How to programmatically build VIs without user interaction? - deployment

I have a LabVIEW project with five cRIO targets. I wrote a build VI that compiles and deploys the rtexes, after the deployment the target is rebooted. The problem is that while deploying, LabVIEW opens a connection to the target that it wants to keep alive. That is why it displays an error dialog that says "Warning: Connection to target (name) has been lost."
The question now is what do I have to do to supress these dialogs or how can I write it that they are avoided totally?
I want to build or compile the buildspecifications, I don't want to generate any code. The problem is that if LabVIEW connects to a cRIO it keeps the connection alive and when restarting it, it cannot reconnect because it would stop the executed rtexe so it pops up an error which I don't know how to supress or get rid of it. The restart has to be done that the built rtexe is executed.
The problem is that this popup blocks the execution of the following code. It should be a silent VI without popups. The replication software is not the right choice because the code differs from target to target.

It seems that you have the cRIOs added to your project. Interesting that a deploy will automatically connect but not disconnect.
One possibility is to disable the automatic connection check in the project properties of the cRIO.
The other possibility is having LabVIEW disconnect from all targets. See screenshot below. Basically you iterate through all devices of all open projects and disconnect from them. You'd have to do this after every deploy.
[Sorry, only german LabVIEW available here]


Twincat Activate Configuration error 0x1028 - unable to activate

I am a beginner in Twincat and is trying to run a sample program on my system(not on target).
I did all the steps mentioned here and did get the system up and running my sample code once. However, when I tried to run it again after a system restart, I get an error message.
I tried creating a new empty solution and another one with test code, both of them throws the same error code. Also, when I click on the green Restart TwinCat system button, I get the following error.
How do I solve this?
You need to enable AMD-V in your BIOS.
The procedure is explained here:
(This is done for an Intel system, while you seem to have an AMD system, but it's the same procedure).
Also make sure to run this file in CMD (as Administrator):
And then reboot your computer.
If this doesn't do the trick, then do core isolation and run your TwinCAT task on an isolated core. Maybe that was what you were doing before but not now? It's described quite well in this video:

Can a "run configuration" ensure another app is running?

When working with Mule ESB, we need to have (in our case) ActiveMQ running (in a terminal) or it won't work. That's fine, but I sometimes forget to start ActiveMQ, which caused me to wonder...
Can I somehow explain to my "Run configuration" that it should start an external program in conjunction with starting the run|debug session? And if so, can it be configured to only start it if it's not already running?
I am not sure whether you can run the external application using your project run configurations. But from mule studio you can start the external application using Run--> External tools. Refer the below kink for details
Eclipse CDT contains a useful type of launch configuration called a Launch Group. With a launch group you can set up different launches to run and what order. You can optionally add delays between launches (to allow for your service to start) or wait for a set up launch to terminate before running the next one.
To install the launch groups you can add "C/C++ Development Tools" to your installation.
Once installed, you should have a new launch type called a launch group.
Here is an example of one that may address your first question:
Launch Group Example
As my example shows, you don't need to have any CDT launches to be able to use Launch Groups.
As for your second part. This is in active development. Eclipse EASE is adding full scriptability to Eclipse and as it turns out I have just written a post about adding launching capabilities to the scripting. You can follow that work on bugzilla: Bug 478397

C++ Builder XE5 - How to turn off Deployment Manager

I apologize if this is not the right place to ask such question, but I'm at my wit's end since Embarcadero's forum won't allow me to post any question there.
I have enabled the "Deploy" feature in the C++ Builder IDE, to test out about the depending dll & bpl files of my application, when I'm done, I found myself trapped in an annoying state - I can't perform any debugging without connected to a remote pc (with their PAServer)! This is causing a HUGE problem for me as I will not be able to debug my application if I'm away from the office, i.e. I'm on a field service at my client's place or at home.
I tried deleting the deployment profile, but it just get recreated every-time I compile my project and there is a DEPLOY command upon running compiling and running the source code. I have to wait until the connection attempt to the remote pc time-out to continue testing the application by manually clicking the .exe of my application.
Is there any way to turn off the "Deploy" feature so that I can do debugging on my local machine just as before activating the "Deploy" feature?
I've found out where the profile was hiding and deleted it, now I can debug as usual.
In the Rad Studio help:
On occasion, I have this same problem with DelphiXE5 (where the problem is that I forget how to get back to the default environment without losing my remote settings.)
Remote Deploy active:
The Revert option for the normal build/debug environment:
And finally, the previous Remote Deploy settings available via the same Target Platform context menu (i.e., Properties):
The Default Connection isn't something to be setup. To the contrary, it's really not a connection at all. The Revert... menu item essentially means Revert to local build & debug.

Eclipse CDT Remote Debugging ("Attach to Applicaton" or "Remote Application")

I just created a Amazon EC2 due to limited ram size on my workstation. Thus I need to figure out how to conduct remote debugging on this remote instance.
First of all, I am not quite sure I understand the difference between "Attach to Applicaton" or "Remote Application" in debugging configuration tab. From what I've learned, the first one is just using Eclipse as a front-end GUI to connect a remote gdbserver. But I have no idea what the second one means.
Right now I can connect to the gdbserver on my EC2. However, gdbserver gives me a warning message
Could not load vsyscall page because no executable was specified
try using the "file" command first.
I've already defined the executable as well as project in Eclipse's debugging page. Is there anything I missed?
I have done the same thing some time back and it was working absolutely fine and I have mentioned all the step in my blog. Check the link for detail description.

Getting WatiN.Core.Exceptions.TimeoutException while running from CruieControl

I am getting WatiN.Core.Exceptions.TimeoutException:
Timeout while Internet Explorer busy error while executing my tests via CruiseControl.Net.
Any one have idea how to resolve this?
While we are using TeamCity, we had to disable IE protected mode.
Also, check that user, under which watiN tests are being run can interact with desktop.
I know this question is old and answered, but below are some of my observations.
It is possible to run watin tests under a service account
but the following restrictions/prerequisites apply:
service must run in desktop interactive mode. Only available if running as system.
tests must not create a new windows, even alert/confirm dialogs
Ie cannot create a new window, so watin fails when looking for/expecting it to appear.
ie may show its own warnings, e.g. Insecure content in a secure Page, this can cause tests to fail*
if the tests fail/timeout and the ie instance is forcefully closed, the next instance may try to restore the previous state. The tests then appear to fail*
this can be turned off in the advanced settings.
*from what I've experienced, usually because the prompt is halting the document from being reported as loading-finished.
Feel free to add with other restrictions /comments.