Android list view with header - android-listview

I noticed that when adding a header view to a list view ,index for items start with 1,but if the list view doesn't have a header then index for items starts with 0.What is the design principle for this?


Swipe through list items in detail of each item - Flutter

I have rendered a list of items on a page. I can tap the item to view its detail, How do I swipe left and right in the list item detail to go to the next item detail. Attaching images for more explanation.
This is the main list
This is item detail on tap of list item
What I want is to go to the next item in the list by swiping through the list detail.
Jon Mountjoy is right, just use PageView in detail page, page view items is your list items, when you click the item in the list view, pass index and in next detail page view page, jump to that index item or assign the initial index of controller to that selected index.

Swiping Navigation

I have a list view of all my Facebook friend lists. I want clicking on an item from the list view to display a detailed view of the friend. Now I want to slide this detail view of the items to show the detail view of next item in the list. Similarly previous item for left to right.
I have tried using information from this question, but I want to use view pager and page adapter.
you should look at the sample that comes with the sdk which uses a pager adapter and a dummy fragment for data...

UITabBarController.moreNavigationController disable items

I am using UITabBarController for my 7 viewcontorller. UITabBarController is showing by default more button. When I pressed more button it will show me table view which contains 3 more tabbar items in list. I would like to disable one items from tableview list. Could you please help me how can I disable only single item from tableview list?
Have a look at the documentation for the cusomizableViewControllers property of UITabBarController. This property is an array that contains the subset of all your tab view controllers that are 'customizable' i.e. that can be moved around and added to the tab bar.
Remove a view controller from this array to disable customization.
You can't disable / enable items from the "More" tab bar item. You can remove one or many, as you want, though, by changing the array in the UITabBar's items property.

Strange delay with Navigation Controller behaviour

I have the following set up in a navigation controller.
The root is a list of categories (banks, hotels etc) and each category has a child view below it containing a table view of items (Bank A, Bank B etc). When i select 'Banks' i see my banks (list coming from from web service), but then i go up one level to my root, and select 'Hotels', when the view loads (from web service), i still see my banks, for about 1 second, before the view is updated with the list of hotels.
How can i stop the previous category's list showing up when i choose a different category?
Clear the array first before you load the view, try also getting views to reload

Behaviour of a searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView inside a UINavigationController logic

I have a ordinary UITableViewController inside a UINavigationController. The former includes a searchbar which is connected to a search display controller. I use the standard behaviour, i.e. when the user enters any character the search results table view overlays the normal table view.
Now, both table views act inside a navigation controller. If I select one item from the search results table view, a new uitableviewcontroller (with specific information about the item selected) gets pushed onto the nav stack. When I hit the back button on that controller, I observe a strange behavior: The section headers of the normal table view overdraw the section headers of my search results table view. They are displayed as if my normal table view is being displayed (I can see that from the number of rows between the headers, though the rows remain empty). The search result table rows are still being displayed.
This behavior comes from the fact that I reload the table view on viewWillAppear. I do this to react on changes in the database made by the user at some other point in the application or automatic background data updates. I already tried to poll if the recently displayed table view is being shown via
(self.tableView == self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView)
but that statement is always false after I return to my normal table view controller.
The question: how can I poll the correct state of my table view to avoid the displaying errors?
The UISearchDisplayController class implements an active property. Guess what it's used for :-)
e.g. just check for ( or ([self.searchDisplayController isActive]).