ansi-term like interface for cider? - emacs

Is there a mode for Cider that will allow me to treat it like a REPL in ansi-term? That is, is there a way (like C-c C-j, C-c C-k in ansi-term) that lets me switch into treating it like a normal Emacs file vs. locked in place/using normal shell functionality (e.g. C-p for previous command)?

I'm Cider's maintainer. No, nothing like this exists. The REPL is implemented in a custom manner, without leveraging any standard Emacs machinery. We plan to reimplement it in terms of comint-mode, which would make a least some of the things you mentioned possible, but don't expect anything quite like ansi-term.


Emacs keep opening lots of buffers (Clojure)

I'm a beginner in Clojure and for some reasons I decided that Emacs would be a good choice, because of its usage among the clojurists.
But something that's really anoying me is that Emacs (for working with Clojure projects) opens a bunch of buffers. i.e, when I click "Read a directory to operate in its files" and select the lein's project root, I need to select myproject.core.clj and Emacs keep all the super dirs openned in other buffers. When compiling with cider and working with many clj files, it's painful to keep on alternating through all those buffers.
How can I limitate the numbers of buffers that Emacs leave openned?
(I know C-x k)
(Sorry for any English mistakes)
I had a lot of trouble with this same problem when I first started using Emacs. The solution is to use something other than C-x b or C-x C-b to switch between buffers. In particular:
I use Projectile's C-c p f to switch to arbitrary files in my project. It works very nicely because it takes your .gitignore into account. This can be annoying in some cases, but for the most part it works very well.
I use project-explorer to browse through a tree view of all the files in my project. The ignore features of project-explorer aren't quite as nice as those of Projectile, but you can toggle them using M-o when you need to, which is a feature Projectile doesn't have. project-explorer-open doesn't have a default binding, so I bind it to C-x p.
I use Ido and ido-ubiquitous to make all selection commands (including C-c p f) much easier to use.
If you lose your REPL buffer in CIDER, you can get it back instantly using C-c C-z.
If you already have multiple windows in front of you, windmove provides an extremely fast way to switch between them.
You'll generally end up with a lot of open buffers anyway, but since you now have an easy way to switch between them, that's no longer a problem. You can find a full example of this sort of setup in my personal Emacs config.
Personally, I use C-x C-f to open files, and don't bother with opening buffers for directories.

Keep Emacs Evil from switching to normal mode when exiting minibuffer

I'm an evil Emacs user. However, I really only use the normal mode for fancy Vim style edits when I find them more convenient than regular Emacs commands. (Mostly fancy bulk editing/yanking/deleting). However, I'm also a huge user of the minibuffer (I do a lot of M-x with ido and flx so I can avoid remembering the more esoteric commands). When I do, evil switches to normal mode automatically after I exit. I find that very annoying/confusing. How can I get it to stop? (preferably in an elegant, non-hackish way).
It appears that the switch to normal mode happens in all windows and in all frames.
I cannot reproduce your issue; maybe knowing your versions could help anyone to identify your issue. Can you reproduce your issue with "emacs -q" (plus adding evil to load-path)?
Here is an approach to identify the evil (traditional English meaning) piece of code, if any, that is calling to evil-normal-state:
(defadvice evil-normal-state (before debug-issue activate)
(setq debug-on-error t)
Eval this just after setting a buffer in the evil-state you want it to be, then go to to the minibuffer with M-x. Is there an stacktrace?
You may reactivate evil-mode by adding whatever function you use to activate it to minibuffer-exit-hook.

