Getting the height of a 'Facebook Comments' widget/social plugin - facebook

Using Facebook Javascript SDK+XFBML, I'm implementing the fb 'comments widget', as explained here.
then, using the fbml line:
<fb:comments href="" num_posts="2" width="400"></fb:comments>
creates an iframe with the comments widget.
The height of the iframe is of-course according to the length of the comments;
I need to make changes to my page according to the height of the comments widget.
I can tap into when the widget has finished loading, by using
(I found it more accurate than using 'ready' or 'load'),
but I cannot get the height of the comments iframe due to cross-domain restrictions.
Does anybody know of some sort of a solution for this?
Workaround number 1: (from
add a style to your page:
.fb_ltr { height: 400px !important; overflow-y: scroll !important; }
'fb_ltr' is the class used by the iframe. This will make sure it's always 400px high, and add scroll-bar to scroll content.
Of-course, the scroll-bar is ugly, so, any other ideas?

I use the same idea as yours, modified the style, but it will use min-heigh
Please try this,
.fb_ltr { min-height:100%; }

First of all, thanks for you solution, Yuval A.
Second, I found a clean and simple style for scroll bar here:
CSS scrollbar style cross browser
In short is this code:
::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; /* for vertical scrollbars */ height: 12px; /* for horizontal scrollbars */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); }


Ionic 5 Modal over modal is missing ion-backdrop

Why is my ion-backdrop + modal shadow styling not working when I open a modal on top of another modal?
PREFACE: This was working fine with V4, but broken on the upgrade to V5. I don’t want to change my page approach, just fix the CSS/whatever is actually causing the issue below.
My app opens a modal page with custom css to make it full screen.
I can then open another normal modal (but not full screen) over the
top. This 2nd modal is missing the ion-backdrop and its border shadow
I can see the ion-backdrop is definitely in the DOM, but it’s
obviously not showing.
Step1 Fine
enter image description here
Step 2 - broken ion-backdrop:
enter image description here
Showing my custom modal:
async showClipboard() {
const modal = await this._ModalController.create({
component: ClipboardPage,
cssClass: 'custom-round-modal',
componentProps: {
user: this.user
showBackdrop: true
await modal.present();
The CSS:
#media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.custom-round-modal {
.modal-wrapper {
border-radius: 15px !important;
-moz-border-radius: 15px !important;
-webkit-border-radius: 15px !important;
.ion-page {
border-radius: 15px !important;
-moz-border-radius: 15px !important;
-webkit-border-radius: 15px !important;
First off, I think you pasted the same screenshot twice by mistake. But I'm having the same issue, so I know what you mean.
It looks like Ionic 5 introduced this css for the modals:
.sc-ion-modal-ios-h:first-of-type {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.4);
Which means when you show multiple modals at the same time, only the first one will get the backdrop.
A possible workaround is to add the backdrop yourself to your global css using something like this:
ion-modal {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.4);
Or use the css class Ionic is using (but note that this one is iOS specific, so you'd likely need to do the same with the Android-equivalent class):
.sc-ion-modal-ios-h {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.4);
NOTE: This will likely not look good if you are showing multiple modals on top of each other that are not fullscreen, since you'll be getting multiple backdrops on top of each other (so they'll get increasingly darker). But since your issue is a non-fullscreen modal on top of a fullscreen one, I think it will work in your case.
Hopefully the Ionic team will come up with a more elegant solution to this issue.
Thank you krisloekkegaard for your code, that helped me really out.
I want to add that it will only work if placed in the global sass or css files! You cannot do that from a component's style-file, because the modal will be created outside of it.
The following lines are a bit more precise, because they will activate the backdrop only on the last modal. Even if you have 10 stacked modals, there will be only the backdrop of the first and the backdrop of the last element overlaying each other.
.sc-ion-modal-md-h:last-of-type {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);
.sc-ion-modal-ios-h:last-of-type {
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);
This is addressed now in the Ionic Documentation.
Please see under 'Customization' section for ion-modal :
Add the following CSS to your modal class -
ion-modal.stack-modal {
--box-shadow: 0 28px 48px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
--backdrop-opacity: var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);
I solved the issue adding the following css into variables.css file in Ionic v5. Give a chance.
.backdrop-no-scroll {
ion-router-outlet {
background: white;

Having prblem in setting height of fb:fan

I want to set the height of page_stream_short but the css defaults to 250px;
Is it possible to set the height:
This is what iam doing:
.fan_box .page_stream_short { position:relative; height:525px
Guide me, what am i doing wrong
if you are using IE8 to view, you may be running into this problem:

IOS can't click links in fixed footer until after scroll? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Mobile Webkit reflow issue
I have been trying to figure this out. I have a fixed footer on ios with 4 links in it. Their are also 6 links under it that should not be clickable since they are below. However on ios when unless you scroll the page first the links on the fixed footer do not work and it instead clicks the link below it. After you scroll the slightest bit it works fine. I hope i explained this clearly enough.
You can see an example of it here:
(view on iphone)
I tried applying z-index to basically every element on the page to see if there was a fix. I also used jquery to make sure that the z-index was being applied onLoad (although it should have been anyway).
Yet i still cannot get the links in the footer to work until after you scroll the page.
Any help on this is much apprceiated. Thanks.
Here is the css i am applying to the element:
.alertsBarClass {
background: url("dynamicimage.aspx?id=21844") no-repeat scroll 0 0 #EA7E25;
border-bottom: medium none;
bottom: 0;
display: block;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
z-index: 1000;
There are known issues with Position:Fixed in iOS 5.1 and anchors/links and scrolling. See the following bug #10301184, #10810232.
One thing that can help...sometimes... is to put cursor:pointer in the divs surrounding your links.
Had the same issue. Fixed it by scrolling up and down on orientation change using javascript.
I added the following script to each page, its ugly but it works:
<script type=\"application/x-javascript\">
addEventListener('load', function() { setTimeout(orientationChange, 0);}, false);
var currentWidth = 0;
function orientationChange()
if (window.innerWidth != currentWidth)
currentWidth = window.innerWidth;
var orient = (currentWidth == 320) ? \"profile\" : \"landscape\";
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
setTimeout(function() {window.scrollTo(0, 1); }, 250);
document.body.setAttribute('orient', orient);
setInterval(orientationChange, 400);

position: fixed doesn't work on iPad and iPhone

I have been struggling with fixed positioning in iPad for a while. I know iScroll and it does not always seem to work (even in their demo). I also know that Sencha has a fix for that, but I couldn't Ctrl + F the source code for that fix.
I am hoping that someone may have the solution. The problem is that fixed positioned elements do not get updated when the user pans down/up on an iOS powered mobile Safari.
A lot of mobile browsers deliberately do not support position:fixed; on the grounds that fixed elements could get in the way on a small screen.
The site has a very good blog post that explains the problem:
Also see this page for a compatibility chart showing which mobile browsers support position:fixed;:
(but note that the mobile browser world is moving very quickly, so tables like this may not stay up-to-date for long!)
iOS 5 and Android 4 are both reported to have position:fixed support now.
I tested iOS 5 myself in an Apple store today and can confirm that it does work with position fixed. There are issues with zooming in and panning around a fixed element though.
I found this compatibility table far more up to date and useful than the quirksmode one:
It has up to date info on Android, Opera (mini and mobile) & iOS.
Fixed positioning doesn't work on iOS like it does on computers.
Imagine you have a sheet of paper (the webpage) under a magnifying glass(the viewport), if you move the magnifying glass and your eye, you see a different part of the page. This is how iOS works.
Now there is a sheet of clear plastic with a word on it, this sheet of plastic stays stationary no matter what (the position:fixed elements). So when you move the magnifying glass the fixed element appears to move.
Alternatively, instead of moving the magnifying glass, you move the paper (the webpage), keeping the sheet of plastic and magnifying glass still. In this case the word on the sheet of plastic will appear to stay fixed, and the rest of the content will appear to move (because it actually is) This is a traditional desktop browser.
So in iOS the viewport moves, in a traditional browser the webpage moves. In both cases the fixed elements stay still in reality; although on iOS the fixed elements appear to move.
The way to get around this, is to follow the last few paragraphs in this article
(basically disable scrolling altogether, have the content in a separate scrollable div (see the blue box at the top of the linked article), and the fixed element positioned absolutely)
"position:fixed" now works as you'd expect in iOS5.
position: fixed does work on android/iphone for vertical scrolling. But you need to make sure your meta tags are fully set. e.g
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
Also if you're planning on having the same page work on android pre 4.0, you need to set the top position also, or a small margin will be added for some reason.
I had this problem on Safari (iOS 10.3.3) - the browser was not redrawing until the touchend event fired. Fixed elements did not appear or were cut off.
The trick for me was adding transform: translate3d(0,0,0); to my fixed position element.
.fixed-position-on-mobile {
position: fixed;
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
EDIT - I now know why the transform fixes the issue: hardware-acceleration. Adding the 3D transformation triggers the GPU acceleration making for a smooth transition. For more on hardware-acceleration checkout this article:
now apple support that
Fixed Footer (here with jQuery):
if (navigator.platform == 'iPad' || navigator.platform == 'iPhone' || navigator.platform == 'iPod' || navigator.platform == 'Linux armv6l') {
window.ontouchstart = function() {
$("#fixedDiv").css("display", "none");
window.onscroll = function() {
// 45 is the height of the Footer
var iPadPosition = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset-45;
$("#fixedDiv").css("position", "absolute");
$("#fixedDiv").css("top", iPadPosition);
$("#fixedDiv").css("display", "block");
In the CSS file should stand:
#fixedDiv {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
height: 45px;
Avoid on the same box using transform:--- and position:fixed. Element will stay in position:static if there is any transform.
I ended up using the new jQuery Mobile v1.1:
We now have a solid re-write that provides true fixed toolbars on the
a lot of popular platforms and safely falls back to static toolbar
positioning in other browsers.
The coolest part about this approach is that, unlike JS-based
solutions that impose the unnatural scrolling physics across all
platforms, our scrolling feels 100% native because it is. This means
that scrolling feels right everywhere and works with touch, mousewheel
and keyboard user input. As a bonus, our CSS-based solution is super
lightweight and doesn’t impact compatibility or accessibility.
using jquery i am able to come up with this. it doesnt scroll smooth, but it does the trick. you can scroll down, and the fixed div pops up on top.
<style type="text/css">
.btn_cardDetailsPg {height:5px !important;margin-top:-20px;}
html, body {overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;}
#lockDiv {
background-color: #fff;
color: #000;
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 4px 2px 2px #ccc;-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 4px 2px 2px #ccc;box-shadow:0px 4px 2px 2px #ccc;
#lockDiv.stick {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
z-index: 10000;
<div id="lockSticky"></div>
<div id="lockDiv">fooo</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function sticky_relocate() {
var window_top = $(window).scrollTop();
var div_top = $('#lockSticky').offset().top;
if (window_top > div_top)
$(function() {
Finally we want to determine if the ipod touch in landscape or portrait mode to display accordingly
<script type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/like Mac OS X/i)) {
window.onscroll = function() {
if (window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight) {
//alert("landscape [ ]");
document.getElementById('lockDiv') =
(window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight - 268) + 'px';
if (window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth) {
//alert("portrait ||");
document.getElementById('lockDiv') =
(window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight - 418) + 'px';
The simple way to fix this problem just types transform property for your element. and it will be fixed.
position: fixed;
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
Also you can try his way as well this is also work fine.
.classname {
position: -webkit-sticky;
Even though the CSS attribute {position:fixed;} seems (mostly) working on newer iOS devices, it is possible to have the device quirk and fallback to {position:relative;} on occasion and without cause or reason. Usually clearing the cache will help, until something happens and the quirk happens again.
Specifically, from Apple itself Preparing Your Web Content for iPad:
Safari on iPad and Safari on iPhone do not have resizable windows. In
Safari on iPhone and iPad, the window size is set to the size of the
screen (minus Safari user interface controls), and cannot be changed
by the user. To move around a webpage, the user changes the zoom level
and position of the viewport as they double tap or pinch to zoom in or
out, or by touching and dragging to pan the page. As a user changes
the zoom level and position of the viewport they are doing so within a
viewable content area of fixed size (that is, the window). This means
that webpage elements that have their position "fixed" to the viewport
can end up outside the viewable content area, offscreen.
What is ironic, Android devices do not seem to have this issue. Also it is entirely possible to use {position:absolute;} when in reference to the body tag and not have any issues.
I found the root cause of this quirk; that it is the scroll event not playing nice when used in conjunction with the HTML or BODY tag. Sometimes it does not like to fire the event, or you will have to wait until the scroll swing event is finished to receive the event. Specifically, the viewport is re-drawn at the end of this event and fixed elements can be re-positioned somewhere else in the viewport.
So this is what I do: (avoid using the viewport, and stick with the DOM!)
/*you can set your other static attributes here too*/
/*like height and width, margin, etc.*/
/*all children will scroll within this like the body normally would.*/
/*this will prevent the body page itself from scrolling.*/
<body class="viewportSizedBody">
<div id="myFixedContainer" class="fixed">
This part is fixed.
<div id="myScrollableBody" class="scrollableDiv">
This part is scrollable.
<script type="text/javascript" src="{your path to jquery}/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
var theViewportHeight=$(window).height();
In essence this will cause the BODY to be the size of the viewport and non-scrollable. The scrollable DIV nested inside will scroll as the BODY normally would (minus the swing effect, so the scrolling does stop on touchend.) The fixed DIV stays fixed without interference.
As a side note, a high z-index value on the fixed DIV is important to keep the scrollable DIV appear to be behind it. I normally add in window resize and scroll events also for cross-browser and alternate screen resolution compatibility.
If all else fails, the above code will also work with both the fixed and scrollable DIVs set to {position:absolute;}.
In my case, it was because the fixed element was being shown by using an animation. As stated in this link:
in Safari 9.1, having a position:fixed-element inside an animated element, may cause the position:fixed-element to not appear.
Had the same issue on Iphone X. To fixed it I just add height to the container
top: 0;
height: 200px;
position: fixed;
I just added top:0 because i need my div to stay at top
This might not be applicable to all scenarios, but I found that the position: sticky (same thing with position: fixed) only works on old iPhones when the scrolling container is not the body, but inside something else.
Example pseudo html:
body <- scrollbar
relative div
sticky div
The sticky div will be sticky on desktop browsers, but with certain devices, tested with: Chromium: dev tools: device emultation: iPhone 6/7/8, and with Android 4 Firefox, it will not.
What will work, however, is
div overflow=auto <- scrollbar
relative div
sticky div
This seems to work for Ionic5 on iPhone 6 Plus on iOS 12.4.2
.large_player {
float: left;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
background-color: white;
border-top: black 1px solid;
height: 14rem;
z-index: 100;
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
The transform tag makes it work, but it also seems a little clunky in how the scroll works, it is seems to redraw the 'on top' element after it's all moved and sort of resets and makes it jump a little.
Or, you could also use this tag option as well, position: -webkit-sticky;, but then you won't get, or may run in to trouble with WPA/browser or Android builds while having to do version checking and have multiple CSS tags.
.large_player {
float: left;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
position: -webkit-sticky;
background-color: white;
border-top: black 1px solid;
height: 14rem;
z-index: 100;
I don't know at what point it was fixed, but later iOS phones work without the transform tag. I don't know if it's the iOS version, or the phone.
As most iOS devices are usually on the most recent iOS version, it's pretty safe with go with a weird work around - such as using the transform tag, rather than building in a quirky detection routine for the sake of less than 1% of users.
After thinking about this answer further, this is just another way of doing this by platform for ionic5+:
import {Platform } from '#ionic/angular';
constructor(public platform: Platform) {
// This next bit is so that the CSS is shown correctly for each platform
platform.ready().then(() => {
if ('android')) {
console.log("running on Android device!");
this.css_iOS = false;
if ('ios')) {
console.log("running on iOS device!");
this.css_iOS = true;
if ('ipad')) {
console.log("running on iOS device!");
this.css_iOS = true;
css_iOS: boolean = false;
<style *ngIf="css_iOS">
.small_player {
position: -webkit-sticky !important;
.large_player {
position: -webkit-sticky !important;
.small_player {
float: left;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
background-color: white;
border-top: black 1px solid;
height: 4rem;
z-index: 100;
/*transform: translate3d(0,0,0);*/
.large_player {
float: left;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
background-color: white;
border-top: black 1px solid;
height: 14rem;
z-index: 100;
/*transform: translate3d(0,0,0);*/

