Tableau aggregation into bins of value ranges - aggregate

I am trying to visualize my data based on an aggregation of their corresponding values. My input data looks like this:
| id | value |
34 0.5
35 0.6
37 0.7
38 1.1
39 1.2
40 2.5
The goal would be to transform it into this table:
| value range | sum(id) |
0-0.9 3
1-1.9 2
2-2.9 1
Ideally the visualization would be a bar chart, where I can adjust the range width interactively.

On Tableau click the value and then create-> bins


creating spider plots from org-mode tables

What would be the easiest way to create a spider plot (or radar/star plot) from an org-mode table using org-plot/gnuplot?
The org-plot docs suggests it should be possible using a script: option but it's not clear to me how the table columns can be converted into arrays in a gnuplot script (using this example code as a starting point)
The input would look something like this...
#+PLOT: title:"spiderplot" set:"output './img/spiderplot.png'" script:""
#+TBLNAME: three-fold
| Array1 | Array2 | Array3 |
| 15 | 25 | 30 |
| 75 | 25 | 35 |
| 20 | 50 | 55 |
| 43 | 50 | 55 |
| 90 | 75 | 80 |
| 50 | 50 | 25 |
and produce an image something like this...
set spiderplot
set style spiderplot fillstyle transparent solid 0.30 border
set for [i=1:6] paxis i range [0:100]
set for [i=1:6] paxis i label sprintf("Score %d",i)
set paxis 1 tics
set grid spider lt black lw 0.2
set datafile sep '|'
plot for [row=1:6] 'orgplot.dat' using 2 every 1::row::row lt 1, newspiderplot, \
for [row=1:6] 'orgplot.dat' using 3 every 1::row::row lt 2, newspiderplot, \
for [row=1:6] 'orgplot.dat' using 4 every 1::row::row lt 3
Based on Ethan's answer, org-plot creates a temp file which can be referenced as $datafile in the gnuplot script. The sep isn't required (as it's set on export) and the png options may need to be set...
set spiderplot
set style spiderplot fillstyle transparent solid 0.30 border
set for [i=1:6] paxis i range [0:100]
set for [i=1:6] paxis i label sprintf("Score %d",i)
set paxis 1 tics
set grid spider lt black lw 0.2
set terminal png notransparent truecolor enhanced large
plot for [row=1:6] '$datafile' using 1 every 1::row::row lt 0, newspiderplot, \
for [row=1:6] '$datafile' using 2 every 1::row::row lt 1, newspiderplot, \
for [row=1:6] '$datafile' using 3 every 1::row::row lt 2

Grafana visualisation of non time series data

I have two columns in my InfluxDB database : Values and Iterator count
I want visualise this on Grafana where my x axis is iterator count and value on y axis is basically corresponding to each iterator count.
Iterator Count(X) | Value
1 | 46
2 | 64
3 | 32
4 | 13
5 | 12
6 | 11
7 | 10
8 | 9
9 | 12
10 | 25.
Is it possible to achieve visualisation for the same, having no aspect of time
You can use plugin
You just need to specify Iterator Count(X) as the x-axis in the trace section and Value as the y-axis.

KDB+/Q: Custom min max scaler

Im trying to implement a custom min max scaler in kdb+/q. I have taken note of the implementation located in the ml package however I'm looking to be able to scale data between a custom range i.e. 0 and 255. What would be an efficient implementation of min max scaling in kdb+/q?
Looking at the link to github on the page you referenced it looks like you may be able to define a function like so:
minmax255:{[sf;x]sf*(x-mnx)%max[x]-mnx:min x}[255]
Where sf is your scaling factor (here given by 255).
q)minmax255 til 10
0 28.33333 56.66667 85 113.3333 141.6667 170 198.3333 226.6667 255
If you don't like decimals you could round to the nearest whole number like:
q)minmax255round:{[sf;x]floor 0.5+sf*(x-mnx)%max[x]-mnx:min x}[255]
q)minmax255round til 10
0 28 57 85 113 142 170 198 227 255
(logic here is if I have a number like 1.7, add .5, and floor I'll wind up with 2, whereas if I had a number like 1.2, add .5, and floor I'll end up with 1)
If you don't want to start at 0 you could use | which takes the max of it's left and right arguments
q)minmax255roundlb:{[sf;lb;x]lb|floor sf*(x-mnx)%max[x]-mnx:min x}[255;10]
q)minmax255roundlb til 10
10 28 56 85 113 141 170 198 226 255
Where I'm using lb to mean 'lower bound'
If you want to apply this to a table you could use
q)show testtab:([]a:til 10;b:til 10)
a b
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
q)update minmax255 a from testtab
a b
0 0
28.33333 1
56.66667 2
85 3
113.3333 4
141.6667 5
170 6
198.3333 7
226.6667 8
255 9
The following will work nicely
minmaxCustom:{[l;u;x]l + (u - l) * (x-mnx)%max[x]-mnx:min x}
As petty as it sounds, it is my strong recommendation that you do not follow through with Shehir94 solution for a custom minimum value. Applying a maximum to get a starting range, it will mess with the original distribution. A custom minmax scaling should be a simple linear transformation on a standard 0-1 minmax transformation.
X' = a + bX
For example, to get a custom scaling of 10-255, that would be a b=245 and a=10, we would expect the new mean to follow this formula and the standard deviation to only be a Multiplicative, but applying lower bound messes with this, for example.
q)stats:{`transform`minVal`maxVal`avgVal`stdDev!(x;min y;max y; avg y; dev y)}
q)minmax255roundlb:{[sf;lb;x]lb|sf*(x-mnx)%max[x]-mnx:min x}[255;10]
q)minmaxCustom:{[l;u;x]l + (u - l) * (x-mnx)%max[x]-mnx:min x}
q)res:stats'[`orig`lb`linear;(dummyData;minmax255roundlb dummyData;minmaxCustom[10;255;dummyData])]
transform minVal maxVal avgVal stdDev
orig 0.02741043 99.98293 50.21896 28.92852
lb 10 255 128.2518 73.45999
linear 10 255 133.024 70.9064
// The transformed average should roughly be
q)10 + ((255-10)%100)*49.97936
// The transformed std devaition should roughly be
To answer the comment, this could be applied over a large number of coluwould be applied to a table in the following manner
q)multiColApply:{[tab;scaler;colList]flip ft,((),colList)!((),scaler each (ft:flip tab)[colList])}
sym col1 col2 col3
cag 13.78461 10.60606 392.7524
goo 15.26201 16.76768 517.0911
eoh 14.05111 19.59596 515.9796
kbc 13.37695 19.49495 406.6642
mdc 10.65973 12.52525 178.0839
odn 16.24697 17.37374 301.7723
ioj 15.08372 15.05051 785.033
mbc 16.7268 20 534.7096
bhj 12.95134 18.38384 711.1716
gnf 19.36005 15.35354 411.597
gnd 13.21948 18.08081 493.1835
khi 12.11997 17.27273 578.5203

Select from 2D Array by 2 criteria - Matlab

I have a 15 * 2 array where the first column represents the area and the second column represents the corresponding circularity to the 15 objects.
I need to select the row with maximum area while applying the following condition for the circularity to be > 0.9 and <= 1.2
Area Circularity
----- -----------
22041 1.1703
23458 2.8425
155 1.4165
37 2.1089
215 1.5692
41 1.0549
659 1.7144
64 1.0508
3 0.3092
584 1.2543
26 1.1132
396 2.9046
1 0
3 0.8488
4 0.4638
Expected Result:
22041 1.1703
You can apply your conditional to the second column to check if it is in the range (0.9 1.2] and then multiply the resulting logical array with the first column. Since false will be treated as 0 and true will be treated as 1, this will zero-out the values in the first column that don't meet the criteria for the second column. You can then use the second output of max to get the row that contains the maximum value
[~, ind] = max(data(:,1) .* (data(:,2) > 0.9 & data(:,2) <= 1.2));
result = data(ind,:)

Difference between correctly / incorrectly classified instances in decision tree and confusion matrix in Weka

I have been using Weka’s J48 decision tree to classify frequencies of keywords
in RSS feeds into target categories. And I think I may have a problem
reconciling the generated decision tree with the number of correctly classified
instances reported and in the confusion matrix.
For example, one of my .arff files contains the following data extracts:
#attribute Keyword_1_nasa_Frequency numeric
#attribute Keyword_2_fish_Frequency numeric
#attribute Keyword_3_kill_Frequency numeric
#attribute Keyword_4_show_Frequency numeric
#attribute Keyword_64_fear_Frequency numeric
#attribute RSSFeedCategoryDescription {BFE,FCL,F,M, NCA, SNT,S}
And so on: there’s a total of 64 keywords (columns) and 570 rows where each one contains the frequency of a keyword in a feed for a day. In this case, there are 57 feeds for
10 days giving a total of 570 records to be classified. Each keyword is prefixed
with a surrogate number and postfixed with ‘Frequency’.
My use of the decision tree is with default parameters using 10x validation.
Weka reports the following:
Correctly Classified Instances 210 36.8421 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 360 63.1579 %
With the following confusion matrix:
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d e f g <-- classified as
11 0 0 0 39 0 0 | a = BFE
0 0 0 0 60 0 0 | b = FCL
1 0 5 0 72 0 2 | c = F
0 0 1 0 69 0 0 | d = M
3 0 0 0 153 0 4 | e = NCA
0 0 0 0 90 10 0 | f = SNT
0 0 0 0 19 0 31 | g = S
The tree is as follows:
Keyword_22_health_Frequency <= 0
| Keyword_7_open_Frequency <= 0
| | Keyword_52_libya_Frequency <= 0
| | | Keyword_21_job_Frequency <= 0
| | | | Keyword_48_pic_Frequency <= 0
| | | | | Keyword_63_world_Frequency <= 0
| | | | | | Keyword_26_day_Frequency <= 0: NCA (461.0/343.0)
| | | | | | Keyword_26_day_Frequency > 0: BFE (8.0/3.0)
| | | | | Keyword_63_world_Frequency > 0
| | | | | | Keyword_31_gaddafi_Frequency <= 0: S (4.0/1.0)
| | | | | | Keyword_31_gaddafi_Frequency > 0: NCA (3.0)
| | | | Keyword_48_pic_Frequency > 0: F (7.0)
| | | Keyword_21_job_Frequency > 0: BFE (10.0/1.0)
| | Keyword_52_libya_Frequency > 0: NCA (31.0)
| Keyword_7_open_Frequency > 0
| | Keyword_31_gaddafi_Frequency <= 0: S (32.0/1.0)
| | Keyword_31_gaddafi_Frequency > 0: NCA (4.0)
Keyword_22_health_Frequency > 0: SNT (10.0)
My question concerns reconciling the matrix to the tree or vice versa. As far as
I understand the results, a rating like (461.0/343.0) indicates that 461 instances have been classified as NCA. But how can that be when the matrix reveals only 153? I am
not sure how to interpret this so any help is welcome.
Thanks in advance.
The number in parentheses at each leaf should be read as (number of total instances of this classification at this leaf / number of incorrect classifications at this leaf).
In your example for the first NCA leaf, it says there are 461 test instances that were classified as NCA, and of those 461, there were 343 incorrect classifications. So there are 461-343 = 118 correctly classified instances at that leaf.
Looking through your decision tree, note that NCA is also at other leaves. I count 118 + 3 + 31 + 4 = 156 correctly classified instances out of 461 + 3 + 31 + 4 = 499 total classifications of NCA.
Your confusion matrix shows 153 correct classifications of NCA out of 39 + 60 + 72 + 69 + 153 + 90 + 19 = 502 total classifications of NCA.
So there is a slight difference between the tree (156/499) and your confusion matrix (153/502).
Note that if you are running Weka from the command-line, it outputs a tree and a confusion matrix for testing on all the training data and also for testing with cross-validation. Be careful that you are looking at the right matrix for the right tree. Weka outputs both training and test results, resulting in two pairs of matrix and tree. You may have mixed them up.