Powershell script to search folders using .csv files without Path - powershell

I am new to the powershell scripting and hence need one help in scripting, the script which I am looking for should search for the folders as per the entries in .csv file, please note that it should search for the folders in the drive without knowing the path and move it to the destination.
I did some research and created below script which is taking data from .txt file and moving the data to the destination however it does not work if I just write C:\ at the place of source folder.
Request you to please help me :)
Get-Content C:\abc.txt |
Foreach-Object {
move-item -path "C:\0123\$_" -destination "C:\To Archive\$_"

With what you've given, I'd do something like the following:
$File = Import-Csv C:\share\test\files.txt
Foreach($fileName in $File.FileName)
Move-Item -path "C:\share\test\OldLocation\$fileName" -Destination "C:\share\test\NewLocation\$fileName"
I did this with a .csv file that had one column whose title was FileName. Notable differences from your code include using the Import-Csv cmdlet and specifying the .csv header title in the foreach loop.
If you wanted to do this with a single command:
Import-Csv C:\share\test\files.txt | ForEach-Object {
Move-Item -path "C:\share\test\OldLocation\$($_.[csvHeader])" -Destination "C:\share\test\NewLocation\$($_.[csvHeader])"
Where csvHeader is the title of the column in your .csv file.
My .csv file looked like:


Powershell. Combine text files in folders across multiple directories

I have tried to do my research, but I can't fathom this one out.
I can combine multiple .txt files in a folder. no problem:
dir C:\Users\XXXX\AC1\22JUN *.txt | get-content | out-file C:\Users\XXXX\22JUN\AC1_22JUN.txt
however, I have 14 Directories each with subdirectories. (months of the year), and this will only ever grow. How can I write it so that it will go into each directory AC1 - AC14 and then look into each folder JAN-DEC and in each subdirectory create a combined file for AC1_22JUN, AC2_22JUN AC1_22JUL, AC2_22JUL and so on and so on?
is there also a way to rename the output file with data, such as the number of .txt files that have been combined. i.e. AC1_22JUN_314.txt
many thanks in advance
What you need to do is iterate over all your directories and their subdirectories and run a particular command in each of them. This is easy enough to achieve using the cmdlet Get-ChildItem and a pair of nested foreach loops.
In addition, you need to count the number of text files you've processed so that you can name your aggregate file appropriately. To do this you can break your pipeline using the temporary variable $files. You can later begin a new pipeline with this variable and use its count property to name the aggregate file.
The code for this is as follows:
$dirs = Get-ChildItem -Directory
foreach ($dir in $dirs)
$subdirs = Get-ChildItem $dir -Directory
foreach ($subdir in $subdirs)
$files = Get-ChildItem *.txt -Path $subdir.fullname
$name = "$($dir.name)_$($subdir.name)_$($files.count).txt"
$files | Get-Content | Out-File "$($subdir.fullname)/$name"
A few things to note:
The script needs to be run from the containing folder - in your case the parent folder for AC1-AC14. To run it from elsewhere you will have to change the first statement into something like $dirs = Get-ChildItem C:\path\to\container -Directory
Get-ChildItem is the same as the command dir. dir is an alias for Get-ChildItem. This is NOT the same as the variable $dir which I've used in the script.
Running the script multiple times will include any and all of your old aggregate files! This is because the output file is also a .txt file which is caught in your wildcard search. Consider refining the search criteria for Get-ChildItem, or save the output elsewhere.

Powershell - Read CSV contents, copy file from a network drive to local machine

I am currently in the process of restructuring a Windows server file directory and need to bulk rename over 10,000 files all in different folders but most have duplicate filenames (e.g 0001.pdf, 0002.pdf)
I have written a Powershell script to help me do this but I am having some trouble with the execution.
The script reads a csv file (export of all the files in the folder structure - export.csv) then creates the variables $OldFilename & $NewFileName. The variables are then used to locate the old file location and copy it to a new destination using the Copy-Item command for each row in the CSV.
$csv = import-csv c:\tmp\test.csv
$csv | foreach-object {
$OldFileName =$_.OldFileName
$NewFileName = $_.NewFileName
$csv | ForEach-Object {
$OldFileName =$_.OldFileName
$NewFileName = $_.NewFileName
Copy-Item $OldFileName -Destination $NewFileName
CSV is formatted as such
Code does not error when run but files do not appear.
A Write-Output displays the correct file path but a Write-Host((Get-Item $file).length/1MB) does not retrieve the files size which leads me to believe there is an issue with the variable!?
Something I need to add?
Many Thanks

How do I copy files with different names form one folder to another folder using powershell?

I have a folder with many different csv files in it all with different names. I'm trying to copy a group of 129 of them to a different folder. Each of the 129 have a different name. Is there a way to do this in powershell all at once? Maybe using copy-item but I'd need to be able to do something like; copy-item oldfolder\somename.csv AND oldfolder\anothername.csv AND etc. -destination differentexistingfolder
Assuming you have a text file with the file names, like:
You can do:
# read file names from txt file
$filenames = Get-Content path\to\file\with\names.txt
# find the files and copy them
Get-ChildItem -Path path\to\oldfolder\ -Filter *.csv |Where-Object { $filenames -contains $_.Name } |Copy-Item -Destination path\to\destination\

Powershell recursive search to chose .txt files then output contents of all files into a single .txt file

Any help greatly appreciated.
I have a folder that contains 30+ folders which each have a .txt file that I can search for using:
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Recurse
I want to read the contents of each .txt file discovered and output the contents int a new .csv file on my desktop that also includes the directory of each .txt file contents being displayed.
The question is twofold,
how to use pipe and powershell commands to read/show all the words in the files.
how to create the csv data that will output both the directory name and the contents of the .txt files.
I can already pipe results to:
c:\desktop\test.csv -Encoding ascii -noTypeInformation
The following script reads all .txt files within a specific directory, stores the full filename and path as well as the files content into an array and saves it as a csv.
$csvOut = #()
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath C:\temp -Filter *.txt -File -Recurse | foreach {
$fileData = #{
"Content"=(Get-Content -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Raw)
$csvOut += (New-Object psobject -Property $fileData)
$csvOut | Export-Csv -LiteralPath "C:\temp\csvout.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Copy data for each user using PowerShell

I have a text file with a list of user names separated by semi colon, users names in the text file are: user1; user2; user3, etc.. The user names all have a network folder located at \testserver\users\user1, \testserver\users\user2, and so on.
I am trying to have PowerShell script read the text file and copy the folder and all data in each folder for each user from one location to another location called \testserver\newusers\users. However when I launch the script I have written so far, it just creates a folder with a user name from the text file I have. Below is what I have so far:
$File = Get-Content .\MyFile.txt
$File | ForEach-Object {
$_.Split(';') | ForEach-Object {
Copy-Item -Path "$_" -Destination '\\testserver\newusers\users'
I am launching my PowerShell .ps1 file from a location that has the myfile.txt file in it.
How do I get this to work properly?
Call Copy-Item with the parameter -Recurse if you want to copy the folders' content as well. Otherwise just the folder itself would be copied (without content). You also need to provide the full path to the source folders unless you run the script from \\testserver\users.
Something like this should work:
$server = 'testserver'
$src = "\\$server\users"
$dst = "\\$server\newusers"
(Get-Content .\MyFile.txt) -split ';' | % {
Copy-Item -Path "$src\$_" -Destination "$dst\" -Recurse