Emacs Client fires up a "clean" (ignores init files) Emacs - emacs

I am trying to use Emacs Client. I am on OSX. so:
alias ec="/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/emacsclient -n -c -a -nw /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs"
Then I put (start-server) on my init.el file. A\and:
e --daemon
So when I run ec. And a clean Emacs instance is fired up.
Whats is wrong here?
Thanks in advance


How can I get zsh to inherit the complete autocompletion?

I have an little shell script (named "run") which redirects all output of a program to /dev/null:
$# &> /dev/null &
disown +
How can I say zsh that the whole autocompletion shall work for this?
I mean
$ run git com<TAB>
autocomplete to
$ run git commit
I was able to make that work by adding:
compdef _command run
to my .zshrc file.
I've based my answer on this bash question. It was worth giving it a try with compdef - surprisingly it worked.
As I'm still zsh/autocompletion newbie I cannot explain the inner workings and you should probably go through the documentation or other sources to find more on the topic.

Is it possible to launch vim from a capistrano task?

I want to use capistrano for a custom sets of tasks on a remote server not directly related to deployment, it would be useful for me if I can start vim using capistrano, I've tried with this:
set :pty, true
execute "vim #{shared_path}/my_file.txt"
But I receive this (for obvious reasons)
01 stdin: is not a tty
01 Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
01 Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal
It's there anyway to make it work?
As far as I know you can't start vim without a terminal. You could start a terminal with vim in it, here are a few ways to do this:
Start a terminal like st, xterm or similar. Examples:
x-terminal-emulator -e vim
st -e vim
xterm -e vim
This solution is not the best, as terminal-emulators can have different switches for executing commands on call. -e is working for st and xterm.
A better solution is to start a shell like zsh, bash or similar, because almost every shell works with the same switch, which is -c to start a program directly in it. Example:
zsh -c vim
bash -c vim

Why emacsclient can't find socket after executing 'emacs --daemon'

It is so confusing that emacsclient said it can't find socket just after executing emacs --daemon in bash:
$ ps aux | grep emacs
shiangro 1744 0.0 0.0 2432784 604 s000 S+ 1:03下午 0:00.00 grep emacs
$ /usr/local/bin/emacs --daemon
Starting Emacs daemon.
Restarting server
$ /usr/local/bin/emacsclient -t
emacsclient: can't find socket; have you started the server?
To start the server in Emacs, type "M-x server-start".
emacsclient: No socket or alternate editor. Please use:
--server-file (or environment variable EMACS_SERVER_FILE)
--alternate-editor (or environment variable ALTERNATE_EDITOR)
I have this settings in my .emacs:
(setq server-socket-dir "~/.emacs.d/server")
and it works,the server file ~/.emacs.d/server/server was just there,but emacsclient say it can't find socket,so annoying that I have to tell him the socket file using the -s option.
I find this thorny problem while I want let emacs runing as a daemon after everytime rebooting(start) systerm by using crontab's ◎reboot special strings.
In this case ,cron successfully started the emacs server and the server file ~/.emacs.d/server/server was also there, but later when I started a terminal and tried to emacsclient -t ,it failed and complained can't find socket file!
Although I can bypass this problem by using -s ~/.emacs.d/server/server everytime I excute emacsclient,or alias emacsclient as emacsclient -s ~/.emacs.d/server/server ,but is ther a better way to comfort my heart?
system: Mac OS X 10.9.2
emacs: GNU Emacs 24.3.1 installed by homebrew
Finding the server socket file is the tricky bit, you can use lsof to find it, and then a bit of grep-ing to extract the socket path/filename.
lsof -c emacs | grep server | grep -E -o '[^[:blank:]]*$'
Or on OSX when you expect to be running /Application/Emacs you'd change the command name lsof is looking for with -c Emacs. ie.
lsof -c Emacs | grep server | grep -E -o '[^[:blank:]]*$'
You could use cut instead of the messy filtering grep (searching for non-blanks until the line end [^[:blank:]]*$)
lsof -c Emacs | grep server | cut -c70-
Better yet, squish the interspacing and use cut's field chopping.
lsof -c Emacs | grep server | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f8
Now that you have the socket (or it's empty) you can do a conditional start on emacsclient, ie.
socket_file=$(lsof -c Emacs | grep server | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f8)
if [[ $socket_file == "" ]]; then
# Just run Emacs (with any arguments passed to the script)
# It would be a good idea to parse the arguments and clean/remove
# anything emacsclient specific.
# (ie. -e should be --eval for emacs)
# note that emacsclient doesn't fix these args for you either
# when using -a / --alternate-editor
emacs $# &
# or on OSX
/Application/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs $# &
emacsclient $# -n -s $socket_file
Since you've done:
/usr/local/bin/emacs --daemon
the server is already started. So, you don't actually need the:
(setq server-socket-dir "~/.emacs.d/server")
in your .emacs. When you follow that approach, the server is placed in /tmp/emacs502 (or maybe some other number). On linux, emacsclient doesn't seem to have trouble finding it there (in that case I'm seeing /tmp/emacs1920), and so "emacsclient -nw" works. I'm trying it on OSX using HomeBrew, as you are, and I find I have to connect using:
emacsclient -nw -s /tmp/emacs502/server
(If you used --deamon=name, then you would use "name" instead of "server" in that last line.)
emacsclient only finds the emacs server if I run emacs from the command line. If I run emacs from the Ubuntu launcher then emacsclient fails to connect to the server.
If you want to use the Emacs daemon instead of the server, define the two environment variables
export EDITOR=emacsclient
You can add these environment variables in either ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile.
If the ALTERNATE_EDITOR environment variable is empty, then Emacs will run its daemon and connect to it.
I think emacsclient can look for special file server in standard path only, e.g. in /tmp/emacs1000. If you change this parameter server-socket-dir, then you should tell about it to emacsclient by key -s.

