Git reset gives me "still trying to merge" - merge

I've googled this in many different ways and can't find anyone else talking about it (at least as far as I understand).
On my office pc I was trying to find a solution to a problem I was having (so I was ahead of my remote git repo, but without committing).
That night at home I figured out the solution and pushed it to my remote repo from my home pc.
Now I'm back in work and I wanted to reset my local repo on my office pc to match the remote (and discard all my local changes).
I ran:
git reset --hard origin/branch1
I got:
HEAD is now at 1501f25 **Still trying to merge**
What does this mean?
'Still trying to merge' seems to indicate it didn't complete somehow, but I can't see how (and I'm having no luck finding a clear answer in the git docs).

If a git merge --abort (git1.7.4+, January 2011) doesn't do it, check if you still have a .git/MERGE_HEAD file (and delete it).
Then the git reset should proceed (or, since it completed, the git repo state should be coherent).
Make sure you are in the right branch you wanted to reset to origin/branch1.
As the OP Roy Collings suggests, recloning should get rid of the warning, but that means having one's project config files versioned in order to minimize the time spent to configure everything again in a new cloned repo.
Since relative paths are supported in an Eclipse config, having .project and .classpath in a git repo is possible.


GitHub Desktop doesnt pick and push the entire repository

I am using GitHub desktop application on my local machine and when I create and complete my repository(web directory)on my local machine, then I push it GitHub online through desktop application. But here is my problem:
Sometimes it doesn't pick and push all of the files/folders from my local repository, it only pick 3 files, while my repository has 5 folders and one inex.html file.
And sometimes it works perfectly fine. I never understand where is my problem. Any thoughts on this?
Do a git status before your push, as well as a git show HEAD to check the content of your last commit.
That way, you will see if there remain some files not added to the index or not committed.
And you will see if every files you wanted is in a commit.
If one file is consistently ignored, see if it is actually ignored by Git with:
git check-ignored -v -- a/file

How to merge deleted/changed file in eGit

The case:
Locally, I have a commit where I have deleted a file. Remotely, someone else have changed this file.
Now, when I merge, I find that git has the put the changed file in my working tree. This is probably the way git works, and in git command line, I'd be able to use git mergetool to choose between the deleted or changed file.
In eGit, however, how would I make this choice?
We ended up with a quite unusable work-around where we first addded the file to the index and then deleted it in working tree and then saved this change (deletion) to the index.
Technical info:
The version of eGit (feature) we're using is
The version of git we're using is 2.16.1
My team have recently moved to using Git as our revision control system. There's a general wish from team members to use an integrated solution and since we're working with Eclipse, eGit seemed to be the way to go.
I would suggest that all your team members follow this process:
Commit your changes to your local repository.
Pull with rebase to merge with the remote origin branch.
Resolve the conflicts, if any. In your case, if you deleted the file before the other team member modified it, then that person would have noticed that the file has been deleted.
Push the commit upstream.
This process has worked for us. Hope this helps.

How to view file changes before pulling through GitHub on RStudio?

I'm transitioning from using Subversion in Eclipse for code management to GitHub in RStudio. It's starting to make sense, but I can't seem to figure out how to pull effectively.
Specifically, if I use the Pull arrow in RStudio, every file change in the repository automatically updates my local files without warning. I can see how many files were updated, but not what changed!
Here are the questions I'm hoping to get help with:
1) Can I preview the repository file changes in RStudio before I pull them locally? With SVN in Eclipse, there was an indicator showing files with a difference, and the option to view side by side.
2) If multiple files have been changed on the repository, is it possible to pull just 1 locally?
3) How can I revert a local file to a previous version?
Right now I've been trying to do this all within RStudio for simplicity. I haven't used things like the GitHub desktop client.
I appreciate the help!
I would suggest you better get used to the git's own tools to stay informed about your repository.
For example you could do following.
Before you pull, check your current commit logs
git log
This should show you how your current commits stack up. Note the latest commit id (first 4-5 letters would usually do)
Now after pulling you can see the difference using following command
git diff --color your_previous_commit_id..HEAD
If you don't like the changes and want to go back,
you can just reset to your favorite commit with following command. BTW run "git stash save" to keep a copy of your uncommitted changes.
git reset --hard you_favorite_commit_id
Note: that this will delete all your uncommitted changes unless you stashed them and put your local branch behind the remote repo branch you are tracking again.
Wondering where to put these commands? Check
What's good about using these git tools is that if you switch between IDEs you don't need to search for same functionalities you had in your earlier IDEs.

Clone huge 16 GB Git repo with Eclipse Neon

Is there any way I can clone a huge Git repository (16+ GB) using the Git integration of latest Eclipse Neon?
I'm cloning by HTTP connection.
First, I ran into timeouts, but then increased the Remote connection timeout to 1800 seconds in Eclipse config.
Then the cloning almost completed, but at the very end it always fails telling me Premature EOF.
I have increased the http.postBuffer to 524288000 also (as many users suggested on StackOverflow), but this was not much of a help.
I also tried cloning the master branch only, but again, I was stuck with the same error message.
Is EGit not capable of handling such a big repo over HTTP?
The only Git-related way to clone such a huge Git repo would be through the recent (February 2017) GVFS (Git Virtual File System).
As tweeted, for a 270GB repo:
“The Windows codebase has over 3.5M files. With GVFS (Git Virtual File System), cloning now takes a few minutes instead of 12+ hours.”
GVFS is based on Git fork:
And based on a protocol whose specifications are described here.
This is not yet supported by EGit, or even regular Git for now.
Depending on what you want to do with the repo, a shallow clone may be the solution (it won't bring the full git history):
also, for such big repo, consider using git lfs in the future:
finally, I've seen many huge git repos that became so big because had files that wasn't supposed to be saved on git (executable files, binaries, videos, audio, and so on). If by mistake something like that happen, you can remove it from history using filter-branch. Check this SO ans: How to remove/delete a large file from commit history in Git repository? or this github article
Microsoft has been developing GVFS that may be a solution in a near future (i think it's still not ready, but I haven't tested)
Do you really have a code project that's 16GB? That's pretty crazy, man!
I think the least painful way to go about this, is to open your shell and just type git clone http://my-url/project.git. And then try to see if you can make the repository somewhat smaller.
Eventually, I ended up cloning the repository using a SSH connection.
This works fine, even from within Eclipse (using EGit).
I had to create a SSH key in Eclipse properties, since Putty's PPK format is not compatible with Eclipse. Then, I managed to clone the entire repository.
Seems like HTTP is not suited to download a chunk of 16+ GB. :)

How can I copy an git repository in Xcode to github?

Every time a try to use github I get tangled in a series of errors that seem to have no solution and I give up. This time I thought I'd try to get help.
I have a local repository created and managed with Xcode. All the local git functions in Xcode work with no problem. Now I want to put this project on github so others can see it. I logged into github and created a repository. It's this one:
I added a .gitignore file but then deleted it again because I thought it was causing an error. I tried adding a readme file but wasn't able to. I got some error that didn't make sense to me so I gave up on that. So at this point the github repository is empty so far as I can tell.
My local repository has many commits and is currently up-to-date. IOW there is nothing to commit. But when I do "Source Code / Push" I get the following error:
Working copy out of date. Try pulling from the remote to get the
latest changes then push again.
So I try to do that in Xcode by doing "Source Control / Pull". But then I get this error:
"github/master" is not a valid remote branch to pull from. Please
choose a different remote branch.
But there is only one branch. There is no other branch (local or remote) to choose. So I'm stuck in a Xcode-github error loop again. I searched for information about this but didn't find anything relevant. I have the Pro Git book and read and understood it at least thru chapter 2. But that doesn't help on interacting with Xcode.
Can anybody say what I need to do? I thought of deleting the remote repository and starting over but apparently there's no way to do that either!
I know lots of people use github so it must work once you know how to use it but it's a big source of frustration for me.
You have a local repository with "many commits". Let's imagine that we have three:
Your remote repository on GitHub also contains commits, but they are different ones from what you have locally, e.g.
At least one of these remote commits was created through the GitHub web interface, which creates a new commit each time you use it.
Because the two repositories contain no common history, Git can't figure out how to handle a push from your local repository to the remote one. It will refuse to accept such a push rather than making any remote commits inaccessible, which is what you usually want.
In this case, commits Y and Z in the remote repository can be discarded. They simply add and then remove a .gitignore file, and you want the remote to reflect what you have locally. The solution is to force push.
Force pushing should generally be avoided, since it can cause commits to be discarded (like Y and Z will be in this case) or to have their hashes changed, which causes major problems with shared repositories. In this instance I don't see any danger in force pushing, which can be accomplished with the -f or --force argument to git push.
(There's nothing fundamentally wrong with force pushing, and in some situations it makes perfect sense, but it should be done with care for the reasons listed above.)