Difference between correctly / incorrectly classified instances in decision tree and confusion matrix in Weka - classification

I have been using Weka’s J48 decision tree to classify frequencies of keywords
in RSS feeds into target categories. And I think I may have a problem
reconciling the generated decision tree with the number of correctly classified
instances reported and in the confusion matrix.
For example, one of my .arff files contains the following data extracts:
#attribute Keyword_1_nasa_Frequency numeric
#attribute Keyword_2_fish_Frequency numeric
#attribute Keyword_3_kill_Frequency numeric
#attribute Keyword_4_show_Frequency numeric
#attribute Keyword_64_fear_Frequency numeric
#attribute RSSFeedCategoryDescription {BFE,FCL,F,M, NCA, SNT,S}
And so on: there’s a total of 64 keywords (columns) and 570 rows where each one contains the frequency of a keyword in a feed for a day. In this case, there are 57 feeds for
10 days giving a total of 570 records to be classified. Each keyword is prefixed
with a surrogate number and postfixed with ‘Frequency’.
My use of the decision tree is with default parameters using 10x validation.
Weka reports the following:
Correctly Classified Instances 210 36.8421 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 360 63.1579 %
With the following confusion matrix:
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d e f g <-- classified as
11 0 0 0 39 0 0 | a = BFE
0 0 0 0 60 0 0 | b = FCL
1 0 5 0 72 0 2 | c = F
0 0 1 0 69 0 0 | d = M
3 0 0 0 153 0 4 | e = NCA
0 0 0 0 90 10 0 | f = SNT
0 0 0 0 19 0 31 | g = S
The tree is as follows:
Keyword_22_health_Frequency <= 0
| Keyword_7_open_Frequency <= 0
| | Keyword_52_libya_Frequency <= 0
| | | Keyword_21_job_Frequency <= 0
| | | | Keyword_48_pic_Frequency <= 0
| | | | | Keyword_63_world_Frequency <= 0
| | | | | | Keyword_26_day_Frequency <= 0: NCA (461.0/343.0)
| | | | | | Keyword_26_day_Frequency > 0: BFE (8.0/3.0)
| | | | | Keyword_63_world_Frequency > 0
| | | | | | Keyword_31_gaddafi_Frequency <= 0: S (4.0/1.0)
| | | | | | Keyword_31_gaddafi_Frequency > 0: NCA (3.0)
| | | | Keyword_48_pic_Frequency > 0: F (7.0)
| | | Keyword_21_job_Frequency > 0: BFE (10.0/1.0)
| | Keyword_52_libya_Frequency > 0: NCA (31.0)
| Keyword_7_open_Frequency > 0
| | Keyword_31_gaddafi_Frequency <= 0: S (32.0/1.0)
| | Keyword_31_gaddafi_Frequency > 0: NCA (4.0)
Keyword_22_health_Frequency > 0: SNT (10.0)
My question concerns reconciling the matrix to the tree or vice versa. As far as
I understand the results, a rating like (461.0/343.0) indicates that 461 instances have been classified as NCA. But how can that be when the matrix reveals only 153? I am
not sure how to interpret this so any help is welcome.
Thanks in advance.

The number in parentheses at each leaf should be read as (number of total instances of this classification at this leaf / number of incorrect classifications at this leaf).
In your example for the first NCA leaf, it says there are 461 test instances that were classified as NCA, and of those 461, there were 343 incorrect classifications. So there are 461-343 = 118 correctly classified instances at that leaf.
Looking through your decision tree, note that NCA is also at other leaves. I count 118 + 3 + 31 + 4 = 156 correctly classified instances out of 461 + 3 + 31 + 4 = 499 total classifications of NCA.
Your confusion matrix shows 153 correct classifications of NCA out of 39 + 60 + 72 + 69 + 153 + 90 + 19 = 502 total classifications of NCA.
So there is a slight difference between the tree (156/499) and your confusion matrix (153/502).
Note that if you are running Weka from the command-line, it outputs a tree and a confusion matrix for testing on all the training data and also for testing with cross-validation. Be careful that you are looking at the right matrix for the right tree. Weka outputs both training and test results, resulting in two pairs of matrix and tree. You may have mixed them up.


