I have a list view of all my Facebook friend lists. I want clicking on an item from the list view to display a detailed view of the friend. Now I want to slide this detail view of the items to show the detail view of next item in the list. Similarly previous item for left to right.
I have tried using information from this question, but I want to use view pager and page adapter.
you should look at the sample that comes with the sdk which uses a pager adapter and a dummy fragment for data...
I don’t have any code for this, so I’ll make up a hypothetical situation:
I want to make a grocery list app. I have a tab bar that sends me to a view where I can create categories in a list (fruits, vegetables, dairy etc.) Each category sends the user to a detail view where they can list off certain brands and the amount they need.
(This is where it gets a bit tricky)
In the main view, the categories that the user made are now tabs that are on the bottom and the list they made in detail view appears on the screen. Any changes they make in the list shown (in the main view) will update back into the specific detail view.
Is that possible? And what technique would be used for something like this?
I have rendered a list of items on a page. I can tap the item to view its detail, How do I swipe left and right in the list item detail to go to the next item detail. Attaching images for more explanation.
This is the main list
This is item detail on tap of list item
What I want is to go to the next item in the list by swiping through the list detail.
Jon Mountjoy is right, just use PageView in detail page, page view items is your list items, when you click the item in the list view, pass index and in next detail page view page, jump to that index item or assign the initial index of controller to that selected index.
how do I display a list of items on the screen, like how email is displayed on the screen?
What is this controller called?
It is a UITableView. Check the Table View Programming Guide and Table View Suite code sample by apple.
I have a data-driven table view. The root view displays a list of entities (1) that when selected displays another list of entities (2).
If an entity in (1) has a series of properties that I'd like the user to have control over, what's the best UI approach to presenting them with a window for editing this data?
For example, if (1) was a list of Continents and (2) was a list of Countries, tapping a Continent will present a list of Countries and so on. If The user wanted to change a property of a Continent (example change "rateThisContinent") what does convention say he/she should tap?
I was originally thinking of a detail disclosure but that's not really in line with Apple's guidelines for what detail disclosure is.
An edit button might be the way to go, but then what would the table view display after the edit button has been pressed?
I've decided to answer my own question. I will create an intermediate 'detail view' after the (1) list that presents all the properties with a button to view the (2) list.
I'll then make the detail view editable.
I am using navigation controller and have table views inside views.
when i select any cell it it will navigate to another view. so,from there if i click back button it come sto previous view.But,it showing the cell which is selected previously. I dnt want this .it should not show which cell we selected previously.
Could any one help me how to get this.
From the apple docs : When the user selects a cell, you should respond by deselecting the previously selected cell (by calling the deselectRowAtIndexPath:animated: method) as well as by performing any appropriate action, such as displaying a detail view.
For more info see http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/TableView_iPhone/ManageSelections/ManageSelections.html