Buffered input to SecTransform - swift

I'm reading data from an audio file and computing a hash of it, as in the style of the ffmpeg MD5 muxer, except I'm doing SHA2 and using AVFoundation and the OS X SecTransform API.
What this does is it opens an audio file, converts it into it's native PCM format if it's compressed, and then hashes the interleaved samples byte-by-byte.
When I read the audio from my files, I would normally read the samples into a buffer in a for or while loop.
extension AVAudioFile {
func sha2() throws -> NSData {
let bufSize = AVAudioFrameCount(0x1000)
let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(PCMFormat: self.processingFormat,
frameCapacity: bufSize)
// initialize digest algo
for(;;) {
try readIntoBuffer(buffer)
if buffer.frameLength > 0 {
// read buffer into digest
} else {
// finalize digest and return...
return NSData()
The issue I'm having is, the only way I can see of loading data into a SecTransform is either handing it all the data at once in a CFData, or as a CFReadStream. How do I feed my data buffer-by-buffer into a SecTransform?

I figured it out, you create bound input and output streams with NSStream.getBoundStreamsWithBufferSize() and then you feed the output stream with an asynchronous loop
The complete implementation is like this:
func writeSamplesFromBuffer(buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer, toStream : NSOutputStream) {
assert(buffer.format.interleaved == true)
var rawBuffer = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(buffer.int32ChannelData.memory)
var toWrite = sizeof(Int32) *
Int(buffer.format.channelCount) * Int(buffer.frameLength)
while toWrite > 0 {
let written = toStream.write(rawBuffer, maxLength: toWrite)
rawBuffer = rawBuffer.advancedBy(written)
toWrite -= written
func writeAudioDataFromURL(url : NSURL,
usingFormat format: AVAudioCommonFormat,
toStream: NSOutputStream) throws {
let audioFile = try AVAudioFile(forReading: url,
commonFormat: format,
interleaved: true)
let pcmBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(PCMFormat:
frameCapacity: 0x1000)
let writerQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_UTILITY, 0)
dispatch_async(writerQueue) {
while true {
do {
try audioFile.readIntoBuffer(pcmBuffer)
if pcmBuffer.frameLength > 0 {
writeSamplesFromBuffer(pcmBuffer, toStream: toStream)
} else {
} catch let error {
fatalError("Fatal error: \(error) while reading audio file \(audioFile) at URL \(url)")
func sha256DigestForStream(stream : NSInputStream) throws -> NSData {
let transform = SecTransformCreateGroupTransform().takeRetainedValue()
let readXform = SecTransformCreateReadTransformWithReadStream(stream as CFReadStreamRef).takeRetainedValue()
var error : Unmanaged<CFErrorRef>? = nil
let digestXform = SecDigestTransformCreate(kSecDigestSHA2, 256, &error).takeRetainedValue()
SecTransformConnectTransforms(readXform, kSecTransformOutputAttributeName,
digestXform, kSecTransformInputAttributeName,
transform, &error)
if let e = error { throw e.takeUnretainedValue() }
if let output = SecTransformExecute(transform, &error) as? NSData {
return output
} else {
throw error!.takeRetainedValue()
func sha256DigestForAudioFile(url : NSURL,
convertedToSampleFormat sampleFormat: AVAudioCommonFormat) throws -> NSData {
let streamBufSize = 0x1000
var rs : NSInputStream? = nil
var ws : NSOutputStream? = nil
inputStream: &rs, outputStream: &ws)
guard let readStream = rs, writeStream = ws else {
fatalError("Failed to create file read streams")
try writeAudioDataFromURL(url,
usingFormat: sampleFormat, toStream: writeStream)
return try sha256DigestForStream(readStream)


Decrypt CommonCrypto always returning nil with URLSession.shared.dataTask Data Swift

I'm making an Application with a java backend and a Swift front-end. Using a REST Api to move data. I wish to encrypt the data with AES 128 CBC. The encrypting method is working, but the decrypting method is not.
