I have been looking for a while for a tern.js plugin that would allow me to use simple inline type annotations like this:
var f = function(/* string */ a) { ... }
This is a simple style that, for instance, Brackets supports.
I am aware that I can use JSDoc plugin with tern.js, but that requires a little more verbose syntax, that is especially difficult to use in anonymous functions.
Can I make JSDoc plugin parse these simple annotations or is there another plugin for that?
I'm currently working with reasonably large code base where new code is written in scala, but where a lot of old Java code remains. In particular there are a lot of java APIs we have to talk to. The old code uses simple Java Pojos with public non-final fields, without any methods or constructors, e.g:
public class MyJavaPojo {
public String myField1;
public MyOtheJavaPojo myField2;
Note that we dont have the option of adding helper methods or constructors to these types. These are currently created like old c-structs (pre-named parameters) like this:
val myPojo = new MyJavaPojo
myPojo.myField1 = ...
myPojo.myField2 = ...
Because of this, it's very easy to forget about assigning one of the fields, especially when we suddenly add new fields to the MyJavaPojo class, the compiler wont complain that I've left one field to null.
NOTE: We don't have the option of modifying the java types/adding constructors the normal way. We also don't want to start creating lots and lots of manually created helper functions for object creation - We would really like to find a solution based on scala macros instead of possible!
What I would like to do would be to create a macro that generates either a constructor-like method for my Pojos or a macro that creates a factory, allowing for named parameters. (Basically letting a macro do the work instead of creating a gazillion manually written helper methods in scala).
Do you know of any way to do this with scala macros? (I'm certain it's possible, but I've never written a scala macro in my life)
Desired API alternative 1:
val myPojo = someMacro[MyJavaPojo](myField1 = ..., myField2 = ...)
Desired API alternative 2
val factory = someMacro[MyJavaPojo]
val myPojo = factory.apply(myField1 = ..., myField2 = ...)
NOTE/Important: Named parameters!
I'm looking for either a ready-to-use solution or hints as to where I can read up on making one.
All ideas and input appreciated!
Take a look at scala-beanutils.
#beanCompanion[MyJavaPojo] object MyScalaPojo
It probably won't work directly, as you classes are not beans and it's only been made for Scala 2.10, but the source code is < 200 lines and should give you an idea of where to start.
Currently, I use a Scala macro annotation to automatically generate some code into a Scala object. It works like this:
object PopoverCommands extends Constants { … }
I find it somewhat redundant to have to extend Constants and to annotate PopoverCommands with #constants. I know the macro annotation can insert the extends Constants part. My question goes the other way round: is there any way I can run some macro code (e.g. simulate the presence of #constants) by simply extending a type (here, Constants)?
No, this isn't currently possible.
When working with dependency resolution in gradle, you usually see something like this:
configurations {
runtime.extendsFrom compile
testCompile.extendsFrom runtime
and I wanted to know of what type is optional or compile? Is it a Class? a string? what methods can I call for it?
Besides all this, is there a way to find out these things automatically, similar to ctrl+space when on something in eclipse?
They are classes that implements org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration. The Gradle DSL doc also contains more information about the configuration DSL core type.
To find out more info about internal classes etc, which is useful when for instance looking up classes and methods in the Gradle javadoc, it is often as simple as just printing out the class names. Quite often though, you will end up with some internal implementing class instead of the API interface you're interested in, but regardless of that it's a way get started on what to search for. I tend to keep the source code of all open source projects we're using available in the IDE. That way it's easy to jump into the correct class (even when it's not available through context shortcuts) and look around.
To get more information about configurations in your case, you could add a task that simply prints out the relevant info. E.g. something like:
task configInfo << {
println "configurations.class: ${configurations.class}"
println "configurations.compile class: ${configurations.compile.class}"
println "implements ${Configuration} interface? ${configurations.compile instanceof Configuration}"
which in my case results in the following output
$ gradle configInfo
configurations.class: class org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfigurationContainer_Decorated
configurations.compile class: class org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration_Decorated
implements interface org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration interface? true
I am no Gradle expert, but this seems like a simple getter delegated to another object in a DSL fashion. You could write the same with something like this:
class MyDsl {
def config = [:].withDefault { false }
void configure(closure) {
closure.delegate = this
def getOptional() { config.optional = true }
def getCompile() { config.compile = true }
def getTest() { config.test = true }
dsl = new MyDsl()
dsl.configure {
dsl.config.with {
assert optional
assert compile
assert !test
You could return some specific object to pass to runtime.extendsFrom() method.
For auto-complete, IIRC that's what groovy-eclipse DSLD (DSL descriptors) are for. You may want to give a try to this gradle DSLD which is in eclipse-integration-gradle plugin.
As per this ticket it has been done long ago.
The question "what type is optional or compile" isn't really valid. That is kind of like asking what type does "instanceof" have. The instanceof keywword doesn't have a type.
When writing code like you cited, you are taking advantage of a DSL. Treat words like compile and optional as keywords in that DSL. Unless you are writing your own DSL (as opposed to taking advantage of existing one, which is what this question is about), don't think of types being associated with those things.
As for the question about ctrl+space, Eclipse won't do anything special with that in this context unless you are using a plugin which provides support for that. Even with plugin support there will still be limitations because you can define your own configurations. If you were going to define a configuration named "jeffrey" and you typed "jeff" followed by ctrl+space, there is no way for the IDE to know you want it to turn that into "jeffrey".
I hope that helps.
I've created some utilities that help me at generating HTML and I reference them in my views as #div( "class" -> "well" ){ Hello Well. }. Until now those classes were subclassing NodeSeq because they aren't escaped then. But I need to get rid off the NodeSeq in the top of my class hierarchy because Scala's xml is flawed and makes my code hacky and because I could switch to Traits then.
So I tried to find out how to prevent Play from escaping my Tag-objects. But unfortunately the only valid solution that I found is to override the template compiler and have the user specify my compiler in his Build.scala settings.
But I hopefully have overlooked a way more simple approach?
If your html helpers returns 'Html' rather than String you don't need to wrap them using the #Html tag in the view.
import play.api.templates.Html
def a(src: String, value: String) : Html = Html(s"<a href='$src'>$value</a>")
Would be called in the view as below without needing to wrap in #Html
#a("www.example.com", "Example")
Since version 2.2.0-M1 there appeared a new approach in the docs that explains how to add custom formats to the template engine. This allows me to easily integrate my utilities.
Custom Template Format: Java, Scala
I'm looking to move some of my lighter weight metaprogramming from Nemerle to Boo and I'm trying to figure out how to define custom operators. For example, I can do the following in Nemerle:
macro #<-(func, v) {
<[ $func($v) ]>
Then these two are equivalent:
foo <- 5;
I can't find a way of doing this in Boo -- any ideas?
While Boo supports operator overloading by defining the appropriate static operator function (op_addition), and also supports syntactic macros, it does not support creating custom operators at this time.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you need but you can create syntactic macros in Boo. There's some information on the CodeHaus site, http://boo.codehaus.org/Syntactic+Macros, but the syntax has changed in one of the recent releases. I don't know of any tutorials on the new syntax but the source release for Boo 0.8.2 has some examples (some of the language structures are implemented as macros). If you don't want to download the full source a view of the SVN repository is available, https://svn.codehaus.org/boo/boo/trunk/src/Boo.Lang.Extensions/Macros/. The assert macro would be a good place to start.