How to split backup file using `pg_dump.exe` in windows - postgresql

I have tried following command to split backup file but it is always showing error illegal option split:
pg_dump.exe" -h localhost -p 5432 -U
postgres --inserts | split -b 2m – backup.sql -f "D:\post\filename.sql"

you use pipe (|) and unix split command as argument to pg_dump.exe. It won't work. Consider trying 7zip volumes for that. Or any other command line splitter


how to avoid postgresql backup content echo to screen

When I using this command to backup postgres database,the backup data echo to screen:
screen /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_dump -v -h prod-book-db -U postgres dolphin > ./dolphin-fulldb-backup-201904130913.bak
How to avoid it?When using this command :
/usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_dump -v -h prod-book-db -U postgres dolphin > ./dolphin-fulldb-backup-201904130913.bak
This only echo backup log,do not contains content.
this is probably a bit late but there's an 'f' flag for this:
-f file
Send output to the specified file. This parameter can be omitted for file based output formats, in which case the standard output is used. It must be given for the directory output format however, where it specifies the target directory instead of a file. In this case the directory is created by pg_dump and must not exist before.
So you can use it like this:
screen /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_dump -v -f dolphin-fulldb-backup-201904130913.bak -h prod-book-db -U postgres dolphin

PSQL COPY can't find file

I am trying to execute this command:
PS C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin> .\psql.exe -h -p 5432 -d site -U qa -w -c "Delete from product_factor_lolek; COPY product_factor_lolek FROM E'C:\\OP_data\\SEARCH\\1.csv' delimiter '^' CSV;"
My file is located on this path: C:\OP_data\SEARCH\1.csv. But in fact, I've got an error:
ERROR: could not open file "C:\OP_data\SEARCH\1.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
I am using Windows server, PostgreSQL 9.4. What should I write for correct path?
P.S. I can't use \COPY
The COPY command will attempt to access your CSV file on Server (, not in the client. So you must send your CSV to there and point the command to its path or use stdin as you mentioned:
psql.exe -h -p 5432 -d site -U qa -w -c "Delete from product_factor_lolek; COPY product_factor_lolek FROM STDIN' delimiter '^' CSV;" < C:\OP_data\SEARCH\1.csv

Postgres from unix shell out put not appear in Log

I am writing a batch job for Postgres for first time. I have return ".sh" file, which has a command with out any out put in the log or console.
export PGPASSWORD=<password>
psql -h <host> -p <port> -U <user> -d <database> --file cleardata.sql > log\cleardata.log 2>&1
What I did at cammond line
su postgres
and run ./
Nothing is happening.
Please note : When I try psql command in Unix command line, I am getting message as some SQL exception which is valid.
Can any one please help me in this regard.
You probably wanted to create log/cleardata.log but you have a backslash where you need a slash. You will find that the result is a file named log\cleardata.log instead.
The backslash is just a regular character in the file's name, but it's special to the shell, so you'll need to quote or escape it to (unambiguously) manipulate it from the shell;
ls -l log\\cleardata.log # escaped
mv 'log\cleardata.log' log/cleardata.log # quoted

