Powershell. Combine text files in folders across multiple directories - powershell

I have tried to do my research, but I can't fathom this one out.
I can combine multiple .txt files in a folder. no problem:
dir C:\Users\XXXX\AC1\22JUN *.txt | get-content | out-file C:\Users\XXXX\22JUN\AC1_22JUN.txt
however, I have 14 Directories each with subdirectories. (months of the year), and this will only ever grow. How can I write it so that it will go into each directory AC1 - AC14 and then look into each folder JAN-DEC and in each subdirectory create a combined file for AC1_22JUN, AC2_22JUN AC1_22JUL, AC2_22JUL and so on and so on?
is there also a way to rename the output file with data, such as the number of .txt files that have been combined. i.e. AC1_22JUN_314.txt
many thanks in advance

What you need to do is iterate over all your directories and their subdirectories and run a particular command in each of them. This is easy enough to achieve using the cmdlet Get-ChildItem and a pair of nested foreach loops.
In addition, you need to count the number of text files you've processed so that you can name your aggregate file appropriately. To do this you can break your pipeline using the temporary variable $files. You can later begin a new pipeline with this variable and use its count property to name the aggregate file.
The code for this is as follows:
$dirs = Get-ChildItem -Directory
foreach ($dir in $dirs)
$subdirs = Get-ChildItem $dir -Directory
foreach ($subdir in $subdirs)
$files = Get-ChildItem *.txt -Path $subdir.fullname
$name = "$($dir.name)_$($subdir.name)_$($files.count).txt"
$files | Get-Content | Out-File "$($subdir.fullname)/$name"
A few things to note:
The script needs to be run from the containing folder - in your case the parent folder for AC1-AC14. To run it from elsewhere you will have to change the first statement into something like $dirs = Get-ChildItem C:\path\to\container -Directory
Get-ChildItem is the same as the command dir. dir is an alias for Get-ChildItem. This is NOT the same as the variable $dir which I've used in the script.
Running the script multiple times will include any and all of your old aggregate files! This is because the output file is also a .txt file which is caught in your wildcard search. Consider refining the search criteria for Get-ChildItem, or save the output elsewhere.


Powershell Script to find a specific file type in specific subfolders of a directory

I have a directory with several subfolders in it. I specifically want to search for the directory for a set of subfolders that begin with the combination "SS". Once it finds those specific subfolders, I want to run a batch file on those folders and also delete files of specific file type.
I've got the search for the specific subfolders to work using gci and -Recurse using the following code:
$BaseDir = "P:\Directory1\"
$FolderName = "SS"
Get-ChildItem $BaseDir -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name.StartsWith($FolderName)}
This finds the correct subfolders, but I'm lost on how after I've gotten these results to run the batch file on them and delete the files with the specific file type. I've tried using foreach and ForEach-Object, but it's not giving any results. I've searched and can't seem to find a solution for this.
You could also use -Include, but it's picky about the path handed to it.
get-childitem( join-path $directory "*") -Include *.txt,*.pdf
The -Include option needs the path to have that trailing * wildcard on it, and WILL NOT work without it.
join-path is also the OS-safe way to create a path without using a directory delimiter that might not work if you're running the code on a non-Windows host.

How do I move a selection of files into several different directories in one loop?

First time toying seriously with Powershell. I'm running into the problem that my little loop doesn't do what I want it to; it creates a list of series names from the files found in a directory and creates the directories needed to hold the files.
[TAG]Series first.txt
[TAG]Series something else.txt
This should be sorted into
Series first [Sometag]\[TAG]Series first.txt
Series something else [Sometag]\[TAG]Series something else.txt
But I can't get Move-Item to actually move the files into the new directories. It leads to extensionless files or errors stating that the file (directory) already exists.
$details = ' [Sometag]'
$series = Get-ChildItem . -Name -File -Filter *.txt |
% {$_.Replace("[TAG]", "").Split("-")[0].Trim()} |
$series | ForEach-Object {
New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -Name $_$details -ItemType Directory
This is the command that should move the files that it finds using the $serie collection into the directories previously created.
foreach ($serie in $series) {
Get-ChildItem -File -Filter *$serie*.txt |
Move-Item -Destination '.\$serie$details'
Which results in it complaining that the file already exists. What would be the best way to deal with this, and can I optimize the first two lines?

