git eclipse always have to pull allready updated project - eclipse

I have this strange behaviour from git, and even if i'll describe it from eclipse egit plugin, from terminal i have the same issue.
I have a project in the workspace that is shared between me and other developers, when i sync the project it says to me that i have to push something like 14/16 commit ant i have to pull one, even if had no commit at all.
Every time that i do the pull it seems that the project is now synchronized, so i push "team syncronize" again and the 14/16 commit to pull appears again.
That's not the only strange thing, another one is that i can push commit to remote after i have pull those commits but the other developers couldn't, even if they do the same things that i've done, it says to them that the problem are a "dangling blob".
Before write some of the solutions that i have found and what i have try i want to say that the number of commits are practically the entire history of the project.
I have tried to use the manual gc of git in the remote repository after i have done an fsck, where i have met effectively two dangling commit (why two dangling commit and egit says one dangling blob? i don't know....), this have removed the two dangling commit, so i have deleted the project from my workspace clone it again, but the same error happens again.
So i have used this other solution, always on the remote repository but the problem is still the same.
So even if have read practically all the documentation i didn't undestand somethings:
1) what's the difference between dangling commit and dangling blob?
2) how a dangling commit/blob happens?
3) how can i restore the project's repository?
I start a bounty because i really want to undertand and solve the problem, so for that i'll be clear in what i need to understand:
I have a project that everytime i use team syncronized, want to re-pull all the history, not only to me but for every one ofe my colleague, we use gitblit as remote repos. What can i do? Where do i have to search the possible errors?
that's EGIT
and that's the Terminal

This is only a answer to some of your issues, maybe it should a comment instead.
Commits and blobs (blobs contains file content) are all objects in the git DAG and an object becomes 'dangling' (unreachable, orphan or loose) when nothing reference it (i.e. not part of the history) and git will clean up dangling objects if you run git gc (removes dangling objects older than 2 weeks) and some git commands will also run git gc --auto when they are done with their operations.
When you make changes in the DAG (i.e. rebase, amend or re-add content to the index) some objects will be replaced with new ones and the old objects then becomes dangling.
You can run git fsck --unreachable to find objects that are dangling.
Note: Objects referenced by reflog are normally not considered dangling.
In your case you may need to run git prune, git gc --agressive or git gc --prune=now to remove all dangling objects (do not forget to make a bakup first, just in case)


How to correct «unable to merge unrelated histories»?

I use github desktop ( ) while developing the application with several other people, so, for some reason, when trying to merge two branches into one, the error "unable to merge unrelated histories" is displayed for one of the target branches.
What could be the problem?
First of all: You may also be able to find a solution using the search.
Potential reasons for the error message
Here are some common scenarios where fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories can occur.
You have a new Git repository with some commits. You then try to pull from an existing remote repo. The merge becomes incompatible because the histories for branch and remote pull are different. Git sees the situation as you trying to merge two completely unrelated branches, and it doesn’t know what to do.
There’s something wrong with the .git directory. It may have been accidentally deleted at some point or got corrupted. This can happen if you’ve cloned or cleaned a project. Here the error occurs because Git doesn’t have the necessary information about your local project’s history.
The branches are at different HEAD positions when you try to push or pull data from a remote repo and cannot be matched due to a lack of commonality.
Options to resolve the issue
The article describes two options on how to resolve/avoid such issues but targets command line /terminal users. I guess I would prefer option 2 over option 1 anyway, also using git in the terminal.
The article explains it like this:
The alternative (and longer) way of fixing refusing to merge unrelated histories issues is to unstage your current commits, stash them, clone your required remote repository, and then place your stashed branch contents into the new clone. This will ensure that any conflicts that you may encounter in the code are addressed before merging and prevent application errors from occurring.
How it (should) work in GitHub Desktop
In GitHub Desktop you should be able to use a modified version of option 2:
To unstage all the files in your last commit, double click staged files. This moves them to the unstaged area. Learn more in this GitHub issue.
To stash your unsaved files, right-click an unstaged file. Learn more about stashing files.
This will give you a clean working tree to pull your remote repository into. Once you’ve successfully pulled into your branch, you can:
unstash your files (see link above again) to reapply them to your current working copy.
commit them as a separate commit.
resolve any file conflicts that you may have.
I hope this explanation adds some clarity. Let me know if there are any wrong or misleading information in my text please.
This problem has several reasons.
But probably your project clone just differs from GitHub (main project).
First of all, save your project (because you probably don't want to code everything again).
Remove repo from GitHub desktop (not GitHub!!!)
Go to the project page in GitHub
Click code, open with GitHub Desktop, and code again.

How can I copy an git repository in Xcode to github?

