How to get IPN for payout using sandbox.paypal - paypal-ipn

I am working on payment through Paypal and I am not able to get IPN and I make research on it and there is no option of IPN settings Profile > My selling tools > Instant Payment Notification.
I have also tried Dynamically Setting the Notification URL for sandbox.paypal but failed.
How can I get the IPN ?

There are two types of accounts in sandbox.paypal
We can get IPN if account type is Business.
I was looking for IPN while my account type was personal.
I checked it for Business account type and got IPN for payouts.
Path is : Profile > My selling tools > Instant Payment Notification


How can I get PayPal sandbox payments accepted automatically?

I integrate PayPal in my Symfony 4 App, but in sandbox payments still need to validated as we see in the picture behind.
How can I get payments accepted automatically ?
and I'm asking also if in Live mode, I'm going to have the same problem because I didn't have a business account to test it.
Is the issue that the payments are "PENDING"? Is the PayPal sandbox email not confirmed?
Log in with Sandbox account at to check and resend any confirmation email
Then log in with Live developer account at to read the message notifications and confirm the email
One of the reason of that happens when the currency of the payment is not the same with the Paypal JS loaded script in client size.
So What you don't know that in the script loaded, the default Currency is USD, So you have to specify the currency in this script :
<script src="{{ data['clientId'] }}">
So in this case if the client pays with EUR, the payment is auto-accepted, else, you have to configure the strategy in Settings when you have two different currencies, So you have to login with your Business Account, then go to the Account Settings > Payment preferences > Block Payments.

This recipient does not accept payments denominated in INR

I am integrating the Paypal payment gateway using a Paypal sandbox account (in India).
Everything is working fine: the URL is building properly and redirecting to the Paypal sandbox account and it's login successfully. However, after login it gives me the following error when I am trying to pay:
This recipient does not accept payments denominated in INR. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his Payment Receiving Preferences to accept this currency.
If I pay in USD currency, it gives me this error:
I've suffered from the same problem at same time as yours; it's my personal thinking that it might happened due to some economic changes in India. If you are making project for Indian public, then my advice is to go for some other payment integration options like Instamojo, Razorpay. They are doing far better than paypal.

DPRP is disabled. for this merchant in sandbox paypal

I'm trying to integrate paypal payments through card into rails app.
Normal one-time payments are working well. But I keep on getting the above response when I'm trying to make recurring payments. I've tried to enable that feature in paypal developer website but it says
Note: Live credentials are disabled for direct credit card processing in your app. We are processing your information and will email you when live API credentials are enabled.
But it is saying same from past few days. I've tried contacting them through online contact us but after three days they replied saying I have to add my credit card to the account. Do I need to add credit card for testing sandbox also?
You need to contact PayPal technical team at , provide your sandbox PayPal account, they will enable DPRP for you.

OpenCart PayPal payment

I've stuck with PayPal Standard payment for OpenCart and found no solution yet.
What I've done:
Created a business account on
Set up following web preferences:
Auto return (URL specified)
PDT enabled
Enabled IPN (URL specified:
Created personal account on
Set up PayPal Standard extension in OpenCart:
Specified e-mail of the business account created above
Specified PDT token
Specified Sandbox mode
Transaction method - Sale
When I try to pay with PayPal I'm redirected to PayPal and pay proper amount. Then I'm automatically redirected back to my site by URL specified in PayPal business account's settings. So this tells me the payment recipient is recognized by PayPal.
At this point joy ends. In the sending account's activity log I see sending transactions. All of them have status Unclaimed. In the business account's log I see no transactions. In the IPN history I see no IPNs and in the web server's log I see no requests to /index.php?route=payment/pp_standard/callback.
I'm certainly missing something. But I can't figure - what.
In Paypal checkout section in open cart admin panel, go to the general tab of that, you will find test mode option, set it yes. and for debugging mode set it yes. Check your checkout process now. i think it will solve your problem.
I was having a similar issue a while back. For me, it was because the payments being sent to OpenCart were in a different currency to what was held in the Sandbox balance. E.g. OpenCart was sending orders in GBP but the Sandbox holds currency in USD.
I fixed by changing a setting in the Sandbox account.
Profile > My Settings > Block Payments > Click Update
On the page which appears, there is an option "Allow payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold:". I just set that to Yes.

PayPal API response says payment succeeded but Paypal Sandbox says payment not permitted

When I try to place a payment in the Sandbox using the Paypal Adaptive Payments API, I get a SUCCESS response from the API:
paymentExecStatus CREATED
ack Success
build 2050734
timestamp 2011-09-19T17%3A02%3A23.409-07%3A00
However, if the Sandbox user (payment review disabled) is a non-American, the Sandbox won't allow the payment to go all the way through and instead sends the buyer to an Error screen.
Any ideas?
Without the error you're getting it's guesswork, but I think the account you're using to receive payments likely doesn't payments accept in the currency you're sending it in. Either change this setting in the Profile (Payment Receiving Preferences or Website Payments Preferences) or open a balance in that specific currency.