Add to Array of wildcards in Powershell

I am new to powershell and looking to test something for a POC.
There are multiple files stored on the cloud inbox (File_1.txt, File_2.txt and so on).
I want to add these files using a wildcard to an array and then run some commands (specific to the cloud) for each file.
I cannot specify the -Path in the code as the files are located on cloud and I do not have the path.
The below code works:
$files = #("File_1.txt","File_2.txt","File_3.txt")
foreach ($file in $files) {
Run commands on cloud like...delete inbox/$file
However I cannot hard code the file names. I am looking to add file names using wildcard.
foreach ($file in $files) {
Run commands on cloud like...inbox/$file
But this does not work as in the log it is taking File*.txt as the name of the file.
Thanks in advance
You should use dir equivalent of PowerShell, Get-ChildItem (In fact dir and ls are aliases for the Cmdlet) to search files using wildcards:
$files = Get-ChildItem file*.txt
foreach($file in $files) {
DoSomeStuffWithFile $file
Get-ChildItem returns FileInfo objects. If you want to use the filename String in the loop, you should refer to the Name property of the object:
DoSomeStuffWithFileName $file.Name
You can easily update the file number using string interpolation. Here is a basic example of how this might work:
1 .. 10 |
ForEach-Object {
"hello" | Out-File -Path "File_$_.txt"
Here we generate an array of the numbers from 1 to 10 (using the range operator ..), then this is piped to our command (and hence placed in the $_ variable). As each number comes through, the path is constructed with the current value of $_, so you get File_1.txt, File_2.txt, etc.
You can use other looping techniques, but the key is that you can build the filename/path on-the-fly by having PowerShell replace the variables for you.

Copy files in a directory, to folders with same name as file

I have multiple files that I want to copy each file to a folder with same name
For example, the files
orange_file100 , orange_file200 , orange_file300 , apple_file120 , apple_file150
I want to move each file to a folder that contain part of the filename say orange and apple so the result will be
How can I do that through powershell, should I use Get-ChildItem then ForEach{Copy-Item) ?
You can use Get-Childitem with a -File or -Directory to only grab the files or folders in a folder, that way you wont grab a folder and try place it in itself.
For example, the code below will only grab the files in the current directory
Get-Childitem -File
You can then use some regex to split the names so you can get the fruit name e.g.
You should insert it into a list or array or something to store it, but now you have a list of files and fruit names.
Now you can loop over the list and start to move or copy the files into the right folder structure
Foreach($file in $FileList){
if($file.name -matches $Fruitname){
if($file.name -notmatch $pwd.path ){
mkdir $file.name
cd $file.name
move-item $file.fullname $pwd
The code above is just a quick attempt. It probably wont work the first time and you should make adjustments to understand what you are doing.
A few notes
$pwd gets the current directory. I'm assuming Get-Childitem returns the list of files in the correct order, so you will get Orange_100, then Orange_200 and so on
Get-Childitem returns a powershell object. The file names can be accessed using $_.name or the full path using $_.fullname
If -matches doesn't work, you can also try -like or -in
I didn't add in the first fruit folder into the code above, but it won't be hard to create
Remember to play around and find whats best for you.

If a file is present move another file in another folder

in a particular folder I have files created with random name for example:
when these files are succesfully created, a .ack file is created.
So I will have
What I have to do:
Move a .xml file only if the corresponding .ack is created.
The difficult part: file names are random and I have no control over them.
Is there a way to create a .bat or a powershell to check and move with these requirements run at scheduled times?
Many thanks for your help
the ideal would be a powershell task, indeed. Now, you will want to leverage window's Scheduled Tasks in order to run it at a scheduled time.
In a nutshell, what you'll have to do with powershell is to
List the xml files in your folder with Get-ChildItem -filter "*.xml"
Pipe it to a Where-Object statement to make sure the .xml has a .ack counterpart, leveraging Test-Path
For each produced item, move the .xml file.
Move-Item -Path $source -Destination $target
Optionally, you could also clean the .ack files with Remove-Item.
Find every filename that appears with two extensions, and move them both.
gci | group basename |? Count -eq 2 | select -expand group | move -Dest c:\temp
Because it's fun not to use any loops. If you want loops, maybe: to move the XML and delete the .ack.
gci *.ack |% { move ($_.BaseName +'.xml') "c:\temp" ; rm $_ }