How to download the source code from Ionic View - ionic-framework

I have my app on Ionic View app, which also means that it is on Is there a way to download the source code?

Unfortunately, this feature is currently not possible. I don't think it will ever be possible.
What you can do, but only if it's your application and you can prove it. Come to the Ionic Official Forum, post a message kindly asking admins (not moderators, I'm one of them and I know I can't help you) if they can mail to you your app.
Or you can mail them here:

Did u get this resolved? I managed to download my latest code from
Click on your profile link at the top right of, then go to the Data link on the left, enter your app id and click recover.


Generating link for my flutter application

Is there any packages which will help to generate link for my flutter app that i am building.Like most of the app that we come across they give this option of sending downloading link to others , like GooglePay. Similarly I just want to generate link and nothings else.
You need to implement deep linking for your application please refer to docs:

How to link to page inside a flutter app?

When I click on the link I created on the website; If the application is installed, I want it to open and go to the page I want in the application, if the application is not installed, I want it to go to the app store or play store. I searched a lot but couldn't find it. Can you help me.
enter image description here
The solution for you would be deep linking or custom scheme. Them are practically, the same thing. Here you can find a link how to use them:
This is exactly what Firebase Dynamic links was created for.
You can configure urls to redirect based on whether the user has the app installed or not.

Why are none of my Google Actions Alpha releases appearing in the Google Assitant store?

In my developer account, I can succesfully test the app using the simulator.
I also sucessfully deployed an Alpha version, and waited 24 hours.
However the opt-in link doesn't work. Every time I navigate to it, I see:
We can't find what you're looking for at the moment. Please try again later.
YES, I have the activity controls all enabled
YES, I have a google home device connected to this account
YES, I am the developer of this action, and have verified permissions
in IAM
This is driving me bananas. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get it to appear?
The problem is that I was not opening these links using Google Assistant (I was trying to open them using Safari). The documentation says "open on mobile", but it doesn't tell you to use the Google Assisant.
If you have iOS, make sure you download Google Assistant!
I know this is an old question, but for the past few days I have been in the same situation with no answers to be found on the internet.
The situation is represented in the image below:
My opt-in link was the following:
Removing the trailing ?hl=en at the end of the link worked for me.
The Action's settings have become available via the link after Alpha deployment.
Still, the Action doesn't look good in the Actions explore menu and settings button is missing.

Ionic View Manage Apps

I uploaded a test app to Ionic (don't know the exact name for this) with the command ionic upload from the command line, and I can access them nicely with the Ionic View application I have installed on my iPhone.
However, I remember that they have a web interface for this too, but can't find the link for the life of me. I searched the website, went through my emails, googled, but nothing. I even found the same question on the official forum - sadly unanswered.
And, sure enough, after going through my deleted emails I found a welcome email from Ionic stating that the login is at Will reply to that official post too...

how do you link directly to app store app update page?

I'm finishing up an iPhone app. I'm using an external server to inform users of when an update is available for my app and allowing them to click from within the app to go straight to the update on the app store. Problem is, I can't seem to figure out the link format to go directly to the update. I've found an old method of using viewsoftwareUpdate (mentioned in another post here) but it's all related to outdated phobos links and I can't seem to get it working for me. I'm currently using the simple format to link directly to the app: itms-apps://"appname", and I assume there is a way to alter this format to get to the app update instead of the main app page?
This seems like a pretty basic functionality so I'm surprised I can't find anything on it.
Also, does anybody know how to link directly to the users own update tab in the app store? Not specific to one app, but the update tab that shows all the updates they have available for download.
Turns out the phobos links do still work and you can link directly to the update page using this URL format:
Of course replacing the [APPID] with your own app id, not including the brackets. This will link directly to the latest update for the app, instead of the main app page.
[Note: the solution was posted in with the question, I just moved it here --progrmr]
Just link to your app in the app store, that link will never change.
The page will show the updates right above the screenshots.
Your best bet is to strip the update information from your apps page using JSON, or some XML parser.
As for the list of all updates, again, Apple compares versions of the installed apps and lists them accordingly, stripping out only the update information.
The phobos link did not work for me so I used the following link and it works great: