Negative option prices for certain input values in MATLAB? - matlab

In the course of testing an algorithm I computed option prices for random input values using the standard pricing function blsprice implemented in MATLAB's Financial Toolbox.
Surprisingly ( at least for me ) ,
the function seems to return negative option prices for certain combinations of input values.
As an example take the following:
> [Call,Put]=blsprice(67.6201,170.3190,0.0129,0.80,0.1277)
Call =-7.2942e-15
Put = 100.9502
If I change time to expiration to 0.79 or 0.81, the value becomes non-negative as I would expect.
Did anyone of you ever experience something similar and can come up with a short explanation why that happens?

I don't know which version of the Financial Toolbox you are using but for me (TB 2007b) it works fine.
When running:
I get the following:
Call = 9.3930e-016
Put = 100.9502
Which is indeed positive

Bit late but I have come across things like this before. The small negative value can be attributed to numerical rounding error and / or truncation error within the routine used to compute the cumulative normal distribution.
As you know computers are not perfect and small numerical error always persists in all calculations, in my view therefore the question one should must ask instead is - what is the accuracy of the input parameters being used and therefore what is the error tolerance for outputs.
The way I thought about it when I encountered it before was that, in finance, typical annual stock price return variance are of the order of 30% which means the mean returns are typically sampled with standard error of roughly 30% / sqrt(N) which is roughly of the order of +/- 1% assuming 2 years worth of data (so N = 260 x 2 = 520, any more data you have the other problem of stationarity assumption). Therefore on that basis the answer you got above could have been interpreted as zero given the error tolerance.
Also we typically work to penny / cent accuracy and again on that basis the answer you had could be interpreted as zero.
Just thought I'd give my 2c hope this is helpful in some ways if you are still checking for answers!


Activation function to get day of week

I'm writing a program to predict when will something happens. I don't know which activation function to get output in day of week (1-7).
I tried sigmoid function but i need to input the predicted day and it output probability of it, I don't want it to be this way.
I expect the activation function returning 0 to infinite, is ReLU the best activation function for this task?
also, what if i wanted output more than 7 days, for example, x will hapen in 9th day from today, or 15th day from today, etc? I'm looking for dynamic ways to do this
What you are trying to do is solving a classification problem with a regression approach. That's at least unconventional.
You can use any activation function you want and define your output as you want. E.g. linear, relu with output range from 1 to 7 or something between -1(or 0) and 1 like tanh or sigmoid and map the output (-1 -> 1; -0.3 -> 2; ...).
The problem for you will be that you get a floatingpoint number as a result. So your model not only has to learn how to classify correctly but also how to predict the (allmost) exact number you want in your output neuron. That makes the problem more complicated than it has to be. With a model like that it also will be likley that for some outlier datapoints you might get unexpected return values like 0, -1 or 8. What do you do then?
To sum it up: Listen to #venkata krishnan, use softmax and seven output neurons and map this result to a number between 1 and 7 outside the neural network if you have to.
What comes to my mind after reading the comments again would be a mix of what you want and what you should do.
You could try to make the second last layer a 7 neuron softmax layer and map those output to a single neuron in the last layer.
Niether did i ever try that nor have i ever read about something like that so i can't tell you if thats a good idea, likely not, but you might consider it worth a try.
I want to add onto the point of #venkata krishnan, which raises a valid point in your problem setting. You will find an answer to your original question further down, but I strongly suggeste you read the following comment first.
Generally, you want to discern between categorical, ordinal and interval variables. I have given a relatively lengthy explanation in a different answer on Stackoverflow, it might be helpful to understand this concept in more detail.
In your scenario, you mostly want to have an understanding of "how wrong" you are. Of course, it is perfectly reasonable to assume what you are doing and interpret it as a interval variable, and therefore have an assumed ordering (and a distance) between different values.
What is problematic, though, is the fact that you are assuming a continuous space on a discrete variable. E.g., it does not make any sense to interpret the output of 4.3, since you can only tell between 4 (Friday, assuming you start numbering your days at 0), or 5 (Saturday). Any value in between would have to be rounded, which is perfectly fine - until you want to perform backpropagation on this loss.
It is problematic, because you are essentially introducing a non-convex and non-continous function, no matter how you "round" your values. Again, to exemplify this, you could assume to round to the nearest number; then, at the value of 4.5, you would see a sudden increase in the loss, which is non-differentialbe, and will therefore put a hard time on your optimizer, potentially limiting convergence of your system.
If, instead, you utilize several output neurons, as suggested by #venkata krishnan, you might lose the information of distance (how many days you are off) on paper, but you can of course still interpret your loss in any way you like. This would certainly be the better option for a discrete-valued variable.
To answer your original question: I personally would make sure that your loss function is bounded both in the upper and lower level, as you could otherwise have undefined/inconsistent loss values, that might lead to subpar optimization. One way to do this is to re-scale a Sigmoid function (the co-domain of sigmoid(R) is [0,1]. Eventually, you can then just multiply your output by 6, to get a value range that is [0,6], and could (after rounding) cover all the values you want.
As far I know, there is no such thing like an activation function which will yield 0 to infinite. You can apply 7 output nodes with a "Softmax" activation function which will return the probability. There is another solution which may work. You can you 3 output nodes with "Binary" activation function which will return either 0 or 1. That means you can have 8 different outputs with only 3 nodes which are 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110 and 111. You can use 7 of them. 

