Can the user of proftpd change the password themself not by admin? - proftpd

I have read all the command on ftp which contains no command to change passwd.
I am a user of proftpd ,how can change my password after logining into proftpd by myself not by admin?
User can change it's own password in ssh service ,not by admin,it is convenient.

As far as i know ProFTPD does not contain its own users, but rather uses external resources to authenticate. That means that if you want to edit a user (or it's password) you need to edit whatever source ProFTPD authenticated that user against (i.e. /etc/passwd, PAM, LDAP, etc).
This, unfortunately for you, means that you can not edit your password from within an FTP session, but rather have to access the server via SSH or similar to change it.
More info can be found in the documentation:


Using DB2 on Windows 10 computer with PIN instead of password (Azure AD accounts)

I'm new to DB2 database. I installed DB2 Express-C on my local machine (Windows 10) to play with it, and I created a sample database.
If I understand correctly, DB2 uses Windows accounts for access to database. The installation created a db2admin user, but this one does not have access to the sample database. So my understanding is that my Windows account has access to this database.
So here is the problem. My company uses Azure Active Directory accounts, using Windows Hello to log in - that means, using a PIN to log in instead of a password (meaning my password does not work for login). However, if I want to connect to the database, I need to do this with my account's password. How can I do this? Do I need to create a local account on my machine instead of using Azure account?
If you are able to create a local-user on your workstation, and assign it a password, and ensure it is a member of local groups DB2USERS (and optionally) DB2ADMNS if those local-groups exist, that is likely to be the easiest option.
You may need to have Windows local-administrative rights to be able to perform those actions.
You can then connect to any local Db2-databases with that local-account and its password (regardless of how you sign-in to Windows).
If you allowed Db2-installation to create local user db2admin (and give it a password) then that local-account is also able to connect to local Db2-databases, including the SAMPLE database. So it's unclear why you write that db2admin account does not have access to SAMPLE database. As long as db2admin has a valid password then that account can connect to SAMPLE if all default settings are active.
Db2-LUW is able to integrate with Active-Directory provided pre-requisites are met and special configuration is performed, see documentation. But unless you have special security plugins for Db2, then any account that wants to connect to local Db2-databases will need a password. With special security plugins, other forms of authentication are possible.
Windows 10 Azure account login gives license to only one user to access windows account. If you login with db2admin in your windows you might lost azure account I am facing such issues.
Better to communicate with IT team of your company and ask to provide DB2ADMN right to your Azure login user. DB2 install properly but not able to create database permission/authorization issue coming.

Kentico sync and AD authentication

My target site needs AD auth to browse and use the admin portal. All is fine there. This means syncing to this server via username and password authentication doesn't work. Does this mean i need to enable x.509 authentication?
If you mean using the Staging Module, the staging module's "Username and password" really is not linked to the actual CMS Users. You can put whatever Username and Password on the Destination server, and connect to it from the Source.
x.509 is also fine.
Tell me if you aren't talking about the Staging Module though.
You may need to do 1 of 2 things:
Enable mixed mode authentication. Yes the overall authentication doesn't need to use a physical cms_user user but since you have AD Authentication enabled, anytime another user or service tries to access a system page it may require them to log in.
Create a web.config location node in your /CMSPages/Staging/web.config file that excludes anyone or everyone to access a the SyncServer.asmx page within there.
Otherwise configure the x.509 certificate setup.