Postgres dump specific table with a capital letter

I am trying to perform a postgres dump of a specific table using -t. However, the table has a capital letter in it and I get a "No matching tables were found." I tried using quotations and double quotations around the table name but they did not work. How can I get pg to recognize the capitals? Thanks!
pg_dump -h hostname dbname -t tableName > pgdump.sql
Here is the complete command to dump your table in plain mode:
pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --role "postgres" --format plain --file "complete_path_file" --table "schema_name.\"table_name\"" "database_name"
OR you can just do:
pg_dump -t '"tablename"' database_name > data_base.sql
Look to the last page here: Documentation
The above solutions do not work for me under Windows 7 x64. PostgreSQL 9.4.5. But this does, at last (sigh):
-t "cms.\"FooContents\""
pg_dump.exe -p 8888 --username=user -t "cms.\"FooContents\"" basdb
pg_dump.exe -p 8888 --username=user -table="cms.\"FooContents\"" basdb
Inside a cmd window, I had to put three (!) double quotes around the table name if it countains upper case letters.
pg_dump -t """Colors""" database > database.colors.psql
This worked for me:
pg_dump -f file.sql -U user -t 'schema.\"Table\"' database
As part of a node script I had to surround with single and double quotes, e.g.
` ... --table 'public."IndexedData"'`
The accepted solution worked in a bash console, but not as part of a node script, only the single quote approach.
Thanks to #Dirk Zabel suggestion, the following worked for me:
Windows 10 CMD
pg_dump -d "MyDatabase" -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres --schema=public -t """TableName""" > TableName.sql
pg_dump -d "MyDatabase" -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres --schema=public -t "\"TableName\"" > TableName.sql
the good (shortest)
& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\pg_dump.exe' -d db_name -t '\"CasedTableName\"'
the bad (requires --%)
& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\pg_dump.exe' --% -d db_name -t "\"CasedTableName\""
the ugly (requires `")
& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\pg_dump.exe' -d db_name -t "\`"CasedTableName\`""
The main point of confusion for me was the absolute necessity of having \" in there. I assumed that maybe there was a weird bug in the way powershell or psql was parsing the arguments, but it turns out it's explained in the docs:
Some native commands expect arguments that contain quote characters. Normally, PowerShell's command line parsing removes the quote character you provided. The parsed arguments are then joined into a single string with each parameter separated by a space. This string is then assigned to the Arguments property of a ProcessStartInfo object. Quotes within the string must be escaped using extra quotes or backslash (\) characters.
And of course ProcessStartInfo.Arguments Remarks tells us:
To include quotation marks in the final parsed argument, triple-escape each mark.

pg_dump: too many command line arguments

what is wrong with this command:
pg_dump -U postgres -W admin --disable-triggers -a -t employees -f D:\ddd.txt postgres
This is giving error of too many command-line arguments
Looks like its the -W option. There is no value to go with that option.
-W, --password force password prompt (should happen automatically)
If you want to run the command without typing is a password, use a .pgpass file.
For posterity, note that pg_dump and pg_restore (and many other commands) cannot process long hyphens that word processors create. If you are cut-pasting command lines from a word processor, be sure it hasn't converted your hyphens to something else in editing. Else you will get command lines that look correct but hopelessly confuse the argument parsers in these tools.
pg_dump and pg_restore need to ask password on commandline, if you put it command, they always give "too many command-line arguments" error. You can use below for setting related environment variable in commandline or batch file:
"SET PGPASSWORD=<password>"
so that you are not asked to enter password manually in your batch file. They use given environment variable.
Instead of passing password with -W flag start with setting temporary variable for postgres:
PGPASSWORD="mypass" pg_dump -U postgres--disable-triggers -a -t employees -f D:\ddd.txt postgres
-W -> will prompt for a password
to take full DB dump
use some thing like
pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -W -c -C -Fc -f C:\MMM\backup10_3.backup DATABASE_NAME
I got this from copy-pasting, where 1 of the dashes were different.
Was: –-host= (first dash i a "long" dash)
Corrected to --host= solved it
Another option is to add ~/.pgpass file with content like this:
read more here
Additionally, if you don't want password prompt, use connection string directly.
pg_dump 'postgresql://<username>:<password>#localhost:5432/<dbname>'
So, combination with options in original question,
pg_dump 'postgresql://postgres:<password>#localhost:5432/postgres' --table='"employees"' --format='t' --file='D:\ddd.txt' --data-only --disable-triggers
(Don't forget to use quotes when you have letter-casing issues)
Postgres dump specific table with a capital letter
2021-11-30, pg v12, windows 10
pg_dump -U postgres -W -F t postgres > C:\myfolder\pg.tar
-U "postgres" as username,
-W to prompt for psd,
-F t means format is .tar,
> C:\myfolder\pg.tar is the destination path and filename