How can I get zsh to inherit the complete autocompletion? - zsh-completion

I have an little shell script (named "run") which redirects all output of a program to /dev/null:
$# &> /dev/null &
disown +
How can I say zsh that the whole autocompletion shall work for this?
I mean
$ run git com<TAB>
autocomplete to
$ run git commit

I was able to make that work by adding:
compdef _command run
to my .zshrc file.
I've based my answer on this bash question. It was worth giving it a try with compdef - surprisingly it worked.
As I'm still zsh/autocompletion newbie I cannot explain the inner workings and you should probably go through the documentation or other sources to find more on the topic.


How do I create my own custom command line script in zsh?

I want to be able to run simple one line commands on my terminal, but instead of them being complicated I want them to be very simple, writing my own commands for these complex command lines that I have to write out so frequently. I am using the zsh command line and for example I would want to do this.
% npx tailwindcss -i ./static/styles.css -o ./static/output.css --watch
into something much easier to read such as
% build tailwindcss
Another problem/example is where if I would like to use http-server, but I want to turn off the caching, I don't think you can change the default settings for http-server module to turn off the caching, I have to do this:
% http-server -c-1
I know it is not too much of a big deal but I would like to at least pretend that the zero caching is the default. So I could do something like this with the command line:
% run server
And that would just run the server.
Also as a side note if this is not the best command line tool to do stuff like this in like maybe bash would be better I would be open to using a different command line tool as well.
Using aliases
If you run the exact same command every time you could alias it like this:
alias http-server="http-server -c-1"
alias <alias-name>="npx tailwindcss -i ./static/styles.css -o ./static/output.css --watch"
Now http-server expands to http-server -c-1 and <alias-name> expands to npx tailwindcss -i ./static/styles.css -o ./static/output.css --watch
Using functions
If you want to choose the input file each time you could write a function instead:
npx tailwindcss -i $1 -o ./static/output.css --watch
Then you can build with build file.css
Add the alias or function to ~/.zshrc if you want it available every time you start zsh
Using bck-i-search
Use Ctrl+r to search history. Pressing Ctrl+r and writing "tailwind" will likely show you the full command. You can even comment the function with some arbitrary words to make them easier to find in history (e.g. "aaa")
npx tailwindcss -i ./static/styles.css -o ./static/output.css --watch #aaa

Batch rename with command line

I have some files: file1.txt, file2.txt and I would like to rename them like this: file1.something.txt and file2.something.txt
I looked for some similar questions and I come up with this:
for i in file*.txt; do echo mv $i file*.something.txt; done
but unfortunately the output is:
mv file1.txt file*.something.txt
mv file2.txt file*.something.txt
and therefore only 1 file is created.
Could please somebody help?
(I am using a macbook air, I am not sure if this is relevant)
Thank you very much
Try this :
rename -n 's/\.txt/something.txt' *
(remove -n switch when your tests are OK)
There are other tools with the same name which may or may not be able to do this, so be careful.
If you run the following command (GNU)
$ file "$(readlink -f "$(type -p rename)")"
and you have a result like
.../rename: Perl script, ASCII text executable
and not containing:
then this seems to be the right tool =)
If not, to make it the default (usually already the case) on Debian and derivative like Ubuntu :
$ sudo update-alternatives --set rename /path/to/rename
(replace /path/to/rename to the path of your perl's rename command.
If you don't have this command, search your package manager to install it or do it manually
Last but not least, this tool was originally written by Larry Wall, the Perl's dad.

same aliases and functions for user and root in fish shell

How can I make aliases defined in ~/.config/fish/ and functions defined in ~/.config/fish/functions available for the root user as well?
symlinking to /root/.config/fish didn't do the job. Furthermore, I'd also like to be able to use my functions and aliases via sudo, which is currently not working as well.
How do you guys do that?
I don't have a solution for the first problem (I don't have any functions that are useful for the root user), but the second one (functions not working as an argument for sudo) can be solved with a wrapper function:
function sudo
if functions -q $argv[1]
set argv fish -c "$argv"
command sudo $argv
The issue is of course that sudo is an external command (usually at /usr/bin/sudo) that cannot know about fish internals like function definitions. So this wrapper will call fish if you give it a function name. Of course, since this launches a new fish session, some things, like cd will not be useful because it won't alter the state of the main fish session.
I use a symlink to my and works perfectly. Have you checked the permissions?
777 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Dez 21 2015 /root/.config/fish/ -> /home/lara/.config/fish/
In newer versions you can also use the directory /etc/fish/ for system-wide configuration
The problem with sudo I solved with an alias:
# -E just preserv env. It's not really
# necessary, but may be useful.
function sudo; command sudo -sE $argv; end
from sudo man page:
-s, --shell
Run the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable if it is set or the shell specified by the invoking user's
password database entry. If a command is specified, it is passed to
the shell for execution via
the shell's -c option. If no command is specified, an interactive shell is executed.
Old question that I came across while attempting to do the same thing myself.
Neither existing solution from #faho or #LaraMaia solves the first part of the question, which is really what I needed for my use-case. Both solutions only handled functions that are defined in ~/.config/fish/functions. In-memory functions and aliases that have not been "saved" do not work.
So here's a version that does work for aliases/in-memory functions:
function sudo
if functions -q -- "$argv[1]"
set cmdline (
for arg in $argv
printf "\"%s\" " $arg
set -x function_src (string join "\n" (string escape --style=var (functions "$argv[1]")))
set argv fish -c 'string unescape --style=var (string split "\n" $function_src) | source; '$cmdline
command sudo -E $argv
command sudo $argv
Commented and slightly expanded version at this Gist.