Moodle LDAP authentication

I'm using moodle 2.7 ,i need to use LDAP authentication for allowing users to login using external LDAP server(with their username and password).i have tried with the apache directory studio.But i got "Invalid login" error.But the login details were correct.
Please suggest me with some other LDAP server and how to add user details in that server and do authentication in moodle.
FusionDirectory is a reasonable alternative. It's based on OpenLDAP and it's pretty well documented.
Assuming that you're in a Linux environment, you can install it relatively easily/quickly via SSH. Once the download is complete, follow the on-screen instructions which is not that wildly different from setting up any odd CMS/LMS. The default URL is yourdomain.url/fusiondirectory.
When that's all done and dusted, you'll be taken back to the login page where you can sign in for the first time using the credentials you created during the set up process.
You can use your dashboard to add users/groups.
Once you've got a few users in there, it's now time to jump back to Moodle. Hop over to Site Admin -> Plugins -> Authentication -> Manage Authentication and enable "LDAP Server" then open up its settings. Fill in the details of your LDAP server such that it matches the details of the FusionDirectory.
This will set up the connection, but you will finally need to set up a cron job to regularly sync your databases together. Jump to SSH or cPanel->Cron jobs (Whatever option you prefer) and run the following crontab:
wget -q -O /dev/null https://yourdomain.url/auth/ldap/cli/sync_users.php
It's up to you how frequently you choose to set it.

Lost access to websphere admin console

I'm kind of new with websphere. I was following an internal guide for setting up one of our company apps in websphere, but I changed one parameter in the admin console and after restarting the server, we cannot access with the administration console.
I checked the first option, when before the second one was, with user admin, and password admin also. Now, because It says "Server identity generated automatically" I have no idea what combination of user and password I need to enter in the administration console..
The administration console I'm referring to is the one located in server:port/ibm/console.
Thanks, this is really a serious problem for me, I would really appreciate any help I can get...
You should still be able to use whatever password you were using for admin user before making the change. Server user id is not used for restricting access to administrative console (see What is security property 'Server user identity' used for in Websphere Application Server?).
Nonetheless, since you can't access admin console at the moment (I'm assuming you mean that admin colsole login page shows up but you can't get admin user authenticated due to wrong password), first thing I'd suggest is turning of global security, so that you can use admin console to fix your settings and re-enable security. Once security is turned off, you won't be asked for a password during admin console login. Changing security settings in WebSphere Application Server with wsadmin technote gives step by step instructions.
If you are not sure about what password you have used for admin user, you must reset the password in the user repository you have configured (for example if you've configured LDAP, you must reset password at LDAP), before enabling security. If you are using a federated repository (this is default if you've not changed it), most probably admin user resides in file based repository, which is the first member of federated repository. In this case, you can just follow steps at How to reset the administrator's password in the file registry technote to reset your password. Otherwise you can try alternative documented at Updating your WAS administrator password (the link is from Lotus documentation but still is applicable).
Given that you have the command line 'xmlstarlet' in your terminal and,
WAS_HOME = Is your Websphere root location
profile's name
CELLNAME = Is your cell's name
xmlstarlet edit --update "/security:Security[#enabled='true']/#enabled" --value "false" $WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILENAME/config/cells/$CELLNAME/security.xml > /tmp/security.xml
cp /tmp/security.xml $WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILENAME/config/cells/$CELLNAME/security.xml
Summary: You are simply editing the correct security.xml file by changing the enabled="true" attribute to enabled="false" programmatically using xmlstarlet. Note that sed,awk,ed and other GNU tools lack the necessary ability to properly deal with the nested tree structure of XML.

equivalent of su in powershell

Let's say I'm an administrator on a Windows7 box. I'd like to be able to run commands as other users without knowing their passwords.
This is what happens on linux. If I'm root, I can 'su' to other accounts without providing any password and run commands in their own name.
su (substitute user or switch user) allows changing the account associated with the current terminal. Where Normal user have to give password of the account he wants to change to, super user (root) can change to any ID he wants without giving password.
sudo executes a command as another user but observes a set of constraints about which users can execute which commands as which other users (generally in a configuration file named /etc/sudoers, best editable by the command visudo). Unlike su, sudo authenticates users against their own password rather than that of the target user (to allow the delegation of specific commands to specific users on specific hosts without sharing passwords among them and while mitigating the risk of any unattended terminals).
On windows runas.exe allows a user to run a programs with different permissions than the user's current logon provides. But for this you have to provide credentials. Windows security does not allow an administrator to execute as another user without his credentials. Administrators can do what they want but not under certains limits without control(discretionary power)
Now once it's said, on Windows an administrator can take and give ownership of ressources and then do what he wants, but it's logged.