Emacs Macro to Start in Shell Mode and Run a Command

I have a confession: I don't know Lisp. Despite that fact, with a bit of help from some co-workers, I managed to write an emacs macro/script which:
switched to shell mode (ie. M-x shell-mode)
disabled truncating lines (ie. M-x toggle-truncate-lines)
started a database console (ie. "mysql")
I was then able to start emacs with that macro using the --script option, and suddenly I had a way to start mysql in a much friendlier environment with a single command :-)
But here's the problem: I changed jobs and left that script behind. Now I'd very much like to re-create that script at my new job, but I no longer have any emacs experts to help me write it like I did at the old job.
Now, I really hate SO posts where someone basically says "please write my code for me", so I don't want to do that. However, if any emacs macro experts could at least give me some pointers (like "here's how you invoke a M-x command in a macro"), or point me to an emacs-macro-writing guide, or otherwise "teach me to fish" on this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.
... and if someone just happened to have a similar script already lying around that they wanted to post, I certainly wouldn't complain ;-)
Most emacs commands (i.e., M-x toggle-truncate-lines) can be translated directly to elisp by wrapping them in parentheses:
The rumours are true, in lisp you just scatter parentheses around and they make magic.
Now in this case, you can do better. Toggling makes sense for an interactive function, but in a program you don't really want to toggle truncate-lines, you want to turn on truncate-lines. Its the same thing if truncate-lines was turned off to begin with, but you don't know when your program will be run next. Anyways, in Emacs, features are often controlled by a variable. In this case, the variable is truncate-lines, and to turn that feature on, you set the variable to t (which means true).
To do this, use:
(setq truncate-lines t)
We use setq instead of = for assignment, because they made lisp before = had been invented.
For the real scoop you should take a look at Robert Chassel's excellent "An introduction to to Programming in Emacs Lisp". It comes built-in with your emacs, you can get to it with C-h i m Emacs Lisp Intro.
A good way (I think) to start writing elisp functions is to record keyboard macros, and then to analyse them using edit-kbd-macro
For example, if you start recording a keyboard macro using f3, then do interactively all the things you want and terminate the macro using f4, you can see the underlying emacs-lisp commands using M-xedit-kbd-macrof4 (this last f4 is the key binding you'd have used to execute the keyboard macro)
<<shell>> ;; shell
<<toggle-truncate-lines>> ;; toggle-truncate-lines
mysql ;; self-insert-command * 5
RET ;; comint-send-input
Now you can write a script using these functions, looking up the documentation (e.g. C-h ftoggle-truncate-lines) to see if you should call them with special arguments in non-interactive mode.
You should also replace self-insert-command by calls to insert.
This should give you something like the following script, which you can call using emacs --load myscript.el
(toggle-truncate-lines 1)
(insert "mysql")
Of course, this might not work as expected the first time, so you might have to eval (setq debug-on-error t) to get debugging information.
What version of Emacs are you using?
In Emacs 24, I have M-x sql-mysql, which does everything you ask and has font-locking.

Clojure documentation in Emacs

Is it possible to view Clojure function documentation in Emacs? Namely, can I configure Emacs to lookup Clojure functions under the cursor?
I'm using clojure-mode and SLIME. Oddly, I can't even use apropos or dir in SLIME's repl, although they're automatically loaded by lein repl.
Try the function slime-describe-symbol, which is usually bound to C-c C-d d.
Place the point somewhere near the function name and hit C-c, then C-d, and then d.
There's also slime-describe-function, bound to C-c C-d f, but I rarely use it, as it's less general than the aforementioned symbol-related lookup function.
To see all the documentation-related functions, press C-c C-d C-h. These bindings are not specific to Clojure; they are instead defined by SLIME, and will work as well if not better for other Lisp dialects.
I find the combination of slime-apropos and eldoc minor mode (make sure you have swank-clojure 1.4.0 as it fixes both of those) better than the slime-describe-symbol/function commands mentioned above.
From SLIME REPL you can run (use 'clojure.repl). This will make functions like apropos and doc available

How do I determine why emacs indented a certain amount?

In Emacs I'm editing some source code, and I hit <tab>. Emacs indents the line to n spaces. I'd like to change the amount that indents for that kind of line. How do I figure out what rule emacs applied to indent that line by n spaces?
I want to change n, but I need to figure out which of the many indentation-related variables Emacs just used.
A generic answer is difficult. Some modes will make this more apparent than others, but in the general case (as they are free to implement indentation however they wish) I don't think you'll get away from needing to read some elisp.
Starting with the binding for TAB will work, but might be slightly time-consuming depending on how many layers of indirection are involved.
If you know that the major mode in question implements its own indentation, then one (non-rigorous, but fast) approach that you could try to help track down the functions being called is to use ELP, the built in elisp profiler. elp-instrument-package will instrument for profiling all functions with names matching the prefix string argument you specify. Therefore you might do something like the following in a PHP file (noting that php-mode tells you that it is derived from c-mode)
M-x elp-instrument-package RET php- RET
M-x elp-instrument-package RET c- RET
M-x elp-instrument-package RET indent RET
Now type TAB in your source code, and run M-x elp-results to see which of those instrumented functions were called.
At this point you're on your own -- look for the likely suspects, and see what the code is doing -- but it can be a handy way to filter the search.
Once you've finished, use M-x elp-restore-all to prevent any further profiling.
If you're using a mode based on cc-mode (e.g. c-mode, c++-mode, java-mode, etc.), you can hit C-c C-s and it'll tell you what syntactic category the line is. If you want to change it, hit C-c C-o and you'll be guided through the process. Check out the cc-mode docs on customization for more details:
If you happen to enjoy getting your hands really dirty, there's always the elisp debugger to tell you just what Emacs is up to.
If you hit C-h k TAB you'll find the function that Emacs is running (e.g. indent-for-tab-command) then you can do M-x debug-on-entry RET indent-for-tab-command RET. Now whenever you hit TAB you'll pop up a debugger and can watch the execution step by step.
Depending on your taste for debugging, it's either a maddening or enlightening experience. Either way, don't forget to M-x cancel-debug-on-entry when you're done.