Generating link for my flutter application - flutter

Is there any packages which will help to generate link for my flutter app that i am building.Like most of the app that we come across they give this option of sending downloading link to others , like GooglePay. Similarly I just want to generate link and nothings else.

You need to implement deep linking for your application please refer to docs:


Open the app from an external link with universalLink or deeplink

I want to open app from an external link, for example a link that I get in iMessage, the question is, I should use deepLink or universalLink, I want to open the app when I tap on the link, then having ability to read the url in the app is enough for me.
And for this matter, I should set a Json file in the website as well? something like this:
It's a bit confusing for me, could anyone gives me a real example and steps?
Thank you
Yes, basically both the app itself and the website need to be aware that you are going to be using Universal Links. There are a few steps to do this:
First you need to include the website as an Associated Domain inside of your Xcode project.
Then for the website you do have to create what is known as the apple-app-site-association file. This lets the the website know which apps are associated with the website.
This tutorial has a step by step on How to setup your website to work Universal Links.
Lastly you will have to have to update your AppDelegate file to handle when a Universal link opens the application.
More info can be found in the official Apple Documentation on Creating Universal Links.

How to track app installs from Google Play Flutter

Let's say I have an application.
And I want to add to it &referrer=5 That was
How can I track this referrer number after opening the application?
I found this article, but it is for android. I also found this and this
But it is not written how to get this parameter specifically for the link, and not generate it in the application. Please, help.

How to link to page inside a flutter app?

When I click on the link I created on the website; If the application is installed, I want it to open and go to the page I want in the application, if the application is not installed, I want it to go to the app store or play store. I searched a lot but couldn't find it. Can you help me.
enter image description here
The solution for you would be deep linking or custom scheme. Them are practically, the same thing. Here you can find a link how to use them:
This is exactly what Firebase Dynamic links was created for.
You can configure urls to redirect based on whether the user has the app installed or not.

I want to show and share my React.js app on portfolio

I do not know how to create a preview so others may see my react app. I have created. I would like to have a link to it on my portfolio. . I have posted screenshots and uploaded the files to Github I am looking for jobs so everything I can show helps of course!
I have posted screenshots and uploaded the files to Github
I just want to have a link for my portfolio
If what you are trying to do is to deploy your react app, you could do it thanks to heroku.
Use the Heroku Buildpack for Create React App.
You can find instructions in Deploying React with Zero Configuration.

How to download the source code from Ionic View

I have my app on Ionic View app, which also means that it is on Is there a way to download the source code?
Unfortunately, this feature is currently not possible. I don't think it will ever be possible.
What you can do, but only if it's your application and you can prove it. Come to the Ionic Official Forum, post a message kindly asking admins (not moderators, I'm one of them and I know I can't help you) if they can mail to you your app.
Or you can mail them here:
Did u get this resolved? I managed to download my latest code from
Click on your profile link at the top right of, then go to the Data link on the left, enter your app id and click recover.