Maven plugins in eclipse Mars - eclipse

In some new eclipse versions it shows that some maven plugins are no longer available on marketplace. Concrete
What does this mean? I know there use to be more than one Maven plugins to eclipse and usually maven worked in eclipse pretty bad, because plugins didn't covered all of functionality of maven.
In new eclipse like Mars there is some Maven integration from the start, you don't need to install any third-party plugin. So I guess this plugins could be probably ignored but I'm not sure. Am I right?


Eclipse Mars: No entry for Maven under Window-> Preferences

I have Mars2 version of Eclipse in my system. I had installed m2Eclipse to integrate maven with Eclipse from here, however, I do not find the option for maven in Eclipse, neither under preferences nor under perspectives. Is there some other version of m2Eclipse to be used with Mars2 or what else can be done to resolve this issue?
Currently, I have Apache Maven 3.3.9 installed in my system along with JRE 1.7. I have other plugins as well like subclipse, beyond compare, JUNIT etc which seems to be installed properly.
Do this:
Right click on your Project --> Select Configure --> Convert to Maven Project
m2eclipse is not required to be installed separately with Mars2. It is by default integrated with it when we download Mars2 binaries. Also, we should be targeting maven 3.3.3, since m2eclipse is version 1.6 which targets maven 3.3.3.
M2eclipse v1.7 targets maven 3.3.9 and is mainly targeted for Eclipse Neon

How to add the axis mar files as a runtime library in a maven project using m2e in eclipse?

I have a Maven project in eclipse and I am using the eclipse m2e plugin to manage the Maven dependencies in eclipse.
The m2e plugin is smart enough to let eclipse treat the maven dependencies as a eclipse library and hence I am able to launch and debug my samples and test code from the eclipse.
This all works fine until I have to work with .mar files from axis (specifically addressing.mar). Now this is mentioned as an dependency in the pom.xml, but eclipse is not able to recognize this as a library during runtime until i explicitly add it to the classpath. Is there a way to let eclipse become aware of addressing.mar as a library that is coming from the maven dependencies.

Maven eclipse integraton

I'm trying to install Maven Eclipse plugin M2E, but it's update site is here isn't working.
Others Maven plugins at Eclipse Marketplace are showing the 'Not found' page too.
Since Eclipse 4.3.x the Maven integration can be installed directly from the default Eclipse update site that also ships all the other standard Eclipse plugins.

M2e is not visible in Eclipse

I'm trying to install m2e plugin to enable maven integration but it looks like plugin is not installed:
What I do:
Maven is already installed in the system and 'mvn --version' works
Help -> Install New Software -> Indigo->General Purpose Tools - m2e
Eclipse restart of course
There is no mention of Maven in eclipse. Not in Window->Preferences, not when creating new project. Nowhere.
Tried different plugin repositories, tried Eclipse Marketplace - nada.
When running Eclipse I get these errors:
org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration: SLF4J logger factory is not an instance of LoggerContext: org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLoggerFactory
2 [org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.JavaReconciler] INFO org.mortbay.log - Logging to org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(org.mortbay.log) via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
Not sure what to do at this point.
Would be grateful for any help!
I don't recall what it is called in Indigo. I recently updated to Juno and imported my plugins with no issue. Below is a full list of plugins that I have installed. I'd recommend you uninstall what you have, then search for "Maven Integration". Install that and any other related plugins you will need (i.e. SCM clients).
It is builtin with Indingo, no !?
(Or maybe Indigo WTP)
I am quite sure because I had to re-install Indigo WTP several times

Eclipse, Maven, Subclipse & Multiple Modules

I have a project in SVN that I have checked out into a new install of eclipse (Indigo). Previously, with the m2e and subclipse plugins I was able to check out as a Maven project - but this no longer seems possible. I read somewhere, however, that checking out and then converting to a maven project is the way to go.
I've done that, but my project has a number of nested modules - each of which I would like to appear as separate projects in the eclipse workspace. This used to be possible and specified during checkout, but no longer seems to work.
Is this possible and, if so, how can I do it?
I managed to find the m2e subclipse connector - which I had previously failed to find. This set it all out exactly as I had hoped it would.
Maybe you don't use the right version of M2Eclipse :
Indigo is Eclipse 3.7, and "m2eclipse is compatible with Eclipse 3.5.2 and 3.6.1" (source :
"m2e is tested against Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) and 3.7 (Indigo)" (
You could also try using this plugin:
We use that over m2e and provides better menu support for manage dependencies and importing Maven2 projects.