Fragmented MP4 support in Windows Media Foundation - mp4

Can anyone please provide any notes regarding the support for playback of fragmented MP4 files in Windows Media Foundation? I have a proper fragmented MP4 file (ffplay, vlc, chrome are all happy with it). However on Windows 7 neither Windows Media Player, nor IE 11, nor Qt with WMF backend are able to play it ( IMFSourceResolver::CreateObjectFromURL returns MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_BYTESTREAM_TYPE) however on Windows 10 Windows Media Player, IE and Edge are all happy with the file. Is there something that can be installed on Windows 7 to obtain the same behaivor? I had the notion that IE11 had the support for HTML5 video and thus for fragmented MP4 files as well, however seems that this asumption has been wrong.

Microsoft added support for fragmental MP4 files in Windows 8. To my best knowledge there has been no installable update for Windows 7 to receive similar functionality.
Windows 8 updates to MPEG-4 source and sink
Movie fragments ('moof') is supported in Windows 8 MPEG-4 source and sink, but 'mfra' is not.
Files larger than 4 GB are supported in Windows 8 MPEG-4 sink for non-fragmental MP4.
3D information in AVC configuration record is supported for non-fragmental MP4.


Korg device not detected MIDI on W10

Does anyone have any idea why my Korg Minilogue XD is not detected (on USB) by the Windows 10 MIDI API?
I'm using Pete Brown's Powershell library at
I've checked and installed the latest Korg driver from their website.
Running list-midi-example.ps1 all I get (as an output) is the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth.
If I connect an M-Audio dumb controller keyboard this is detected fine. The Korg Librarian also works okay, so no basic comms issue to the Korg.
Any ideas anyone?

DirectX won't let me use D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE despite having a DirectX11 capable Graphics adapter

I'd like to use SharpDX for the rendering Engine of a WPF project (Windows 7, 64 bit, DirectX10 / 11) but i'm running into problems getting the samples to work. I can use the DirectX 9 samples though. The problem is likely not directly related to SharpDX since i'm also seing similar problems with SlimDX and the other DirectX samples.
The only DirectX driver types that work when using Direct3D 10 / 11 are D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE and D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP. D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE does not seem to be working. This does not only affect SharpDX, C++ samples also let me only choose between RFERENCE and WARP drivers.
My understanding is that those drivertypes are merely software rasterizers. Which implies that my directx installation is not working properly. But i don't see any errors, the latest drivers are installed and the system is reporting the DirectX 11 drivers and the Graphics adapter supports DirectX 11.
dxdiag is not reporting any errors
dxdiag confirms that DirectX 11 drivers are installed
I'm using a GT 460, which should support DirectX 11
System is Windows 7 (64bit) / VS2013
SharpDX is able to create the devices but as soon as a VertexShader is created or a SwapChain is set up i get DXGI_NOT_SUPPORTED or E_NOINTERFACE errors.
I already swapped Graphics cards from a Radeon HD 5450 to a Nvidia Geforce GT 460 to no avail. The sharpdx samples run fine on another computer with Windows 7 and Intel on board graphics. Can anyone give my an idea what is going on here? Why can i only use Warp and Reference drivers despite having a DirectX11 capable Graphics adapter?
Any help is greatly appreciated. The only references i found online to such an issue was someone running the IDE inside a VM that did not have proper 3d drivers.

Real-Time Windows Target error while build with 'to Video Display' block

I tried to run in real time a simple acquisition from the webcam and to send it to a to Video Display block. I used Real-Time Windows Target selecting rtwin.tlc as system target file, fixed-step discrete solver, 32-bit x86 compatible as device type (despite I use 64-bit Windows 7); when I try to build it returns the error:
Error(s) encountered while building model "untitled"
without specify cause of the error. Did I have miss something?
PS: I tried it replacing Webcam acquisition with From Multimedia File block and it returns same error.
Take a look at the documentation, the "to Video Display" does not support rtwin.
Note This block supports code generation and is only available on Windows platforms with available file I/O. This excludes Real-Time Windows Targetâ„¢ (RTWin). This block performs best on platforms with DirectX Version 9.0 or later and Windows Media Version 9.0 or later.
From Media File can't work as well, rtwin does not support file I/O

Reading video in matlab

I have a matlab code that run on my machine but not on our computing cluster. It basically uses mmreader (VideoReader) to read video files. I get the following error on the cluster:
??? mmreader requires GStreamer version 0.10.0 or higher on Linux systems.
Install the latest Gstreamer 0.10.x release from your Linux distribution or the
GStreamer website and restart MATLAB.
I don't have the admin right to install all of the gstreamer packages. Do you know which specific package is needed? I guess I need to install from source. Or is there any other way around it?
Note that the videos are encoded with MPEG v4.
At least gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad have some MPEG4 codecs. Probably they also have the one(s) you're looking for.

Windows Phone 7 FTP using Sockets

I have some Windows Mobile Smart Device applications coded in Visual Studio C# that use FTP for the send/receive mechanism. It's not ideal, but it works.
I've been investigating whether these can be ported over to Windows Phone 7 and the major problem is the lack of FTP in Windows Phone. With 7.5/7.1/Mango I'm interested whether Sockets can be used but I can't find a decent wrapper out there. I've started work on my own but I was wondering if I'm just replicating work already available.
Our SecureBlackbox component suite includes FTP/FTPS and SFTP client components for Mango.