ejabberd mod_muc error joining a chat room (503) - xmpp

I've updated from ejabberd 15.04 to 15.07 and MUC stopped working. (I copied the exact same config file). I can create a room and change options normally but when I send an invitation and the user tries to join I get the message 503 - Service Unavailable.
This is the muc config that was working fine before and stopped working:
db_type: odbc
host: "chat.#HOST#"
access: muc
access_create: muc_admin
access_persistent: muc
access_admin: muc_admin
Any idea of what might be happening? I've read some stuff about DNS but to be honest this is all local and nothing has changed related with the network from one version to another
Here's the log. The first part is when I send the direct invitation and then accept to join the room using Adium.
Here is ejabberd config file: https://gist.github.com/nunohorta/b7e97503d3b7eb2921e0
I cleared the current database and MUC is working again.


Ejabberd muc room history getting erased when server restarts

I am subscribing to a muc room and I am getting the messages when a user messages to muc room, everything upto here is fine, but when server restarts room history is getting erased, therefore I am unable to get any previous messages.
This is my mod_muc configuration in ejabberd.yml:
default: always
db_type: sql
- allow
- allow: admin
access_create: muc_create
access_persistent: muc_create
mam: true
persistent: true
when server restarts room history is getting erased
Right, because that recent history is not stored in any database, it is kept in temporary memory, like the list of current occupants. When the server stops, all that is forgotten.

Per MUC channel bot managed by ejabberd

I would like to run one service process per MUC channel on an ejabberd server. Ideally I would like ejabberd to start / monitor that process.
That is, when a new MUC gets opened ejabberd should start the bot process and tell it the channel name through commandline options. The process will then connect to that MUC on its own and do its thing. in case it crashes, ejabberd should notice and try to restart it. In case the MUC gets closed, so should the bot process. Is such functionality available with ejabberd?
I am not aware of anything like that implemented.

Prosody/Pidgin not sending buddy authorization requests

I'm setting up a Prosody XMPP server on my local machine for a proof of concept, and I just want to get a simple chat session going with myself. I set it to allow registration, and was able to register new users, but when I send a buddy request to one of the other users I've registered, he doesn't get it, and all users, including myself, show as "Not Authorized" in Pidgin.
I'm "test2" on my local machine, and on another machine, I'm logged in as "test3". When I send a buddy request from test2 to test3, nothing happens.
In Pidgin, the only log I see is
---- +++ test2#pc-705.example.com/ signed on # 11/20/2015 2:32:19 PM ----
where example.com is my domain.
My Prosody log just says that I've authenticated but does not mention sending buddy requests:
general info Hello and welcome to Prosody version 0.9.7
general info Prosody is using the select backend for connecti
on handling
localhost:tls error Unable to initialize TLS: No SSL/TLS configurati
on present for localhost
localhost:tls error Unable to initialize TLS: No SSL/TLS configurati
on present for localhost
portmanager info Activated service 's2s' on [::]:5269, [*]:5269
mod_s2s warn No local IPv4 or IPv6 addresses detected, outgoi
ng connections may fail
portmanager info Activated service 'c2s' on [::]:5222, [*]:5222
portmanager info Activated service 'legacy_ssl' on no ports
pc-705.example.com:tls error Unable to initialize TLS: No SSL/TLS configuration present for pc-705.example.com
pc-705.example.com:tls error Unable to initialize TLS: No SSL/TLS configuration present for pc-705.example.com
c2s02310338 info Client connected
c2s02310338 info Authenticated as test2#pc-705.example.com
c2s0 info Client connected
c2s0 info Authenticated as test3#pc-705.example.com
Where is my issue?
It sounds like you might have tried adding the buddy as test3. Which isn't going to work. A buddy on XMPP is user#server.
You need to add them as test3#pc-705.example.com or whatever.
This is part of how/why XMPP server's can federate (interoperate). Like email.

Cannot get jabber clients to connect to ejabberd running on localhost

I installed ejabberd on my linux mint kde. It installed correctly, I am able to use the admin interface in the browser at http://localhost:5280/admin/ to add users. In the nodes menu it shows me one node running as ejabberd#localhost. There is a virtual host called inspiron-n4050 which it created on its own. Now i registered 2 users from the admin interface lovesh#inspiron-n4050 and test#inspiron-n4050. Now from my IM client(Kopete) i created 2 jabber accounts with jabberIds lovesh#inspiron-n4050 and test#inspiron-n4050. But when i try to connect any of these it shows me error Connection problem with jabber server inspiron-n4050. There was a connection error: Remote closed connection
ejabberd is running because on the shell when i check ejabberdctl status it says
The node ejabberd#localhost is started with status: started
ejabberd 2.1.11 is running in that node
What is wrong?
Reinstalling ejabberd fixed the problem
I used this steps in pidgin xmpp. You can check out similar options on kopete.
Change proxy options to No Proxy
In Connection Security, Use encryption if available
Check allow plain text on unencrypted streams.
After this steps I am able to chat within two pidgin clients over a Intranet.
i noticed that the there is a distinction between username "host" and actual hostname:
i had to use these settings to get it to work:
username: username#localhost
hostname: www.theactualserver.com
port: 5222

Kamailio 3.1 problems, calls between subscriber fails among other things

I've installed Kamailio on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS via:
Updated /etc/kamailio/kamctlrc with:
I've also installed the kamailio-mysql-modules via apt-get.
Then I've run kamdbctl create and created the MySQL database.
After that I've started Kamailio via kamctl start. Success.
At last I've added two users:
kamctl add 100 PASS1
kamctl add 101 PASS2
Now I should be able to call between the SIP clients with the subscribers, correct?
But when I try nothing happens. I also found out that no matter what I use for username and password on the clients, they WILL register successfully.
What is wrong?
You are using the default configuration for Kamailio, which is very open and insecure. In order to get some NAT support there's a flag in the kamailio.cfg file to turn on NAt support, which means that Kamailio will store the sender's IP address in the registration, not the address in the SIP message.
Good luck. If you have any further questions, I recommend the Kamailio user mailing list, which you can find on http://www.kamailio.org