PayPal API response says payment succeeded but Paypal Sandbox says payment not permitted - paypal

When I try to place a payment in the Sandbox using the Paypal Adaptive Payments API, I get a SUCCESS response from the API:
paymentExecStatus CREATED
ack Success
build 2050734
timestamp 2011-09-19T17%3A02%3A23.409-07%3A00
However, if the Sandbox user (payment review disabled) is a non-American, the Sandbox won't allow the payment to go all the way through and instead sends the buyer to an Error screen.
Any ideas?

Without the error you're getting it's guesswork, but I think the account you're using to receive payments likely doesn't payments accept in the currency you're sending it in. Either change this setting in the Profile (Payment Receiving Preferences or Website Payments Preferences) or open a balance in that specific currency.


paypal sandbox - verify identity

I am testing my payment integration using PayPal Sandbox
When I go to make payment using a sandbox account, the following message displays on the payment page
To use your balance next time, go to your PayPal account for an
identity check.
If I log into the sandbox account, I am not seeing any way to do this.
How do I set up the sandbox account so that it can use PayPal funds for the payment rather than the credit card option?
It doesn't matter how you are funding the payment in sandbox. There's no actual reason for you to be bothering to care about this issue, since the result of a completed PayPal payment on the receiver end will be identical.
But since you ask, you can create a bank verified account via

PayPal IPN message is always payment - pending

Working on a sandbox, Paypal will always send me back and IPN message with the pair payment_status:pending.
I know that this might happen due to different currencies and that I can change settings in my account to accept different currencies.
But, I am using the service when a seller and a buyer that I don't know make a transaction, so I can not do anything about it .
Is there a way to allow any currency in the POST request ?
What really the seller see when the payment status is pending ?
If the payment status will change to completed later, how will my IPN message look? there is nothing that says how the object from IPN will look when status is changing ? how can I handle such change ?
Solved by sending money to the sandbox account and not to my real live account.
So, you must send funds from a sandbox email to another sandbox email.
Create another merchant account on the developer website
Send money from a sandbox buyer to a sandbox seller

Paypal Mass Pay API Response Handling

So this is probably more of a discussion item so I apologise if this should go elsewhere.
But I need to handle Responses (IPN) from using Paypal MassPay API.
At the moment I'm handling the Notifications correctly and tracking past payments made (Royalty Payments System).
Problem 1: Unclaimed Payments
But I've encountered an issue which I can't seem to handle on the sandbox site and that is Unclaimed payments. Now according to MassPay guide:
If the recipients do not have PayPal accounts, PayPal notifies them that a payment is available and they must create a PayPal account to receive the payment.
I assume this means that Paypal sends the user an email, I tried to test this but I received no notification
Problem 2: Claiming unclaimed Payments
Following the previous problem, I've been unable to test users claiming unclaimed values. So I'm wondering does anybody know how Paypal processes these and the format of the response;
Does the response contain all previously claimed payments?
Does the response contain all unclaimed payments?
Does the response contain the status of all transfers in that transaction?
Thank you in advance
When you send out your MassPay request, any unclaimed payments will be pending until they're claimed. Your IPN will show "processed" instead of "completed" for the status. Once they claim the payment you will get another IPN showing the payment has been completed.
When working in the sandbox you won't get any actual emails from their system. All test emails show up in your account under the test email section there.

How to check Payment failure for Paypal Express Checkout

We are using Paypal recurring billing service (using Express Checkout) at our website for monthly subscription.
Since we have an Australian account so we are not able use the DPRP (Direct Payment Recurring Payment) service offered by Paypal because it seems, DPRP service is limited
to only few countries (US, UK and Canada).
In Express checkout payment details are received at Paypal Website. So we do not have any information, whether the payment failed, user pressed the Back button in browser or He/She intentionally clicked the cancel payment.
After speaking to Paypal support team we get know that there could be multiple possible reason for Payment failure, and seller has to contact Paypal by themself. So we can
not provide any troubleshooting for that at our website.
So we want to know, Is there any possible solution to avoid this or atleast can we diffrentiate between the user for whom payment failed and who intentionally moved to
our website back without doing payment because this way we are not only unable to followup with them but also loosing a part of the customer base, interested in our service.
Any help in this is Appreciated.
You should implement the Pay Pal IPN (Instant Payment Notification).
You configure the IPN url address on your PayPal merchant account settings. This page is simple HTML page with server-side programming that is listening for requests coming from PayPal.
There's no need to do something extra in the checkout process for making IPN work. Once you set this up, it will automatically work.
Every time something happens with a transaction in your merchant account, e.g. transaction completed/failed/canceled, PayPal will send an HTTP Post to your IPN listener URL.
Here you can get all the relevant information about the transaction, like the payer ID, the payment status. With this information you can decide what to do with your customer's order.

Shouldnt testing IPN take money from my Paypal sandbox account?

Im trying to set up a PayPal IPN system on my site, but I try to test it in the PayPal sandbox, I think it's not working fine.
I've got a developer account in the sandbox. I've created 2 accounts: buyer and seller. I use the IPN simulator to send a POST request to my page. The request seems just fine, but when I login into the sandbox seller account, the amount of money didnt change. If I login with the buyer account, the amount didnt change either. Shouldnt they change according with the IPN purchase I just simulate?
Also, if I go to IPN record in the paypal account, it's empty.
If I send back the request to PayPal to verify it, I get: VERIFIED from PayPal, so it seems correct.
I post here the POST request Im getting from PayPal:
IPN is not a transactional functionality. It merely allows PayPal to send you a POST with transaction data whenever a transaction has been made.
If you're looking to transfer funds, you'd be looking at either Website Payments Standard, Express Checkout, Website Payments Pro, Paflow Link, Payflow Pro or Adaptive Payments.
I found out that IPN does NOT simulate the transfer of funds, so if you want to test it you need to point your checkout form to the sandbox URL