = 0
allProcessingErrors = currentProcessingErrors ::: allProcessingErrors
currentProcessingErrors = List.empty
// distribute the work
batch foreach { item =>
// println(
mappings.get ! item
I somehow cannot run this tutorial, and it's stuck at the point where it's iterating the batch list. I wonder what I did wrong.
In the first place, you have to distinguish diff between them.
RoundRobinRouter is a Router that uses round-robin to select a connection.
RoundRobinRoutingLogic uses round-robin to select a routee
You can provide own RoutingLogic (it has helped me to understand how Akka works under the hood)
class RedundancyRoutingLogic(nbrCopies: Int) extends RoutingLogic {
val roundRobin = RoundRobinRoutingLogic()
def select(message: Any, routees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee]): Routee = {
val targets = (1 to nbrCopies).map(_ =>, routees))
link on doc
p.s. this doc is very clear and it has helped me the most
Actually I misunderstood the method, and found out the solution was to use RoundRobinPool as stated in
For example RoundRobinRouter has been renamed to RoundRobinPool or
RoundRobinGroup depending on which type you are actually using.
val workers = context.actorOf(Props[ItemProcessingWorker].withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(100)))
val workers = context.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(100).props(Props[ItemProcessingWorker]), "router2")