enterprise architect template editor select diagrams to appear in report - enterprise-architect

I am new to enterprise architect and the template editor and am trying to set up a simple template for reporting use case scenarios. What I want is to display the use case diagram the activity diagrams and the scenarios. At the moment I manage everything except activity diagrams using the following structure:
This codes does not display the activity diagrams. By enabling child elements under the diagram section in the element section I manage to enable activity diagrams, but it also produces headings for all the steps in the use case in my report. Does anyone know how I can select that I only want the activity diagrams?

The solution was to include child elements and then in exclude filters select everything except use case and activity. The solution was provided by Sparx Systems support.


How model nested activities in an Activity Diagram in Papyrus

I am trying to create nested activity diagrams in Papyrus.
My Problem: I don't know how to create a sub-activity-diagram directly from an action of my main activity-diagram. I want also to transfer ports from the action to the sub-diagram. In cameo it works easily as described in MagicGrid Handbook:
create sub-activity-diagram from an action
sub-activity diagram including ports
In Papyrus I can only create a sub-diagram manually and then create a hyperlink to the main diagram. But ports are not transferred in this case.
Any idea? Thanks and BR, Lennox

Enterprise Architect composite diagram link not displayed with ArchiMate

We use elements with composite diagrams in our models. Usually if such a composite diagram exists, then the element shows a link icon to indicate a double click will open/show the diagram.
But with ArchiMate elements the link icon is not shown unless using the rectangle notation. Is there some workarround or configuration to allways show the icon?
This screenshot illustrates the problem:
Out of the box, there is nothing you can do. There is no setting or configuration that will show the composite diagram indicator on the Archimate elements.
The reason is that the shapescript used for these elements simply doesn't include this indicator.
There are a few options to get this done anyway
1 Send a feature request to Sparx
You can use this link: https://www.sparxsystems.com/support/forms/feature_request.html to send an official feature request to Sparx Systems. They might one day implement this, but there are no guarantees at all.
2 Override the standard the ArchiMate MDG
Steps include
Create your own stereotypes in a profile, redefining the existing ArchiMate stereotypes. See the manual for more details
Include your profile into an MDG
Add your MDG to your model or environment
Set your MDG to Active to actually make the redefines happen.
This might be interesting if you want to add additional properties (tagged values) to the standard ArchiMate stereotypes as well. I'm not so sure if it's worth the trouble just to add the composite indicator.
3 Hack the existing Archimate MDG file
The Archimate MDG is defined in the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\EA\MDGTechnologies\ArchiMate3.xml. This is an XML file that you can open with any text editor. The shapescripts are included in binary form like this
<Image type="EAShapeScript 1.0" xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes" dt:dt="bin.base64">
If you replace that section with a shapescript of your own, it will happily accept that. You can create this format by creating your own profile in EA and then exporting the package as a UML profile. EA will then convert your shapescript into this binary format.
I one published the shapescript for most of the MDG's, including ArchiMate3 on github. That might give you a head start when developing your own.

Camunda Modeler form fields organization

I wanna to use Camunda Modeler to create a complicated form cards for User Tasks consist about 20-30-50 fields divided in several tabs. Many cards will contain the same fields and fields groups. I wanna to have an ability to create and reuse fields groups or somewhat liked on fields groups. How can organize process with Modeler? What is the appropriate template? Or maybe you can recommend another tool?
I have a variant of template, but it's not clear for me now. The complicated form will be divided into several tabs. For example the card consists in 2 Tabs: Tab1 and Tab2. Then I can suppose that the card with active Tab1 is one state of the card, and the same card with active Tab2 - the another state. And then I can configure a scenario for each tab and transitions between tabs. Does it look believable?
Apparently, there are no standard solutions of such kind of issue. I'm going to make an integration form.io formBuilder into Camunda modeler instead standard form constructor. Maybe it looks madly, but I'm sure - it would be working. The formio has angular implementation of the constructor and modeler is based on the electron technologies. There are looks the same, and integration is not imagine as great headache. I hope. But I need a lot of time to do this.
We created our own framework with Scala / Play and Semantic-UI (Here you can use whatever technology you like).
You model the user form in the Camunda Modeler, using additional properties to describe the 'special' components, like File Upload, Field Grouping, Number Field, Radio Buttons etc.
We use then Play Templates / Semantic-UI to implement the generic Forms.
So in our implementation we use the defined properties to generate them in the Form.
So for example you can provide a property width. This value we use for the Semantic-UI layout which allows widths 1 to 16. So you have a simple possibility to have more than one component in one row.

