With the "user_status" Facebook permission, can I make an app to show the user their personality? - facebook

I have an app that analyzes text comments and figures out the personality out of it. I'd like to integrate Facebook in it, but when checking the user_status permission, I read:
(OK) Provide creative content from status updates.
(OK) Provide value to the user by visibly analyzing the content of their past statuses.
(Not OK) Non-visible use of this data such as sentiment analysis or
guarding against spam bots.
The app will show the user their personality. It analyzes the content of their past statuses and provide value to the person, they know something more about their personality and, depending on which category they fall, they will see a picture and a brief description of it.
I'm not sure about the last point, does my work count as doing "sentiment analysis"? The use of this data is completely shown to the user.
I was wondering this because I couldn't find any app that do this after the recent changes of last April in Facebook.
Since to request the permission Facebook wants to see everything in action, knowing this is not permitted at all in advance will save me some coding.
Thank you!

Not sure how to properly answer my own question, with the answer coming from another website, but I got a very kind feedback from David Doyle on the "Facebook Developer Community" group on Facebook.
We see a lot of apps that do or claim to do similar to what you're looking for. Permissions can be approved in these cases if the content is clearly influenced by the information a permission provides, is clearly visible to people using the app and results vary based on the information provided.
Where some apps might fall down with requests like this is claiming "the answer is custom based on your user_status" but in reality, the answers are always the same - or there's a core set of answers that are rotated and the information provided from login are never used in the app.
Hope this makes things a bit clearer!
Then he added
What I mean by clear visibility is that if I'm a person signing into your app I should know why you're asking me for user_status.
When I get my result, I should know how my status information contributed to it.
Permalink to the discussion, if you're in the Facebook group: link


Facebook SDK: Post scores without publish_actions or another alternative?

I am using the Facebook SDK Score system to post the scores that the users have on my game.
However, to do so, the users must approve the publish_actions request (which pretty much nobody does :P).
I have seen lots of other games that keep scores without requesting publish_actions.
How can I do it?? Or at least modify the message that publish_actions gives to the user (to say that I only want to post the scores to the servers and not to their timeline)
(the game is made with Unity 3D 4.6)
You can use the share /feed dialog to publish these posts. This prompts a user to post a story instead of implicitly publishing after getting permissions. The user can still choose to not share this post, but you at least more flexibility this way.
A sample call looks like :
link: "https://example.com/myapp/?storyID=thelarch",
linkName: "The Larch",
linkCaption: "I thought up a witty tagline about larches",
linkDescription: "There are a lot of larch trees around here, aren't there?",
picture: "https://example.com/myapp/assets/1/larch.jpg",
callback: LogCallback
Also, this is a good read for what else you can publish with it.
Like above answer share is good option. If your application is seems trsted to users means they will give user permission to your app. Try to get that permission, You only need to get user access one time. For sharing post every time it asks users, so user may not accept that.

Does facebook open graph's fb:explicitly_shared require approval even for developer?

fb:explicitly_shared=true, image[0][user_generated]=true, I expected the action to display with a full size image in timeline and a small story in activity feed. Instead, I get only the small (with the smallest thumbnail possible) in the activity feed. Nothing in timeline.
The documentation is unclear. Documentation states regarding user_generated:
While it might seem appealing to always use user_generated photos, there are some criteria that must be met in order to maintain a good user experience, and for your app to get approved for the capability to be used by people who are not developers or testers of the app
This does not specify whether 1) The POST to /me/namespace:action will succeed without error for the developers but still not display in the timeline or 2) The POST to /me/namespace:action should behave in every way as if "User Generated" was approved (for posts on behalf of the developers)
I have the same question about fb:explicitly_shared. Cannot determine whether behavior is unexpected because expected behavior isn't clear in documentation.
Following all examples documented with variations on what is in the meta tags and the data posted to /me/namespace:action there is simply no way for me to get anything to show up in the timeline (aside from posting directly to feed).
Do not test any of these things with the Graph API Explorer. The Graph API Explorer appears to be partially sandboxed in it's own special way.