two-variable output truth table for two-variable input

I have 2-bit variable that is needed to be converted in another one. I made such a table
i1 i2 | o1 o2
0 0 | x x
0 1 | 0 1
1 0 | 1 0
1 1 | 0 1
But I cannot figure out how to do it except something like
(o1(i1,i2)&0b01 << 1) | (o2(i1,i2) & 0b01)

Fit a piecewise regression in matlab and find change point

In matlab, I want to fit a piecewise regression and find where on the x-axis the first change-point occurs. For example, for the following data, the output might be changepoint=20 (I don't actually want to plot it, just want the change point).
data = [1 4 4 3 4 0 0 4 5 4 5 2 5 10 5 1 4 15 4 9 11 16 23 25 24 17 31 42 35 45 49 54 74 69 63 46 35 31 27 15 10 5 10 4 2 4 2 2 3 5 2 2];
x = 1:52;
If you have the Signal Processing Toolbox, you can directly use the findchangepts function (see https://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/findchangepts.html for documentation):
data = [1 4 4 3 4 0 0 4 5 4 5 2 5 10 5 1 4 15 4 9 11 16 23 25 24 17 31 42 35 45 49 54 74 69 63 46 35 31 27 15 10 5 10 4 2 4 2 2 3 5 2 2];
x = 1:52;
ipt = findchangepts(data);
x_cp = x(ipt);
data_cp = data(ipt);
The index of the change point in this case is 22.
Plot of data and its change point circled in red:
I know this is an old question but just want to provide some extra thoughts. In Maltab, an alternative implemented by me is a Bayesian changepoint detection algorithm that estimates not just the number and locations of the changepoints but also reports the occurrence probability of changepoints. In its current implementation, it deals with only time-series-like data (aka, 1D sequential data). More info about the tool is available at this FileExchange entry (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/72515-bayesian-changepoint-detection-time-series-decomposition).
Here is its quick application to your sample data:
% Automatically install the Rbeast or BEAST library to local drive
eval(webread('http://b.link/beast')) %
data = [1 4 4 3 4 0 0 4 5 4 5 2 5 10 5 1 4 15 4 9 11 16 23 25 24 17 31 42 35 45 49 54 74 69 63 46 35 31 27 15 10 5 10 4 2 4 2 2 3 5 2 2];
out = beast(data, 'season','none') % season='none': there is no seasonal/periodic variation in the data
Below is a summary of the changepoint, given by printbeast():
# Trend Changepoints #
| Ascii plot of probability distribution for number of chgpts (ncp) |
|Pr(ncp = 0 )=0.000|* |
|Pr(ncp = 1 )=0.000|* |
|Pr(ncp = 2 )=0.000|* |
|Pr(ncp = 3 )=0.859|*********************************************** |
|Pr(ncp = 4 )=0.133|******** |
|Pr(ncp = 5 )=0.008|* |
|Pr(ncp = 6 )=0.000|* |
|Pr(ncp = 7 )=0.000|* |
|Pr(ncp = 8 )=0.000|* |
|Pr(ncp = 9 )=0.000|* |
|Pr(ncp = 10)=0.000|* |
| Summary for number of Trend ChangePoints (tcp) |
|ncp_max = 10 | MaxTrendKnotNum: A parameter you set |
|ncp_mode = 3 | Pr(ncp= 3)=0.86: There is a 85.9% probability |
| | that the trend component has 3 changepoint(s).|
|ncp_mean = 3.15 | Sum{ncp*Pr(ncp)} for ncp = 0,...,10 |
|ncp_pct10 = 3.00 | 10% percentile for number of changepoints |
|ncp_median = 3.00 | 50% percentile: Median number of changepoints |
|ncp_pct90 = 4.00 | 90% percentile for number of changepoints |
| List of probable trend changepoints ranked by probability of |
| occurrence: Please combine the ncp reported above to determine |
| which changepoints below are practically meaningful |
|tcp# |time (cp) |prob(cpPr) |
|1 |33.000000 |1.00000 |
|2 |42.000000 |0.98271 |
|3 |19.000000 |0.69183 |
|4 |26.000000 |0.03950 |
|5 |11.000000 |0.02292 |
Here is the graphic output. Three major changepoints are detected:
You can use sgolayfilt function, that is a polynomial fit to the data, or reproduce OLS method: http://www.utdallas.edu/~herve/Abdi-LeastSquares06-pretty.pdf (there is a+bx notation instead of ax+b)
For linear fit of ax+b:
If you replace x with constant vector of length 2n+1: [-n, ... 0 ... n] on each step, you get the following code for sliding regression coeffs:
for i=1+n:length(y)-n
yi = y(i-n : i+n);
sum_xy = sum(yi.*x);
a(i) = sum_xy/sum_x2;
b(i) = sum(yi)/n;
Notice that in this code b means sliding average of your data, and a is a least-square slope estimate (first derivate).

K-map ( karnaugh map ) 8,4,-2,-1 to binary code conversion

I'm taking computer science courses and some digital design knowledge is required, so I'm taking digital design 101.
Image above is representing the conversion process of 8,4,-2,-1 to binary using K-map (Karnaugh map).
I have no idea why 0001, 0011, 0010, 1100, 1101, 1110 are marked as 'X'.
For 0001, 0011, 0010, they could be expressed as 8,4,-2,-1 as 0111, 0110, 0101.
And for 1100, 1101, 1110,
1110 can still be expressed as 1100 in 8,4,-2,-1 form as 1100.
rests cannot be expressed in 8,4,-2,-1 since 1100 is the biggest amount of number in 8,4,-2,-1 binary form (I think).
Is there something I'm missing?
I understand the excess-3 to binary code conversion provided from my textbook example ( m10-m15 are marked as 'X' since excess-3 were used to express only 0-9.)
According to the definition of BCD, 1 decimal digit (NOT one number) is represented by 4 bits.
The 4 given inputs can therefore represent only values from interval from 0 to 9.
The corresponding and complete truth-table looks like this:
decimal | 8 4 -2 -1 | decimal || BCD
/index | A B C D | result || W X Y Z
0 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 || 0 0 0 0 ~ 0
1 | 0 0 0 1 | -1 || X X X X
2 | 0 0 1 0 | -2 || X X X X
3 | 0 0 1 1 | -2-1=-3 || X X X X
4 | 0 1 0 0 | 4 || 0 1 0 0 ~ 4
5 | 0 1 0 1 | 4-1=3 || 0 0 1 1 ~ 3
6 | 0 1 1 0 | 4-2=2 || 0 0 1 0 ~ 2
7 | 0 1 1 1 | 4-2-1=1 || 0 0 0 1 ~ 1
8 | 1 0 0 0 | 8 || 1 0 0 0 ~ 8
9 | 1 0 0 1 | 8-1=7 || 0 1 1 1 ~ 7
10 | 1 0 1 0 | 8-2=6 || 0 1 1 0 ~ 6
11 | 1 0 1 1 | 8-2-1=5 || 0 1 0 1 ~ 5
12 | 1 1 0 0 | 8+4=12 || X X X X
13 | 1 1 0 1 | 8+4-1=11 || X X X X
14 | 1 1 1 0 | 8+4-2=10 || X X X X
15 | 1 1 1 1 | 8+4-2-1=9 || 1 0 0 1 ~ 9
The K-maps then match the truth-table by its indexes:
Using the K-maps, it can be indeed simplified to these boolean expressions:
W = A·B + A·¬C·¬D
X = ¬B·C + ¬B·D + B·¬C·¬D
Y = ¬C·D + C·¬D
Z = D

Extending adjacency matrix neighbours

I have an adjacency matrix. For example, the following,
| | 1 2 3 4 5 |
| 1 | 0 1 0 0 0 |
| 2 | 1 0 0 0 1 |
| 3 | 0 0 0 1 0 |
| 4 | 0 0 1 0 1 |
| 5 | 0 1 0 1 0 |
how can we extract the following adjacency matrix, without for loops, where for each element (row or column) the neighbors of the already existed neighbors were added? For example, the element 3 has neighbor the element 4 so in the new adjacency matrix the element 3 will have neighbors the elements 4 and 5.
| | 1 2 3 4 5 |
| 1 | 0 1 0 0 1 |
| 2 | 1 0 0 1 1 |
| 3 | 0 0 0 1 1 |
| 4 | 0 1 1 0 1 |
| 5 | 1 1 1 1 0 |
Best regards,
If A is your adjacency matrix, then the matrix you want is A2, where:
A2 = (A+A^2) > 0
This is because the square of an adjacency matrix has components s_ij, where s_ij is the number of paths of length two between i and j. (In fact (A^n)_ij is the number of paths from i to j of length n).
Therefore, if you add A (which contains all pairs joined by a path of length 1) to A^2 which contains all pairs linked by a path of length two, you'll get the number of paths of length 1 or 2. (And we only care if this is positive for this case). Paths of length two are paths to the neighbours of neighbours.
You might want to set the diagonal back to zero though

MATLAB: Identify if a value is repeated sequentially N times in a vector

I am trying to identify if a value is repeated sequentially in a vector N times. The challenge I am facing is that it could be repeated sequentially N times several times within the vector. The purpose is to determine how many times in a row certain values fall above the mean value. For example:
>> return_deltas
return_deltas =
(I only printed a few values for example but the vector is large.)
>> mean(return_deltas)
ans =
>> sum(return_deltas > mean(return_deltas))
ans =
So there are 50 instances of a value in return_deltas being greater than the mean of return_deltas.
I need to identify the number of times, sequentially, the value in return_deltas is greater than its mean 3 times in a row. In other words, if the values in return_deltas are greater than its mean 3 times in a row, that is one instance.
For example:
| `return_delta` value | mean | greater or less | sequence |
| 7.49828129642663 |10.500074902 | LT | 1 |
| 11.5098198572327 |10.500074902 | GT | 1 |
| 15.1776644881294 |10.500074902 | GT | 2 |
| 11.256677995536 |10.500074902 | GT | 3 * |
| 6.22315734182976 |10.500074902 | LT | 1 |
| 8.75582103474613 |10.500074902 | LT | 2 |
| 21.0488849115947 |10.500074902 | GT | 1 |
| 26.132605745393 |10.500074902 | GT | 2 |
| 27.0507649089989 |10.500074902 | GT | 3 * |
The star represents a successful sequence of 3 in a row. The result of this set would be two because there were two occasions where the value was greater than the mean 3 times in a row.
What I am thinking is to create a new vector:
>> a = return_deltas > mean(return_deltas)
that of course contains ones where values in return_deltas is greater than the mean and using it to find how many times sequentially, the value in return_deltas is greater than its mean 3 times in a row. I am attempting to do this with a built in function (if there is one, I have not discovered it) or at least avoiding loops.
Any thoughts on how I might approach?
With a little work, this snippet finds the starting index of every run of numbers:
[0 find(diff(v) ~= 0)] + 1
An Example:
>> v = [3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 9 9 9 9 9]; # vector of integers
>> run_starts = [0 find(diff(v) ~= 0)] + 1 # may be better to diff(v) < EPSILON, for floating-point
run_starts =
1 4 7 8 9
To find the length of each run
>> run_lengths = [diff(run_starts), length(v) - run_starts(end) + 1]
This variables then makes it easy to query which runs were above a certain number
>> find(run_lengths >= 4)
ans =
>> find(run_lengths >= 2)
ans =
1 2 5
This tells us that the only run of at least four integers in a row was run #5.
However, there were three runs that were at least two integers in a row, specifically runs #1, #2, and #5.
You can reference where each run starts from the run_starts variable.