First off all, this is the Swift code for de AES encrypting and decrypting:
import Foundation
import CommonCrypto
struct AES {
private let key: Data
private let iv: Data
init?() {
let ivProduct: String = "dkghepfowntislqn"
let keyProduct: String = "2949382094230487"
guard keyProduct.count == kCCKeySizeAES128 || keyProduct.count == kCCKeySizeAES256, let keyData = keyProduct.data(using: .utf8) else {
debugPrint("Error: Failed to set a key.")
return nil
guard ivProduct.count == kCCBlockSizeAES128, let ivData = ivProduct.data(using: .utf8) else {
debugPrint("Error: Failed to set an initial vector.")
return nil
self.key = keyData
self.iv = ivData
func encrypt(string: String) -> Data? {
return crypt(data: string.data(using: .utf8), option: CCOperation(kCCEncrypt))
func decrypt(data: Data?) -> String? {
guard let decryptedData = crypt(data: data, option: CCOperation(kCCDecrypt)) else { return nil }
return String(bytes: decryptedData, encoding: .utf8)
func crypt(data: Data?, option: CCOperation) -> Data? {
guard let data = data else { return nil }
let cryptLength = data.count + kCCBlockSizeAES128
var cryptData = Data(count: cryptLength)
let keyLength = key.count
let options = CCOptions(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)
var bytesLength = Int(0)
let status = cryptData.withUnsafeMutableBytes { cryptBytes in
data.withUnsafeBytes { dataBytes in
iv.withUnsafeBytes { ivBytes in
key.withUnsafeBytes { keyBytes in
CCCrypt(option, CCAlgorithm(kCCAlgorithmAES), options, keyBytes.baseAddress, keyLength, ivBytes.baseAddress, dataBytes.baseAddress, data.count, cryptBytes.baseAddress, cryptLength, &bytesLength)
guard UInt32(status) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) else {
debugPrint("Error: Failed to crypt data. Status \(status)")
return nil
return cryptData
The data is gathered from the REST API like so:
func getTestAllPayments(_ completion: #escaping ([Payment]) -> ()) {
let aes128 = AES()
if let url = URL(string: "\(localhostUrl)/payment") {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
if let data = data {
do {
let res = try JSONDecoder().decode([Payment].self, from: (data))
} catch let error {
Now for the problem. I've ran a couple of test:
first check if the encrypt and decrypt methods work together:
let aes128 = AES()
let dataEncrypt = aes128?.encrypt(string:"Hello") //Will be :lG7Bqk0nwx732eOQLAzhqQ==
let dataDecrypt = aes128?.decrypt(data:dataEncrypt) //Will be: "Hello"
print(dataDecrypt) --> //output = "Hello"
First test works like a charm. For the second test:
let aes128 = AES()
if let url = URL(string: "\(localhostUrl)/payment") {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
if let data = data {
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)) //Output = lG7Bqk0nwx732eOQLAzhqQ==
let dataDecrypt = aes128?.decrypt(data: data)
print(dataDecrypt) --> //output = nil
This is where it goes wrong. When fetching the data with the exact same encoding string, it'll always return nil. Has it something to do with the data format that URLSession returns?

Change Sample rate with AudioConverter

I am trying to re-sample the input audio 44.1 kHz to 48 kHz.
using AudioToolbox's AUAudioUnit.inputHandler
writing out the input 44.1 kHZ to a wav file (this is working perfectly)
converting the 44.1 kHz to 48 kHz and writing out this converted bytes to file. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/audiotoolbox/1503098-audioconverterfillcomplexbuffer
The problem is in the 3rd step. After writing out to a file the voice is very noisy.
here is my code:
// convert to 48kHz
var audioConverterRef: AudioConverterRef?
