What does 'Building new PostgreSQL source with configure flags mean' from the PGSQL Docs? - postgresql

I've been tasked with upgrading our Postgresql database to 9.4 and I'm following the instructions found on the documentation found here:
Upgrading Postgresql
The second step for upgrading to 9.4 says this:
For source installs, build the new version
Build the new PostgreSQL source with configure flags that are compatible
with the old cluster. pg_upgrade will check pg_controldata to make sure all settings
are compatible before starting the upgrade.
I rarely have to go into the internals of PGSQL and I'm not sure what is meant by the term 'configure flags'. Is this a specfic term in reference to PGSQL or does this refer tot he command line options at the top of the documentation page? In fact, do I even need to do this? The very nex st sentence says that pg_ugprade will do it for me. I'm upgrading our database that has a lot of sensitive data and I need to get this right. Obviously I have a sandbox though to play with but if someone can help me understand what that means, I'd appreciate it. I've come to find that dealing with PGSQL can be frustrating as hell. Thanks.


pgAgent missing as an option from Stack Builder

I'm attempting to setup a new postgresql 9.6 installation. I realize this is not the latest version but, due to some third party limitations, it's what I'm required to use.
The installation itself works just fine and I've been able to get my databases and FDWs installed without issue so I'm confident the database itself is OK.
The issue I'm having now is that I need to create a couple of scheduled jobs. pgAgent seems to be a good option, I thought, however it's not showing as an option in the Stack Builder list.
I suppose I could go the route of installing it from source, but that's beginning to be way more work than I had hoped to have to do. Is there something I may be missing when doing the install? I'm a bit stymied at this point. Here's a shot of the screen that I'm seeing:
Again, this is a 9.6 install and, according to the docs, pgAgent should be an option, right?
Any insights are appreciated.

How to install PgBouncer on Windows 7 (x64)

I am attempting to install PgBouncer on my computer with no success. In the installation page, im told that PgBouncer has two dependencies GNU Make 3.81+ and libevent 2.0. Never having used or heard of these two software before, Im completely lost.
I have read a little on both but have yet to find or fully understand what they actually do and how they will help me set up PgBouncer. From what I've read, PgBouncer does not come compiled for windows and I need the other two to compile it. I have searched for tutorials online but it seems that im falling into a black hole of misunderstanding.
Im looking for a simple explanation on how to install PgBouncer or how these software work with one another. Thanks.
If anyone now searches the binaries because http://winpg.jp/~saito/pgbouncer is offline now, check out my page under https://sepppenner.github.io/PgBouncerWinBinaries/. I have all the binaries from the Saito page but didn't yet succeed to build the project on my own. If anyone has ideas, don't hesitate to contact me here or on Github :)
EDIT: I'm now able to build pgbouncer for windows just having some issues with the pandoc thing (Follow https://github.com/pgbouncer/pgbouncer/issues/442). I will provide binaries soon. The instructions are already online under the page listed above :)
Im looking for a simple explanation on how to install PgBouncer
A little late, but if you use the EDB installer for PostgreSQL, as linked on postgresql.org (https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/), you can install Stack Builder. From inside Stack Builder, PgBouncer can be installed (EDB build).
Unfortunately, it's not the latest version. Now, PgBouncer 1.17.0 is available and Stack Builder provides 1.16.1.
Personally, I don't understand why the PgBouncer project doesn't just offer a Windows build. So everybody would be able to get the latest release.
I have not messed with pgbouncer in years but have had multiple comments on what I did to solve my problem.
In the link bellow is the pgbouncer build I last used on my project. From what I remember, all you would need to do is replace the users in the config/user.txt with yours and go into config/pgbouncer.ini and change the configuration to work with your set up. To start it, just run the run.bat file or pgbouncer.exe config/pgbouncer.iniin the cmd prompt. You want to download everything in the folder.

Which database must I install in order to run MSDN's T-SQL examples?

Which databse must I install to be able to run examples in the following link:
I've downloaded AdventureWorks2008R2 sample databases from link, but examples don't work with any of the AdventureWorks2008R2 databases
thank you
I installed the AdventureWorks2008R2 sample database a while ago - specifically the one without filestream. I just tried the first few queries from the page you linked to and they return results.
the file is the wrong version.
The server supports version 661 and earlier.
The file version is 705
Looking for earlier version.

How can I use MySQL 5.x with PHP 4.x?

I am requested to support a legacy system. I needed to install PHP4 on my computer for that and also MySQL 4.x. I couldn't find a MySQL 4.x version that installs on my computer so I thought I'd upgrade the system to MySQL 5.x. The problem is, PHP4 does not seem to work with MySQL 5.x.
I've read somewhere that something called mysqli is needed in PHP for it to be able to work with MySQL 5.x. I just couldn't quite understand whether it's something that is included in PHP5 or something I can add to PHP4.
If it's something I can add to PHP4, how?
PHP4 should work mostly fine with MySQL 5. Note I'm just talking from experience, sometimes it seems the technical stuff I read on the official MySQL and PHP sites have conflicted with what I observe. For what I've done, the only thing I really needed to worry about for compatibility between the two is authentication. Make sure the MySQL account you're trying to connect with from PHP4 uses the old password encoding. You can see this yourself in the mySQL user table. I can't remember the exact numbers but passwords stored under the old format are around 16 characters hashed whereas under the new format they are significantly longer.
More info here:

Flyway: Support for older DB's

I'm currently trying to set up some simple migration scripts for our databases. I was checking flyway, which seems to be simple enough for what I need. My problem is that, for Postgres, only version 9 is supported (we're using 8.4). Is it possible to work around/fix this limitation somehow, or should I start looking for other options?
Edit: I forgot to mention that when I run something like mvn flyway:status, I get the error message:
Flyway Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported Database: PostgreSQL
I can connect to the DB via psql, and I'm using the correct jdbc driver, so when I saw the requirements page in the documentation, I assumed that the version was explicitly checked by flyway.
What limitations do you encounter? Flyway is only tested on PostgreSQL version 9.0, that's it. It's not said that older PostgreSQL versions don't work. Just give it a try.
You could also setup a PostgreSQL 9.0 installation on your testbox to see if there is any difference.