Is Matlab incorrect for mnrfit?

It seems Matlab is giving incorrect results for multinomial logistic regression.
In their example documentation using Fisher's Iris dataset [link], they give coefficients for the model which can be used on the same data set itself to get the modeled probabilities.
load fisheriris
sp = categorical(species);
[B,dev,stats] = mnrfit(meas,sp);
However, none of the expected value aggregates match the population aggregates which is a requirement for a MaxEnt classifer (See slide 35 [here], or Eq 14 [here], or Agresti "Categorical Data Analysis" pg 298, etc.)
For example
>> sum(PHAT)
>> 49.9828 49.8715 50.1456
should all equal 50 (population values), likewise for other aggregations
If the parameters
B=[36.9450 42.6378
12.2641 2.4653
14.4401 6.6809
-30.5885 -9.4294
-39.3232 -18.2862]
were used instead then all aggregated sufficient statistics match.
Additionally it seems odd that Matlab is solving it with likelihoods, which can produce an error,
Warning: Maximum likelihood estimation did not converge. Iteration
limit exceeded. You may need to merge categories to increase observed
where the only requirement, proved by MLE consideration, is that the expected values match and no likelihood evaluation is needed.
It would be a nice feature that if instead of true classes are given we can give an option for including just the aggregate information.
Submitted a technical error review within Mathworks website. Their reply:
Hello [----],
I am writing in reference to your Technical Support Case #01820504
regarding 'mnrfit'.
Thanks a lot for your patience and reporting this issue. This appears
to be unexpected behavior. It appears to be related to an existing
issue we have in our records, that "mnrfit" does not give correct
maximum likelihood estimates in certain cases. Since the "mnrfit"
function is not finding the maximum likelihood estimates for the
coefficients, we calculated the actual MLEs. When we use these
estimates, we get the desired result of all 50s in this case.
The issue is that, for this particular dataset in our example, the
classes can be separated perfectly. This means that the logistic
function, in order to get exact zero or one probabilities, needs to
have infinite coefficients. The "mnrfit" function carries out an
iterative procedure with the coefficients getting larger, but it stops
at a point where the results have the issue that you have found. We
certainly agree that "mnrfit" could be made to do better. Our
development team is working on it.
At this stage, I am not able to suggest a workaround other than to
write a custom implementation as my colleague and I had tried. For
now, I will be closing this request as I have already forwarded it to
our records. However, if you have any additional questions related to
this case, please do not hesitate to reach me.
MathWorks Technical Support Department

Getting around floating point error with logarithms?