How to write a file's name with special character in command line?

I've got a file named '-help.txt' in Ubuntu. I know that I should use command like this:
> rm ./-help.txt
Could anyone give me an url where I can learn systematically on how to deal with the special characters in Ubuntu command line. Thanks a lot!
Try the manpages first:
> man rm
Undoubtedly, you are using GNU rm, and you will find that GNU programs use -- to separate options from arguments, even though using ./ works.
> rm -- -help.txt
Then, try the GNU info system:
> info rm
> info fileutils

How do I get a list of commit comments from CVS since last tagged version?

I have made a bunch of changes to a number of files in a project. Every commit (usually at the file level) was accompanied by a comment of what was changed.
Is there a way to get a list from CVS of these comments on changes since the last tagged version?
Bonus if I can do this via the eclipse CVS plugin.
UPDATE: I'd love to accept an answer here, but unfortunately none of the answers are what I am looking for. Frankly I don' think it is actually possible, which is a pity really as this could be a great way to create a change list between versions (Assuming all commits are made at a sensible granularity and contain meaningful comments).
I think
cvs -q log -SN -rtag1:::tag2
cvs -q log -SN -dfromdate<todate
will do what you want. This lists all the versions and comments for all changes made between the two tags or dates, only for files that have changed. In the tag case, the three colons exclude the comments for the first tag. See cvs -H log for more information.
The options for the cvs log command are available here. Specifically, to get all the commits since a specific tag (lets call it VERSION_1_0)
cvs log -rVERSION_1_0:
If your goal is to have a command that works without having to know the name of the last tag I believe you will need to write a script that grabs the log for the current branch, parses through to find the tag, then issues the log command against that tag, but I migrated everything off of CVS quite a while ago, so my memory might be a bit rusty.
If you want to get a quick result on a single file, the cvs log command is good. If you want something more comprehensive, the best tool I've found for this is a perl script called This can generate a change list in several different formats. It has many different options, but I've used the tag-to-tag options like this: --delta dev_release_1_2_3:dev_release_1_6_8
or --delta dev_release_1_2_3:HEAD
I have also done comparisons using dates with the same tool.
I know you have already "solved" your problem, but I had the same problem and here is how I quickly got all of the comments out of cvs from a given revision until the latest:
$ mkdir ~/repo
$ cd ~/repo
$ mkdir cvs
$ cd cvs
$ scp -pr .
$ mkdir -p my/favorite
$ cd my/favorite
$ scp -pr .
$ cd ~/repo
$ mkdir -p ~/repo/svn/my/favorite/project
$ cvs2svn -s ~/repo/svn/my/favorite/project/src ~/repo/cvs/my/favorite/project/src
$ mkdir ~/work
$ cd ~/work
$ svn checkout file:///home/geek/repo/svn/my/favorite/project/src/trunk ./src
$ cd src
$ # get the comments made from revision 5 until today
$ svn log -r 5:HEAD
$ # get the comments made from 2010-07-03 until today
$ svn log -r {2010-07-03}:HEAD
The basic idea is to just use svn or git instead of cvs :-)
And that can be done by converting the cvs repo to svn or git using cvs2svn or cvs2git, which we should be doing anyway. It got my my answer within about three minutes because I had a small repository.
Hope that helps.
Something like this
cvs -q log -NS -rVERSION_3_0::HEAD
Where you probably want to pipe the output into egrep to filter out the stuff you don't want to see. I've used this:
cvs -q log -NS -rVERSION_3_0::HEAD | egrep -v "RCS file: |revision |date:|Working file:|head:|branch:|locks:|access list:|keyword substitution:|total revisions: |============|-------------"