New app not available in list for "insights for your website"

I created a new app last week with the purpose of using Facebook insights for our website, but it is not available in the list to make the connection with. Do I need to do anything to make the app selectable?
For any of you people who think this question is not technical and shouldn't be here, I was directed here from Facebook bugs because it's not a bug.
I have had the same issue but after a bit of experimenting I found that it does not affect the ability for you to claim a domain and associate it with an app.
What the drop down list does is generate the code snippet shown below. I'm guessing this was useful when you was able to link it to a page_id (you can no longer do this). As long as you have put the correct meta tag (such as that below, replacing %%app_id%% with the app_id given by the Facebook App Center) you are free to ignore what account is shown in the drop down.
<meta property='fb:app_id' content='%%app_id%%'/>
Once you have linked the account you can go back to the Facebook App Center and set permission on the account.
Tip: While you can only give other verified developers Manager access to the app you can add any friend or email address to the insights level of access which is all which they need.
Not sure if this is the case here. But I do know that there is a threshold to see insights with regard to pages.
As detailed here in the FAQ's -
Is there a minimum number of users to see Insights for Pages? Yes. For
user privacy reasons, Insights are only provided to Pages with greater
than 30 users who like that Page.
Perhaps there is a limit for domain insights too. You should allow some time and some traffic pass before the insights start being able to give feedback...
I had the same error, I tried to debug my site here FB Debugger
which is the official debugger you can input URL, Access Token, or Open Graph Action ID.
It works for me.

Facebook Insight data not appearing for website

I have recently been looking into adding Facebook Insights into one of our client's websites (www.mcvuk.com). I've created an app to associate with this and added the necessary Facebook meta tags to my site which reference the app id.
I was, until today, having issues adding the app domain information to https://developers.facebook.com/apps but have added this information in today.
My question is how long does it take before you will start to see results filter through for the site and is there any way of checking that everything has been set up correctly?
It might not be a matter of time, it might be a matter of how many 'likes' the app or page has. At least for pages, it tells you "Once 30 people like your Page, you'll get access to insights about your activity."
That's an interesting point.
It all depends on which metrics (results) you're after and how much traffic your app gets.
Additionally, you might want to look at facebook documentation for the metrics (results) you're looking for -- some of them are available monthly or weekly, others are a lifetime aggregate, and some are daily.
The easiest way to test would be to ask some of your friends to do whatever it is you want to test (comment on a post, link to a page, etc.).
I hope that answers some of your questions.

How to enable comments and likes for my posts made with my Facebook app?

When my Facebook app posts to the users stream those posts do not get links for Like and Comment. Other Facebook publishing apps, like Instagram, get these links.
I can't find it in my Facebook application's settings. Anyone knows how to do it?
(I think this is the same question as this one: Facebook : Like and Comment Functionality against Wall Post but I'm not sure.)
See Traroth's comment to get a more to the point description of what it is I'm asking about.
It seems Nathat Totten is right about how these links are defaults and that they are controlled by Facebook. There are three things that confuses this issue.
One is that Facebook Test Users behave a bit more special than you might think. Even when they are friends, they are not fully so. Making these default links turn up only for the user that posts them (for Test Users, mind you, I'm hoping it'll work all right for real users).
Another is the documentation for actions in the Facebook Graph API documentation for publishing Post objects:
A list of available actions on the post (including commenting, liking, and an optional app-specified action). read_stream. A list of JSON objects containing the 'name' and 'link'.
Which made me start to try find out how to include the commenting and liking links myself. I can't find this info anywhere, so maybe that changed without the above quoted documentation reflecting the change.
Anyway, if, indeed this is a Test User issue, then I don't need to do anything special to fix this. I'll try to remember to come back here when my (iPhone) app is ready for the real Facebook world and I get to see if it works in that environment or not.