Every time a try to use github I get tangled in a series of errors that seem to have no solution and I give up. This time I thought I'd try to get help.
I have a local repository created and managed with Xcode. All the local git functions in Xcode work with no problem. Now I want to put this project on github so others can see it. I logged into github and created a repository. It's this one:
I added a .gitignore file but then deleted it again because I thought it was causing an error. I tried adding a readme file but wasn't able to. I got some error that didn't make sense to me so I gave up on that. So at this point the github repository is empty so far as I can tell.
My local repository has many commits and is currently up-to-date. IOW there is nothing to commit. But when I do "Source Code / Push" I get the following error:
Working copy out of date. Try pulling from the remote to get the
latest changes then push again.
So I try to do that in Xcode by doing "Source Control / Pull". But then I get this error:
"github/master" is not a valid remote branch to pull from. Please
choose a different remote branch.
But there is only one branch. There is no other branch (local or remote) to choose. So I'm stuck in a Xcode-github error loop again. I searched for information about this but didn't find anything relevant. I have the Pro Git book and read and understood it at least thru chapter 2. But that doesn't help on interacting with Xcode.
Can anybody say what I need to do? I thought of deleting the remote repository and starting over but apparently there's no way to do that either!
I know lots of people use github so it must work once you know how to use it but it's a big source of frustration for me.
You have a local repository with "many commits". Let's imagine that we have three:
Your remote repository on GitHub also contains commits, but they are different ones from what you have locally, e.g.
At least one of these remote commits was created through the GitHub web interface, which creates a new commit each time you use it.
Because the two repositories contain no common history, Git can't figure out how to handle a push from your local repository to the remote one. It will refuse to accept such a push rather than making any remote commits inaccessible, which is what you usually want.
In this case, commits Y and Z in the remote repository can be discarded. They simply add and then remove a .gitignore file, and you want the remote to reflect what you have locally. The solution is to force push.
Force pushing should generally be avoided, since it can cause commits to be discarded (like Y and Z will be in this case) or to have their hashes changed, which causes major problems with shared repositories. In this instance I don't see any danger in force pushing, which can be accomplished with the -f or --force argument to git push.
(There's nothing fundamentally wrong with force pushing, and in some situations it makes perfect sense, but it should be done with care for the reasons listed above.)

EGit: How to restore git to to the clean state

I read few threads on backing out commits. Following are relevant
How to delete commits with egit?
What's the difference between Git Revert, Checkout and Reset?
But how do I revert/reset/restore back to clean original state. I just started working on new project and the original git directory structure got messed up after the first check in (because I incorrectly created git repository as eclipse project); this problem is discussed in "The short story" or "The longer story" of following link
Now I wanted to restore the original directory structure of git repo. In History window, I see all the previous commits and I can right click on them and back out to one of previous commits; sadly the history window doesnt show anything to prior first check in (or commit). But I want to back out to the original directory structure that existed prior to first commit (that way I will have clean repo without any code base in it). It doesnt matter if it is restore/reset/revert as long as git repo looks same as it was before first committ. Can I do this in eclipse/egit?
This isn't something that Git would have kept track of.
You might look into the Eclipse local history (which is separate from the history recorded by Git), but that is for a file only. Not a all structure.
It is best to recreate a Git repo, and make as a first commit your clean structure, before adding code base in it.
Go to git perspecive-> Expand the repo. Right click on working tree. Clean. Finish. See the below pasted image link.
clean in git perspective

Git reset gives me "still trying to merge"

I've googled this in many different ways and can't find anyone else talking about it (at least as far as I understand).
On my office pc I was trying to find a solution to a problem I was having (so I was ahead of my remote git repo, but without committing).
That night at home I figured out the solution and pushed it to my remote repo from my home pc.
Now I'm back in work and I wanted to reset my local repo on my office pc to match the remote (and discard all my local changes).
I ran:
git reset --hard origin/branch1
I got:
HEAD is now at 1501f25 **Still trying to merge**
What does this mean?
'Still trying to merge' seems to indicate it didn't complete somehow, but I can't see how (and I'm having no luck finding a clear answer in the git docs).
If a git merge --abort (git1.7.4+, January 2011) doesn't do it, check if you still have a .git/MERGE_HEAD file (and delete it).
Then the git reset should proceed (or, since it completed, the git repo state should be coherent).
Make sure you are in the right branch you wanted to reset to origin/branch1.
As the OP Roy Collings suggests, recloning should get rid of the warning, but that means having one's project config files versioned in order to minimize the time spent to configure everything again in a new cloned repo.
Since relative paths are supported in an Eclipse config, having .project and .classpath in a git repo is possible.

egit pull with uncommitted changes

I'm working on a project in Eclipse that was cloned from a GIT remote repository. The Eclipse eGit plug-in allows you to get going without really understanding anything about GIT, which is where I was. I've eventually realized that when I do a "compare with HEAD revision" I'm not as I first thought comparing with the remote repository, but with my local repository. I understand now that I need to pull updates from the remote repository, but it's not clear what will happen to my local changes. I've not committed these changes, partly because I thought I might be updating the remote repository (I realize now that I won't) but partly because I find the Package Explorer file decoration (">") is useful in identifying the files I've modified. If I commit then I assume these indications will disappear.
My questions:
How do I update my local repository without losing my changes?
Can I do this without losing my modified file indicators?
Update: I thought I understood how some of this worked, but I'm really lost now, particularly by the relationship between workspace and (local) repository.
I used Team->Pull to update my repository. Since I've not committed any changes, I expected this to work without conflict, but it flagged up all the changes between the workspace and repo as conflicts (confusion #1).
I assumed I needed to use Team->Synchronize to bring changes into the workspace, as I would with other VCSs. When I do, I see the changes, but not even the non-conflict updates have been applied to the workspace and there is no "Update" operation to do this, so I don't know how to apply them (confusion #2).
For the conflicting updates, I manually merged the changes into the workspace copy and used "Mark as merged", but this seems to do nothing. The conflict is not cleared. I would expect at this point the change would just be an uncommitted change in the workspace (confusion #3).
I read elsewhere that to remove conflicts I should use Team->Add and Team->Commit, but I don't want to commit my changes as I explained originally (confusion #4).
You can see I'm confused! Any help will be much appreciated.
If git pull does not work, you can use this:
git stash
git pull
git stash apply
not sure eclipse supports stash, so you may have to use the command line.