How do I provide a command-line option to emacsclient?

I start emacsclient using:
emacsclient -a "" -c
This opens a frame connected to the emacs daemon, and starts the daemon if it's not already started. Great, this works fine.
However, I like opening my emacs frames maximized. With emacs, I would use -mm. However, that doesn't work with emacsclient. How do I make this work?
(It seems I could make something work by adding a shell file like so: emacsclient -a "myshell.sh" -c, where the shell file is: emacs -mm, but I haven't been able to make that work - the server doesn't stay up.)
You can add the following line to .emacs, so that Emacs can be started with the window maximized. See http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Size-Parameters.html#Size-Parameters for details.
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(fullscreen . maximized))
Emacs client accepts -F option, where you can specify frame parameters, so the above example would be:
emacsclient -c -a "" -F "((fullscreen . maximized))"
Let's say you want to run emacsclient fullscreen, which was my case.
man emacsclient shows emacsclient has -F option:
-F, --frame-parameters=ALIST
set the parameters of a newly-created frame.
In Emacs Manual, which is an info file, section (emacs) emacsclient Options has more information. Specifically for this question (elisp) Size Parameters mentions fullscreen parameter. To run emacsclient fullscreen, you need to supply an alist, with one element being (fullscreen . fullboth) like that:
emacsclient -c -F "((fullscreen . fullboth))"
emacsclient provides the --eval (-e for short) command line option for executing arbitrary Emacs Lisp code, so you can visit a file and call suspend-frame from the command line like so:
emacsclient -a "" -c --eval "(progn (find-file \"/tmp/my-file\") (suspend-frame))"
You could put this in a script, e.g:
emacsclient -a "" -c --eval "(progn (find-file \"$1\") (suspend-frame))"

emacsclient always runs as console application

When emacs is not already running, emacsclient always starts as a console application, but I'd like it to start as a gui application.
This is the command I use:
emacsclient -a "" file
The -a "" is there to start an emacs instance, if none is running already.
What about specifying -a /usr/bin/emacs or whatever your emacs is?
To create a new Emacs frame:
emacsclient -c -a "" file
The advantage of -a "" compared to #choroba's answer is that it starts emacs in a daemon mode so the next time you'll try to open a file it will open it almost instantly without requiring you to start Emacs with a server either manually or via .emacs with (server-start) or (server-mode 1).