GWT Vertical Tabs like iGoogle

I am using GWT and would like to develop a vertical tab panel like the one in iGoogle.
How can the same be achieved ?
I had the same problem and decided not to use third party library just for one small widget. Here is a lightweight solution I ended up using - it is based on tweaking styles.
#external gwt-TabLayoutPanel;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanel>div {
position: static !important;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanel {
margin-left: 30px;
#external gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs {
top: 0 !important;
width: 140px !important;
#external gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab {
display: block !important;
margin-top: 2px;
padding: 8px 6px !important;
#external gwt-TabLayoutPanelContentContainer;
.gwt-TabLayoutPanelContentContainer {
left: 150px !important;
top: 0 !important;
Add it to resources as usually:
public interface YouAppResources extends ClientBundle {
CssResource verticalTabPanelStyles();
Then inject it when your app starts:
Define the tab panel in your templates like this:
.tabPanel {
height: 400px;
width: 800px;
<g:TabLayoutPanel addStyleNames="{style.tabPanel}" barUnit='PX' barHeight='0'>
Note that you have to set height and width and the style should be added not set.
The drawback of this approach is that all the tab panels in your application will be now vertical. If you need to have a horizontal one, you can use old TabPanel (note that it is deprecated). It is fine for my case as I have a number of vertical tab panels in my application and only one horizontal.
you can use ext-js's vertical tabs - see this demo
there is a gwt port of ext-js which you can use :
Smart gwt also has a vertical tab implementation (its different to gwt-ext's) - and search for orientation on the left menu.
thx for your answer, megas.
One extension to make it possible to use some TabLayoutPanels with horizontal (original) and some with vertical (new) layout:
one could add ids (i.e. #myVertTab) to the css selectors.
I think what you're looking for is the TabLayoutPanel (scroll down a bit). It works great and it's a vanilla GWT widget, no third party libraries required.