GWT Unable to add background image to Simple Panel - gwt

I have a SimplePanel and I am trying to set it's background image programatically but below method doesn't work. Why?
For :
background-repeat: no-repeat;
However, adding background-image: url("images/veg.jpg") works.

You almost got it ;)


Ionic 5 Modal over modal is missing ion-backdrop

Why is my ion-backdrop + modal shadow styling not working when I open a modal on top of another modal?
PREFACE: This was working fine with V4, but broken on the upgrade to V5. I don’t want to change my page approach, just fix the CSS/whatever is actually causing the issue below.
My app opens a modal page with custom css to make it full screen.
I can then open another normal modal (but not full screen) over the
top. This 2nd modal is missing the ion-backdrop and its border shadow
I can see the ion-backdrop is definitely in the DOM, but it’s
obviously not showing.
Step1 Fine
enter image description here
Step 2 - broken ion-backdrop:
enter image description here
Showing my custom modal:
async showClipboard() {
const modal = await this._ModalController.create({
component: ClipboardPage,
cssClass: 'custom-round-modal',
componentProps: {
user: this.user
showBackdrop: true
await modal.present();
The CSS:
#media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.custom-round-modal {
.modal-wrapper {
border-radius: 15px !important;
-moz-border-radius: 15px !important;
-webkit-border-radius: 15px !important;
.ion-page {
border-radius: 15px !important;
-moz-border-radius: 15px !important;
-webkit-border-radius: 15px !important;
First off, I think you pasted the same screenshot twice by mistake. But I'm having the same issue, so I know what you mean.
It looks like Ionic 5 introduced this css for the modals:
.sc-ion-modal-ios-h:first-of-type {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.4);
Which means when you show multiple modals at the same time, only the first one will get the backdrop.
A possible workaround is to add the backdrop yourself to your global css using something like this:
ion-modal {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.4);
Or use the css class Ionic is using (but note that this one is iOS specific, so you'd likely need to do the same with the Android-equivalent class):
.sc-ion-modal-ios-h {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.4);
NOTE: This will likely not look good if you are showing multiple modals on top of each other that are not fullscreen, since you'll be getting multiple backdrops on top of each other (so they'll get increasingly darker). But since your issue is a non-fullscreen modal on top of a fullscreen one, I think it will work in your case.
Hopefully the Ionic team will come up with a more elegant solution to this issue.
Thank you krisloekkegaard for your code, that helped me really out.
I want to add that it will only work if placed in the global sass or css files! You cannot do that from a component's style-file, because the modal will be created outside of it.
The following lines are a bit more precise, because they will activate the backdrop only on the last modal. Even if you have 10 stacked modals, there will be only the backdrop of the first and the backdrop of the last element overlaying each other.
.sc-ion-modal-md-h:last-of-type {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);
.sc-ion-modal-ios-h:last-of-type {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);
This is addressed now in the Ionic Documentation.
Please see under 'Customization' section for ion-modal :
Add the following CSS to your modal class -
ion-modal.stack-modal {
--box-shadow: 0 28px 48px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);
I solved the issue adding the following css into variables.css file in Ionic v5. Give a chance.
.backdrop-no-scroll {
ion-router-outlet {
background: white;

How to set custom background image in Hyperterm

I am trying to switch to Hyperterm from iTerm that I am currently using. But I had a custom background image in my terminal and I'd like to keep having this in new terminal.
I found only backgroundColor in options so far, but nothing about background image.
After some discussion on Github, I have found a solution. Add the following options into your config file:
module.exports = {
css: `
.terms_terms {
background: url(file://path-to-file) center;
background-size: cover;
termCSS: `
x-screen {
background: transparent !important;
Hope it helps for somebody else.
I manage to change it using
// custom css to embed in the main window
css: `
.terms_terms {
background: url(file://<path-to-image>) center;
background-size: cover;
.terms_termGroup {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7) !important
inside ~/hyper.js
Using x-screen didnt work for we

Having prblem in setting height of fb:fan

I want to set the height of page_stream_short but the css defaults to 250px;
Is it possible to set the height:
This is what iam doing:
.fan_box .page_stream_short { position:relative; height:525px
Guide me, what am i doing wrong
if you are using IE8 to view, you may be running into this problem:

Getting the height of a 'Facebook Comments' widget/social plugin

Using Facebook Javascript SDK+XFBML, I'm implementing the fb 'comments widget', as explained here.
then, using the fbml line:
<fb:comments href="" num_posts="2" width="400"></fb:comments>
creates an iframe with the comments widget.
The height of the iframe is of-course according to the length of the comments;
I need to make changes to my page according to the height of the comments widget.
I can tap into when the widget has finished loading, by using
(I found it more accurate than using 'ready' or 'load'),
but I cannot get the height of the comments iframe due to cross-domain restrictions.
Does anybody know of some sort of a solution for this?
Workaround number 1: (from
add a style to your page:
.fb_ltr { height: 400px !important; overflow-y: scroll !important; }
'fb_ltr' is the class used by the iframe. This will make sure it's always 400px high, and add scroll-bar to scroll content.
Of-course, the scroll-bar is ugly, so, any other ideas?
I use the same idea as yours, modified the style, but it will use min-heigh
Please try this,
.fb_ltr { min-height:100%; }
First of all, thanks for you solution, Yuval A.
Second, I found a clean and simple style for scroll bar here:
CSS scrollbar style cross browser
In short is this code:
::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; /* for vertical scrollbars */ height: 12px; /* for horizontal scrollbars */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); }

GWT Vertical Tabs like iGoogle

I am using GWT and would like to develop a vertical tab panel like the one in iGoogle.
How can the same be achieved ?
I had the same problem and decided not to use third party library just for one small widget. Here is a lightweight solution I ended up using - it is based on tweaking styles.
#external gwt-TabLayoutPanel;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanel>div {
position: static !important;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanel {
margin-left: 30px;
#external gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs {
top: 0 !important;
width: 140px !important;
#external gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab {
display: block !important;
margin-top: 2px;
padding: 8px 6px !important;
#external gwt-TabLayoutPanelContentContainer;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanelContentContainer {
left: 150px !important;
top: 0 !important;
Add it to resources as usually:
public interface YouAppResources extends ClientBundle {
CssResource verticalTabPanelStyles();
Then inject it when your app starts:
Define the tab panel in your templates like this:
.tabPanel {
height: 400px;
width: 800px;
<g:TabLayoutPanel addStyleNames="{style.tabPanel}" barUnit='PX' barHeight='0'>
Note that you have to set height and width and the style should be added not set.
The drawback of this approach is that all the tab panels in your application will be now vertical. If you need to have a horizontal one, you can use old TabPanel (note that it is deprecated). It is fine for my case as I have a number of vertical tab panels in my application and only one horizontal.
you can use ext-js's vertical tabs - see this demo
there is a gwt port of ext-js which you can use :
Smart gwt also has a vertical tab implementation (its different to gwt-ext's) - and search for orientation on the left menu.
thx for your answer, megas.
One extension to make it possible to use some TabLayoutPanels with horizontal (original) and some with vertical (new) layout:
one could add ids (i.e. #myVertTab) to the css selectors.
I think what you're looking for is the TabLayoutPanel (scroll down a bit). It works great and it's a vanilla GWT widget, no third party libraries required.