&audioConverterRef), "AudioConverterNew failed")
let outputBufferSize = inNumBytes
let outputBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int16>.allocate(capacity: MemoryLayout<Int16>.size * Int(outputBufferSize))
let convertedData = AudioBufferList.allocate(maximumBuffers: 1)
convertedData[0].mNumberChannels = self.hardwareFormat.mChannelsPerFrame
convertedData[0].mDataByteSize = outputBufferSize
convertedData[0].mData = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(outputBuffer)
var ioOutputDataPackets = UInt32(inNumPackets)
nil), "AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer error")
let convertedmData = convertedData[0].mData!
let convertedmDataByteSize = convertedData[0].mDataByteSize
// Write converted packets to file -> audio_unit_int16_48.wav
convertedmData), "AudioFileWritePackets error")
and the conversion callback body is here:
let buffers = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<AudioBuffer>(start: &bufferList.mBuffers, count: Int(bufferList.mNumberBuffers))
let dataPtr = UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer(ioData)
dataPtr[0].mNumberChannels = 1
dataPtr[0].mData = buffers[0].mData
dataPtr[0].mDataByteSize = buffers[0].mDataByteSize
ioDataPacketCount.pointee = buffers[0].mDataByteSize / UInt32(MemoryLayout<Int16>.size)
the sample project is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GvCJ5hEqf7PsBANwUpVTRE1L7S_zQxnL/view?usp=sharing
If part of your chain is still AVAudioEngine, there's sample code from Apple for offline processing of AVAudioFiles.
Here's a modified version that includes the sampleRate change:
import Cocoa
import AVFoundation
import PlaygroundSupport
let outputSampleRate = 48_000.0
let outputAudioFormat = AVAudioFormat(standardFormatWithSampleRate: outputSampleRate, channels: 2)!
// file needs to be in ~/Documents/Shared Playground Data
let localURL = playgroundSharedDataDirectory.appendingPathComponent("inputFile_44.aiff")
let outputURL = playgroundSharedDataDirectory.appendingPathComponent("outputFile_48.aiff")
let sourceFile: AVAudioFile
let format: AVAudioFormat
do {
sourceFile = try AVAudioFile(forReading: localURL)
format = sourceFile.processingFormat
} catch {
fatalError("Unable to load the source audio file: \(error.localizedDescription).")
let sourceSettings = sourceFile.fileFormat.settings
var outputSettings = sourceSettings
outputSettings[AVSampleRateKey] = outputSampleRate
let engine = AVAudioEngine()
let player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
// Connect the nodes.
engine.connect(player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: format)
// Schedule the source file.
player.scheduleFile(sourceFile, at: nil)
do {
// The maximum number of frames the engine renders in any single render call.
let maxFrames: AVAudioFrameCount = 4096
try engine.enableManualRenderingMode(.offline, format: outputAudioFormat,
maximumFrameCount: maxFrames)
} catch {
fatalError("Enabling manual rendering mode failed: \(error).")
do {
try engine.start()
} catch {
fatalError("Unable to start audio engine: \(error).")
let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: engine.manualRenderingFormat, frameCapacity: engine.manualRenderingMaximumFrameCount)!
var outputFile: AVAudioFile?
do {
outputFile = try AVAudioFile(forWriting: outputURL, settings: outputSettings)
} catch {
fatalError("Unable to open output audio file: \(error).")
let outputLengthD = Double(sourceFile.length) * outputSampleRate / sourceFile.fileFormat.sampleRate
let outputLength = Int64(ceil(outputLengthD)) // no sample left behind
while engine.manualRenderingSampleTime < outputLength {
do {
let frameCount = outputLength - engine.manualRenderingSampleTime
let framesToRender = min(AVAudioFrameCount(frameCount), buffer.frameCapacity)
let status = try engine.renderOffline(framesToRender, to: buffer)
switch status {
case .success:
// The data rendered successfully. Write it to the output file.
try outputFile?.write(from: buffer)
case .insufficientDataFromInputNode:
// Applicable only when using the input node as one of the sources.
case .cannotDoInCurrentContext:
// The engine couldn't render in the current render call.
