Moodle LDAP authentication - moodle

I'm using moodle 2.7 ,i need to use LDAP authentication for allowing users to login using external LDAP server(with their username and password).i have tried with the apache directory studio.But i got "Invalid login" error.But the login details were correct.
Please suggest me with some other LDAP server and how to add user details in that server and do authentication in moodle.

FusionDirectory is a reasonable alternative. It's based on OpenLDAP and it's pretty well documented.
Assuming that you're in a Linux environment, you can install it relatively easily/quickly via SSH. Once the download is complete, follow the on-screen instructions which is not that wildly different from setting up any odd CMS/LMS. The default URL is yourdomain.url/fusiondirectory.
When that's all done and dusted, you'll be taken back to the login page where you can sign in for the first time using the credentials you created during the set up process.
You can use your dashboard to add users/groups.
Once you've got a few users in there, it's now time to jump back to Moodle. Hop over to Site Admin -> Plugins -> Authentication -> Manage Authentication and enable "LDAP Server" then open up its settings. Fill in the details of your LDAP server such that it matches the details of the FusionDirectory.
This will set up the connection, but you will finally need to set up a cron job to regularly sync your databases together. Jump to SSH or cPanel->Cron jobs (Whatever option you prefer) and run the following crontab:
wget -q -O /dev/null https://yourdomain.url/auth/ldap/cli/sync_users.php
It's up to you how frequently you choose to set it.


How can I give server access to my Developer?

I am have AWS EC2 Server with my App Backend and Database there.
My new developer needs to upload few things in the Database and update Backend code but I don't want to give him the PEM.
He needs to SSH
Whats the best possible way to do it? I was thinking of creating an IAM User for him - but I only want him to give SSH Access, so permission would that be? I could only find a general full permission EC2 which would also give him permission to edit the Security Group and things like that.
I do trust him well, but I just don't want to give him full access in general.
What can I do?
Why not allow your developer to connect using session manager.
If you use this he can access the environment either in his browser or via the AWS CLI.
He should be able to mimic a regular session but without having the key, then when he's done you remove the permissions of the server. You can also enable logging to check the history of his sessions actions.
If you want to update code you should at some point take a look at using code deploy to have the code automatically rolled out without even accessing the server.

Kentico sync and AD authentication

My target site needs AD auth to browse and use the admin portal. All is fine there. This means syncing to this server via username and password authentication doesn't work. Does this mean i need to enable x.509 authentication?
If you mean using the Staging Module, the staging module's "Username and password" really is not linked to the actual CMS Users. You can put whatever Username and Password on the Destination server, and connect to it from the Source.
x.509 is also fine.
Tell me if you aren't talking about the Staging Module though.
You may need to do 1 of 2 things:
Enable mixed mode authentication. Yes the overall authentication doesn't need to use a physical cms_user user but since you have AD Authentication enabled, anytime another user or service tries to access a system page it may require them to log in.
Create a web.config location node in your /CMSPages/Staging/web.config file that excludes anyone or everyone to access a the SyncServer.asmx page within there.
Otherwise configure the x.509 certificate setup.

How to deploy with password (MeteorJS)

Is it still possible to deploy to and protect it using a password?
When I search for this I find things like
$> mrt deploy -P
but that doesn't work. I guess something has changed here and I get the impression this feature is removed
Meteor no longer supports deploying with a password directly, and for good reason!.
All publishes are linked to a Meteor developer account. These give:
Ability to allow other users to have access to your apps
Abililty to see all sites you have
Ability to publish without putting in your password every time
(In future) more fine grained permissions options (I'd imagine, considering galaxy's commercial target base).
Simply meteor login, or publish your app like you would normally to kick off the signup process. You can meteor logout to switch to another account.
After you deploy your app, you can see the sites you are authorized with meteor list-sites.

Lost access to websphere admin console

I'm kind of new with websphere. I was following an internal guide for setting up one of our company apps in websphere, but I changed one parameter in the admin console and after restarting the server, we cannot access with the administration console.
I checked the first option, when before the second one was, with user admin, and password admin also. Now, because It says "Server identity generated automatically" I have no idea what combination of user and password I need to enter in the administration console..
The administration console I'm referring to is the one located in server:port/ibm/console.
Thanks, this is really a serious problem for me, I would really appreciate any help I can get...
You should still be able to use whatever password you were using for admin user before making the change. Server user id is not used for restricting access to administrative console (see What is security property 'Server user identity' used for in Websphere Application Server?).
Nonetheless, since you can't access admin console at the moment (I'm assuming you mean that admin colsole login page shows up but you can't get admin user authenticated due to wrong password), first thing I'd suggest is turning of global security, so that you can use admin console to fix your settings and re-enable security. Once security is turned off, you won't be asked for a password during admin console login. Changing security settings in WebSphere Application Server with wsadmin technote gives step by step instructions.
If you are not sure about what password you have used for admin user, you must reset the password in the user repository you have configured (for example if you've configured LDAP, you must reset password at LDAP), before enabling security. If you are using a federated repository (this is default if you've not changed it), most probably admin user resides in file based repository, which is the first member of federated repository. In this case, you can just follow steps at How to reset the administrator's password in the file registry technote to reset your password. Otherwise you can try alternative documented at Updating your WAS administrator password (the link is from Lotus documentation but still is applicable).
Given that you have the command line 'xmlstarlet' in your terminal and,
WAS_HOME = Is your Websphere root location
profile's name
CELLNAME = Is your cell's name
xmlstarlet edit --update "/security:Security[#enabled='true']/#enabled" --value "false" $WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILENAME/config/cells/$CELLNAME/security.xml > /tmp/security.xml
cp /tmp/security.xml $WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILENAME/config/cells/$CELLNAME/security.xml
Summary: You are simply editing the correct security.xml file by changing the enabled="true" attribute to enabled="false" programmatically using xmlstarlet. Note that sed,awk,ed and other GNU tools lack the necessary ability to properly deal with the nested tree structure of XML.

Authenticating Gitweb with Gitosis without LDAP Auth?

I found your article using Apache Auth with gitweb, gitosis.
I was wondering if there was a way to do this if I wasn't using LDAP for authentication. We currently have a very large NIS domain which we use for authentication on all unix servers.
We use this for SVN repositories through a UI, but for this case I am trying to meet a requirement of:
Git Repositories
Access Controlled - using Gitolite
Online UI - using Gitweb
UI must also have Access Control - not yet implemented
I was thinking first I need to get Gitweb and Gitolite to play together and each one works at the moment individually.
If gitolite provides access using SSH-keys, then it can provide the access this way by having a key for each machine a user/developer will be accessing Gitweb/gitolite from.
Or if I can get gitweb to simply authenticate users from NIS domain since every user has an account that our IT department sets up this would be better.
Any ideas or howtos I can use to get further on this requirement?
The way you link gitweb and gitosis together is by:
having gitweb configuration files with names identical to NIS logins
having gitweb.conf (from gitolite) including in gitweb_config.perl from this blog post (add at the end of gitweb_config.perl:)
use lib (".");
require "gitweb.conf";
using a NIS authentication for your Apache2 httpd.conf (or extra/httpd-ssl.conf if you are using https)
Once a user is authenticated (be it with basic, LDAP or NIS auth), the $cgi->remote_user will be set and that is that login which will be passed (by the gitolite gitweb.conf) to the gitolite perl script managing Git access rights (ACLs).
The Git ACLs are still managed by ssh key and are independent from the login mechanism, except for the login part which enable gitolite to make the right account association.