I'm trying to write a basic digit counter (an integer is inputted and the number of digits of that integer is outputted) for positive integers. This is my general formula:
dig(x) := Math.floor(Math.log(x,10))
I tried implementing the equivalent of dig(x) in Ruby, and found that when I was computing dig(1000) I was getting 2 instead of 3 because Math.log was returning 2.9999999999999996 which would then be truncated down to 2. What is the proper way to handle this problem? (I'm assuming this problem can occur regardless of the language used to implement this approach, but if that's not the case then please explain that in your answer).
To get an exact count of the number of digits in an integer, you can do the usual thing: (in C/C++, assuming n is non-negative)
int digits = 0;
while (n > 0) {
n = n / 10; // integer division, just drops the ones digit and shifts right
digits = digits + 1;
I'm not certain but I suspect running a built-in logarithm function won't be faster than this, and this will give you an exact answer.
I thought about it for a minute and couldn't come up with a way to make the logarithm-based approach work with any guarantees, and almost convinced myself that it is probably a doomed pursuit in the first place because of floating point rounding errors, etc.
From The Art of Computer Programming volume 2, we will eliminate one bit of error before the floor function is applied by adding that one bit back in.
Let x be the result of log and then do x += x / 0x10000000 for a single precision floating point number (C's float). Then pass the value into floor.
This is guaranteed to be the fastest (assuming you have the answer in numerical form) because it uses only a few floating point instructions.
Floating point is always subject to roundoff error; that's one of the hazards you need to be aware of, and actively manage, when working with it. The proper way to handle it, if you must use floats is to figure out what the expected amount of accumulated error is and allow for that in comparisons and printouts -- round off appropriately, compare for whether the difference is within that range rather than comparing for equality, etcetera.
There is no exact binary-floating-point representation of simple things like 1/10th, for example.
(As others have noted, you could rewrite the problem to avoid using the floating-point-based solution entirely, but since you asked specifically about working log() I wanted to address that question; apologies if I'm off target. Some of the other answers provide specific suggestions for how you might round off the result. That would "solve" this particular case, but as your floating operations get more complicated you'll have to continue to allow for roundoff accumulating at each step and either deal with the error at each step or deal with the cumulative error -- the latter being the more complicated but more accurate solution.)
If this is a serious problem for an application, folks sometimes use scaled fixed point instead (running financial computations in terms of pennies rather than dollars, for example). Or they use one of the "big number" packages which computes in decimal rather than in binary; those have their own round-off problems, but they round off more the way humans expect them to.

Simple algorithm modeling stock market behavior

I have been working on a virtual stock market game using PHP. The formula that I have been using for deciding the price of a stock is
$price += $ran*0.001*$price + $ratio*0.005*$price
$ran = rand(-1*$intensity, 2*$intensity)
$intensity is a number between -5 to 5 depending upon whether the news is good or bad for the company and
$ratio = (1.0*($buy-$sell))/($buy + $sell)
$buy and $sell represent the number of shares bought and sold of a company respectively.
The problem with this formula is that, even if the intensity is negative (even -5) the ratio term is always added to the price which makes the overall term increase. The prices are refreshed every 10 seconds and with the above formula they keep on increasing and never come down. So, can anyone help me out with this formula so that it varies more closely to the actual stock market?
If I understand correctly, you're trying to define an algorithm to determine a logical next price based on the current price, some market activity, and a random input. This is called a Random Walk, and the linked page is quite informative.
In economics, the "random walk hypothesis" is used to model shares prices and other factors. Empirical studies found some deviations from this theoretical model, especially in short term and long term correlations.
It's difficult for us to provide an exact function for you, since the exact behavior you expect of a function like this is inherently application specific. However it is possible to test the behavior and improve on it, by pulling it out into its own method and tweaking it until you see the behavior you want.
I would suggest pulling this behavior you've defined into an SSCCE (or a unit test, but assuming you don't already have a PHP unit test framework set up, an example will do fine) and creating some test cases, then you can tweak your algorithm in a vacuum and find behavior you like.
Here's some boilerplate to get started:
function nextPrice($price, $intensity, $buy, $sell, $rand) {
// Can tweak these values between runs, or put them in a loop if you want
$testPrice = 10.0;
$testBuy = 10000;
$testSell = 10000;
for ($i = -5; $i <= 5; $i++) {
// random float, from
// set to a constant if you want to isolate the randomness and test other variables
$testRand = mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax() - 1) / mt_getrandmax();
echo "<p>Intensity: $i - Rand: $testRand = ".
nextPrice($testPrice, $i, $testBuy, $testSell, $testRand)."</p>";
Some additional thoughts:
Your $ran definition is definitely flawed, if $intensity is -5 you're executing $ran = rand(5, -10); which generates a warning and doesn't return the value you want. This is likely the root of your issue, as any negative $intensity will essentially set $ran to zero.
Furthermore your $ran definition is biased towards positive numbers, meaning the price is - rather quickly - going to rise even if there's bad news. I'd suggest ensuring your random value is equally likely to lower the stock as raise it, and if you intend for the stock to rise in value over time regardless (which seems like a bad idea to me) set a separate $longTermGrowthFactor that always increases the stock by that factor, separately from the randomness.
Turn on warning reporting in PHP - since you presumably hadn't seen the warnings related to your rand() call, you likely have warnings and other error types turned off, which quite likely means there are other errors hidden in your code you aren't aware of, and without the reporting they're going to be hard to spot.
Use mt_rand() instead of rand(), the latter is deprecated, and mt_rand() is a drop-in replacement providing better randomness.