Mouse-over objects not possible in HTML export of Enterprise Architect

I need help with mouse over content of the HTML export from Enterprise Architect. I would like the HTML output from Enterprise Architect to also contain the 'Notes' of the element when I mouse over them. Currently this is not possible with the standard HTML export from Enterprise Architect.
Actually there is no way to see the contents and tags of the element if it has a composite child structure except for you have to find it in the side window like project browser and then click the individual object from there.
Please let me know if there are some ways I can achieve these.
I don't think the mouseover option is possible since the actual clickable areas are not related to the elements, they just redirect to the elements page.
But when clicking on an element on the HTML model, it should show you its details :notes, attributes, diagram, etc...(If it shows you the diagram, rest of the content should be below it)

How to add JFace table to Eclipse RCP New Project Wizard

I have a Wizard with two pages: pageone extending WizardNewProjectCreationPage, and pagetwo is extending WizardPage. I want the user to be able to create the project first, and then add files to the project on the second page.
For the latter I want to use a SWT Table (?) like when you pick an interface in the Java Class Wizard in Eclipse IDE (cf. picture here). Also the "Add" button next to it.
How can I achieve this? Do I have to use Eclipse Forms API for this? Or simply add a SWT Table? I have used the Plug-In Spy but the source code given in NewClassWizardPage and NewTypeWizardPage seems to be very specific to this example and I cannot make sense of it.
I've also had a look at vogella's tutorial for JFace table, but I can't get my head around it.
Just some basic steps would be great, or maybe somebody has done this before?
I can easily understand why you're confused... there are indeed many ways to do this. You even left out Data Binding which provides you with yet another way to populate and decorate the table in question.
To sum up the usage of the different APIs:
SWT provides the basic widgets and controls. Often these have a rather irregular low-level interface - especially compared with Swing - but you need to access the SWT controls to lay them out (an exercise that can be complicated in itself). Also many of the listeners are on the controls.
JFace provides a set of viewers on top of the corresponding structured SWT controls - e.g. TableViewer on top of Table. These viewers provides a high-level interface to the functionality of the underlying control - e.g. with models, label providers, sorting, filtering and more. (The viewers can easily be compared with the Swing counterparts...)
Eclipse Forms provides a (relatively) simple way to create views, dialogs, etc that looks like web pages. Examples of this are the various PDE editors.
Data Binding provides a (somewhat complicated) way to bind controls (including Tables) to a data structure (Bean, EMF or POJO based).
So... you have to decide on whether to use the model facet of JFace and Data Binding, but the rest of the APIs are often combined in the same view or dialog.
NewClassWizardPage and NewTypeWizardPage are both particular complicated examples of wizards - don't base your own work on these!
For your particular case - as I understand it - I would use a simple JFace TableViewer to hold the list of interfaces... (I use a TableViewer rather than a ListViewer as the later cannot have an image as part of the label provider.) The "Add" and "Remove" buttons will manipulate the model of the viewer and then update the viewer. You don't need Eclipse Forms as the wizards usually don't look like web pages. And Data Binding is also an overkill here given the very, very simple data for the wizard.
Please note that the function of a wizard is only performed after all the wizard pages has been shown and the "Finish" button is pressed.