// Retry in the next iteration.
case .error:
// An error occurred while rendering the audio.
fatalError("The manual rendering failed.")
} catch {
fatalError("The manual rendering failed: \(error).")
// Stop the player node and engine.
outputFile = nil // AVAudioFile won't close until it goes out of scope, so we set output file back to nil here

After compressing my audio file, why can I not play the file?

Audio file will not play after reducing it using AVAssetReader/ AVAssetWriter
At the moment, the whole function is being executed fine, with no errors thrown.
For some reason, when I go inside the document directory of the simulator via terminal, the audio file will not play through iTunes and comes up with error when trying to open with quicktime "QuickTime Player can't open "test1.m4a"
Does anyone specialise in this area and understand why this isn't working?
protocol FileConverterDelegate {
func fileConversionCompleted()
class WKAudioTools: NSObject {
var delegate: FileConverterDelegate?
var url: URL?
var assetReader: AVAssetReader?
var assetWriter: AVAssetWriter?
func convertAudio() {
let documentDirectory = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
let exportURL = documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent(Assets.soundName1).appendingPathExtension("m4a")
url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: Assets.soundName1, withExtension: Assets.mp3)
guard let assetURL = url else { return }
let asset = AVAsset(url: assetURL)
do {
assetReader = try AVAssetReader(asset: asset)
} catch let error {
print("Error with reading >> \(error.localizedDescription)")
let assetReaderOutput = AVAssetReaderAudioMixOutput(audioTracks: asset.tracks, audioSettings: nil)
//let assetReaderOutput = AVAssetReaderTrackOutput(track: track!, outputSettings: nil)
guard let assetReader = assetReader else {
print("reader is nil")
if assetReader.canAdd(assetReaderOutput) == false {
print("Can't add output to the reader ☹️")
// writer
do {
assetWriter = try AVAssetWriter(outputURL: exportURL, fileType: .m4a)
} catch let error {
print("Error with writing >> \(error.localizedDescription)")
var channelLayout = AudioChannelLayout()
memset(&channelLayout, 0, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: channelLayout))
channelLayout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo
// use different values to affect the downsampling/compression
let outputSettings: [String: Any] = [AVFormatIDKey: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC,
AVSampleRateKey: 44100.0,
AVNumberOfChannelsKey: 2,
AVEncoderBitRateKey: 128000,
AVChannelLayoutKey: NSData(bytes: &channelLayout, length: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: channelLayout))]
let assetWriterInput = AVAssetWriterInput(mediaType: .audio, outputSettings: outputSettings)
guard let assetWriter = assetWriter else { return }
if assetWriter.canAdd(assetWriterInput) == false {
print("Can't add asset writer input ☹️")
assetWriterInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = false
// MARK: - File conversion
let audioTrack = asset.tracks[0]
let startTime = CMTime(seconds: 0, preferredTimescale: audioTrack.naturalTimeScale)
assetWriter.startSession(atSourceTime: startTime)
// We need to do this on another thread, so let's set up a dispatch group...
var convertedByteCount = 0
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
let mediaInputQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "mediaInputQueue")
//... and go
assetWriterInput.requestMediaDataWhenReady(on: mediaInputQueue) {
while assetWriterInput.isReadyForMoreMediaData {
let nextBuffer = assetReaderOutput.copyNextSampleBuffer()
if nextBuffer != nil {
assetWriterInput.append(nextBuffer!) // FIXME: Handle this safely
convertedByteCount += CMSampleBufferGetTotalSampleSize(nextBuffer!)
} else {
// done!
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Notify delegate that conversion is complete
print("Process complete 🎧")
if assetWriter.status == .failed {
print("Writing asset failed ☹️ Error: ", assetWriter.error)
You need to call finishWriting on your AVAssetWriter to get the output completely written:
assetWriter.finishWriting {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Notify delegate that conversion is complete
print("Process complete 🎧")
if assetWriter.status == .failed {
print("Writing asset failed ☹️ Error: ", assetWriter.error)
If exportURL exists before you start the conversion, you should remove it, otherwise the conversion will fail:
try! FileManager.default.removeItem(at: exportURL)
As #matt points out, why the buffer stuff when you could do the conversion more simply with an AVAssetExportSession, and also why convert one of your own assets when you could distribute it already in the desired format?

How To Get Directory Size With Swift On OS X

I am trying to get the size of a directory, as well as it's content on OS X using Swift. So far, I have only been able to get the size of the directory itself, with none of it's content. For most of my directories it generally shows a value of 6,148 bytes but it does vary.
I have tried the directorySize() function from the file below but it returned 6,148 bytes as well.
And I could not get the Swift answer from here to work for my purpose either.
How to get the file size given a path?
I am using Xcode 7.0 and running OS X 10.10.5.
update: Xcode 11.4.1 • Swift 5.2
extension URL {
/// check if the URL is a directory and if it is reachable
func isDirectoryAndReachable() throws -> Bool {
guard try resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]).isDirectory == true else {
return false
return try checkResourceIsReachable()
/// returns total allocated size of a the directory including its subFolders or not
func directoryTotalAllocatedSize(includingSubfolders: Bool = false) throws -> Int? {
guard try isDirectoryAndReachable() else { return nil }
if includingSubfolders {
let urls = FileManager.default.enumerator(at: self, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)?.allObjects as? [URL] else { return nil }
return try urls.lazy.reduce(0) {
(try $1.resourceValues(forKeys: [.totalFileAllocatedSizeKey]).totalFileAllocatedSize ?? 0) + $0
return try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: self, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil).lazy.reduce(0) {
(try $1.resourceValues(forKeys: [.totalFileAllocatedSizeKey])
.totalFileAllocatedSize ?? 0) + $0
/// returns the directory total size on disk
func sizeOnDisk() throws -> String? {
guard let size = try directoryTotalAllocatedSize(includingSubfolders: true) else { return nil }
URL.byteCountFormatter.countStyle = .file
guard let byteCount = URL.byteCountFormatter.string(for: size) else { return nil}
return byteCount + " on disk"
private static let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
do {
let documentDirectory = try FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false)
if let sizeOnDisk = try documentDirectory.sizeOnDisk() {
print("Size:", sizeOnDisk) // Size: 3.15 GB on disk
} catch {
To anyone who is looking for a solution for Swift 5+ and Xcode 11+ look at this gist
func directorySize(url: URL) -> Int64 {
let contents: [URL]
do {
contents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: [.fileSizeKey, .isDirectoryKey])
} catch {
return 0
var size: Int64 = 0
for url in contents {
let isDirectoryResourceValue: URLResourceValues
do {
isDirectoryResourceValue = try url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey])
} catch {
if isDirectoryResourceValue.isDirectory == true {
size += directorySize(url: url)
} else {
let fileSizeResourceValue: URLResourceValues
do {
fileSizeResourceValue = try url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.fileSizeKey])
} catch {
size += Int64(fileSizeResourceValue.fileSize ?? 0)
return size
Swift 3 version here:
func findSize(path: String) throws -> UInt64 {
let fullPath = (path as NSString).expandingTildeInPath
let fileAttributes: NSDictionary = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: fullPath) as NSDictionary
if fileAttributes.fileType() == "NSFileTypeRegular" {
return fileAttributes.fileSize()
let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: fullPath)
guard let directoryEnumerator = FileManager.default.enumerator(at: url as URL, includingPropertiesForKeys: [URLResourceKey.fileSizeKey], options: [.skipsHiddenFiles], errorHandler: nil) else { throw FileErrors.BadEnumeration }
var total: UInt64 = 0
for (index, object) in directoryEnumerator.enumerated() {
guard let fileURL = object as? NSURL else { throw FileErrors.BadResource }
var fileSizeResource: AnyObject?
try fileURL.getResourceValue(&fileSizeResource, forKey: URLResourceKey.fileSizeKey)
guard let fileSize = fileSizeResource as? NSNumber else { continue }
total += fileSize.uint64Value
if index % 1000 == 0 {
print(".", terminator: "")
if total < 1048576 {
total = 1
total = UInt64(total / 1048576)
return total
enum FileErrors : ErrorType {
case BadEnumeration
case BadResource
Output value is megabyte.
Converted from source: https://gist.github.com/rayfix/66b0a822648c87326645
For anyone looking for the barebones implementation (works the same on macOS and iOS):
Swift 5 barebones version
extension URL {
var fileSize: Int? { // in bytes
do {
let val = try self.resourceValues(forKeys: [.totalFileAllocatedSizeKey, .fileAllocatedSizeKey])
return val.totalFileAllocatedSize ?? val.fileAllocatedSize
} catch {
return nil
extension FileManager {
func directorySize(_ dir: URL) -> Int? { // in bytes
if let enumerator = self.enumerator(at: dir, includingPropertiesForKeys: [.totalFileAllocatedSizeKey, .fileAllocatedSizeKey], options: [], errorHandler: { (_, error) -> Bool in
return false
}) {
var bytes = 0
for case let url as URL in enumerator {
bytes += url.fileSize ?? 0
return bytes
} else {
return nil
let fm = FileManager.default
let tmp = fm.temporaryDirectory
if let size = fm.directorySize(tmp) {
What makes this barebones: doesn't precheck if a directory is a directory or a file is a file (returns nil either way), and the results are returned in their native format (bytes as integers).
Swift 3 version
private func sizeToPrettyString(size: UInt64) -> String {
let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
byteCountFormatter.allowedUnits = .useMB
byteCountFormatter.countStyle = .file
let folderSizeToDisplay = byteCountFormatter.string(fromByteCount: Int64(size))
return folderSizeToDisplay
Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/32814710/2178888 answer, I created a similar version using modern swift concurrency.
Edited: Adding main parts of the code here. Full version (copy/paste to a Playground) in this gist: https://gist.github.com/a01d1c5b0c58f37dd14ac9ec2e1f6092
enum FolderSizeCalculatorError: Error {
case urlUnreachableOrNotDirectory
case failToEnumerateDirectoryContent
case failToGenerateString
class FolderSizeCalculator {
private let fileManager: FileManager
private static let byteCountFormatter: ByteCountFormatter = {
let formatter = ByteCountFormatter()
formatter.countStyle = .file
return formatter
init(fileManager: FileManager = .default) {
self.fileManager = fileManager
/// Returns formatted string for total size on disk for a given directory URL
/// - Parameters:
/// - url: top directory URL
/// - includingSubfolders: if true, all subfolders will be included
/// - Returns: total byte count, formatted (i.e. "8.7 MB")
func formattedSizeOnDisk(atURLDirectory url: URL,
includingSubfolders: Bool = true) async throws -> String {
let size = try await sizeOnDisk(atURLDirectory: url, includingSubfolders: includingSubfolders)
guard let byteCount = FolderSizeCalculator.byteCountFormatter.string(for: size) else {
throw FolderSizeCalculatorError.failToGenerateString
return byteCount
/// Returns total size on disk for a given directory URL
/// Note: `totalFileAllocatedSize()` is available for single files.
/// - Parameters:
/// - url: top directory URL
/// - includingSubfolders: if true, all subfolders will be included
/// - Returns: total byte count
func sizeOnDisk(atURLDirectory url: URL,
includingSubfolders: Bool = true) async throws -> Int {
guard try url.isDirectoryAndReachable() else {
throw FolderSizeCalculatorError.urlUnreachableOrNotDirectory
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
var fileURLs = [URL]()
do {
if includingSubfolders {
// Enumerate directories and sub-directories
guard let urls = fileManager.enumerator(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)?.allObjects as? [URL] else {
throw FolderSizeCalculatorError.failToEnumerateDirectoryContent
fileURLs = urls
} else {
// Only contents of given directory
fileURLs = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
let totalBytes = try fileURLs.reduce(0) { total, url in
try url.totalFileAllocatedSize() + total
continuation.resume(with: .success(totalBytes))
} catch {
continuation.resume(with: .failure(error))
extension URL {
/// check if the URL is a directory and if it is reachable
func isDirectoryAndReachable() throws -> Bool {
guard try resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]).isDirectory == true else {
return false
return try checkResourceIsReachable()
func totalFileAllocatedSize() throws -> Int {
try resourceValues(forKeys: [.totalFileAllocatedSizeKey]).totalFileAllocatedSize ?? 0

Append text or data to text file in Swift

I already have read Read and write data from text file
I need to append the data (a string) to the end of my text file.
One obvious way to do it is to read the file from disk and append the string to the end of it and write it back, but it is not efficient, especially if you are dealing with large files and doing in often.
So the question is "How to append string to the end of a text file, without reading the file and writing the whole thing back"?
so far I have:
let dir:NSURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory.CachesDirectory, inDomains: NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask).last as NSURL
let fileurl = dir.URLByAppendingPathComponent("log.txt")
var err:NSError?
// until we find a way to append stuff to files
if let current_content_of_file = NSString(contentsOfURL: fileurl, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: &err) {
"\(current_content_of_file)\n\(NSDate()) -> \(object)".writeToURL(fileurl, atomically: true, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: &err)
}else {
"\(NSDate()) -> \(object)".writeToURL(fileurl, atomically: true, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: &err)
if err != nil{
println("CANNOT LOG: \(err)")
Here's an update for PointZeroTwo's answer in Swift 3.0, with one quick note - in the playground testing using a simple filepath works, but in my actual app I needed to build the URL using .documentDirectory (or which ever directory you chose to use for reading and writing - make sure it's consistent throughout your app):
extension String {
func appendLineToURL(fileURL: URL) throws {
try (self + "\n").appendToURL(fileURL: fileURL)
func appendToURL(fileURL: URL) throws {
let data = self.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
try data.append(fileURL: fileURL)
extension Data {
func append(fileURL: URL) throws {
if let fileHandle = FileHandle(forWritingAtPath: fileURL.path) {
defer {
else {
try write(to: fileURL, options: .atomic)
do {
let dir: URL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).last! as URL
let url = dir.appendingPathComponent("logFile.txt")
try "Test \(Date())".appendLineToURL(fileURL: url as URL)
let result = try String(contentsOf: url as URL, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
catch {
print("Could not write to file")
Thanks PointZeroTwo.
You should use NSFileHandle, it can seek to the end of the file
let dir:NSURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory.CachesDirectory, inDomains: NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask).last as NSURL
let fileurl = dir.URLByAppendingPathComponent("log.txt")
let string = "\(NSDate())\n"
let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)!
if NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(fileurl.path!) {
var err:NSError?
if let fileHandle = NSFileHandle(forWritingToURL: fileurl, error: &err) {
else {
println("Can't open fileHandle \(err)")
else {
var err:NSError?
if !data.writeToURL(fileurl, options: .DataWritingAtomic, error: &err) {
println("Can't write \(err)")
A variation over some of the posted answers, with following characteristics:
based on Swift 5
accessible as a static function
appends new entries to the end of the file, if it exists
creates the file, if it doesn't exist
no cast to NS objects (more Swiftly)
fails silently if the text cannot be encoded or the path does not exist
class Logger {
static var logFile: URL? {
guard let documentsDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first else { return nil }
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
let dateString = formatter.string(from: Date())
let fileName = "\(dateString).log"
return documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
static func log(_ message: String) {
guard let logFile = logFile else {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm:ss"
let timestamp = formatter.string(from: Date())
guard let data = (timestamp + ": " + message + "\n").data(using: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return }
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: logFile.path) {
if let fileHandle = try? FileHandle(forWritingTo: logFile) {
} else {
try? data.write(to: logFile, options: .atomicWrite)
Here is a way to update a file in a much more efficient way.
let monkeyLine = "\nAdding a 🐵 to the end of the file via FileHandle"
if let fileUpdater = try? FileHandle(forUpdating: newFileUrl) {
// Function which when called will cause all updates to start from end of the file
// Which lets the caller move editing to any position within the file by supplying an offset
fileUpdater.write(monkeyLine.data(using: .utf8)!)
// Once we convert our new content to data and write it, we close the file and that’s it!
Here's a version for Swift 2, using extension methods on String and NSData.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
extension String {
func appendLineToURL(fileURL: NSURL) throws {
try self.stringByAppendingString("\n").appendToURL(fileURL)
func appendToURL(fileURL: NSURL) throws {
let data = self.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
try data.appendToURL(fileURL)
extension NSData {
func appendToURL(fileURL: NSURL) throws {
if let fileHandle = try? NSFileHandle(forWritingToURL: fileURL) {
defer {
else {
try writeToURL(fileURL, options: .DataWritingAtomic)
// Test
do {
let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "test.log")
try "Test \(NSDate())".appendLineToURL(url)
let result = try String(contentsOfURL: url)
catch {
print("Could not write to file")
In order to stay in the spirit of #PointZero Two.
Here an update of his code for Swift 4.1
extension String {
func appendLine(to url: URL) throws {
try self.appending("\n").append(to: url)
func append(to url: URL) throws {
let data = self.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)
try data?.append(to: url)
extension Data {
func append(to url: URL) throws {
if let fileHandle = try? FileHandle(forWritingTo: url) {
defer {
} else {
try write(to: url)
Update: I wrote a blog post on this, which you can find here!
Keeping things Swifty, here is an example using a FileWriter protocol with default implementation (Swift 4.1 at the time of this writing):
To use this, have your entity (class, struct, enum) conform to this protocol and call the write function (fyi, it throws!).
Writes to the document directory.
Will append to the text file if the file exists.
Will create a new file if the text file doesn't exist.
Note: this is only for text. You could do something similar to write/append Data.
import Foundation
enum FileWriteError: Error {
case directoryDoesntExist
case convertToDataIssue
protocol FileWriter {
var fileName: String { get }
func write(_ text: String) throws
extension FileWriter {
var fileName: String { return "File.txt" }
func write(_ text: String) throws {
guard let dir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first else {
throw FileWriteError.directoryDoesntExist
let encoding = String.Encoding.utf8
guard let data = text.data(using: encoding) else {
throw FileWriteError.convertToDataIssue
let fileUrl = dir.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
if let fileHandle = FileHandle(forWritingAtPath: fileUrl.path) {
} else {
try text.write(to: fileUrl, atomically: false, encoding: encoding)
All answers (as of now) recreate the FileHandle for every write operation. This may be fine for most applications, but this is also rather inefficient: A syscall is made, and the filesystem is accessed each time you create the FileHandle.
To avoid creating the filehandle multiple times, use something like:
final class FileHandleBuffer {
let fileHandle: FileHandle
let size: Int
private var buffer: Data
init(fileHandle: FileHandle, size: Int = 1024 * 1024) {
self.fileHandle = fileHandle
self.size = size
self.buffer = Data(capacity: size)
deinit { try! flush() }
func flush() throws {
try fileHandle.write(contentsOf: buffer)
buffer = Data(capacity: size)
func write(_ data: Data) throws {
if buffer.count > size {
try flush()
// Create the file if it does not yet exist
FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: fileURL.path, contents: nil)
let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forWritingTo: fileURL)
// Seek will make sure to not overwrite the existing content
// Skip the seek to overwrite the file
try fileHandle.seekToEnd()
let buffer = FileHandleBuffer(fileHandle: fileHandle)
for i in 0..<count {
let data = getData() // Your implementation
try buffer.write(data)