Matlab precision: simple subtraction is not zero

I compute this simple sum on Matlab:
2*0.04-0.5*0.4^2 = -1.387778780781446e-017
but the result is not zero. What can I do?
Aabaz and Jim Clay have good explanations of what's going on.
It's often the case that, rather than exactly calculating the value of 2*0.04 - 0.5*0.4^2, what you really want is to check whether 2*0.04 and 0.5*0.4^2 differ by an amount that is small enough to be within the relevant numerical precision. If that's the case, than rather than checking whether 2*0.04 - 0.5*0.4^2 == 0, you can check whether abs(2*0.04 - 0.5*0.4^2) < thresh. Here thresh can either be some arbitrary smallish number, or an expression involving eps, which gives the precision of the numerical type you're working with.
Thanks to Jim and Tal for suggested improvement. Altered to compare the absolute value of the difference to a threshold, rather than the difference.
Matlab uses double-precision floating-point numbers to store real numbers. These are numbers of the form m*2^e where m is an integer between 2^52 and 2^53 (the mantissa) and e is the exponent. Let's call a number a floating-point number if it is of this form.
All numbers used in calculations must be floating-point numbers. Often, this can be done exactly, as with 2 and 0.5 in your expression. But for other numbers, most notably most numbers with digits after the decimal point, this is not possible, and an approximation has to be used. What happens in this case is that the number is rounded to the nearest floating-point number.
So, whenever you write something like 0.04 in Matlab, you're really saying "Get me the floating-point number that is closest to 0.04. In your expression, there are 2 numbers that need to be approximated: 0.04 and 0.4.
In addition, the exact result of operations like addition and multiplication on floating-point numbers may not be a floating-point number. Although it is always of the form m*2^e the mantissa may be too large. So you get an additional error from rounding the results of operations.
At the end of the day, a simple expression like yours will be off by about 2^-52 times the size of the operands, or about 10^-17.
In summary: the reason your expression does not evaluate to zero is two-fold:
Some of the numbers you start out with are different (approximations) to the exact numbers you provided.
The intermediate results may also be approximations of the exact results.
What you are seeing is quantization error. Matlab uses doubles to represent numbers, and while they are capable of a lot of precision, they still cannot represent all real numbers because there are an infinite number of real numbers. I'm not sure about Aabaz's trick, but in general I would say there isn't anything you can do, other than perhaps massaging your inputs to be double-friendly numbers.
I do not know if it is applicable to your problem but often the simplest solution is to scale your data.
For example:
c=a/min(abs([a b]));
d=b/min(abs([a b]));
EDIT: of course I did not mean to give a universal solution to these kind of problems but it is still a good practice that can make you avoid a few problems in numerical computation (curve fitting, etc ...). See Jim Clay's answer for the reason why you are experiencing these problems.
I'm pretty sure this is a case of ye olde floating point accuracy issues.
Do you need 1e-17 accuracy? Is this merely a case of wanting 'pretty' output?
In that case, you can just use a formatted sprintf to display the number of significant digits you want.
Realize that this is not a matlab problem, but a fundamental limitation of how numbers are represented in binary.
For fun, work out what .1 is in binary...
Some references: